Unable to enable Kafka feature on Azure Event Hub - apache-kafka

I am trying to enable the Kafka feature on my Event Hub as described in the following link
However, as you can see from my image of my Event Hub Namespace, I'm not provided with the option to Enable Kafka.
enter image description here
I read a past SO post where the answer was "As of now, “enable Kafka” feature is available on newly created Event Hubs." Also, the feature was only available in certain regions.
However, as you can see from my image, my Event Hub is within a region where Kafka is available and its newly created.
Therefore, can someone let me know why I can't see the Kafka feature in order to enable it?
However, as you can see from the image

The Kafka endpoint for the Event hub namespace is automatically enabled, so there is no such option during creation.
Note that Event Hubs for Kafka is available only on standard and dedicated tiers. The basic tier doesn't support Kafka on Event Hubs(see the Note section in this doc). But in the image you provided, I see you are creating a Basic tier eventhub namespace. Please try to create a Standard tier eventhub namespace, like below:
After the Standard tier eventhub namespace is created, you can check Kafka is enabled as stated in the screenshot below:


Consume events from AWS EventBridge in a self hosted kafka cluster outsite aws

We got a SaaS which is publishing it's events on AWS eventbridge (coulple of milion per day). We would love to consume those events and put them on our self hosted Kafka cluster. What would be the best methode to do this? We where thinking about lambda's, but the seem expensive for this use case and we don't to to manage to many other components. Does anyone have some good practices?
i was looking for a similar solution but in my case it is from eventbridge to MSK within AWS account. at this point looks like the only option is to use a lambda to feed into Kafka.
As per today, AWS only supports following Targets - https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-targets.html#eb-console-targets
I have a similar use case where i need to send a message to AWS RabbitMQ or even to AWS Kafka as i need Priority Logic Implemented.
As AWS supports Lambda's, the message can be forwarded to the lambda from where it can be fed to any system

Kafka "Topic/Schema" source control and continuous delivery

I'm in a small team that is going to begin using Kafka. I'm looking for information regarding development. i.e. How do we keep "our schema" source controlled? i.e. we'd like to ensure that we keep our topics, schema registries consistent, and be able to add/modify topics and the avro schema registry as part of a repeatable deployment process.
It seems to make sense that a developer should be able stand up a docker environment that would deploy our specific topic/schema configuration to a temporary container that they can develop against.
I've not been able to locate any examples of how anyone approaches this.

Dynamic creation of Kafka Connectors

I have deployed a Kafka cluster and a Kafka Connect cluster in kubernetes, using Strimzi and AKS. And I wanted to start reading from RSS resources to feed my Kafka cluster, so I created a connector instance of "org.kaliy.kafka.connect.rss.RssSourceConnector" which reads from a specific RSS feed, given an url, and writes to a specific topic. But my whole intention with this is to eventually have a Kafka Connect cluster able to manage a lot of external requests of new RSSs to read from; and here is where all my doubts come in:
Shoud I create an instance of Kaliy RSS connector for each RSS feed? Or would it be better to implement my own connector, so I create only one instance of it and each time I want to read a new RSS feed I would create a new Task in the connector?
Who should be resposible of assuring the Kafka Connect Cluster state is the desired one? I mean that if a Connector(in the case of 1 RSS feed : 1 Connector instance) stopped working, who should try to start it again? An external client via the Kafka Connect REST API? Kubernetes itself?
Right now, I think my best option is to rely on Kafka Connect REST API making the external client responsible of managing the state of the set of connectors, but I don't know if these was designed to recieve a lot of requests as it would be the case. Maybe these could be scaled by provisioning several listeners in the Kafka Connect REST API configuration but I do not know.
Thanks a lot!
One of the main benefits in using Kafka Connect is to leverage a configuration-driven approach, so you will lose this by implementing your own Connector. In my opinion, the best strategy is to have one Connector instance for each RSS feed. Reducing the number of instances could make sense when having a single data source system, to avoid overloading it.
Using Strimzi Operator, Kafka Connect cluster would be monitored and it will try to restore the desired cluster state when needed. This does not include the single Connector instances and their tasks, but you may leverage the K8s API for monitoring the Connector custom resource (CR) status, instead of the REST API.
$ kubetctl get kafkaconnector amq-sink -o yaml
apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1alpha1
kind: KafkaConnector
# ...
- lastTransitionTime: "2020-12-07T10:30:28.349Z"
status: "True"
type: Ready
state: RUNNING
name: amq-sink
- id: 0
state: RUNNING
type: sink
observedGeneration: 1
It could be late, but it could help anyone will pass by the question, It is more relevant to have a look at Kafka-connect CR (Custom Resources) as a part of Confluent For Kubernetes (CFK), it introduces a clear cut declarative way to manage and monitor Connector with health checks and auto healing.

Application Performance monitoring on Swisscom Application Cloud

I am investigating options for monitoring our installation in Swisscom's cloud-foundry. My objectives are the following:
monitor performance indicators for deployed application (such as cpu, disk, memory)
monitor performance indicators for services (slow queries, number of queries, ideally also some metrics on hitting quotas)
So far, I understand the options are the following (including some BUTs):
I used a very nice TOP cf-plugin (github)
This works very well. It seems that it registers itself to get the required firehose nozzles and consume data.
That is very useful for tracing / ad-hoc monitoring, but not very good for a serious infrastructure monitoring.
Another way I found is to use firehose-syslog solution.
This can be deployed as an app to (as far as I understand) do the job in similar way, as the TOP cf plugin.
The problem is, that it requires registered client, so it can authenticate with the doppler endpoint. For some reason, the top-cf-plugin does that automatically / in another way.
Last option i am considering is to build the monitoring itself to the App (using a special buildpack)
That can be for example done with Datadog. But it seems to also require a dedicated uaa client to register the Nozzle.
I would like to check, if somebody is (was) on the similar road, has some findings.
Eventually I would like to raise the following questions towards the swisscom community support:
is it possible to register uaac client to be able to ingest events through the firehose nozzle from external service? (this requires admin credentials if I was reading correctly)
is there an alternative way to authenticate with the nozzle (for example using a special user and his authentication token?)
is there any alternative to monitor the CF deployments in Swisscom? Eventually, is there a paper, blogpost or other form of documentation, that would be helpful in this respect (also for other users of AppCloud)?
Since it requires admin permissions, we can not give out UAA clients for the firehose.
However, there are different ways to get metrics in context of a user.
You can obtain basic metrics of a specific app by polling the CF API:
However, since you have to poll (and for each app), it's not the recommended way.
Metrics in syslog drain
CF allows devs to forward their logs to syslog drains; in more recent versions, CF also sends metrics to this syslog drain (see https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/streaming-logs.html#container-metrics).
For example, you could use Swisscom's Elasticsearch service to store these metrics and then analyze it using Kibana.
Metrics using loggregator (firehose)
The firehose allows streaming logs to clients for two types of roles:
Streaming all logs to admins (which requires a UAA client with admin permissions) and streaming app logs and metrics to devs with permissions in the app's space. This is also what the cf logs command uses. cf top also works this way (it enumerates all apps and streams the logs of each app).
However, you will find out that most open source tools that leverage the firehose only work in admin mode, since they're written for the platform operator.
Of course you also have the possibility to monitor your app by instrumenting it (white box approach), for example by configuring Spring actuator in a Spring boot app or by including an agent of your favourite APM vendor (Dynatrace, AppDynamics, ...)
I guess this is the most common approach; we've seen a lot of teams having success by instrumenting their applications. Especially since advanced monitoring anyway requires you to create your own metrics as the firehose provided cpu/memory metrics are not that powerful in a microservice world.
However, option 2. would be worth a try as well, especially since the ELK's stack metric support is getting better and better.

Installing a custom ORION broker

I currently have an scenario where I might need to install a custom Orion Broker to get sensor data from smartphones, since this data might be confidential, I'm afraid using the Fiware current Orion Broker is not an option, so I'm gonna need to install my own Orion Broker server. Having said that and knowing that there is Installation guide, I'd like to know if anyone has done this already and if so, what problems/challenges should one expect.
The different options are described in the "Creating Instances" tab at FIWARE Catalogue page for Orion Context Broker.
Among them, my recomendation is to deploy using the orion-psb-image-Rn image, available at FIWARE Lab cloud.