Creating observable from another observable - swift

I would like to create Observable object of User. This is my structure
import Foundation
struct User {
let email: String
let username: String
When i do network request I get response of type Observable<[String:Any]>, that works fine, but I have no idea how to transform that into Observable<[User]>. I tried
func loadUsers() -> Observable<[User]> {
return fetchUserData(cUser: Master.users).map(([String : Any]) throws -> [User])
But I get this error
Cannot convert value of type '(([String : Any]) throws -> [User]).Type' to expected argument type '([String : Any]) throws -> [User]'

I don't know where Observable comes from, there's no class like that in Foundation. Combine has observables, but they're not called that there, they're various types of publishers. Are you using another library like RxSwift?
For the sake of getting you closer to answering the question, let's imagine that fetchUserData returns an array instead.
map needs to take a function that will transform the input from [String:Any] to User. In your case, something like
fetchUserData(...).compactMap { dict in
// I am making "username" and "email" up below,
// you did not mention which keys would exist in the dictionary.
if let username = dict["username"] as? String,
let email = dict["email"] as? String {
return User(email:email, username:username)
} else {
return nil
I used compactMap, which does the same thing as map, except that when you return an optional (User? in this case), it removes the nil entries.
The reactive framework you're using will have similar calls to do the same thing on Observable, on Publisher, etc. They will also allow you to throw an error instead of returning nil, but they all handle it differently (Combine includes the error type in the type of the Publisher, for example).


How to make a function that returns a decodable type in Swift?

So I have this enum that I use for the few url requests I use in my app :
enum Netwrok {
case popular
case topRated
case latest
// ...
static let baseUrl = "http://..."
func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .popular: return "/popular"
// ...
And I would like to add a function that returns the Decodable Type of model the network stack should decode the data with.
So I thought something like that would do the job :
func returnType<T>() -> T.Type where T : Decodable {
switch self {
case .popular:
return Popular.self
// ...
But I can't make it work, it says :
Cannot convert return expression of type 'Popular.Type' to return type 'T.Type'
Asking me to force cast in T.Type.
How can I make a function that returns the decodable so that type can be handled but the JSONDecoder's decode function ?
What you're asking is straightforward, but it probably isn't what you want. What you're asking to do is to return a type. There's nothing generic about that.
func returnType<T>() -> T.Type where T : Decodable {
This syntax defines a type parameter, T, that is passed by the caller. It's not defined by your function. That means the caller may pass any type that is Decodable and your function will return it. For example, the caller can set T to be Int (since that's Decodable), and you will return Int.Type. That's easy to implement (return T.self), but not what you mean.
What you mean is that the function returns some type that is Decodable that the function knows, but the caller doesn't:
func returnType() -> Decodable.Type { ... }
This will work fine, and do exactly what you are asking for, but it suggests you're probably building this network stack incorrectly and will have headaches later.
The reason this approach is likely to be a problem is that you probably want to write a line of code like this:
let result = JSONDecoder().decode(networkType.returnType(), from: data)
That's going to break, because Decodable.Type is not itself a Decodable type. (You you decode Int, but you can't decode the type of Int.) Say it did work. What type would result be? What could you do with it? The only thing you'd know about it is that it's Decodable (and you've already decoded it).
You likely want something more like Vasu Chand's implementation, or the similar approach discussed in my blog series.
You can use escaping closure for your returning result of an API Call.
Assuming you are hitting a get request . A simple working example for passing Codable model for get request api.
class func GETRequest<ResponseType :Decodable>(url : URL,responseType : ResponseType.Type ,completion: #escaping (ResponseType? ,Error? ) -> Void){
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
guard let data = data else{
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let responseData = try decoder.decode(ResponseType.self, from: data)
completion(responseData, nil)
catch let error{
completion(nil, error)
How to call this network function.
Network.GETRequest(url: url, responseType: Model.self) { (model, error) in
Model class contains
struct Model : Codable{
You can pass any response model for any get request to network class .
Similarly you can build api network for post request where request body is simply Codable model .
For sorry you can't as according to your need the supply for the first parameter here
need to be inferred right when you write the code so it can't be Any 1 from a collection of types that conform to Decodable

enums with Associated Values + generics + protocol with associatedtype

I'm trying to make my API Service as generic as possible:
API Service Class
class ApiService {
func send<T>(request: RestRequest) -> T {
return request.parse()
So that the compiler can infer the response type from the request categories .auth and .data:
let apiService = ApiService()
// String
let stringResponse = apiService.send(request: .auth(.signupWithFacebook(token: "9999999999999")))
// Int
let intResponse = apiService.send(request: .data(.content(id: "123")))
I tried to come up with a solution using generics and a protocol with associated type to handle the parsing in a clean way. However I'm having trouble associating the request cases with the different response types in a way that it's simple and type-safe:
protocol Parseable {
associatedtype ResponseType
func parse() -> ResponseType
enum RestRequest {
case auth(_ request: AuthRequest)
case data(_ request: DataRequest)
// COMPILER ERROR HERE: Generic parameter 'T' is not used in function signature
func parse<T: Parseable>() -> T.ResponseType {
switch self {
case .auth(let request): return (request as T).parse()
case .data(let request): return (request as T).parse()
enum AuthRequest: Parseable {
case login(email: String, password: String)
case signupWithFacebook(token: String)
typealias ResponseType = String
func parse() -> ResponseType {
return "String!!!"
enum DataRequest: Parseable {
case content(id: String?)
case package(id: String?)
typealias ResponseType = Int
func parse() -> ResponseType {
return 16
How is T not used in function signature even though I'm using T.ResponseType as function return?
Is there a better still clean way to achieve this?
I'm trying to make my API Service as generic as possible:
First, and most importantly, this should never be a goal. Instead, you should start with use cases, and make sure that your API Service meets them. "As generic as possible" doesn't mean anything, and only will get you into type nightmares as you add "generic features" to things, which is not the same thing as being generally useful to many use cases. What callers require this flexibility? Start with the callers, and the protocols will follow.
func send<T>(request: RestRequest) -> T
Next, this is a very bad signature. You don't want type inference on return types. It's a nightmare to manage. Instead, the standard way to do this in Swift is:
func send<ResultType>(request: RestRequest, returning: ResultType.type) -> ResultType
By passing the expected result type as a parameter, you get rid of the type inference headaches. The headache looks like this:
let stringResponse = apiService.send(request: .auth(.signupWithFacebook(token: "9999999999999")))
How is the compiler to know that stringResponse is supposed to be a String? Nothing here says "String." So instead you have to do this:
let stringResponse: String = ...
And that's very ugly Swift. Instead you probably want (but not really):
let stringResponse = apiService.send(request: .auth(.signupWithFacebook(token: "9999999999999")),
returning: String.self)
"But not really" because there's no way to implement this well. How can send know how to translate "whatever response I get" into "an unknown type that happens to be called String?" What would that do?
protocol Parseable {
associatedtype ResponseType
func parse() -> ResponseType
This PAT (protocol w/ associated type) doesn't really make sense. It says something is parseable if an instance of it can return a ResponseType. But that would be a parser not "something that can be parsed."
For something that can be parsed, you want an init that can take some input and create itself. The best for that is Codable usually, but you could make your own, such as:
protocol Parseable {
init(parsing data: Data) throws
But I'd lean towards Codable, or just passing the parsing function (see below).
enum RestRequest {}
This is probably a bad use of enum, especially if what you're looking for is general usability. Every new RestRequest will require updating parse, which is the wrong place for this kind of code. Enums make it easy to add new "things that all instances implement" but hard to add "new kinds of instances." Structs (+ protocols) are the opposite. They make it easy to add new kinds of the protocol, but hard to add new protocol requirements. Requests, especially in a generic system, are the latter kind. You want to add new requests all the time. Enums make that hard.
Is there a better still clean way to achieve this?
It depends on what "this" is. What does your calling code look like? Where does your current system create code duplication that you want to eliminate? What are your use cases? There is no such thing as "as generic as possible." There are just systems that can adapt to use cases along axes they were prepared to handle. Different configuration axes lead to different kinds of polymorphism, and have different trade-offs.
What do you want your calling code to look like?
Just to provide an example of what this might look like, though, it'd be something like this.
final class ApiService {
let urlSession: URLSession
init(urlSession: URLSession = .shared) {
self.urlSession = urlSession
func send<Response: Decodable>(request: URLRequest,
returning: Response.Type,
completion: #escaping (Response?) -> Void) {
urlSession.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
// Log your error
if let data = data {
let result = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
// Probably check for nil here and log an error
// Probably log an error
This is very generic, and can apply to numerous kinds of use cases (though this particular form is very primitive). You may find it doesn't apply to all your use cases, so you'd begin to expand on it. For example, maybe you don't like using Decodable here. You want a more generic parser. That's fine, make the parser configurable:
func send<Response>(request: URLRequest,
returning: Response.Type,
parsedBy: #escaping (Data) -> Response?,
completion: #escaping (Response?) -> Void) {
urlSession.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
// Log your error
if let data = data {
let result = parsedBy(data)
// Probably check for nil here and log an error
// Probably log an error
Maybe you want both approaches. That's fine, build one on top of the other:
func send<Response: Decodable>(request: URLRequest,
returning: Response.Type,
completion: #escaping (Response?) -> Void) {
send(request: request,
returning: returning,
parsedBy: { try? JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: $0) },
completion: completion)
If you're looking for even more on this topic, you may be interested in "Beyond Crusty" which includes a worked-out example of tying together parsers of the kind you're discussing. It's a bit dated, and Swift protocols are more powerful now, but the basic message is unchanged and the foundation of things like parsedBy in this example.

Make array type from type

I am getting a lot of data from my server.
To serialize it I use ModelMapper. I have lots of Mappable objects, so I need a function that would be able to map any kind of mappable data. Something like this:
func serializeData(of type: Mappable.Type) -> [Mappable]? {
return try? response?.map(to: [type].self)
My issue is that map(:) method requires [Mappable].Type as input. [type].self however is [Mappable.Type]. I am getting lost here. Please help
Passing the type as foo.Type is a very objective-c-ish pattern.
In Swift I'd prefer a generic solution, something like
func serializeData<T : Mappable>() -> [T]? {
return try? response?.map(to: [T].self)
or still swiftier
func serializeData<T : Mappable>() throws -> [T] {
return try response?.map(to: [T].self) ?? []

How to add a field to the Moya.Response JSON that wasn't in the real payload from the http response

If I have:
import Moya
import RxSwift
import ObjectMapper
import Moya_ObjectMapper
provider.request(.callApi(id: id))
.subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
struct Thing: Mappable, Equatable {
var id: String?
init?(map: Map) {
mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
Making an http api call and getting back json like {"id: "123"} and it's all working great. A new Thing struct is made with the right id. But what if I want to add "flavor" to Thing and hard code {"id: "123", "flavor": "something"}.
i.e. let's just modify the actual http response body and add "flavor": "something" before it gets to the .mapObject method. Where is the right place to tap into that?
And it's not just adding it to the mapping func in Thing because "something" is different for each id. Might be flavor: "something1" and then flavor: "something2". I have this value in the same scope as callApi(id: id) so something like:
provider.request(.callApi(id: id))
.addJSON("flavor", flavor)
.subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
But .addJSON is something I just made up. It doesn't exist. But there must be some simple solution for this?
Trying to modify the actual JSON feels dirty and at two low-level. But I've been there so no judging from me if it works. :)
I'd approach it by creating a special version of the Moya.Response extension methods available from Moya_ObjectMapper.
public extension Response {
/// Maps data received from the signal into an object which implements the Mappable protocol.
/// If the conversion fails, the signal errors.
public func mapObject<T: BaseMappable>(_ type: T.Type, context: MapContext? = nil) throws -> T {
guard let object = Mapper<T>(context: context).map(JSONObject: try mapJSON()) else {
throw MoyaError.jsonMapping(self)
return object
I'd add a similar method but with an additional parameter closure (T) -> (T). So it would essentially return the mapped object after doing another map which would add any necessary information you need into it.

RxSwift: Observe rx_text & rx_offset simultaneously

I've been working on a search controller that is using RxSwift to update DataSource when user types in Search field, like it's described here:
That is my viewmodel:
struct SearchControllerViewModel {
let provider: RxMoyaProvider<ThreadifyEndpoint>
let startsWith: Observable<String>
func startSearching() -> Observable<[SearchedNodeViewModel]> {
return startsWith
.flatMapLatest { query -> Observable<[SearchedNodeViewModel]?> in
return self.findNodes(query)
internal func findNodes(startsWith: String) -> Observable<[SearchedNodeViewModel]?> {
return self.provider
.request(ThreadifyEndpoint.SearchForNodes(startsWith: startsWith))
Now I want new data to be loaded not only when user is typing but either when sh's scrolling down.
I was thinking to use combineLatest to observe both rx_text and rx_offset but I can't pass Observable to combineLatest because of compilation error.
The compilation error you're seeing is due to you not using an actual method. The method signature you're intending to use is:
public class func combineLatest<O1 : ObservableType, O2 : ObservableType>(source1: O1, _ source2: O2, resultSelector: (O1.E, O2.E) throws -> Element) -> RxSwift.Observable<Element>
Notice that there's a third argument that you're forgetting: resultSelector. That's supposed to be a block that describes how you want to combine the latest elements into a new element.
Based on your error message, I'm thinking you're using it like this:
let combined = Observable.combineLatest(stringObservable, pointObservable)
Whereas, you should be using it like this:
let combined = Observable.combineLatest(stringObservable, pointObservable) { (s, p) in
return "\(s), \(p)" // or construct your new element however you'd like
Without the block, RxSwift doesn't know how you'd like to combine them. You might have been thinking it would just default to making a new tuple of (String, CGPoint) as the element, but it makes no such assumptions and requires you to tell it.