Restore database from production to Development - postgresql

We have the database named 'itreport' on production server and database named 'itreport_dev' on development server.
1)On Production server, 52 users are present in the database 'itreport'.
2)On Development server, 60 users are in present the database 'itreport_dev'.
3)I have taken the dump of production server database 'itreport'. Dump file name is backup_12082017.sql
My question is
If I restore the above dump(backup) file to Development server database 'itreport_dev, Users(60) present will present in the Development database?
If not what option we have to give in the restore process?
What are the pre steps and post steps to be performed on Develpement server?

Short answer: No, roles are not part of a single-database backup.
If you dump only the database using pg_dump it will only restore tables and data. not any roles. any objects owned by missing roles will end up owned by the user performing the restore (this user should be a superuser)
If you do pg_dumpall roles and all databases will be backed up.
Roles can be backed up separately using pg_dumpall -r
if you do pgdumpall --clean the resore will destroy and replace any databases and roles on the dev server that also exist in the dump. any names that are not in both will be unaffected, (the special role "postgres" and template databases also are untouched)
pgdumpall backups are SQL backups and should be restores using psql
su postgres -c psql < all-database-backupfile.sql
zcat all-database-backupfile.sql.gz | su postgres -c psql
(for windows use runas instead of su, I'm not sure of the exact syntax needed)


Duplicating an entire RDS instance PostgreSQL DB to another DB within the same instance [duplicate]

Is there a simple way to create a copy of a database or schema in PostgreSQL 8.1?
I'm testing some software which does a lot of updates to a particular schema within a database, and I'd like to make a copy of it so I can run some comparisons against the original.
If it's on the same server, you just use the CREATE DATABASE command with the TEMPLATE parameter. For example:
pg_dump with the --schema-only option.
If you have to copy the schema from the local database to a remote database, you may use one of the following two options.
Option A
Copy the schema from the local database to a dump file.
pg_dump -U postgres -Cs database > dump_file
Copy the dump file from the local server to the remote server.
scp localuser#localhost:dump_file remoteuser#remotehost:dump_file
Connect to the remote server.
ssh remoteuser#remotehost
Copy the schema from the dump file to the remote database.
psql -U postgres database < dump_file
Option B
Copy the schema directly from the local database to the remote database without using an intermediate file.
pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Cs database | psql -h remotehost -U postgres database
This blog post might prove helpful for you if you want to learn more about options for copying the database using pg_dump.
This can be done by running the following command:
CREATE DATABASE [Database to create] WITH TEMPLATE [Database to copy] OWNER [Your username];
Once filled in with your database names and your username, this will create a copy of the specified database. This will work as long as there are no other active connections to the database you wish to copy. If there are other active connections you can temporarily terminate the connections by using this command first:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '[Database to copy]'
AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
A good article that I wrote for Chartio's Data School which goes a bit more in depth on how to do this can be found here:

PGAdmin shows excessive amount of database from Heroku

I'm learning some backend stuff, I made a test database locally and filled some data, and then I dump the database to an SQL file with the following command:
pg_dump -U USERNAME DATABASE —no-owner —no-acl -f backup.sql
And finally restore it to Heroku:
heroku pg:psql —app APPNAME < backup.sql
There is only 1 database I’m deploying, however, when I use PGAdmin to connect to it, it shows more than 2000 databases and crashes my computer:
Where are all these databases coming from?
You don't get a dedicated PostgreSQL server with Heroku Postgres. Your databases are co-located with other users' databases on the same server. You'll be able to see the names of other users' databases, but you won't be able to access them.
I'm not sure what "crashes my computer" means, but make sure you are selecting your database when trying to connect.

Copying postgresql data without roles

I have a snapshot of a Postgres database named srcDB in a file named srcDB-cachedump.gz, obtained using pg_dump. The dump is from a production database, so there are a bunch of different roles. What I would like to do is make a development database called devDB, which has only one role, a user by the name of 'development', but with the same schema as the original database.
The way I initially tried to do this was:
gunzip -c srcDB-cachedump.gz | psql -d devDB -U development -W
When I ran this, however, I got many errors that boiled down to, essentially, "role does not exist." I would like to bypass the recreation of the roles in the production database if at all possible, as I have other programmers on my team and I would like the dev environment to be as portable as possible. I am relatively new at Postgres administration, though, so I am at a loss.

Postgres / Postgis - Dump and restore to new server with different user

I search for a while to find this answer but with no luck.
The situation:
I have Postgresql currently running on my production environment. I am preparing to scale my database and move it to a large server instance. I made the mistake of setting up the initial database with the postgres user who has all permissions, and I would like the new database to be controlled by a custom user I have created. ie The current database's owner is postgres, and I want the new database owner to be pooper.
To dump, I am running:
pg_dump -d database_name > database_name.sql
To restore on separate machine, I am running:
psql database_name < database_name.sql
If the user is the same, ie both postgres, then it will work just fine, but when switching users, my app does not load correctly. Is there a secret to the madness. Nothing stood out to me.
My system:
Debian Wheezy
Postgresql 9.1
Postgis Extension
pg_dump with the --no-owner flag (see pg_dump --help)
Create the new db with the new owner CREATE DATABASE foo OWNER pooper;,
Load via psql -U pooper -d database_name -f database_name.sql.

Can I restore just one schema from a pg_dump of the entire database?

I have backups of my postgres database - the entire database instance in a single nightly backup. Is it possible to restore just one of the database from within that backup? Or if I want to access individual databases (for migration or restoring), do I need to change my database backup scheme to do individual dumps?
You can access individual databases from a full database cluster dump in text format (pg_dumpall) by using some text processing like this:
awk '/^\\connect database_name/ {flag=1;print;next}
/^\\connect/ {flag=0}
flag { print }' \
< all_databases.sql \
> database_name.sql
This would get from pg_dumpall file everything between "\connect database_name" and next "\connect". But it is not very efficient.
But I'd recommend dumping every database separately like this:
# Dumping global data (for example roles)
pg_dumpall -g > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/globals.sql
#Dumping indidual databases in tar (uncompressed binary) format
for dbname in
psql -qXtc "
select datname from pg_catalog.pg_database
where datname<>'template0'" template1
pg_dump -b -F t "$dbname" > "/var/lib/pgsql/backups/$dbname.dump"
I'm assuming you mean "Can I restore just one database from a pg_dumpall of the entire database cluster?"
Yes, if your backup is "an archive created by pg_dump in one of the non-plain-text formats." - use the "--schema=" option to pg_restore.
On the other hand I'm not sure you're using the correct terminology here - you refer to a DB cluster as "entire database instance"; in the explanation you ask about "database" but in the title you wrote "schema", etc.
Edit: Now, after some deliberation, I believe you have a cluster backup, created with "pg_dumpall". "pg_dumpall" creates only plain-text (SQL-commands) backups. In that case it's not possible to restore only one database (or only one schema from a database).
Then yes, you need to change your backup procedure to backup individual databases using non-plain-text format (--format=custom is the recommended one).
Actually the backup procedure I use on my DB servers does just that.