How can I skip the first cell in a NSCollectionView? - swift

How can NSCollectionView items begin at the second cell and leave the first cell empty? (View Example)

Ugly easy way:
Just disable user interaction in the first cell and hide it.
view.isHidden = true
view.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
Correct way:
Register a new invisible cell class with the NSCollectionView and return in just on the first row.


Remove a uiview once a table view cell is tapped (swift)

I have a custom xib table view cell that has a green uiview on it. The uiview acts as a new message indicator - whenever a message comes in, the green view is displayed. When a user taps the cell, I want to set the view to hidden. My only question is; how would I go about hiding the view just on that specific table view cell and not all table view cells?
Suppose your model
class Item {
var greenHidden = false
/// more properties
Then create the green view inside the xib and according to the current state do inside cellForRowAt
let cell = //
let item = arr[indexPath.row]
cell.greenView.isHidden = item.greenHidden
When the cell is tapped inside didSelectRowAt do
arr[indexPath.row].greenHidden = true

Add custom recognizer delay

I've disabled delaysContentTouches in my tableview subclass using:
delaysContentTouches = false
subviews.forEach { ($0 as? UIScrollView)?.delaysContentTouches = false }
But in one of my sections, I still want to keep the delay. Is there a way to cancel the delay for certain sections or perhaps I can add a custom recognizer delay to a section?
Sections are not actual objects within a tableView, so my answer to your first question is no. The .delaysContentTouches applies to the entire tableView.
For your second inquiry, I believe that one way it could be possible is through setting a delay for desired cells' scrollView subview. In your tableView(cellForRowAt: indexPath) func, you could have something like this:
if indexPath.section == 3 { //or whatever your desired section is
for view in cell.subviews {
if view is UIScrollView {
let currentView = view as! UIScrollView
currentView.delaysContentTouches = true
This will find the UIScrollView in your cell's subviews in your desired section. It will then set the .delaysContentTouches property accordingly.
I have not personally executed this code, just researched it, so let me know if it works.
Apparently the UIScrollView in UITableViewCell has been deprecated, so the above method will not work anymore.
My next best suggestion to you is to use a UILongPressGuestureRecognizer. This will not be quite the same thing as delaying the touch, but could have a similar effect in real execution.
You could use it in the same tableView(cellForRowAt: indexPath) func as so:
let press = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePress))
press.minimumPressDuration = 2.0 //however long you want
Whatever you are trying to achieve by selecting certain rows of your tableView could be placed in the handlePress func above which would be trigged upon the long press.

How can i make several labels clickable in a shortcut?

in my code i have a tableView and several labels..
I want that the when the user click on cell and after that click on one of the labels, the text in the label will be same as the text in the row that be clicked.
Q1. How can i enable all labels to be clickable and connect to one function that will point on the specific label each time the user click on it?
Q2. I tried to make the same gesture to all labels with UITapGestureRecognizer.. apparently this gesture refers only to the last label (Lbl4 down here in code example).. it means that the text in Lbl1 in my func change only by clicking on Lbl4.. why is that? and how can i change it that it will refers to all labels?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let aSelector : Selector = #selector(ViewController.lblTapped)
let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: aSelector)
tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
func lblTapped(){
Lbl1.text = self.currentPlayerChooseInRow
Thanks for advance...
Firstly, you need to understand UITableView object. UITableView is an array of cells, ok? Then, you need use some methods associated to UITableView like numberOfRowsInSection (where app knows the number of cells) and cellForRowAtIndexPath (where app knows cell will be)
About your questions, i recomend you to use outlets to connect labels, buttons, objects to the controller (try to not use gestures if it is not necessary)
Finally, object cells are programmed into cell. If you have a complex cell, you will need a custom cell controller.

TableView Cells / Visual Format Language / Keeps adding same constraints?

Creating UITableViewCells including elements programmatically seems to be working except for the constraints. Or maybe it is. Everytime the cell reappears the same constraints will be added to the element. I'll have 20 of the same constraints added to a uiLabel after scrolling tableView. Here is my sublcass (condensed):
class TimeSlotCell: UITableViewCell {
let lblTime = UILabel()
var viewCons = [String:AnyObject]()
var previousCageView:UIView!
var myConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
func configureCell(row:Int,cageCount:Int) {
lblTime.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
placeConstraint("H:|-5-[time\(row)]", view:"time\(row)")
placeConstraint("V:|-17-[time\(row)]", view: "time\(row)
func placeConstraint(format:String, view:String) {
viewCons[view] = lblTime
let navViewConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(format, options: [], metrics: nil, views: viewCons)
myConstraints += navViewConstraint
And in my VC i'm calling the configureCell func within my cellForRowAtIndexPath.
Is there a way to check if an existing constraint exists? Is there a way to make sure only one of my constraints can be added? Or is there a person out there with a much better solution? Thanks in advance.
There is a dataSource for your tableView, when you configure your cell, you send the cell model to your cell. Whenever the dataSource changes, the cell model sent to the cell will change as well. So what you need to do is move most of 'addSubview' to the cell`s initialization. If you have to do cell.contentView.addSubview with the cell model. You have to judge if the cell model you send to the cell is the same as the former one. If it is equal, do nothing, else reset the view config.

TableView Cell Separator Line Not Extending Across the Entire Cell

I am working on a new project and have used a storyboard for the UI. All of my tableViews have an issue with the line separator. The picture below shows two lines. The first is a blue one which was set in the attributes inspector. The second one is black and was added with an imageView that I placed in the cell. The line does extend to the right side of the cell but not the left. Any ideas?
first set table view
1.set separatorInset of tableview instance to UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
second set cell
1.set preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins of cell (instance) to NO
2.set layoutMargins of cell to UIEdgeInsetsZero
3.saet separatorInset of cell to UIEdgeInsetsZero
Hope to help you
You have to make sure your cell property called preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins is set to false (default)
cell.preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins = false
Then you just have to set your cell layoutMargins to zero
cell.layoutMargins = .zero
You need also to select you cell separator, select custom and change left value from 15 to 0