Swap two columns - awk, sed, python, perl - sed

I've got data in a large file (280 columns wide, 7 million lines long!) and I need to swap the first two columns. I think I could do this with some kind of awk for loop, to print $2, $1, then a range to the end of the file - but I don't know how to do the range part, and I can't print $2, $1, $3...$280! Most of the column swap answers I've seen here are specific to small files with a manageable number of columns, so I need something that doesn't depend on specifying every column number.
The file is tab delimited:
Affy-id chr 0 pos NA06984 NA06985 NA06986 NA06989

You can do this by swapping values of the first two fields:
awk ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' input_file

I tried the answer of perreal with cygwin on a windows system with a tab separated file. It didn't work, because the standard separator is space.
If you encounter the same problem, try this instead:
awk -F $'\t' ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' OFS=$'\t' input_file
Incoming separator is defined by -F $'\t' and the seperator for output by OFS=$'\t'.
awk -F $'\t' ' { t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print; } ' OFS=$'\t' input_file > output_file

Try this more relevant to your question :
awk '{printf("%s\t%s\n", $2, $1)}' inputfile

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -i 's/^\([^\t]*\t\)\([^\t]*\t\)/\2\1/' file

Have you tried using the cut command? E.g.
cat myhugefile | cut -c10-20,c1-9,c21- > myrearrangedhugefile

This is also easy in perl:
perl -pe 's/^(\S+)\t(\S+)/$2\t$1/;' file > outputfile

You could do this in Perl:
perl -F\\t -nlae 'print join("\t", #F[1,0,2..$#F])' inputfile
The -F specifies the delimiter. In most shells you need to precede a backslash with another to escape it. On some platforms -F automatically implies -n and -a so they can be dropped.
For your problem you wouldn't need to use -l because the last columns appears last in the output. But if in a different situation, if the last column needs to appear between other columns, the newline character must be removed. The -l switch takes care of this.
The "\t" in join can be changed to anything else to produce a different delimiter in the output.
2..$#F specifies a range from 2 until the last column. As you might have guessed, inside the square brackets, you can put any single column or range of columns in the desired order.

No need to call anything else but your shell:
bash> while read col1 col2 rest; do
echo $col2 $col1 $rest
done <input_file
bash> echo "first second a c d e f g" |
while read col1 col2 rest; do
echo $col2 $col1 $rest
second first a b c d e f g

Maybe even with "inlined" Python - as in a Python script within a shell script - but only if you want to do some more scripting with Bash beforehand or afterwards... Otherwise it is unnecessarily complex.
Content of script file process.sh:
# inline Python script
read -r -d '' PYSCR << EOSCR
from __future__ import print_function
import codecs
import sys
encoding = "utf-8"
fn_in = sys.argv[1]
fn_out = sys.argv[2]
# print("Input:", fn_in)
# print("Output:", fn_out)
with codecs.open(fn_in, "r", encoding) as fp_in, \
codecs.open(fn_out, "w", encoding) as fp_out:
for line in fp_in:
# split into two columns and rest
col1, col2, rest = line.split("\t", 2)
# swap columns in output
fp_out.write("{}\t{}\t{}".format(col2, col1, rest))
# ---------------------
# do setup work?
# e. g. list files for processing
# call python script with params
python3 -c "$PYSCR" "$inputfile" "$outputfile"
# do some more processing
# e. g. rename outputfile to inputfile, ...
If you only need to swap the columns for a single file, then you can also just create a single Python script and statically define the filenames. Or just use an answer above.

awk swapping sans temp-variable :
echo '777777744444444464449: 317 647 14423 262927714037 : 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541' |
mawk '1; ($1 = $2 substr(_, ($2 = $1)^_))^_' FS=':' OFS=':'
777777744444444464449: 317 647 14423 262927714037 : 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541
317 647 14423 262927714037 :777777744444444464449: 0x2A29D5A1BAA7A95541


result splitted with a specific character using ksh

I have several input files looking like this and before loop the processing for all the files i would like to get the 1st column in the same line splitted with || .
aa ,DEC
bb ,CHAR
cc ,CHAR
dd ,DEC
ee ,DEC
ff ,CHAR
gg ,DEC
For my try this is my commands :
cat $1| while read line
cle=`echo $line|cut -d"," -f1`
for elem in $cle
echo -n "$elem||"
But the problem I got the || in the end of the output file ;
He is the result I'm looking for in one line :
aa || bb || cc || dd || ee || ff || gg
Probably use Awk instead.
awk -F ',' '{ printf "%s%s", sep, $1; sep = "||"; } END { printf "\n" }' "$1"
If you really wanted to use the shell, you can do pretty much the same thing, but it will typically be both clunkier and slower. Definitely prefer the Awk version for any real system.
while IFS=',' read -r cle _; do
printf "%s%s" "$sep" "$cle"
done <"$1"
printf "\n"
Notice the absence of a useless cat and how the read command itself is perfectly able to split on whatever IFS is set to. (Your example looks like maybe you want to split on whitespace instead, which is the default behavior of both Awk and the shell. Drop the -F ',' or remove the IFS=',', respectively.) You obviously don't need a for loop to iterate over a single value, either. And always quote your variables.
If you want a space after the delimiter, set it to "|| " instead of just "||". Your example is not entirely consistent (or maybe the markup here hides some of your formatting).

Sed - replace words

I have a problem with replacing string.
I want to find occurrence of Svc till | appears and swap place with Stm till | appears.
My attempts went to replacing characters and this is not my goal.
awk -F'|' -v OFS='|'
t=$a;$a=$b;$b=t}7' file
the code exchange the column of Stm.. and Svc.., no matter which one comes first.
If perl solution is okay, assumes only one column matches each for search terms
$ cat ip.txt
$ perl -F'\|' -lane '
#i = grep { $F[$_] =~ /Svc|Stm/ } 0..$#F;
$t=$F[$i[0]]; $F[$i[0]]=$F[$i[1]]; $F[$i[1]]=$t;
print join "|", #F;
' ip.txt
-F'\|' -lane split input line on |, see also Perl flags -pe, -pi, -p, -w, -d, -i, -t?
#i = grep { $F[$_] =~ /Svc|Stm/ } 0..$#F get index of columns matching Svc and Stm
$t=$F[$i[0]]; $F[$i[0]]=$F[$i[1]]; $F[$i[1]]=$t swap the two columns
Or use ($F[$i[0]], $F[$i[1]]) = ($F[$i[1]], $F[$i[0]]); courtesy How can I swap two Perl variables
print join "|", #F print the modified array
You need to use capture groups and backreferences in a string substition.
The below will swap the 2:
echo '|Stm=2|Seq=2|Num=2|Svc=101|MsgSize(514)=514|MsgType=556|SymbolIndex=16631' | sed 's/\(Stm.*|\)\(.*\)\(Svc.*|\)/\3\2\1/'
As pointed out in the comment from #Kent, this will not work if the strings were not in that order.

Insert a string/number into a specific cell of a csv file

Basically right now I have a for loop running that runs a series of tests. Once the tests pass I input the results into a csv file:
for (( some statement ))
if[[ something ]]
input this value into a specific row and column
What I can't figure out right now is how to input a specific value into a specific cell in the csv file. I know in awk you can read a cell with this command:
awk -v "row=2" -F'#' 'NR == row { print $2 }' some.csv and this will print the cell in the 2nd row and 2nd column. I need something similar to this except it can input a value into a specific cell instead of read it. Is there a function that does this?
You can use the following:
awk -v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} NR==row {$col=value}1' file
And set the bash values $value, $row and $col. Then you can redirect and move to the original:
awk ... file > new_file && mv new_file file
This && means that just if the first command (awk...) is executed successfully, then the second one will be performed.
-v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col pass the bash variables to awk. Note value, row and col could be other names, I just used the same as bash to make it easier to understand.
BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} set the Field Separator and Output Field Separator to be #. The OFS="#" is not necessary here, but can be useful in case you do some print.
NR==row {$col=value} when the number of record (number of line here) is equal to row, then set the col column with value value.
1 perform the default awk action: {print $0}.
$ cat a
$ row=2
$ col=3
$ value="XXX"
$ awk -v value=$value -v row=$row -v col=$col 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="#"} NR==row {$col=value}1' a
Your question has a 'perl' tag so here is a way to do it using Tie::Array::CSV which allows you to treat the CSV file as an array of arrays and use standard array operations:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::Array::CSV;
my $row = 2;
my $col = 3;
my $value = 'value';
my $filename = '/path/to/file.csv';
tie my #file, 'Tie::Array::CSV', $filename, sep_char => '#';
$file[$row][$col] = $value;
untie #file;
using sed
row=2 # define the row number
col=3 # define the column number
value="value" # define the value you need change.
sed "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv # use shell variable in sed to find row number first, then replace any word between #, and only replace the nominate column.
# So above sed command is converted to sed "2 s/[^#]\{1,\}/value/3" file.csv
If the above command is fine, and your sed command support the option -i, then run the command to change the content directly in file.csv
sed -i "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv
Otherwise, you need export to temp file, and change the name back.
sed "$row s/[^#]\{1,\}/$value/$col" file.csv > temp.csv
mv temp.csv file.csv

Piping output from awk to perl

I want to make an array in Perl with the values obtained from my awk script. Then I can do math on them in Perl.
Here is my Perl, which runs a program, which saves a text file:
my $unix_command_dsc = (`./program -s test.fasta saved_file.txt`);
my $dsc_run = qx($unix_command_dsc);
Now I have some Awk that parses that data saved in the text file:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN{ # Initialize the values to zero. Note, done automatically also.
sumc4 = 0
sumc5 = 0
sumc6 = 0
/^[1-9][0-9]* residue/ {next} #Match line that begins with number and has word 'residue', skip it.
/^[1-9]/ { #Match line that begins with number.
sumc4 += $4 #Add up the values of the nth column into the variables.
sumc5 += $5
sumc6 += $6
print $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6 #This will show the whole columns.
print "sum H" "\t" "sum E" "\t" "sum C"
print sumc4 "\t" sumc5 "\t" sumc6
I run this Awk from terminal with the following commands:
./awk_program.txt saved_file.txt
Any ideas how I would gather this data from the print statements in awk into arrays in perl?
What I've tried is to just run that awk script in perl:
my $unix_command_awk = (`./awk_program.txt saved_file.txt`);
my $awk_run = qx($unix_command_awk);
But perl gives me errors and commands not found, like it thinks the data are commands. Should there be a STDOUT in the awk that I'm missing, rather than print?
It should just be:
my $awk_run = `./awk_program.txt saved_file.txt`;
Backticks tell perl to run the command and return the output. So your assignment to $unix_command_awk is running the command, and then qx($unix_command_awk) executes the output as a new command.
Pipe from awk to your perl script:
./awk_program file.txt | perl perl-script.pl
Then read from stdin inside the perl:
while (<>) {
# do stuff with $_
my #cols = split(/\t/);

Add column to middle of tab-delimited file (sed/awk/whatever)

I'm trying to add a column (with the content '0') to the middle of a pre-existing tab-delimited text file. I imagine sed or awk will do what I want. I've seen various solutions online that do approximately this but they're not explained simply enough for me to modify!
I currently have this content:
Affx-11749850 1 555296 CC
I need this content
Affx-11749850 1 0 555296 CC
Using the command awk '{$3=0}1' filename messes up my formatting AND replaces column 3 with a 0, rather than adding a third column with a 0.
Any help (with explanation!) so I can solve this problem, and future similar problems, much appreciated.
Using the implicit { print } rule and appending the 0 to the second column:
awk '$2 = $2 FS "0"' file
Or with sed, assuming single space delimiters:
sed 's/ / 0 /2' file
Or perl:
perl -lane '$, = " "; $F[1] .= " 0"; print #F'
awk '{$2=$2" "0; print }' your_file
tested below:
> echo "Affx-11749850 1 555296 CC"|awk '{$2=$2" "0;print}'
Affx-11749850 1 0 555296 CC