New-TransportRule for appending disclaimers - powershell

This is pretty straightforward. I tried creating a rule in the EAC for sent messages, but it's not working as intended. Basically I need to create a rule that checks if any recipients (To, CC or BCC) are from outside my org. If there are any, append a disclaimer to EVERYONE in the recipients (including inside the org).
Doing this via the EAC doesn't work in the sense that when I specify the rule "If the message... is sent to 'Outside the organization' " it finds ONLY recipients outside the org and appends the disclaimer to them. However, I also need to append it for users inside the org if this condition verifies. Unfortunately doing it like this only recipients from outside the org are receiving the appended disclaimer, but not company workers.
I've been working with PS quite a lot lately and New-TransportRule seems to be the way to go to do this, but reading through the documentation hasn't helped me a lot on how to structure said query to do exactly what I want or even how to only apply it to one person for testing purposes.
Any of you guys worked with this cmdlet before and could give me a quick hand?

It's been some time since I've managed Exchange, but judging from the documentation, I'd say you could probably take advantage of the AnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns predicate (emphasis added):
The AnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns parameter specifies a
condition that looks for text patterns in recipient email addresses by
using regular expressions. You can specify multiple text patterns by
using the following syntax: "Regular expression1","Regular
expression2",..."Regular expressionN".
A match for this condition applies the rule action to all recipients
of the message. For example, if the action is to reject the message,
the message is rejected for all recipients of the message, not just
for the specified recipients.
So let's start by constructing an appropriate pattern:
# Define internal recipient domains
$internalDomains = 'ress.tld','internal.ress.tld','ress-alias.tld'
# Escape as literal regex pattern
$internalDomains = $internalDomains |ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }
# Embed in negative look-behind pattern
$nonInternalDomainPattern = "(?<!#(?:$($internalDomains -join '|')))"
The resulting regex pattern will match any email not having any of the three domains listed:
PS ~> $nonInternalDomainPattern
PS ~> 'ress#ress.tld' -match $nonInternalDomainPattern # doesn't match on internal recipients
PS ~> '' -match $nonInternalDomainPattern # but it matches any other address
Now you just need to include it in a transport rule:
New-TransportRule "Disclaimer on all external communications" -AnyOfRecipientAddressMatchesPatterns $nonInternalDomainPattern -ApplyHtmlDisclaimerText '<your>html goes here</your>'


Script to parse FROM email address from many text files

I have a collection of 338 .log files. These are just basic text files and no two files have the same file name (but all file names start with "rrm-"). Here is an example of the data they contain:
Receiving message #1 : OK (4480 bytes)
From: <>
Subject: 2-303-468-02
Message-ID: <>
Forwarding to "Some User" <> : OK
I need a script that will open each file one at a time, parse only the "From:" lines (could be 10, could be 1000s) to extract only the email address between the < and > characters, and write the output to a single text file, one email address per line. The rest of the data I don't care about. I also don't care about validating the email addresses. The resulting text file would look like this:
I'm not a programmer, I only know how to break things when I try. I don't even know what software / utility I would need to use for this. I'm using a Windows 10 computer. So maybe a Powershell script? Sorry for such a n00b question, I really hate feeling stupid for not knowing how to or being able to google for a simple solution. Appreciate any help!
Try the following:
Select-String -Pattern '^From: .*?<(.+?)>' -Path rrm-* |
ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } > output.txt
^From: .*?<(.+?)> is a regex (regular expression) that finds lines that start with From: and captures what follows between < and >.
The .*? part is to account for an (optional) actual name preceding the <...>-enclosed email address, as is common; e.g, "Dana Jerry" <>. Thanks, TheMadTechnician
$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value retrieves what was captured.
> output.txt saves the results to a file.

PCRE Regex - How to return matches with multiline string looking for multiple strings in any order

I need to use Perl-compatible regex to match several strings which appear over multiple lines in a file.
The matches need to appear in any order (server followed by followed by or any order combination of the three). Note: All matches will appear at the beginning of each line.
In my testing with grep -P, I haven't even been able to produce a match on simple string terms that appear in any order over new lines (even when using the /s and /m modifiers). I am pretty sure from reading I need a look-ahead assertion but the samples I used didn't produce a match for me even after analyzing each bit of the regex to make sure it was relevant to my scenario.
Since I need to support this in Production, I would like an answer that is simple and relatively straight-forward to interpret.
Sample Input
irrelevant_directive = 0
# Comment
server iburst
additional_directive = yes
server iburst
server iburst
# Additional Comment
final_directive = true
The regex should match and return the 3 lines beginning with server (that appear in any order) if and only if there is a perfect match for strings'', '', and '' followed by iburst. All 3 strings must be included.
Finally, if the answer (or a very similar form of the answer) can address checking for strings in any order on a single line, that would be very helpful. For example, if I have a single-line string of: preauth param audit=true silent deny=5 severe=false unlock_time=1000 time=20ms and I want to ensure the terms deny=5 and time=20ms appear in any order and if so match.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Regarding the main issue [for the secondary question see Casimir et Hippolyte answer] (using x modifier):
The matches are now all in the a, z and d capturing groups.
It's not the most efficient (it goes three times over each line with backtracking...), but the main takeaway is to register the matches with capturing groups and then checking for them being defined.
You don't need to use the PCRE features, you can simply write in ERE:
grep -E '.*(\bdeny=5\b.*\btime=20ms\b|\btime=20ms\b.*\bdeny=5\b).*' file
The PCRE approach will be different: (however you can also use the previous pattern)
grep -P '^(?=.*\bdeny=5\b).*\btime=20ms\b.*' file

Rewrite another users message

I use MIRC and this is my goal, i'm sure it's simple! thanks guys.
on $*:text:*test*:#: { msg $chan "Entire message containing test" }
You dont need the $ after the on, it's only used when you use regex to match (see here).
And indeed it's quite simple, use $1- to match he whole message. $1 will match the first 'token'.
In your example sentence Entire message containing test, $1 will rerturn Entire assuming you did not use a tokenize before and because the default delimiter is a space in mSL. $2 will retrurn message and so on.
Here is a great article about token manipulation and in your mIRC client you can use the command /help $1- to learn more about remote identifiers.

Should I remove all dots before the # sign in emails

In a web based+REST api system, I want people to enter their email address along a password they choose to authenticate to my service (pretty common practice, nothing new),
My question is, is it ok if I lower case them and remove any dot (.) before the # sign?
To make it even more clear, "" and "" will be the same user.
So part of this question will be, are there email services out there that are sensitive to dots in your email and you will not receive your email if they are send to the dot less version? Gmail ignores the dots as far as I know.
According to RFC 3696, the period is a valid email character:
Contemporary email addresses consist of a "local part" separated from a "domain part" (a fully-qualified domain name) by an at-sign ("#").
Without quotes, local-parts may consist of any combination of
alphabetic characters, digits, or any of the special characters
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~
period (".") may also appear, but may not be used to start or end
the local part, nor may two or more consecutive periods appear.
Edit: To provide some more information, it looks like Exchange doesn't ignore the period in email addresses ( worked, whereas resulted in a Delivery Status Notification (Failure)).

Procmail split mailing list answer

The common ethicete about mailing lists is to answer to a human, and CC the mailing list, like this:
To: help-volounter#dev.full
Subject: Re: Describtion of the problem
Problem is that I get two copies of such email(it's expected). I would like to procmail one copy to mailing list mbox, and another to inbox mbox. Is it simple way to do it?
It's not entirely trivial, but there are some building blocks you may find useful.
You can detect whether you have already received a message by keeping a cache of seen message-id:s. This is a standard technique described in the procmailex man page in more detail. I would propose to use the same technique to decide where to file an incoming message; if it has not been seen before, deliver to your inbox; otherwise, file to the list's folder.
The locking becomes somewhat more complex because you need to obtain the lock file before entering the formail -D recipe. This can be done by using the LOCKFILE special variable.
# Is this message addressed both to yourself and to the list?
* ^TO_you#example\.net\>
* ^TO_mailing-list#elsewhere\.example\.org\>
# Select regular inbox as default target for this message
# Lock msgid.lock for exclusive access to msgid.cache
# If message-id is already cached, override $dest
* H ? formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
{ dest=listbox/ }
# Release lock
# Deliver to $dest
This is not 100% foolproof. If you get a Bcc:, for example, your own address will not be in the headers, and so ^TO_ yourself will not match.