download a polygone instead of bbox from OpenStreetMap - openstreetmap

I want to download a 3d model from a list of coordinates. The API documentation only says that you can download a bbox, but looking at the overpassAPI documentation you can download all the nodes within that polygon doc.
Can you download directly a polygon, or can you transform the csv file with the list of nodes to an osm file?

I have found a program which can clip the osm based in polygon.
There its


Downloading OpenStreetMap maps as png-images without a browser

Currently I am using Selenium and Folium to download OpenStreetMap maps... The issue I am encountering now is that, for my next assignment, I have to download 5 million images, and my current Python script is too slow. Having that one running in the background for hours on my laptop is not really an option.
Currently, my script opens the browser, saves the screen and extracts the nxn pixels image I need.
Does anybody know of a smarter way of extracting maps from OpenStreetMap?
Currently, I have a CSV list of 5'ish million x & y coordinates of points, and I need to download a map for each one of these in png-format... How should I proceed?
I hope you are not downloading from tile servers, because this is strictly discouraged as you can see on under "Bulk Downloading".
It might make sense for you to setup an own tileserver or subscribe to some tile-server service. There are static map services, which allow you to download the combined map image of an area, see
for example.
This mentions Mapquest and Mapbox.

Display Custom Data in Mapbox

I am trying to replace the default location points and addresses with my own points and addresses. I have uploaded a geojson with parcel centroid points, address, and assessor parcel number. I would like to display this information when the user clicks on an address. Is this possible?
geojson upload
You can follow this add points to a web map tutorial series to achieve the functionality you are looking for. Since it sounds like you have already uploaded your data to Mapbox as a dataset or tileset, the next steps will be to create a style and then add interactivity by displaying popups containing the desired information when clicked.

Can you create contour lines from a WCS file in qGIS?

I am currently working on a mapping project in qGIS, and the only good DEM model I can find of SE Norway is a high-res WCS link that I have uploaded into my project. I would really like to create contour lines, so I was wondering if there is any way to do this with a DEM in WCS format. Everything I've found online deals with raster and vector files.
Zack Eriksen
The WCS link should allow you to download the data to use as a raster/grid, and then you can create contours from the grid.
I am not sure about QGIS, but you can do this in Golden Software's Surfer program. In Surfer 16, just click to create a contour map, and when asked to open the grid, click the Download button. Add the WCS server, connect to it, select the layer and region and download. The data is downloaded from the server and the contour map is created. You can save the data as a grid at that point, if you want to use it in the future.

How to download map tiles for Leaflet?

I understand that this is a basic question; however, I've spent hours googling and have yet to find an answer that works.
I have a javascript webapp that uses Leaflet to display a map. I can get it to work when the tile source URL is some online repository like mapbox, but I want my application to work offline. How/where can I download tiles and save them in a folder structure that I can then set the tile source URL to point to?
You can generate tiles by yourself using same engine as OSM's : Mapnik and OSM database.

how to create vector mbtiles files for particular region of my choice

I am not able to create vector mbtiles files for my city region (Nashik, Maharashtra, India), I am using nutiteq SDK for displaying Offline Maps. I have tried creating mbtiles using Mobile Atlas creator, but the output .mbtile file does not works in Nutiteq SDK.
Please assist on this. I only want to display a specific region .mbtiles in my App.
Thank You in Advance.
MBTiles is general format which can contain also vector data (tiles), not only raster . Both TileMill and Mobile Atlas Creator can create only rasters, first one from vector data, and second one by scraping it from on-line APIs. You can use raster MBTiles with Nutiteq SDK, iOS sample:
// file-based local offline datasource
NSString* fullpathVT = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"MBTILESFILENAME" ofType:#"mbtiles"];
NTTileDataSource* tileDataSource = [[NTMBTilesTileDataSource alloc] initWithMinZoom:0 maxZoom:19 path: fullpathVT];
// Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
NTRasterTileLayer* rasterLayer = [[NTRasterTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:tileDataSource];
// Add the raster layer to the map
[[self getLayers] add:rasterLayer];
MBTilesTileDataSource tileDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource(
0, 19, filePath);
RasterTileLayer rasterLayer = new RasterTileLayer(tileDataSource);
TileMill and Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) does not support creating vector mbtiles. All the sources from where MOBAC gets data are raster ones, so it is not possible in principle. So there is no easy and free source to download the files as far as I know. I can suggest two options:
Use Nutiteq Maps service (subscription-based) which is currently in private beta. This works technically this way, that you define in your app which map package or packages can be loaded to the device, and SDK downloads directly your selected map.
With Nutiteq Maps SDK Enteprise license you can use custom map packages and sources, and custom download control.
You should contact Nutiteq to get access to beta, or enterprise license. Disclaimer: I'm founder of Nutiteq.
You can create MBTiles from any .osm.pbf file using this tool -
Download .osm.pbf file from Geofabric. To download for a custom area, you can use Protomaps or BBBike Extract
Download tilemaker
Execute the following command
tilemaker --input netherlands.osm.pbf --output netherlands.mbtiles --process resources/process-openmaptiles.lua --config resources/config-openmaptiles.json
You can read more about it in this blog post -