I can't target the Google Login for integration testing - flutter

Currently I'm trying to build out the integration testing for an app that someone else built. I'm stuck with the Google sign in.
Specifically, the integration testing can't find the Google pop-up page.
Is there any way to use integration testing for the Google sign?
If not, how do I use integration to start on any page I choose for testing?
Please note that I have not built the app; I'm here to test the app.
I've tried to find a page or anything in the files and folders for the pop-up but I can't find anything.
I've even tried using Dart DevTools but I still can't target the sign-in page.
At the very least, can I bypass this step and start the integration on a different page?
Below is a picture of the sign-in page I'm trying to get the Flutter Integration test to interact with. Note that it has been modified for privacy reasons.


Google login with flutter aad_oauth does not work because of webview

I am doing an azure active directory login with this plugin https://pub.dev/packages/aad_oauth.
However the plugin uses the webview plugin and the following error occurs because of that.
“You can’t sign in from this screen because this app doesn’t comply with Google’s secure browser policy”
Error 403 dissallowed_useragent
How do I get around this problem?
Google allows sign-in with Google Account only in normal browsers, it restricts it in web-views due to security reasons and recommends Google SDKs for iOS and Android for this purpose.
A similar behaviour exists for Facebook login.
In general, these services recognize the default WebView user agent, so to make it work, you could just set a custom user agent value.
You can use my flutter_inappwebview plugin to implement this logic.
I have created a project example that implements it and it's available at https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappwebview_examples/tree/main/third_party_oauth_user_sign_in

Any experience with cypress-social-login using Facebook provider?

I am trying to make an automated test of the Facebook login feature in our web application in Cypress. I would like to skip the visual input of credentials and rather provide them programatically.
I came across the cypress-social-login plugin - https://www.npmjs.com/package/cypress-social-logins
Does anyone have the experience specifically with the implementation of this plugin for Facebook login? Or did anyone manage to automate Facebook login without any plugin?
Another question is: for the plugin to work, I have to provide a login url fom my application. But my application doesn´t have a specific login url. It uses a fullscreen modal that contains a Facebook login button. Is there a way to modify the plugin to deal with this?
Meanwhile I accepted this fact. But I was successful by using another much simpler approach: First I go to facebook.com and log in there. Then I open my App and click the Facebook login button. In this way I can simulate the majority of users that are already signed in.
Unfortunately, when I run the tests on Lambdatest, Facebook won´t let me sign-in and tells me that I am misusing their services by going too fast :D
For now I am left by running tests locally.

Is it possible to for an Ionic(5) Capacitor(3) application to complete an Open ID (Auth0) flow?

I am struggling to utlise the angular-auth-oidc-client to add OIDC workflows into my Ionic app (android), although I feel the issues are more Capacitor so not sure that the library is the issue. There are numerous (old) posts on Google of people who have had similar problems, so I'm trying to ascertain the current state of play. I can:
By utilising a custom android scheme in my AndroidManifest, and an 'appUrlOpen' listener in app.component my OIDC login page loads in the Chrome browser on the device, and then returns to the Ionic app and opens the correct app page. Unfortunately because I've opened the login in Chrome it hangs around in the background with the username and password populated. I've no handle to it to close it, and the Capacitor plugins don't help me here.
Alternatively, I can add my ID Provider domain into 'AllowNavigation' in capacitor.config.json. This opens my login page in the app's webview, begins the redirect on successful login but fails (hangs) because Capacitor is not loaded when it attempts Window.Capacitor.triggerevent calls.
This is probably classed as a poor question, and I appreciate that it is light on code, but I'm interested in whether anyone has actually managed to do this successfully, as there are so many dead ends on google and github of people who've given up!
Yes it is possible to complete an Open ID Flow on ionic with capacitor.
You need a capacitor plugin to do so, ionic provides an own payed plugin (https://ionic.io/docs/auth-connect), other alternatives exist.
angular-auth-oidc-client out of the box works only on browser, not on iOS or Android. It seems that some adoption can be made, see https://github.com/damienbod/angular-auth-oidc-client/issues/807.

Actions on Google: Alpha Tester

I read the guide on Actions on Google, concerning the publication of an alpha version
3 days ago, I have filled out the form
However, when I share the test link, this error appears:
At the moment it is not possible to find what you are looking for. Try later.
I'm pretty sure this is a Google bug
I did a further test:
I opened the link on an Android device
In this case I display a form to publish my review,
but anyway I can not test the application
Can you help me ?
You should not open this in the browser, instead choose the Google Assistant app on your mobile and open this page from mobile device. Then scroll down to the middle of the directory page/opt-in link you have been given and enable yourself as an Alpha Tester (you will see this button only if you have been whitelisted by the app owner/developer) and continue testing your app on mobile device.
You'll get this page for several hours after enabling alpha testing. After some time it switched to showing me the action directory listing for our app.
Once the page is active and you can see the directory listing you'll need to open the link on your mobile phone! This is mentioned in really small and un-emphasized copy under the link. Also, it's not immediately obvious as the opt in link will most likely be below the bottom edge of your phone screen. You'll have to scroll down to opt-in to alpha testing. Once you enable alpha-testing you should immediately have access to the action.
even i faced the issue , but you can alpha test by switching your account like in google assistant change your default account like the account you used for development.
this might help , thank you

Get Facebook Access Token in unity3d Desktop App

I am new in unity3d and i am trying to create an app with social connect for unity3d desktop app.I read some tutorial like unity-and-facebook. My problem is how to get an access token of user.I follow same steps as i read getting-started on facebook. When facebook-unity package import to my new package and change app id from facebook setting.I am getting a default access token and dummy user logedin.
Sorry for my English.
I'm afraid we don't directly support desktop applications at the moment. If you are testing in the editor we put dummy data in to help with testing, but you must run your app on apps.facebook.com/, or run it on ios or android.
I'm studying this solution recently,
I Got a solution form this page
The addition condition is that you may have to setup a webpage to parse the authorize code.
Then your desktop app can get the code form the webpage you setup.