Is there any way to reference names within pubspec.yaml? - flutter

Is there any way to reference a predefined name in pubspec.yaml?
I am trying to reference the "name" key's value in a structure used by a plugin
name: tpoly
description: A new Flutter application.
# [...]
name: *name
At the end the plugin should receive (basically the value should get substituted),
name: tpoly

First declare the variable using &. Here, foo, for example:
name: &foo tpoly
To refer, use *.
name: *foo


How to use !ImportValue to get the resource arn using AWS SAM template

I have a base template, output section is like this:
Value: !Ref Psycopg2LayerLambdaLayer
How to get the arn of Psycopg2LayerLambdaLayer using the output from the base template in my new template? is this correct?
Layers: !ImportValue layerName.arn
If you want to use an Output value as an Import in a different template, you must export it first. In your example, it might look like the following:
Value: !GetAtt Psycopg2LayerLambdaLayer.arn
Name: psycopg2LayerArn
After deploying this, you can import the value in another stack with !ImportValue psycopg2LayerArn.
Note that an export has to have a unique name per account and region, therefore it is a good idea to prefix it with the stack/resource name. Also note that you can’t export objects, only scalar values such as strings.

Conditional expression in withParam of argo workflow template spec

Is it possible to specify a conditional expression in the withParam of a template step? For example, I have a very typical parallelization case that works fine:
- name: my-template
- - name: make-list
template: makes-a-list
- - name: consume-list
template: process-list-element
- name: param-name
value: "{{item}}"
withParam: "{{steps.make-list.outputs.result}}"
What I'd like to do is be able to have consume-list use a different list of "items" to process in parallel, if specified. I've tried several variations of this:
withParam: "{{= workflow.parameters.use-this-list == '' ? steps.make-list.outputs.result : workflow.parameters.use-this-list }}"
where workflow-level parameter use-this-list can be given as a JSON list (e.g., '["item1","item2"]') or an empty string, in which case I'd like the template to use the output of the make-list step.
I've tried that conditional expression many different ways -- using different quotations, using toJson around different parts of it, etc. -- but argo never seems to be able to understand it.
Is it possible to do something like this? FWIW I haven't found any examples anywhere that attempt this sort of thing.

Why YAML Schema (from JSON Schema) is returning $ref x in schema can not be resolved?

I have this schema file in ./types/index.yaml:
$schema: ""
name: Types in YAML
type: object
type: string
type: 'array'
$ref: "#/definitions/flow"
And I have this "instance" YAML file, in contents/en.yaml:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=../types/index.yaml#definitions/flow_list
slug: '123'
I would expect it to allow me to create a list of objects with the slug property on it (to get started), but instead I am getting something like this (with the ...... filled in with the full absolute OS path):
$ref 'definitions/flow_list' in 'file:///...../types/index.yaml' can not be resolved.
I am using the RedHat VSCode YAML extension. Any ideas on how to get it so I can write the array of "flows" here?
Restarting VSCode a few times seemed to fix it.

Parameter name containing special characters on Helm chart

In my Helm chart, I need to set the following Java Spring parameter name:
name: mypasswd
key: mysecretkey
But when applying the template, I encounter a syntax issue.
oc apply -f template.yml
The Deployment "template" is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[79].name: Invalid value: "": a valid environment variable name must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit (e.g. 'my.env-name', or 'MY_ENV.NAME', or 'MyEnvName1', regex used for validation is '[-._a-zA-Z][-._a-zA-Z0-9]*')
What I would usually do is defining this variable at runtime like this:
But since it's storing sensitive data, obviously I cannot log in clear the password.
So far I could only think about defining an Initcontainer as a workaround, changing the parameter name is not an option.
Edit: So the goal is to not log the password neither in the manifest nor in the application logs.
Assign the value from your secret to one environment variable, and use it in the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable value. the way to expand the value of a previously defined variable VAR_NAME, is $(VAR_NAME).
For example:
name: mypasswd
key: mysecretkey
value: "$(MY_PASSWORD)"
There are some conditions for kuberenetes in order to parse the $(VAR_NAME) correctly, otherwise $(VAR_NAME) will be parsed as a regular string:
The variable VAR_NAME should be defined before the one that uses it
The value of VAR_NAME must not be another variable, and must be defined.
If the value of VAR_NAME consists of other variables or is undefined, $(VAR_NAME) will be parsed as a string.
In the example above, if the secret mypasswd in the pod's namespace doesn't have a value for the key mysecretkey, $(MY_PASSWORD) will appear literally as a string and will not be parsed.
Dependent environment variables
Use secret data in environment variables

How to include default value with tpl function call

I have top level chart and one of the subcharts. In subchart I want to use variables that defined in level chart, and if it is not found - use default value.
I have code like this in one of deployment definitions in my subchart
name: {{tpl .}}
where - is parameter from top level chart.
Problem is when I try to install only subchart - I am failing, I need some defaults.
I tried to puth like below and it is not working
name: {{default defaultName tpl .}}
name: {{tpl . | defaultName}}
Could you please advise the correct way to do that.
As per Using the default function:
One function frequently used in templates is the default function:
default DEFAULT_VALUE GIVEN_VALUE. This function allows you to specify
a default value inside of the template, in case the value is omitted.
You should use:
name: {{ | default "defaultName" | quote }}