Why spring-tool-suite-4-4.10.0.RELEASE-e4.19.0-win32.win32.x86_64.self-extracting.jar is Harmful for my Computer - spring-tool-suite

Why would spring-tool-suite-4-4.10.0.RELEASE-e4.19.0-win32.win32.x86_64.self-extracting.jar be harmful for my computer? I have downloaded from here.
This type of file may harm your computer
message appeared.
Please advise me know the correct Link for my Laptop RV509 having installed with Windows10 Pro with 20H2.

The file is not harmful to your computer. This is a generic warning from your computer/OS that you get because the jar is an executable. Anytime you download an executable file onto your computer and execute it you are potentially opening the door for that executable to do 'something bad' (e.g. install a malware).
This warning is so you should be aware of the potential risk before downloading and executing random things from the internet.
The question is really whether you trust the file you downloaded or not. That question is for you to answer.
Note that this risk is somewhat unavoidable. Since you intend to install and run STS on your machine, there is no avoiding running something you downloaded onto your machine.
Simply put, if you do not trust STS to not be a malware, then you shouldn't run it.
So, provided that
you downloaded the installer from its official website so it is not a 'spoofed' copy, and...
STS is a product that you trust not to be malware...
... then you can dismiss the warning, elect to keep the file, and run it to install STS onto your computer.


What is VSCode User Setup for Windows?

On a Windows workstation after a recent update of VSCode I'm prompted (recommended) to install a "User Setup Distribution of VSCode for Windows"
The link for more info leads to:
Download User Setup
If you are a current user of the system-wide Windows setup, you will be prompted to switch to the user setup, which we recommend using from now on. Don't worry, all your settings and extensions will be kept during the transition.
I don't see anything that explains what changes this distribution makes or how it's different from a distribution for other platforms, like X11/linux.
Code is a great editor, so I use it on various platforms depending where I am. Where is the explanation of what is included in this updated "Distribution"?
Famous Question Badge Celebration! : love to VSCodium https://vscodium.com/ ... and highly recommend to anyone interested in this Q.
VSCode User Setup is a new installer, with a new install strategy, which installs the whole executable for VSCode and its dependencies in directories which don't require system-level / administrator permissions to modify. This allows a few things:
Users who don't have admin privileges to their workstation can still install and use VS Code
VS Code can perform its updates with fewer prompts (basically without the system-level privilege escalation prompts)
One tip: If you already had VSCode installed as a system-wide installation and you switch to the new installer as prompted/recommended, the User Setup installer will suggest that you uninstall the system-wide install first. I was a little nervous that I might lose my extensions doing this, but I went ahead and tried it and am happy to report that my extensions, recent projects, and other data regarding my VSCode use remained intact between uninstalling the "old" version and then proceeding with install of the new User Setup version.
(I'm a first time responder after many years.)
Note there is another useful discussion on this subject at: (What is the migration procedure for moving from Windows system-wide Visual Studio Code to user setup?). I too got worried when I got unexpected messages from the install informing me that the version was already installed and asking me if I wanted to continue? I clicked NO, why continue if it is already installed. However, in the process I became aware of the distinction between 'distribution' and 'version'. It turns out that the install works pretty much flawlessly no matter how you go about it. You can delete the system-wide distribution or not. If you do delete, you can delete before the new install, (which I did). You can also delete after the new install. (I didn't read too closely but there might be an extra step if you want to use both distributions.) In hindsight, since all approaches work nearly flawlessly, a minimal amount of instruction is all that was required. But in foresight, a little extra information on what to expect would have expedited the process for several people, including me. P.S. I found the answers in this thread useful. Thanks.
From the page you link to:
This setup does not require Administrator privileges to install. It also provides a smoother background update experience.

How to uninstall berrybrew—perlbrew for Windows?

I have been running berrybrew on Windows
(here's the home page and GitHub repository).
I'm having some trouble with it and I want to uninstall and reinstall it, but I can't figure out how to do that.
I am hoping it is as simple as just deleting the directory where it was installed and C:\berrybrew, which is where it seems to keep files, but I don't know for sure. The instructions contain installation instructions, but no uninstallation instructions.
Disclaimer: berrybrew author here...
To uninstall and return your system back to default:
berrybrew off
berrybrew unconfig
then delete the directory you downloaded it to, as well as the installation directory (by default, C:\berrybrew)
Edit your PATH variable to remove any entries that start with C:\berrybrew (or the base install directory if you've changed it from the default). One of the path entries will point to C:\berrybrew\bin, and there may be one more that points to the currently in-use Perl installation (also under C:\berrybrew\...). Technically speaking, there shouldn't be any after the first two commands are run, but one should always verify
Essentially, there's really nothing to "uninstall". It comes down to removing $ENV{PATH} ie. specific environment variables that point to a) berrybrew.exe binary itself, and b) the Perl installation that you last used.
I will update the documentation to provide more clarity in this regard.

How can I copy a new version of libc?

I have a computer which is not to be connected to the internet for security reasons. It is running Linux. On a separate computer, I have code and a cross compiler for linux. When I move the program over to the offline Linux computer, I cannot execute it, due to an error " version `GLIBC_2.17' not found "
After checking /lib, I see that I do indeed only have version 2.13 of libc. On my development computer, I have all the relevant files for the 2.22 version which is being used to compile the program. I would like to somehow copy this version of libc on my development computer over to my offline computer so that I can run my program.
The problem is, I cannot seem to copy the files. Attempting to do so gives an error:
mv: error writing ‘./libc.so.6’: No space left on device
or something similar. I know this is not actually due to there not being space left on the device, because I don't have much of anything ON the device, and I can copy the files to other places in the filesystem, just not to the /lib directory. How can I migrate my newer version of libc over to the offline computer?
I would like to somehow copy this version of libc on my development computer over to my offline computer so that I can run my program.
Incorrectly updating libc on your "offline" computer is a very easy way to render it unbootable. You should not attempt this unless you understand what you are doing (which you clearly do not), and unless you know how to restore "offline" computer in case of failure.
The best approach is to use the package manager on the "offline" computer to install libc package correctly (details vary on what package manager is being used).
If the package manager approach doesn't work, you can copy individual files. Hoever note that system ld-linux.so and libc.so.6 must match at all times, or every dynamically linked program (your shell, cp, mv etc.) will break.
Since you need to update two files simultaneously, how could this be done? You need a statically-linked copy of cp. It is best to have a statically-linked copy of $SHELL and ln as well (in case you make a mistake).

How do I add VSCode to the PATH for PowerShell?

The Code documentation suggests that it is added to the PATH during installation, but that did not seem to work for me (at least not in PowerShell). Where is it installed such that I can add it myself?
The install path is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Code
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Code\bin is added to the PATH by the installer, but it might be that tools such as PowerShell will pick this change up only until after a log off/log on or a restart
On macOS, VS Code these days seems to have a Command Palette (shift + Cmd + P) command to install it to the path called "Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH".
It seems that a good old restart of the box fixed the issue. Interestingly, merely restarting PowerShell or logging out and back in didn't fix it.
Modern Software Installation.
Many of the larger software packages have finally caught-up with the times. Make sure the correct choice(s) are made during the software download and during the software installation.
Most individual PC users are the sole users of their PCs. Yet many software packages have always defaulted the installation processes to assume otherwise. This is why so many software packages install to a path that includes C:\ .... user\ ...
But most of us individual PC users don't want the software installation including a path that involves using the ... user\ ... path. And instead we want the software installed into the default C:\ path without the "user name".
Some of the most common software installation packages are becoming available for the individual PC user and these packages install on the PC in our preferred path - (not involving a path through the ... user\ ... ).
And if there is not a separate download package for the individual PC user, then during installation make sure to closely read each step which will often now include a checkbox of whether the installation is for a "user" or for "all users". Select all users.

Installing Canopy on Linux without directories in home folder

When installing Enthought Canopy 1.0 using the .sh installer, it places a lot of stuff in my home folder, even though I chose a different installing location.
Part of this is some directory ~/canopy with empty folders for scripts etc. - OK on that one, even though I would rather choose a different location for this, too.
The other part is ~/Enthought/Canopy_64bit with binaries and libraries. I do not want these to be in my (backed-up) home directory.
How do I move this stuff somewhere else? I can see that there is an entry in my ~/.bash_profile and at least also in ~/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/pyvenv.cfg pointing to that location. But are there more?
This should be made an option during the installation.
There is no officially supported way of doing this although there is a way to do it. We aren't comfortable documenting this workaround in a public archive like stack overflow. If you can please send us a "suggestion" through Canopy's Help menu and we'll respond with the workaround.