install PWA directly after using an URL (not by using the install button in chrome) - progressive-web-apps

i have installed chromium-x11 (yocto 2.6) on a raspberrypi3. From now, i can use some Progressive web app (PWA) like
Enable flags for PWA by writing this in chrome:
To install it, just click on the button on the right-top corner of the google chrome page after using the URL.
However, i want the PWA to get installed automatically just after using the URL. In other words, i don't want to install the PWA by clicking on the button on the right-top corner of the google chrome page.
If anybody can tell me if it's possible and how, i would be so thanksfull.
Have a great day.


Is there a way to run flutter project on mobile browser?

I am trying to make a website using flutter and want to test it on a mobile browser. Is there any way to run the project on a mobile browser?
I think you should use your browser Inspector and then use toggle device toolbar to set browser size to your intended mobile size.
Or you can get web output of your website and put it on some server (like Github-pages) and then see your website in a real mobile browser.
But I suggest the first way more.

What browser opens a PWA when it is launched from home screen app icon

I am examining PWA and Web Components technologies recently. As far as I have learned now Web Components is a new suit of tech,
Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, HTML Templates and HTML imports. Together with those Web Components enabling techs Web App Manifest, Service Workers, and certain performance improvement techniques used to make what is called as Progressive Web Applications.
What I wonder is when one "Adds to Home Screen" an application in a certain web browser what is the browser that opens it when it is launched from its home screen icon? Is it the browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is the default browser of the system no matter which browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is just a generic web view available on the host operating system at the moment like the one used in native web applications?
Lastly, is it possible for a developer coding her/his app to choose one?
Currently, for me, these combinations open a new "Standalone" window
I believe Android/Chrome is the only one that installs a WebApk
All the others are just shortcuts to open your website in that browser without the normal browser navigation items
I know of no options for the developer for how the shortcut opens your PWA
Android 8.10 - Chrome 67
Android 8.10 - Chrome (beta) 68
Android 8.10 - Edge 42
Android 8.10 - Opera 43
iOS 11.4 (simulator) - Safari
As test I created app shortcut of site from browser:
and found that there were 3 different shortcut created for each of the browser. Launching each shortcut resulted in opening the respective browser that created it.
I believe there is no way of changing the default browser to launch the app by coding something in the app. I could not find a way of doing that, if someone knows how to do it, I will be interested to know about it
Here is similar question: What browser will PWA (Progressive Web App) use after adding to home screen?

How to install a Progressive Web App on a mobile device?

Im using an iPhone to browser thru various PWA demos online.
Is the installation as simple as adding the URL to the Home Screen?
Well, as of today, iOS lacks proper support for PWAs, so you won't get any PWA-specific benefits of adding the Web app that is a PWA to the Home Screen on your iPhone. Basically, yes, you will have a shortcut on your Home Screen, but it wouldn't give you any Service Worker capabilities and also your users will never be prompted to add the app to the Home Screen automatically.
On iOS there is only a non-standard Apple solution with meta tags available that allows you to customize the appearance of your website when added to the Home Screen to some extent. See Apple docs.
See What Web Can Do and caniuse.
UPDATE Jun 2018: As of Safari 11.3, iOS supports PWA installation and Service Worker features. However it does not prompt for installation, so the only way to "install" a PWA is to use good old "add to home screen" menu link. Also, it still does not support Service Worker-based Push messaging.

Let Ionic2 browser apply windows(wp) theme

I am using Ionic v2(currectly is 2.0.0-beta.25).
After created a Ionic v2 project, and run the
ionic serve
command, Ionic will apply the iOS theme in the browser by default. Since Ionic announced it supported the windows platform, i am planning to use ionic v2 to create an application, so i wish i can preview as windows/wp theme in my browser. The document said that add ?ionicplatform=android to the URL can change how Ionic sees which platform i am on, it works and changed the theme as android. Then i tried ?ionicplatform=wp and also ?ionicplatform=windows . it doesn't work.
I also followed this document to add class="wp" , it still doesn't work. i also found Ionic Lab, this application even don't have a windows phone option.
The offical document have a live perview on the right side of the v2 components document page. so i think maybe there is some way to make the perview in browser to apply the windows/wp theme. I've google it but can't find any answer.
I also tryed edit my UserAgent as Lumia phone but it still doesn't works.
So, if i want the ionic serve browser perview apply windows/wp theme, what should i do?
You can do this using chrome. When project are running make inspect and select ctrl+shift+m for change to device mode and choice your phone. If windows phone are not in that list, click edit in dropdown and there you have at least one Windows Phone. :)

Change Default Browser in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Luna and I have created an app using the Google App Engine SDK.
When I'm trying to deploy my app to GAE, Sign in to Google Services window open and when I give my Google credentials it show another window with Account Permissions. But I can't click Accept and Cancel buttons in this window, because this window display that page using Internet Explorer embedded window. Due to issues in IE, those buttons are disabled.
So I change my browser from Window => Preferences => General => Web Browser to Firefox. But still Sign in to Google Services window is open in IE embedded window.
How can I change this to open in Firefox embedded window?
I think answer is update your IE7 , 8 to IE9.. it will work fine.
It's not possible to change the embedded browser in Eclipse. There is a very old bug open to add this functionality, but it doesn't look promising. See also this answer.
For now the solution is to to use an external browser, as was suggested above.