How to lock Data Base when pg_restore runs - postgresql

When running pg_restore we encounter some (unexpected) executions from some other programs resulting in errors in the restoration.
Is there a way to lock the DB while restoring to insure no modifications are done ?
This is the command executed :
pg_restore --clean --verbose --no-owner /home/postgres/backup/bkp --if-exists -j 7 -d restdb01 -p 5432

revoke connect permissions from the database or reject connections in pg_hba.conf (remember that by default, PUBLIC can connect to the database)
use pg_terminate_backend to cancel all existing connections
run pg_restore as a user that can still connect to the database

PostgreSQL documentation of pg_restore does not provide any info of such functionality.
According to wiki postgresql does not support database locking.
I suggest using permission mechanism to prevent anyone connecting to the database beeing restored:
Create a new database.
Grant CONNECT permission to that database to a single user used in pg_restore command (--username=db-admin).
Add all the required permissions to the database.
Unless you have applications connecting to your server as superusers, that will prevent applications from reading or changing


Restore database from production to Development

We have the database named 'itreport' on production server and database named 'itreport_dev' on development server.
1)On Production server, 52 users are present in the database 'itreport'.
2)On Development server, 60 users are in present the database 'itreport_dev'.
3)I have taken the dump of production server database 'itreport'. Dump file name is backup_12082017.sql
My question is
If I restore the above dump(backup) file to Development server database 'itreport_dev, Users(60) present will present in the Development database?
If not what option we have to give in the restore process?
What are the pre steps and post steps to be performed on Develpement server?
Short answer: No, roles are not part of a single-database backup.
If you dump only the database using pg_dump it will only restore tables and data. not any roles. any objects owned by missing roles will end up owned by the user performing the restore (this user should be a superuser)
If you do pg_dumpall roles and all databases will be backed up.
Roles can be backed up separately using pg_dumpall -r
if you do pgdumpall --clean the resore will destroy and replace any databases and roles on the dev server that also exist in the dump. any names that are not in both will be unaffected, (the special role "postgres" and template databases also are untouched)
pgdumpall backups are SQL backups and should be restores using psql
su postgres -c psql < all-database-backupfile.sql
zcat all-database-backupfile.sql.gz | su postgres -c psql
(for windows use runas instead of su, I'm not sure of the exact syntax needed)

Can't pg_restore DB to RDS: missing pgpass.conf file?

I'm trying to restore my Postgres database to an RDS Postgres Instance in the AWS using pg restore from an EC2 instance.
I am using the following command to restore the database:
pg_restore -v -h host --no-owner -d PostgresDB postgres.dump
Now the problem is that originally, I didn't specify the --no-owner option, and since the owner of the local database that has been backed up, and the owner of the RDS Instance aren't the same. This threw an error, which is why I read that specifying this option helps solve the issue.
However, now I get a
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] connection to database "XY" failed:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "ec2-user"
error message, although the password is right. Now I read that this does happens with Postgresql, but I can't find a way to solve this on EC2. According to this thread, I need to change the format of one of the configuration files. But this my postgres is an AWS Instance, how can I achieve this? I browsed my EC2 server instance and didn't find any pgpass.conf file (according to 'which' the file doesn't exist on the server). How can I solve this?
What username did you create for Postgres? Surely it isn't ec2-user. You need to be specifying the username and password with the --username and --password options. Here is the documentation.

Is there a way to repopulate with command-line a postgres db that I can't drop?

I'm looking to load a database from a backup.gz. The backup is raw sql generated from pg_dump -U postgres app_development -f backup.gz -Z9.
I've tried dropping the db with psql -Upostgres -c "drop database app_development" but I get:
ERROR: database "app_development" is being accessed by other users
DETAIL: There are 3 other sessions using the database.
The same thing happens when I use dropdb.
I don't want to dump to a non-ascii version so I don't think I can use pg_restore.
Also, I'm not sure if it helps, but all this is happening in docker.

Postgres / Postgis - Dump and restore to new server with different user

I search for a while to find this answer but with no luck.
The situation:
I have Postgresql currently running on my production environment. I am preparing to scale my database and move it to a large server instance. I made the mistake of setting up the initial database with the postgres user who has all permissions, and I would like the new database to be controlled by a custom user I have created. ie The current database's owner is postgres, and I want the new database owner to be pooper.
To dump, I am running:
pg_dump -d database_name > database_name.sql
To restore on separate machine, I am running:
psql database_name < database_name.sql
If the user is the same, ie both postgres, then it will work just fine, but when switching users, my app does not load correctly. Is there a secret to the madness. Nothing stood out to me.
My system:
Debian Wheezy
Postgresql 9.1
Postgis Extension
pg_dump with the --no-owner flag (see pg_dump --help)
Create the new db with the new owner CREATE DATABASE foo OWNER pooper;,
Load via psql -U pooper -d database_name -f database_name.sql.

Postgresql creating database

Well I installed the latest postgreql database on my Windows 7.
Now I'm trying to create a database via the psql.exe command line
When I open it, it says
psql: FATAL: database "Jansu" does not exist
So I read somewhere, that when no database is specified, it tried to find database with my username or something. do i create a new database, when I can't access the commandline.
Read psql syntax. You can specify database, user and other parameters. If it's a new installation, there should be a default database 'postgres', you can connect to that one.
psql -U postgres postgres
(In Unix environments you might need to add -h localhost in order to force a TCP connection, otherwise it'd try to use Unix-domain sockets, which might not work for other than the postgres user. )
You can create databases from there, or from the command line with createdb