Huawei App Gallery - An app don't appear to some of users - huawei-mobile-services

Unfortunately, some of the users could not access the app when they search about it and if they use the app link to reach it the app appears but the install button is disabled

Please can you check what are devices the application is not available.
If the application unavailable for HMS devices, that means there is a Strong dependency on GMS (Google mobile services). So it will be available for download only GMS supporting devices. If you want to make it available on all devices, please integrate HMS services by implementing G+H approach so that it will be available on GMS and HMS devices.
Please follow the below link to integrate hms services with G+H approach:
If only integration of HMS is needed, please refer to:


Will Firestore and Google SignIn work on Huawei AppGallery?

This is the first time I'm uploading an app to the App Gallery and I've read about things like HMS and other related things there are to know however I'm still not sure about the two things I'm using in my app. I'm going to submit the app I've built to Huawei AppGallery. I have only used two things:
Google SignIn (Not with Firebase, it's done with OAuth 2.0 on Google Cloud)
Firestore (From the firebase stack only Firestore is used)
My question is will both of these services work on Huawei phones which is without GMS? As I don't think any of these are related to GMS and I Understand that some services like Push notifications if implemented from firebase will not work etc, but at the moment I'm only interested in these two services.
If not then, I'm using react native so is there a way to check if the user is from a Huawei phone that doesn't have GMS?
Your app can be released to Huawei AppGallery normally.
My question is will both of these services work on Huawei phones which is without GMS? As I don't think any of these are related to GMS and I Understand that some services like Push notifications if implemented from firebase will not work etc, but at the moment I'm only interested in these two services.
Huawei do provide an Android Virtual Device called Cloud Debugging of AppGallery Connect to test your app for Huawei Devices.You can run your app on the latest and most popular Huawei devices to test app functions.
For details, you can see this answer.

Can I integrate HMS nearby Service and analytics kit into my Unity Game? and How?

I want to add HMS nearby Service and analytics kit into my unity Game, I read through a few Q&As here but those answers are here and there, not complete. Could anyone tell me what I really need to do so to integrate them into my code properly? thanks
For overall procedures as to how to deploy your Unity Game into Huawei App. Gallery, please refer to the official documentation at:
The easiest way to integrate HMS Kits into your unity Game, you can use HMS Unity Plugin. The HMS Unity Plugin is a tool that helps developers to quickly integrate Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) to their games in Unity without worrying about the boilerplate codes that have to be written in the background. All the necessary backend code is dealt with for you, and all you have to do is to focus on your own game and HMS features.
Huawei plugin’s GitHub page is at: Please make sure to download the latest version of the plugin for the corresponding Unity version.
To start using the plugin you must go to link, for the readme of the official GitHub page of the plugin and complete the phases, starting from the phase called “1 — Register your app at Huawei Developer” to “4 — Connect your game with any HMS Kit”, so that the AppGallery Connect side of your application is done. HMS requires AppGallery Connect configurations to correctly work with the in-game features you want to implement.
Currently available HMS Kits in Huawei plugin are:
To use any kit, you must import the plugin (downloaded from the releases page) and click on the kits that you want to use. One example:
Configure your manifest
Connect your game with the HMS Managers
Connect the HMS Callbacks with your game

No Google services available in this device

I am trying to integrate HMS kits i.e. location, ads, etc. into my app so that I can launch app into appGallery as well.
However, I also use react-native-firebase for other services. Now, I get alert/dialog saying:
"No google services available in this device...."´
How to fix this issue? Is there any way to avoid this message?
That's true that GMS is not supported on Huawei phones released after the Google ban. However, if you just want to suppress this dialog complaining "No google services available in this device...." in RN that could be achieved by Turning off Google Play Services availability errors:
firebase.utils().errorOnMissingPlayServices = false;
firebase.utils().promptOnMissingPlayServices = false;
for more information please visit this link.
GMS is not supported on Huawei phones released after the Google ban. Here I provide two options for you:
Option 1: Release your app both on HUAWEI AppGallery and Google Play, with different packages. The app you release on AppGallery contains only Huawei's logic code. For details about multi-channel packaging, please refer to docs.
Option 2: Release the same app on HUAWEI AppGallery and Google Play. Add the following code to determine whether GMS APIs or HMS APIs are available and call the available APIs:
public boolean isGMS(){
return GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this) ==;
public boolean isHMS(){
return HuaweiApiAvailability.getInstance().isHuaweiMobileServicesAvailable(this) == com.huawei.hms.api.ConnectionResult.SUCCESS;
You can add the code manually, or use HMS ToolKit to realize G+H logic judgment.

Ionic 5 + Capacitor with Huawei HMS

I've build an app using Ionic 5 (Angular) and Capacitor. I'm using the Capacitor plugin for Push Notifications. All is working fine on both iOS and Android. However on Huawai phones (P30 and later) things don't work properly.
No device id is obtained and Push Notifications don't work, even the PushNotifications.addListener('registration', async (token: PushNotificationToken) => {}) is not triggered.
Any ideas on what I need to do so that I can maintain one codebase and make it work on both Android "worlds" (Google & Huawei) ?
Thanks in advance,
Probably the Ionic plug-ins you used are provided for GMS and Firebase so that their capabilities can be directly called in Ionic. Therefore, apps developed by Ionic must directly call HMS capabilities when Google Play services are unavailable.
You are advised to use HMS Ionic plugin to integrate HMS Push Kit in Ionic App. You can get the Push Plugin from here. Please use 5.0.0 version.
Or you can get it from npmjs here.
If you look for a way which allows you to use both push notifications in the same application by detecting the device type and acting accordingly, you can use G+H solution. Using the G+H approach, you are able to maintain one codebase and decide whether to use GMS or HMS based on the availability of either one.

How to integrate Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) in Unity?

I've found a lot of guidelines on how to integrate HMS in my apps. But majority of them are different or using android studio. May I know which one is the latest guidelines to integrate HMS in my apps for Unity.
Also, I want to enable In-App-Purchase (subscription) for my apps as well.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm trying to implement In-App-Purchase for huawei. Huawei tech said that users need to signIn first before they can use IAP. But I received this error while testing signIn
How to obtain product info ? here
AFAIK you have two main options:
UDP SDK from Unity, which is the Unity official solution to HMS in Unity. However has been under maintenance for some days now.
Unity HMS Plugin from EvilMinds, an open source alternative that is already functional and includes supports to more HMS kits. Looks pretty promising for the future.
In any case you can still manually access HMS Android SDK directly using Unity SDK Android API.
Unity provides the HMS Plugin here: Unity Asset Store > Huawei HMS Core App Services
The README file contains information about development guides, API references. For more technical questions, please submit a ticket with Unity Customer Service.
Currently Unity does not support the In-App-Purchase (subscription) function. It will be planned in the future.
For the IAP error:
It is a null pointer. Please check for unassigned objects. If you cannot find anything, please delete project and install again cause sometimes these kind of things happening.