PayPal omit Pay Later button with JS SDK - paypal

Using the new Javascript SDK with paypal.buttons ("smart buttons"), is there a way to omit the Pay Later button? It's not an option using the disable-funding parameter.

It's not an option using the disable-funding parameter.
Why is it not an option for you? &disable-funding=paylater is exactly the way.


How to use standard events in the react native Facebook SDK

The Facebook SDK has the ability to record both custom events and standard events. The standard events are things like "Purchases" "Add to cart" "Completed Registration" etc...
Recording these standard events gives you access to specific bidding features on Facebook ads that you don't get without the events.
I have an app that has the React Native FBSDK
There are two methods for defining an event - one for purchases and one for everything else as seen here
There is zero documentation for standard events on react within the SDK on Github or on the event tracking docs on Facebook's developer platform.
Right now I'm trying to track the standard events by using their various names, as recorded across FB's documentation. I've tried the following:
AppEventsLogger.logEvent('Completed Registration');
All of these just create custom events with those names, but aren't recognized as standard events.
Has anyone gotten standard events to work using the React Native wrapper for the FB SDK? If so how do you name the events to get FB to recognize them?
Update: As the comment below highlights, the more recent link is
It looks like you'll have to pass the strings that those standard events get evaluated to, i.e. instead of 'FBSDKAppEventNameCompletedRegistration', you'll have to use: 'fb_mobile_complete_registration'.
Here's the source:
Sorry if this is a bit late. Hope this helps.
I managed to find the actual event name by generating standard event code using tool on Facebook's documentation, run the code in AppDelegate.m, and get the exact key-values from Events Manager. With this roundabout way, I realized the actual name of Add to Cart event was fb_mobile_add_to_cart. From there I googled for the name and found the list documented in Marketing API (why not App Events?).
I don't know if it is the right place, but you can refer to for actual standard event names and parameter names. At least it worked in my case. Here's my Add to Cart event code:
function logAddToCart(totalPrice, contentType, contentId, currency) {
const params = {
'fb_content_type': contentType,
'fb_content_id': contentId,
'fb_currency': currency
AppEventsLogger.logEvent('fb_mobile_add_to_cart', totalPrice, params);
I made a simple package with all events. Just import like
import FBEvents from "react-native-fbsdk-events";
// ...
AppEventsLogger(FBEvents.COMPLETE_REGISTRATITON, params);

Encoding problems in PayPal Here callback URL?

I'm trying to get PayPal Here to issue a callback to a FileMaker Go database. It looks like the fmp:// protocol is being used correctly, but seems that there may be some kind of other problem with the callback URL.
Here's the URL that I'm using to call PayPal Here (note that I'm not stripping out the carriage returns from the base64-encoded invoice in my application; this is the actual URL my application sends to the OS, and the invoice appears to be fine in PPH):
This is the URL that I want to fire (this is just for testing; later on, there will be additional parameters added on to send the payment status, etc., but I can't even get this basic version to work yet):
However, the behavior I'm seeing looks like this is the URL PPH is actually sending:
Testing is being done on an iPad 2 running iOS 8.3. Any thoughts/suggestions out there?
A kind soul on the FileMaker Community boards pointed me at a working example, After doing some comparisons, I discovered the issue is due to using base64-encoding of the JSON invoice object. When I changed it to use URL-encoding of the JSON invoice (like the Genecom example), I was able to get the callback URL to work successfully.
I opened an issue on the PayPal Here github project, please feel free to chime in there if you've also experienced this issue (or found countervailing evidence):

How to set up facebook callback url?

How do I setup a Canvas payments callback url? I only need to set up for static pricing at this time within my app. Facebook requires a Payments Object under "Realtime Updates" heading. I have been searching everywhere for a simple straight example on how to do the complete process but have not been able to find one. I have been working through the Unity3d Friendsmash example project.
I haven't found much information on the callback, but since I don't really use it, I just used this code inside a PHP script to just make it work:
$hub_mode = $_GET['hub_mode'];
$hub_challenge = $_GET['hub_challenge'];
$hub_verify_token = $_GET['hub_verify_token'];
if ($hub_verify_token =='YourToken')
echo $hub_challenge;
I found the problem! I was using Parse which does not host php pages. I put my file on my bluehost account and it now works! My app can now show the pay dialog on Facebook using the callback url I gave it.

Any example on how to implement the new VerificationController and the KNOWN_TRANSACTIONS_KEY constant?

I've been looking at implementing the new VerificationController to verify in-App-Purchases:
And I wonder if there is some example anywhere en how to validate a transaction, since it seems that the - (BOOL)verifyPurchase:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction; is not enough and it has to be implemented internally to verify the purchase when the data form the server is received.
Another question is if anyone has a clue on what the KNOWN_TRANSACTIONS_KEY is and how to fill it, is it just the product id of the purchase?
In the file "VerificationController.m", check this function:
- (void)saveTransactionId:(NSString *)transactionId
we can see, KNOWN_TRANSACTIONS_KEY is a key to be wrote to NSUserDefaults. So we don't need to touch it.
login iTunes Connect > Manage Your Apps > (click your app) > Manage In-App Purchases > click the link View or generate a shared secret (at bottom-left of the page)
it'll show us:
A shared secret is a unique code that you should use when you make the
call to our servers for your In-App Purchase receipts.
Just click Generate.
You can find a complete implementation over here: Tutorial
This article, In-App Purchases in iOS 6 Tutorial: Consumables and Receipt Validation on the site, offers a download of Apple's code but fleshed-out (including Base64 methods) and tweaked.
You need to perform the validation on a transaction when it changes to one of the completion states:
call the function:
[[VerificationController sharedInstance] verifyPurchase:transaction];
As you say it is not enough to just look at the return value. The function is asynchronous. You need to add some code to VerificationController.m where it says:
#warning Validation succeeded. Unlock content here.
There are also a few other lines with #warning in VerificationController.m where you need to deal with errors.
As for base64 another library you might want to look at using is:
When it comes to
I too would like to know what they are for and why and when they are needed.

Specify request parameters in dotnetopenauth 4

I need to get Facebook display a "Log in to Facebook" prompt rather than a "Go to App" action when performing OAuth. In order to do this, I need to specify "display=popup" as part of the request.
How can I do this when performing OAuth with DotNetOpenAuth 4 using their WebServerClient object?
It seems in previous versions there was a requestParameters parameter in PrepareRequestUserAuthorization but now it just takes an IEnumerable listing scopes.
Add the display=popup query parameter to the URL you set on AuthorizationServerDescription.AuthorizationEndpoint.