Let Ionic2 browser apply windows(wp) theme - ionic-framework

I am using Ionic v2(currectly is 2.0.0-beta.25).
After created a Ionic v2 project, and run the
ionic serve
command, Ionic will apply the iOS theme in the browser by default. Since Ionic announced it supported the windows platform, i am planning to use ionic v2 to create an application, so i wish i can preview as windows/wp theme in my browser. The document said that add ?ionicplatform=android to the URL can change how Ionic sees which platform i am on, it works and changed the theme as android. Then i tried ?ionicplatform=wp and also ?ionicplatform=windows . it doesn't work.
I also followed this document to add class="wp" , it still doesn't work. i also found Ionic Lab, this application even don't have a windows phone option.
The offical document have a live perview on the right side of the v2 components document page. so i think maybe there is some way to make the perview in browser to apply the windows/wp theme. I've google it but can't find any answer.
I also tryed edit my UserAgent as Lumia phone but it still doesn't works.
So, if i want the ionic serve browser perview apply windows/wp theme, what should i do?

You can do this using chrome. When project are running make inspect and select ctrl+shift+m for change to device mode and choice your phone. If windows phone are not in that list, click edit in dropdown and there you have at least one Windows Phone. :)


Ionic 5 Web App Chrome CSS Issues (sc-ion class added)

We ran ionic build --prod for an Ionic Angular project to generate the www folder on a Debian 10 server. Set up the domain and everything works properly.
The problem is that when opening the app in Chrome and sometimes in Safari as well on desktop, the icons, buttons and some other elements don’t show up the same as on localhost when testing with ionic serve. Specifically, a new class is added to some elements “sc-ion” that causes problems in the UI (e.g. the icons don’t have the right line-height, the buttons’ text has a different color, etc.). Please see below some screenshots.
Do you know how we can remove the sc-ion class and keep the styling consistent with what gets displayed with ionic serve on localhost? I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Thanks for your help,
Hotjar was causing the issues.

Ionic apps how to update automatically on playstore?

I have a app on playstore. I uploaded new version which is showing also new update on playstore. But i want to update automatically without clicking update button. Many apps like facebook etc publish update and in our mobile it will automatically update without asking. i want same like this it will update automatically on mobile.
for Android you can use the following plugin of ionic to auto update
and for iOS I think theres an option for autoupdate and it works if the phone is not on Low battery mode.
For Ionic you can use Codepush "A cloud service that enables
Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates
directly to their users’ devices."

Plugin nativescript-mapbox is not included in preview app on device

Plugin nativescript-mapbox is not included in preview app on device
tns plugin add nativescript-mapbox
anyone experiencing this?
It means exactly what it says. The Nativescript Preview app only has a limited number of libraries installed, making it usable only for basic, simple apps.
The Preview app comes with a predefined set of NativeScript plugins. If your app > utilizes a plugin that is not present in the Preview app, you will see a warning > message and your app might not work as expected.
tns preview documentation
The best solution while developing your app is to use emulators.
As a side note, from my experience, I've found that the iOS Preview app has more plugins and generally works better.

Issues when sharing screen using Vidyo Screen Share Chrome extension on Vidyo.io

I'm using vidyo.io as videoconference solution in our platform. I'm having an issue with Vidyo's Chrome extension for screen sharing that is easily reproducible using the very own Vidyo's samples:
If you download Vidyo's web sample from developer portal, open samples/VidyoConnector/js/VidyoConnector.html in Chrome, choose 'Join via the browser', and click the 'Window share' select list (there is no need to start a conference to reproduce the error), Chrome will open the Vidyo Screen Share extension page twice, even if you already have the plugin installed. For this to work you have to uninstall the extension and reinstall it again. It will work until the end of the current session.
In the other hand if you go to Vidyo.io developer portal, choose "Demo" from "Developers" menu and start a conference using the "Join via the browser" button, click the same 'Window share' select list the Vidyo Screen Share extension works as expected, allowing you to pick a window or a screen to share.
In our implementation we're having the same problem as the code from web sample listed above, but if an example of our code would be of any help to clarify the issue, here you have an excerpt (we're using Angular, and here you have some TypeScript code):
private vidyoConnector: VidyoClientLib.VidyoClient.VidyoConnector;
selectedWindowShare(share: VidyoClientLib.VidyoClient.VidyoLocalWindowShare) {
this.vidyoConnector.SelectLocalWindowShare({localWindowShare: share})
This issue happens only on Chrome. When we use Firefox it works seamlessly. I'm using Chrome 69 on OSX High Sierra.
Any suggestion on how to solve this will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
If I am not mistaken, you are either running the VidyoConnector.html directly in the browser or hosting the sample on non-secured hosting (HTTP).
For the Vidyo Screen Share Chrome extension to work correctly, you need to host it on a secured hosting (HTTPS).
You can verify this by using our hosted sample here:
Hope this helps.

Ionic served as web app

I have an Ionic app which I currently serve as a web app by doing ionic serve
I have few questions about it:
By default in the served web app, it takes the iOS layout, can it be changed to the android layout instead? How?
In the android version of y ionic app when I do ionic serve --lab, some of the bottom part of the content is somehow cut off (I can not scroll till the end), however it looks perfect in iOS version. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
When I try to make an APK out of it as mentioned in the following link http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/publishing.html , I get a blank app on my android device. What could be the reason?
ionic serve --platform android
Are you taking in account that iOS scroll "stretches"? I mean, even when the scroll is all way down, you still can pull the content up. Maybe your content is indeed hidden (specially if you are using a footer bar. Actually, if you are using a footer bar, try to add a margin-bottom for your content equal your footer bar height.).
Have you checked if this happens when you run ionic run android? If this command works, try to run cordova prepare android before following the publishing procedure. If the command does not work, open chrome://inspect on your computer's chrome browser (with the device connected to your computer and running your app) and debug it to check if your code is being packed with the apk and/or the app is yielding some error messages.