What Should I Do When My Game Is Rejected for Not Displaying a Floating Window When No HUAWEI ID Is Signed In? - huawei-mobile-services

After my game was submitted for review, it was rejected by Huawei because the floating window is not displayed when no HUAWEI ID is signed in.
I have checked my test environment: connected to Wi-Fi, used Android and EMUI versions complying with the specifications, and used the environment in English.

1.Use a Huawei phone running a version earlier than EMUI 9.1.1 for the test (for Huawei phones running EMUI 9.1.1 or later, HMS Core automatically displays the game floating window). Alternatively, use a non-Huawei phone (with HUAWEI AppGallery downloaded from the Huawei official website and installed) where HMS Core (APK) has been uninstalled to reproduce the problem.
2.Closely follow the instructions in the document to call related APIs.
Call the showFloatWindow API in the onResume method and call the hideFloatWindow API in the onPause method. The hideFloatWindow API can be called only after the showFloatWindow API has been called to display the game floating window on the game UI.
3.Note that the game must call the showFloatWindow API immediately after initialization, instead of after a successful sign-in.


Huawei App Gallery - An app don't appear to some of users

Unfortunately, some of the users could not access the app when they search about it and if they use the app link to reach it the app appears but the install button is disabled
Please can you check what are devices the application is not available.
If the application unavailable for HMS devices, that means there is a Strong dependency on GMS (Google mobile services). So it will be available for download only GMS supporting devices. If you want to make it available on all devices, please integrate HMS services by implementing G+H approach so that it will be available on GMS and HMS devices.
Please follow the below link to integrate hms services with G+H approach:
If only integration of HMS is needed, please refer to: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/doc/development/HMSCore-Library/android-sdk-download-0000001064112371

Detect the app version in Google play via Flutter

Google has updated its UI for Google Play Store. I was able to get the app version from a simple request/response for an app with the old UI.
My app is written with Flutter & Dart.
How to detect the app version in Google play? is there any way to fix it.
I got this from Google play via email: If you would like to fetch these details from an API, you may review our Google Play Developer API setup documentation to enable our Publishing API methods. You may refer to edits.tracks method in order to fetch the release versions of all your active tracks.
How to call Google play api from fluttar app and get the published app version?
Best regards

Will Firestore and Google SignIn work on Huawei AppGallery?

This is the first time I'm uploading an app to the App Gallery and I've read about things like HMS and other related things there are to know however I'm still not sure about the two things I'm using in my app. I'm going to submit the app I've built to Huawei AppGallery. I have only used two things:
Google SignIn (Not with Firebase, it's done with OAuth 2.0 on Google Cloud)
Firestore (From the firebase stack only Firestore is used)
My question is will both of these services work on Huawei phones which is without GMS? As I don't think any of these are related to GMS and I Understand that some services like Push notifications if implemented from firebase will not work etc, but at the moment I'm only interested in these two services.
If not then, I'm using react native so is there a way to check if the user is from a Huawei phone that doesn't have GMS?
Your app can be released to Huawei AppGallery normally.
My question is will both of these services work on Huawei phones which is without GMS? As I don't think any of these are related to GMS and I Understand that some services like Push notifications if implemented from firebase will not work etc, but at the moment I'm only interested in these two services.
Huawei do provide an Android Virtual Device called Cloud Debugging of AppGallery Connect to test your app for Huawei Devices.You can run your app on the latest and most popular Huawei devices to test app functions.
For details, you can see this answer.

What Can I Do When the Floating Window Is Not Displayed Normally in My Game?

"Recently, my team integrated the Game Service SDK and APIs related to the floating window to their app according to the official documentation.
But when they packaged and ran the app, the floating window was not displayed normally.
How can I fix it?"
The official documentation give instructions on how to integrate the floating window function:
For Huawei devices running EMUI 9.1.1 or later, you do not need to integrate any SDK, the game floating window is automatically displayed.
For Huawei devices running EMUI earlier than 9.1.1, you need to integrate the floating window function following instructions at the preceding link.
If the following floating window is displayed, the integration is successful.
If the floating window cannot be displayed, perform a check based on the following items.
Game initialization API:The init API must be called before calling APIs related to the game floating window.
Calls of APIs related to the floating window:Call the showFloatWindow API in the onResume method and call the hideFloatWindow API in the onPause method. For details, please refer to the official documentation.
Logic for calling the floating window API:The hideFloatWindow API can be called only after the showFloatWindow API has been called to display the game floating window on the game UI.
HUAWEI AppGallery version number on the test device:The AppGallery version must be 9.0 or later.
For Detail,pls kindly refer:What Can I Do When the Floating Window Is Not Displayed Normally in My Game?

Unity3d Android App can not be listed in Facebook AppCenter

I developed a game for Android with Unity3d. I am using the latest Facebook Unity SDK (Version 5.1).
The game is NOT published on the Google Play Store, yet.
I want to release it soon and I want Android to be a listed platform in the AppCenter.
For some reason I can not switch it on. It says: "This platform cannot be listed because it is either configured incorrectly or not supported in App Center".
I also created it as a canvas app. I can switch that on!
Is this because:
a) The Facebook Unity SDK is not support by the AppCenter (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/games/appcenter/guidelines states that an Android App should use the Facebook Login SDK for Android, see "Eligibility Requirements")
b) The App is not published on Google Play.
c) A wrong configuration. What could this be? I filled in every possible box and uploaded the needed screenshots.
d) something else?!?
Thanks in advance!
I got problem solved with enabling single sign on in settings->basic->android.