Issue trying to change a loaded PDF in the embed - adobe-embed-api

I'm using the Adobe PDF Embed API and can successfully display a PDF after a user selection. When my app starts up, I initialize a DC View object:
let dcView = new AdobeDC.View({
clientId: ADOBE_KEY,
divId: div
And after a user has dragged a file, I use a file reader to to throw a promise at it:
let reader = new FileReader();
let name =;
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
let filePromise = Promise.resolve(;
content: { promise: filePromise },
metaData: { fileName: name }
This works perfectly... once. If I drag a file again, when it gets to the render portion, only the filename on top of the embed changes, not the actual rendered contents.

You'll need to recreate the AdobeDC.View object prior to loading a new document. I'm guessing that this is because there may be unresolved Promises if an operation takes a while to resolve like loading annotations or performing a search. Your new code might look like this...
let reader = new FileReader();
let name =;
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
let filePromise = Promise.resolve(;
let dcView = new AdobeDC.View({
clientId: ADOBE_KEY,
divId: div
content: { promise: filePromise },
metaData: { fileName: name }


sapui5 how to read PDF file content in controller

Im facing an issue in PDF File Uploading..
In the above Screenshot if you see, When im trying to upload a PDF file, Im not able to read the content in that pdf file.
My requirement is like, I need to get the content as String from that file and that content i need to send to back-end server..
Im getting below error if im trying to read the content
HTTP Status 405 - Bad Method
Below is my Code ..
Im using xmlns:u="sap.ui.unified" library
<u:FileUploader id="fileUploader" name="myFileUpload" tooltip="Upload Service Sheet"
uploadComplete="handleUploadComplete" change="handleValueChange" typeMissmatch="handleTypeMissmatch" style="Emphasized" fileType="pdf"
placeholder="Choose a file for Upload..." maximumFileSize="2000" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload">
handleUploadComplete: function(oEvent) {
var fileName = oEvent.getSource().getProperty("value");
var sResponse = oEvent.getParameter("response");
if (sResponse) {
var sMsg = "";
var m = /^\[(\d\d\d)\]:(.*)$/.exec(sResponse);
if (m[0] == "200") {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Success)";
} else {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Error)";
Can some one please help me how can i read the data in the PDF??
Thank you in advance
Take a look at this example. Hope this helps.
<u:FileUploader change="onChange" fileType="pdf" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload" />
convertBinaryToHex: function(buffer) {
return Uint8Array(buffer), function(x) {
return ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2);
onChange: function(oEvent){
var that = this;
var reader = new FileReader();
var file = oEvent.getParameter("files")[0];
reader.onload = function(e) {
var raw =;
var hexString = that.convertBinaryToHex(raw).toUpperCase();
reader.onerror = function() {"Error occured when uploading file");

tinyMCE editor setting localised path as src of uploaded image

I've setup tinyMCE to do image uploading and it displays uploaded images in the editor, but on inspecting the source of the editors HTML I can see that the src attribute is set like it would be a file path:
<img src="../../../api/images/1"/>
I have a file_picker_callback which POSTs the image to my backend server to save the image, and returns an absolute URL in the "location" key as specified in the tinyMCE docs:
But I am unsure why regardless of providing an absolute URL the src set on the image begins with "../../../".
The relevant tinyMCE configuration:
file_picker_types: 'file image',
file_picker_callback: function(cb, value, meta) {
let tinyMCE = this;
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('type', 'file');
input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*,.doc,.docx,.txt,.rtf,.odt,.pdf');
input.onchange = function() {
var file = this.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
// Register the blob in TinyMCEs image blob registry.
var id = 'blobid' + (new Date()).getTime();
var blobCache = tinyMCE.editorUpload.blobCache;
var base64 = reader.result.split(',')[1];
var blobInfo = blobCache.create(id, file, base64);
fileLocation => {
let options = {};
if (meta.filetype == 'file') {
options = {
text: 'My Attachment'
cb(fileLocation, options);
(/* error */) => {
I can see that there is an options object I can pass to the callback which sets some element attributes of the image, but I can't find a reference to what this object can contain in the docs :(
Would like some help to solve this and get absolute URLs in my image srcs, thanks
convert_urls: false,
By default all URLs are automatically converted to relative URLs. If you want to insert the real URL of the uploaded image, set convert_urls option to false. It will restore URLs to their original values.

picture do not show in sails.js view

My assets folder :
| images
| media
| book
| pictures
i want to create new book when i upload book picture in above path, But when i try to show this image in view, the image can not be displayed and there is no error either.
my code is:
create: function (request, response, next) {
var title = request.body.title;
var subject = request.body.subject;
var brief = request.body.brief;
var author =;
var origin_pic_name = null;
dirname: '../../assets/images/media/book/pictures/',
},function (err, file) {
if(err) console.log(err);
origin_pic_name = file[0]['fd'].split('\\').reverse()[0] ;
Book.create({title:title,subject:subject,brief:brief,author:author,pic:origin_pic_name}).exec(function (err) {
if(err) response.end(500, {error: 'Database Error'});
index : function (request, response, next) {
Book.find({}).exec(function (err, books) {
if(err) response.end(500, {error: 'Database Error'});
response.view('book/index', {books:books});
//my index.ejs
<% books.forEach(function (value) {%>
<h3><li> <%= value.title %></li></h3>
<ul><%= %></ul>
<ul><%= value.subject %></ul>
<ul><%= value.brief %></ul>
<ul><img src="/images/media/book/pictures/<%= value.pic %>"/></ul>
<% })%>
thank you
Out of the box, sails caches assets during the sails lift process. To get around this, for file uploads, you can alter your controller to copy the file immediately after upload.
Here is an example of how you might do that with your current controller. You may need to edit the directory strings to suit your needs.
// BookController
create: function (request, response, next) {
var title = request.body.title;
var subject = request.body.subject;
var brief = request.body.brief;
var author =;
var origin_pic_name = null;
dirname: '../../assets/images/media/book/pictures/',
},function (err, file) {
if(err) console.log(err);
origin_pic_name = file[0]['fd'].split('\\').reverse()[0];
// Variable to hold the current directory
var currentDir = '../../assets/images/media/book/pictures/' + origin_pic_name;
// Variable to hold the temp directory
var tempDir = '.tmp/public/images/media/book/pictures/' + origin_pic_name;
// copy the image from the current directory to the temp to the temp folder
Book.create({title:title,subject:subject,brief:brief,author:author,pic:origin_pic_name}).exec(function (err) {
if(err) response.end(500, {error: 'Database Error'});
You need to be very careful when uploading images to Sails:
The Problem
Grunt is watching for changes in some folders, including the assets dir and subdirs. But that is only possible (activacted, tbh) in "Development" enviroment.
The solution
Create a images/ dir in your root.
When uploading the image, make skipper save the image there.
Write a mediaController that will catch routes like /images/media/book/:name and will try to locate and send a file:
// MediaController.js
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
get : function(req, res){
var filepath =,;
// remove this Sync to an Async
return res.sendfile(filepath);
} else {
return res.notFound();
'get /images/books/:name' : 'MediaController.get'
You can now restrict the access of images with policies, if you want to!
Better handling at image and 100% control over the fs. Good with DO Spaces, for example...

Store image to Firebase storage from cordova camera plugins on Ionic

I've red some topics on the subject (e.g: Uploading image to Firebase Storage from Cordova app) but didn't find my answer...
I'm working on a IONIC project with the implementation of the ngCordova camera plugin to take picture and get pic from the librairy.
So I got the result as a image URI and I want to upload it in Firebase storage (as file or Blob).
Here is my code :
$scope.fromCamera = function() {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
var options = {
quality: 75,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
allowEdit: true,
encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
targetWidth: 300,
targetHeight: 300,
saveToPhotoAlbum: true e
$cordovaCamera.getPicture(options).then(function(imageURI) {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(imageURI, function (fileEntry) {
fileEntry.file(function (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
// This blob object can be saved to firebase
var blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(this.result)], { type: "image/jpeg" });
// Create the storage ref
var ref = storageRef.child('images/test');
// Upload the file
uploadPhoto(blob, ref);
}, function (error) {
I read the file and convert it into a Blob before uploading it into firebase. And I got an 'Encoding error' telling me "A URI supplied to the API was malformed, or the resulting Data URL has exceeded the URL length limitations for Data URLs."
I'm running it an chrome browser with the Cordova Mocks extension.
Any help is welcome!
uploadPhoto() is my function to upload the file on firebase storage (and save the URL in firebase database)
var storageRef = Firebase.storageRef();
var databaseRef = Firebase.databaseRef();
var uploadPhoto = function(file, ref) {
var task = ref.put(file);
// Update progress bar
task.on('state_changed', function(snapshot){
// nothing
}, function(error) {
// Handle unsuccessful uploads
}, function() {
// Handle successful uploads on complete
$scope.downloadURL = task.snapshot.downloadURL;
$scope.actualKey = databaseRef.child('posts').push().key;
databaseRef.child('posts/' + $scope.actualKey).update({
url : $scope.downloadURL,
id : $scope.actualKey,
time : firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
try changing...
[new Uint8Array(this.result)]
to just this
alternate approach using $cordovaFile
var fileName = imageURI.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
$cordovaFile.readAsArrayBuffer(cordova.file.tempDirectory, fileName)
.then(function (success) {
// success - get blob data
var imageBlob = new Blob([success], { type: "image/jpeg" });
// Create the storage ref
var ref = storageRef.child('images/test');
// Upload the file
uploadPhoto(imageBlob, ref);
}, function (error) {
// error
Instead of getting the path from the URI, in the code, I assume the following...
// modify the image path when on Android
if ($"android")) {
path = cordova.file.cacheDirectory
} else {
path = cordova.file.tempDirectory
feel free to parse the path to get the directory

Chrome App FileReader

I'm trying to make use of the file system API in a Chrome App. I've tried all the sample code I can find and can't get a simple text file to read. I'm logging almost every step, and what seems to happen (or not happen) is everything stops the first time I reference a file reader object. It creates just fine, because I can log the .readyState, but after that I can't seem to even set an onload()event or execute a .readAsText().
Here's what I'm calling from a button:
function clickButton(){
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', acceptsMultiple: false}, function(FileEntry){
if(chrome.runtime.lastError) {console.warn("Warning: " + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);}
var thing = new FileReader();
console.log("Started loading " & FileEntry);
console.log("added onloadstart");
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "I did something";
I did read somewhere that Chrome doesn't allow access to local files, but the chrome apps seem to be different. At least, the documentation seems to suggest that.
The only thing I end up with in my console is the FileEntry object.
I've used the example code right from the above link and still can't get it right. Anyone else have this issue or know what I'm doing wrong?
There is a difference between a FileEntry and a File. You need to call FileEntry's .file() method. So, replace
FileEntry.file(function(File) {
Try this code...
<!doctype html>
function handle_files(files) {
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i]
var reader = new FileReader()
ret = []
reader.onload = function(e) {
reader.onerror = function(stuff) {
console.log("error", stuff)
console.log (stuff.getMessage())
reader.readAsText(file) //readAsdataURL
FileReader that works!
<input type="file" multiple onchange="handle_files(this.files)">
I've written a function to extract text from a file.
function getFileEntryText(fileEntry) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fileEntry.file(function (file) {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = function (text) {
fileReader.onerror = function () {
You can invoke this method like so:
getFileEntryText(fileEntry).then(function(text) {
// Process the file text here
}, function(error) {
// Handle the file error here
One thing I'm grappling with when working with the FileSystem is that every call is asynchronous. Having multiple levels of nested callbacks can make for code that's hard to read. I'm currently working around this by converting everything I can to a Promise.
for anyone who is interested, here's my final (working) code, complete with all the console.log()'s I needed to follow all those callbacks.
var chosenEntry = null;
function clickButton(){
console.log("Button clicked");
var accepts = [{
mimeTypes: ['text/*'],
extensions: ['js', 'css', 'txt', 'html', 'xml', 'tsv', 'csv', 'rtf']
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', accepts: accepts}, function(theEntry) {
if (!theEntry) {
output.textContent = 'No file selected.';
// use local storage to retain access to this file{'chosenFile': chrome.fileSystem.retainEntry(theEntry)});
console.log("local data set. calling loadFileEntry");
console.log("loadFileEntry called, returned to clickButton()");
function loadFileEntry(_chosenEntry) {
console.log("entered loadFileEntry()");
chosenEntry = _chosenEntry;
chosenEntry.file(function(file) {
readAsText(chosenEntry, function(result) {
console.log("running callback in readAsText");
document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = result;
console.log("I just tried to update textarea.innerHTML");
console.log("added function to chosenEntry.file()");
function readAsText(fileEntry, callback) {
console.log("readAsText called");
fileEntry.file(function(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
console.log("Created reader as FileReader");
reader.onload = function(e) {
console.log("called reader.onload function");
console.log("calling reader.readAsText");