Variable in shell scripting not printing the whole value - sh

I want to echo the variable 'param2' value which is retrieved from oracle database and stored in variable. It just reads the 1st four characters and displays it whereas the value is of more than 20 characters. Why doesn't it print the whole value. Can any help to fix it? Below is my code.
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
select task_seq_no,task_action from dmf_readme_guide_param where task_seq_no = 1;
} | while read line
if [ "$line" ] # Line not NULL
set $line
# param3="$3"
# Pass the parameters to a sql plus script
# sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDSQL
# insert into param_testing values($param1);
# commit;
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
insert into dmf_readme_guide_log(task_seq_no,start_date) values(($param1),sysdate);
echo ($param2)
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
update dmf_readme_guide_log
set end_date = sysdate where task_seq_no = ($param1);

The problem comes from the parameters assignation with set $line. As the output of your SQL query is 1, -Get confirmation all applications, the set $line will affect each space/blank separated values of $line to each parameter indices ($1, $2, $3, etc.).
With the value 1, -Get confirmation all applications in $line, the set $line will then translate into :
set 1, -Get confirmation all applications
Which give :
$ echo $1 _ $2 _ $3
1, _ -Get _ confirmation
As you can see, the $2 parameter receives "-Get" and not "-Get confirmation all applications".
To fully get the second field of the SQL query in $param2, you have to do the parameters assignation with variable substitution and quote :
#set $line # We have no more use of parameter indices assignation
# We get param1 from the first word of $line
param1="${line%% *}"
# We get param2 from the remaining words of $line
param2="${line#* }"
echo param1=$param1
echo param2=$param2
This will output :
param2=-Get confirmation all applications
If you have to deal with a POSIX only shell, you can use parameters shifting to achieve this goal :
# We use parameter indices assignation to 'split' the output of the SQL query
set $line
# We get param1 from the first word of $line
# We get param2 from the remaining parameters by shifting the first
echo param1=$param1
echo param2=$param2
This will output too :
param2=-Get confirmation all applications
With a POSIX shell, take care to escape special character like -,*,$,etc.

I have just fixed it by using another query inside the loop to retrieve that particular task_description based on the task_seq_no returns from the outer loop query and echo this variable only. It worked without disturbing other assignments of param1. below is the code.
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
select task_seq_no
from dmf_readme_guide_param where task_seq_no = 1;
} | while read line
if [ "$line" ] # Line not NULL
set $line
# param3="$param2"
# param3 = $param2
# Pass the parameters to a sql plus script
# sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDSQL
# insert into param_testing values($param1);
# commit;
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
insert into dmf_readme_guide_log(task_seq_no,start_date) values(($param1),sysdate);
RETVAL=`sqlplus -s $UP <<EOF
set echo off term off feed off ver off pages 0
select task_description from dmf_readme_guide_param where task_seq_no = ($param1);
#sh > sh_file_1.log
echo $RETVAL
sqlplus -s $UP <<ENDOFSQL
update dmf_readme_guide_log
set end_date = sysdate where task_seq_no = ($param1);


hash using sha1sum using awk

I have a "pipe-separated" file that has about 20 columns. I want to just hash the first column which is a number like account number using sha1sum and return the rest of the columns as is.
Whats the best way I can do this using awk or sed?
Above is an example of the text file showing just 3 columns. Only the first column has the hashfunction implemented on it. Result should like:
What the Best Way™ is is up for debate. One way to do it with awk is
awk -F'|' 'BEGIN { OFS=FS } NR == 1 { print } NR != 1 { gsub(/'\''/, "'\'\\\\\'\''", $1); command = ("echo '\''" $1 "'\'' | sha1sum -b | cut -d\\ -f 1"); command | getline hash; close(command); $1 = hash; print }' filename
That is
OFS = FS # set output field separator to field separator; we will use
# it because we meddle with the fields.
NR == 1 { # first line: just print headers.
NR != 1 { # from there on do the hash/replace
# this constructs a shell command (and runs it) that echoes the field
# (singly-quoted to prevent surprises) through sha1sum -b, cuts out the hash
# and gets it back into awk with getline (into the variable hash)
# the gsub bit is to prevent the shell from barfing if there's an apostrophe
# in one of the fields.
gsub(/'/, "'\\''", $1);
command = ("echo '" $1 "' | sha1sum -b | cut -d\\ -f 1")
command | getline hash
# then replace the field and print the result.
$1 = hash
You will notice the differences between the shell command at the top and the awk code at the bottom; that is all due to shell expansion. Because I put the awk code in single quotes in the shell commands (double quotes are not up for debate in that context, what with $1 and all), and because the code contains single quotes, making it work inline leads to a nightmare of backslashes. Because of this, my advice is to put the awk code into a file, say foo.awk, and run
awk -F'|' -f foo.awk filename
Here's an awk executable script that does what you want:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { FS=OFS="|" }
FNR != 1 { $1 = encodeData( $1 ) }
function encodeData( fld ) {
cmd = sprintf( "echo %s | sha1sum", fld )
cmd | getline output
close( cmd )
split( output, arr, " " )
return arr[1]
Here's the flow break down:
Set the input and output field separators to |
When the row isn't the first (header) row, re-assign $1 to an encoded value
Print the entire row when 47 is true (always)
Here's the encodeData function break down:
Create a cmd to feed data to sha1sum
Feed it to getline
Close the cmd
On my system, there's extra info after sha1sum, so I discard it by spliting the output
Return the first field of the sha1sum output.
With your data, I get the following:
running by calling awk.script data (or ./awk.script data if you bash)
EDIT by EdMorton:
sorry for the edit, but your script above is the right approach but needs some tweaks to make it more robust and this is much easier than trying to describe them in a comment:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="|" }
NR==1 { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) f[$i] = i; next }
{ $(f["Accountid"]) = encodeData($(f["Accountid"])); print }
function encodeData( fld, cmd, output ) {
cmd = "echo \047" fld "\047 | sha1sum"
if ( (cmd | getline output) > 0 ) {
sub(/ .*/,"",output)
else {
print "failed to hash " fld | "cat>&2"
output = fld
close( cmd )
return output
$ awk -f tst.awk file
The f[] array decouples your script from hard-coding the number of the field that needs to be hashed, the additional args for your function make them local and so always null/zero on each invocation, the if on getline means you won't return the previous success value if it fails (see and the rest is maybe more style/preference with a bit of a performance improvement.

New to Perl - Parsing file and replacing pattern with dynamic values

I am very new to Perl and i am currently trying to convert a bash script to perl.
My script is used to convert nmon files (AIX / Linux perf monitoring tool), it takes nmon files present in a directory, grep and redirect the specific section to a temp file, grep and redirect the associated timestamp to aother file.
Then, it parses data into a final csv file that will be indexed by a a third tool to be exploited.
A sample NMON data looks like:
TOP,%CPU Utilisation
The field "Time" (Seen as T0002 and really called ZZZZ in NMON) is a specific NMON timestamp, the real value of this timestamp is present later (in a dedicated section) in the NMON file and looks like:
The NMON format is very specific and can't be exploited directly without being parsed, the timestamp has to be associated with the corresponding value. (A NMON file is almost like a concatenation of numerous different csv files with each a different format, different fileds and so on.)
I wrote the following bash script to parse the section i'm interested in (The "TOP" section which represents top process cpu, mem, io stats per host)
# set -x
# Convert TOP section of nmon files to csv
# CAUTION: This script is expected to be launched by the main workflow
# $DST and DST_CONVERTED_TOP are being exported by it, if not this script will exit at launch time
# Location of NMON files
# Location of generated files
# Temp files
# Main Output file
finalfile=${DST_CONVERTED_TOP}/NMON_TOP_processed_at_date_`date '+%F'`.csv
# Verify exported var are not null
if [ -z ${NMON_DIR} ]; then
echo -e "\nERROR: Var NMON_DIR is null!\n" && exit 1
elif [ -z ${OUTPUT_DIR} ]; then
echo -e "\nERROR: Var OUTPUT_DIR is null!\n" && exit 1
# Check if temp and output files already exists
if [ -s ${rawdatafile} ]; then
rm -f ${rawdatafile}
elif [ -s ${timestampfile} ]; then
rm -f ${timestampfile}
elif [ -s ${finalfile} ]; then
rm -f ${finalfile}
# Get current location
# Go to NMON files location
cd ${NMON_DIR}
# For each NMON file present:
# To restrict to only PROD env: `ls *.nmon | grep -E -i 'sp|gp|ge'`
for NMON_FILE in `ls *.nmon | grep -E -i 'sp|gp|ge'`; do
# Set Hostname identification
serialnum=`grep 'AAA,SerialNumber,' ${NMON_FILE} | awk -F, '{print $3}' OFS=, | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
hostname=`grep 'AAA,host,' ${NMON_FILE} | awk -F, '{print $3}' OFS=, | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
# Grep and redirect TOP Section
grep 'TOP' ${NMON_FILE} | grep -v 'AAA,version,TOPAS-NMON' | grep -v 'TOP,%CPU Utilisation' > ${rawdatafile}
# Grep and redirect associated timestamps (ZZZZ)
grep 'ZZZZ' ${NMON_FILE}> ${timestampfile}
# Begin of work
while IFS=, read TOP PID Time Pct_CPU Pct_Usr Pct_Sys Threads Size ResText ResData CharIO Pct_RAM Paging Command WLMclass
timestamp=`grep ${Time} ${timestampfile} | awk -F, '{print $4 " "$3}' OFS=,`
echo ${serialnum},${hostname},${timestamp},${Time},${PID},${Pct_CPU},${Pct_Usr},${Pct_Sys},${Threads},${Size},${ResText},${ResData},${CharIO},${Pct_RAM},${Paging},${Command},${WLMclass} \
| grep -v '+PID,%CPU,%Usr,%Sys,Threads,Size,ResText,ResData,CharIO,%RAM,Paging,Command,WLMclass' >> ${finalfile}
done < ${rawdatafile}
echo -e "INFO: Done for Serialnum: ${serialnum} Hostname: ${hostname}"
# Go back to initial location
cd ${PWD}
This works as wanted and generate a main csv file (you'll see in the code that i voluntary don't keep the csv header in the file) wich is a concatenation of all parsed hosts.
But, i have a very large amount of host to treat each day (around 3000 hosts), with this current code and in worst cases, it can takes a few minutes to generate data for 1 host, multiplicated per number of hosts minutes becomes easily hours...
So, this code is really not performer enough to deal with such amount of data
10 hosts represents around 200.000 lines, which represents finally around 20 MB of csv file.
That's not that much, but i think that a shell script is probably not the better choice to manage such a process...
I guess that perl shall be much better at this task (even if the shell script could probably be improved), but my knowledge in perl is (currently) very poor, this is why i ask your help... I think that code should be quite simple to do in perl but i can't get it to work as for now...
One guy used to develop a perl script to manage NMON files and convert them to sql files (to dump these data into a database), i staged it to use its feature and with the help of some shell scripts i manage the sql files to get my final csv files.
But the TOP section was not integrated into that perl script and can't be used to that without being redeveloped.
The code in question:
# Program name:
# Purpose - convert nmon.csv file(s) into mysql insert file
# Author - Bruce Spencer
# Disclaimer: this provided "as is".
# Date - March 2007
$nmon2mysql_ver="1.0. March 2007";
use Time::Local;
## Your Customizations Go Here ##
# Source directory for nmon csv files
# End "Your Customizations Go Here".
# You're on your own, if you change anything beyond this line :-)
############# Main Program ############
# Initialize common variables
# Process all "nmon" files located in the $NMON_DIR
# #nmon_files=`ls $NMON_DIR/*.nmon $NMON_DIR/*.csv`;
#nmon_files=`ls $NMON_DIR/*.nmon`;
if (#nmon_files eq 0 ) { die ("No \*.nmon or csv files found in $NMON_DIR\n"); }
foreach $FILENAME ( #nmon_files ) {
#cols= split(/\//,$FILENAME);
$BASEFILENAME= $cols[#cols-1];
unless (open(INSERT, ">$OUTPUT_DIR/$BASEFILENAME.sql")) {
die("Can not open /$OUTPUT_DIR/$BASEFILENAME.sql\n");
print INSERT ("# nmon version: $NMONVER\n");
print INSERT ("# AIX version: $AIXVER\n");
print INSERT ("use nmon;\n");
print ("$now: Begin processing file = $FILENAME\n");
# Parse nmon file, skip if unsuccessful
if (( &get_nmon_data ) gt 0 ) { next; }
print ("\t$now: Finished get_nmon_data\n");
# Static variables (number of fields always the same)
foreach $key (#static_vars) {
print ("\t$now: Finished $key\n");
} # end foreach
# Dynamic variables (variable number of fields)
foreach $key (#dynamic_vars) {
print ("\t$now: Finished $key\n");
# system("gzip","$FILENAME");
############# Subroutines ############
## Extract CPU_ALL data for Static fields
sub mk_mysql_insert_static {
my $table=lc($nmon_var);
my #rawdata;
my $x;
my #cols;
my $comma;
my $TS;
my $n;
#rawdata=grep(/^$nmon_var,/, #nmon);
if (#rawdata < 1) { return(1); }
$x=~ s/\%/_PCT/g;
$x=~ s/\(MB\)/_MB/g;
$x=~ s/-/_/g;
$x=~ s/ /_/g;
$x=~ s/__/_/g;
$x=~ s/,_/,/g;
$x=~ s/_,/,/g;
$x=~ s/^_//;
$x=~ s/_$//;
print INSERT (qq|insert into $table (serialnum,hostname,mode,nmonver,time,ZZZZ,$x) values\n| );
$n=$n-1; # number of columns -1
$x=~ s/,,/,-1,/g; # replace missing data ",," with a ",-1,"
print INSERT (qq|$comma("$SN","$HOSTNAME","$MODE","$NMONVER",$TS,"$DATETIME{#cols[1]}",$x)| );
print INSERT (qq|;\n\n|);
} # end mk_mysql_insert
## Extract CPU_ALL data for variable fields
sub mk_mysql_insert_variable {
my $table=lc($nmon_var);
my #rawdata;
my $x;
my $j;
my #cols;
my $comma;
my $TS;
my $n;
my #devices;
#rawdata=grep(/^$nmon_var,/, #nmon);
if ( #rawdata < 1) { return; }
$rawdata[0]=~ s/\%/_PCT/g;
$rawdata[0]=~ s/\(/_/g;
$rawdata[0]=~ s/\)/_/g;
$rawdata[0]=~ s/ /_/g;
$rawdata[0]=~ s/__/_/g;
$rawdata[0]=~ s/,_/,/g;
print INSERT (qq|insert into $table (serialnum,hostname,time,ZZZZ,device,value) values\n| );
$rawdata[$i]=~ s/,$//;
print INSERT (qq|\n("$SN","$HOSTNAME",$TS,"$DATETIME{$cols[1]}","$devices[2]",$cols[2])| );
print INSERT (qq|,\n("$SN","$HOSTNAME",$TS,"$DATETIME{$cols[1]}","$devices[$j]",$cols[$j])| );
if ($i < $n) { print INSERT (","); }
print INSERT (qq|;\n\n|);
} # end mk_mysql_insert_variable
### Get an nmon setting from csv file ###
### finds first occurance of $search ###
### Return the selected column...$return_col ###
### Syntax: ###
### get_setting($search,$col_to_return,$separator)##
sub get_setting {
my $i;
my $value="-1";
my ($search,$col,$separator)= #_; # search text, $col, $separator
for ($i=0; $i<#nmon; $i++){
if ($nmon[$i] =~ /$search/ ) {
$value =~ s/["']*//g; #remove non alphanum characters
} # end if
} # end for
} # end get_setting
## Clean up ##
sub clean_up_line {
# remove characters not compatible with nmon variable
# Max rrdtool variable length is 19 chars
# Variable can not contain special characters (% - () )
my ($x)=#_;
# print ("clean_up, before: $i\t$nmon[$i]\n");
$x =~ s/\%/Pct/g;
# $x =~ s/\W*//g;
$x =~ s/\/s/ps/g; # /s - ps
$x =~ s/\//s/g; # / - s
$x =~ s/\(/_/g;
$x =~ s/\)/_/g;
$x =~ s/ /_/g;
$x =~ s/-/_/g;
$x =~ s/_KBps//g;
$x =~ s/_tps//g;
$x =~ s/[:,]*\s*$//;
} # end clean up
## Extract headings from nmon csv file ##
sub initialize {
%MONTH2NUMBER = ("jan", 1, "feb",2, "mar",3, "apr",4, "may",5, "jun",6, "jul",7, "aug",8, "sep",9, "oct",10, "nov",11, "dec",12 );
#MONTH2ALPHA = ( "junk","jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" );
} # end initialize
# Get data from nmon file, extract specific data fields (hostname, date, ...)
sub get_nmon_data {
my $key;
my $x;
my $category;
my %toc;
my #cols;
# Read nmon file
unless (open(FILE, $FILENAME)) { return(1); }
#nmon=<FILE>; # input entire file
# Cleanup nmon data remove trainig commas and colons
for($i=0; $i<#nmon;$i++ ) {
$nmon[$i] =~ s/[:,]*\s*$//;
# Get nmon/server settings (search string, return column, delimiter)
$AIXVER =&get_setting("AIX",2,",");
$DATE =&get_setting("date",2,",");
$HOSTNAME =&get_setting("host",2,",");
$INTERVAL =&get_setting("interval",2,","); # nmon sampling interval
$MEMORY =&get_setting(qq|lsconf,"Good Memory Size:|,1,":");
$MODEL =&get_setting("modelname",3,'\s+');
$NMONVER =&get_setting("version",2,",");
$SNAPSHOTS =&get_setting("snapshots",2,","); # number of readings
$STARTTIME =&get_setting("AAA,time",2,",");
($HR, $MIN)=split(/\:/,$STARTTIME);
if ($AIXVER eq "-1") {
$SN=$HOSTNAME; # Probably a Linux host
} else {
$SN =&get_setting("systemid",4,",");
$SN =(split(/\s+/,$SN))[0]; # "systemid IBM,SN ..."
$TYPE =&get_setting("^BBBP.*Type",3,",");
if ( $TYPE =~ /Shared/ ) { $TYPE="SPLPAR"; } else { $TYPE="Dedicated"; }
$MODE =&get_setting("^BBBP.*Mode",3,",");
$MODE =(split(/: /, $MODE))[1];
# $MODE =~s/\"//g;
# Calculate UTC time (seconds since 1970)
# NMON V9 dd/mm/yy
# NMON V10+ dd-MMM-yyyy
if ( $DATE =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) { # Alpha = assume dd-MMM-yyyy date format
($DAY, $MMM, $YR)=split(/\-/,$DATE);
} else {
($DAY, $MON, $YR)=split(/\//,$DATE);
$YR=$YR + 2000;
} # end if
## Calculate UTC time (seconds since 1970). Required format for the rrdtool.
## timelocal format
## day=1-31
## month=0-11
## year = x -1900 (time since 1900) (seems to work with either 2006 or 106)
$m=$MON - 1; # jan=0, feb=2, ...
for ($i=0;$i<#ZZZZ;$i++){
$ZZZZ[$i]="$YR-$MON-$DAY $cols[2]";
$DATETIME{$cols[1]}="$YR-$MON-$DAY $cols[2]";
} # end ZZZZ
} # end get_nmon_data
It almost (i say almost because with recent NMON versions it can sometimes have some issue when no data present) does the job, and it does it much much faster that would do my shell script if i would use it for these section
This is why i think perl shall be a perfect solution.
Off course, i don't ask anyone to convert my shell script into something final in perl, but at least to give me to right direction :-)
I really thank anyone in advance for your help !
Normally i am strongly opposed to questions like this but our production systems are down and until they are fixed i do not really have all that much to do...
Here is some code that might get you started. Please consider it pseudo code as it is completely untested and probably won't even compile (i always forget some parantheses or semicolons and as i said, the actual machines that can run code are unreachable) but i commented a lot and hopefully you will be able to modify it to your actual needs and get it to run.
use strict;
use warnings;
open INFILE, "<", "path/to/file.nmon"; # Open the file.
my #topLines; # Initialize variables.
my %timestamps;
while <INFILE> # This will walk over all the lines of the infile.
{ # Storing the current line in $_.
chomp $_; # Remove newline at the end.
if ($_ =~ m/^TOP/) # If the line starts with TOP...
push #topLines, $_; # it in the array for later use.
elsif ($_ =~ m/^ZZZZ/) # If it is in the ZZZZ section...
my #fields = split ',', $_; # ...split the line at commas...
my $timestamp = join ",", $fields(2), $fields(3); # ...join the timestamp into a string as you wish...
$timestamps{$fields(1)} = $timestamp; # ...and store it in the hash with the Twhatever thing as key.
# This iteration could certainly be improved with more knowledge
# of how the file looks. For example the search could be cancelled
# after the ZZZZ section if the file is still long.
close INFILE;
open OUTFILE, ">", "path/to/output.csv"; # Open the file you want your output in.
foreach (#topLines) # Iterate through all elements of the array.
{ # Once again storing the current value in $_.
my #fields = split ',', $_; # Probably not necessary, depending on how output should be formated.
my $outstring = join ',', $fields(0), $fields(1), $timestamps{$fields(2)}; # And whatever other fields you care for.
print OUTFILE $outstring, "\n"; # Print.
close OUTFILE;
print "Done.\n";

tcl script to compare 2 texts and return the line numbers of the lines that differ only. Also, How to avoid "child process exit abnormally"?

can anybody guide me how to write tcl script to compare 2 texts and return the line numbers of the lines that differ only ?
I know how to do it in bash, but to include the bash in tcl doesnt seem to be very neat, here's the bash command :
diff --old-line-format '%L' --new-line-format '' --unchanged-line-format '' <(nl File1) <(nl File2) | awk '{print $1 }' > difflines
To include this in tcl, i did the following :
exec cat nl File1 > File11
exec cat nl File2 > File22
exec diff --old-line-format {%L} --new-line-format {} --unchanged-line-format {} <
File11 < File22 | awk {{print $1 }} > difflines
Is there a cleaner way ?
Also if there's difference i get the "child exit abnormally", how can i avoid this ?
The struct::list package in Tcllib has tools for computing longest-common-subsequences, which is the key part of a diff tool. To use, you load your data into Tcl and split it into a list of lines:
proc getLines {filename} {
set f [open $filename]
set result [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
return $result
Then you can get the information about the common elements (== common lines):
set sharedLineInfo [struct::list longestCommonSubsequence $file1_lines $file2_lines]
This returns a pair of lists, where each list is the indices (counting from zero) of the common lines; the first list will be for the first file, and the second list for the second file. Any line number not listed will be one that has changed.
There's also a function to invert the information provided to get instructions on how to change one sequence into the other:
set changes [struct::list lcsInvert $sharedLineInfo \
[llength $file1_lines] [llength $file2_lines]]
This returns a list of triples, where the first is the operation performed (added, changed or deleted) and the second and third are the ranges of indices in each of the relevant lists (i.e., zero-based line numbers).
I'm not quite sure how to take this information and produce what you are looking for, but I guess we could put it together like this:
package require struct::list
proc getLines {filename} {
set f [open $filename]
set result [split [read $f] "\n"]
close $f
return $result
proc variedLines {filename1 filename2} {
set l1 [getLines $filename1]
set l2 [getLines $filename2]
lassign [struct::list longestCommonSubsequence $l1 $l2] common1
set result {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $l1]} {incr i} {
if {$i ni $common1} {
lappend result [expr {$i + 1}]
return $result
If you want the results written to a file, puts $f [join $someList "\n"] is likely to feature, but I'll leave that as an exercise…
Regarding "child process exited abnormally", from the exec man page (emphasis mine):
If any of the commands in the pipeline exit abnormally or are killed or suspended, then exec will return an error and the error message will include the pipeline's output followed by error messages describing the abnormal terminations; the -errorcode return option will contain additional information about the last abnormal termination encountered. If any of the commands writes to its standard error file and that standard error is not redirected and -ignorestderr is not specified, then exec will return an error; the error message will include the pipeline's standard output, followed by messages about abnormal terminations (if any), followed by the standard error output.
"commands exit abnormally" means that the command exits with a non-zero status. Some common commands like grep and diff return a non-zero exit status to indicate something normal, so you have to wrap that exec call in a catch
set rc [catch {exec bash -c {
diff --old-line-format '%L' --new-line-format '' --unchanged-line-format '' <(nl File1) <(nl File2) | awk '{print $1}' > difflines
}} output]
if {$rc == 0} {
puts "no differences found"
} elseif {$rc == 1} {
puts "differences found:"
puts $output
} else {
puts "diff returned an error: $output"

Swap two columns - awk, sed, python, perl

I've got data in a large file (280 columns wide, 7 million lines long!) and I need to swap the first two columns. I think I could do this with some kind of awk for loop, to print $2, $1, then a range to the end of the file - but I don't know how to do the range part, and I can't print $2, $1, $3...$280! Most of the column swap answers I've seen here are specific to small files with a manageable number of columns, so I need something that doesn't depend on specifying every column number.
The file is tab delimited:
Affy-id chr 0 pos NA06984 NA06985 NA06986 NA06989
You can do this by swapping values of the first two fields:
awk ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' input_file
I tried the answer of perreal with cygwin on a windows system with a tab separated file. It didn't work, because the standard separator is space.
If you encounter the same problem, try this instead:
awk -F $'\t' ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' OFS=$'\t' input_file
Incoming separator is defined by -F $'\t' and the seperator for output by OFS=$'\t'.
awk -F $'\t' ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' OFS=$'\t' input_file > output_file
Try this more relevant to your question :
awk '{printf("%s\t%s\n", $2, $1)}' inputfile
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -i 's/^\([^\t]*\t\)\([^\t]*\t\)/\2\1/' file
Have you tried using the cut command? E.g.
cat myhugefile | cut -c10-20,c1-9,c21- > myrearrangedhugefile
This is also easy in perl:
perl -pe 's/^(\S+)\t(\S+)/$2\t$1/;' file > outputfile
You could do this in Perl:
perl -F\\t -nlae 'print join("\t", #F[1,0,2..$#F])' inputfile
The -F specifies the delimiter. In most shells you need to precede a backslash with another to escape it. On some platforms -F automatically implies -n and -a so they can be dropped.
For your problem you wouldn't need to use -l because the last columns appears last in the output. But if in a different situation, if the last column needs to appear between other columns, the newline character must be removed. The -l switch takes care of this.
The "\t" in join can be changed to anything else to produce a different delimiter in the output.
2..$#F specifies a range from 2 until the last column. As you might have guessed, inside the square brackets, you can put any single column or range of columns in the desired order.
No need to call anything else but your shell:
bash> while read col1 col2 rest; do
echo $col2 $col1 $rest
done <input_file
bash> echo "first second a c d e f g" |
while read col1 col2 rest; do
echo $col2 $col1 $rest
second first a b c d e f g
Maybe even with "inlined" Python - as in a Python script within a shell script - but only if you want to do some more scripting with Bash beforehand or afterwards... Otherwise it is unnecessarily complex.
Content of script file
# inline Python script
read -r -d '' PYSCR << EOSCR
from __future__ import print_function
import codecs
import sys
encoding = "utf-8"
fn_in = sys.argv[1]
fn_out = sys.argv[2]
# print("Input:", fn_in)
# print("Output:", fn_out)
with, "r", encoding) as fp_in, \, "w", encoding) as fp_out:
for line in fp_in:
# split into two columns and rest
col1, col2, rest = line.split("\t", 2)
# swap columns in output
fp_out.write("{}\t{}\t{}".format(col2, col1, rest))
# ---------------------
# do setup work?
# e. g. list files for processing
# call python script with params
python3 -c "$PYSCR" "$inputfile" "$outputfile"
# do some more processing
# e. g. rename outputfile to inputfile, ...
If you only need to swap the columns for a single file, then you can also just create a single Python script and statically define the filenames. Or just use an answer above.
awk swapping sans temp-variable :
echo '777777744444444464449: 317 647 14423 262927714037 : 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541' |
mawk '1; ($1 = $2 substr(_, ($2 = $1)^_))^_' FS=':' OFS=':'
777777744444444464449: 317 647 14423 262927714037 : 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541
317 647 14423 262927714037 :777777744444444464449: 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541

Retrieving value from single-line Perl script

I am attempting to parse an output file for some data, and am having problems returning the value to my Windows shell.
What I am trying to do is simply return a value using a simple regular expression, and store that into my shell variable.
I currently have something like this:
%VAL% = %PERL% -e '$tmp="Value: 1000"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }'
where %VAL% is where I'd like to return what was found in $1, and %PERL% points to a local copy of perl.exe.
Can somebody please point out the proper way of doing this?
EDIT: It's a bit uglier than Unix:
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('perl -e "$tmp=\"Value: 1000\"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }"') do set VAL = %i
Or use set /p with an intermediary file:
%PERL% -e '$tmp="Value: 1000"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }' > file.txt
set /p VAL = < file.txt
del file.txt
From Silly Batch File Tricks
Why don't you create the variable inside the script? see env_var on win32 perl wiki.