When storing an array in the Azure pipeline yaml parameter, I normally declare the type object that looks something like this:
- name: versions
type: object
- 3.0.1
- 3.0.2
- 3.0.3
But now, the issue is I don't know this array set of versions and I have to get it from a command.
So I was thinking something like this:
- name: versions
type: object
default: $npm view #get-versions
But it does not seem to work. Does anyone know how to get values from command for the parameter in yaml pipeline? I appreciate it so much!
You can't. Parameters need to be pre-defined and cannot be dynamically generated.
The ugly workaround would be to write an application that parses and updates the pipeline YAML when a new version of your package is published. An alternative is to just make the parameter value a free-form text field, with a reasonable default.
I am actually implementing CI/CD for my application. I want to start the application automatically using pm2. So I am getting the syntax error on line 22.
This is my yml file
This is the error I am getting on github
The problem in the syntax here is related to how you used the - symbol.
With Github actions, you need at least a run or uses field inform for each step inside your job, at the same level of the name field (which is not mandarory), otherwise the github interpreter will return an error.
Here, from line 22, you used something like this:
- name: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
So there are two problems:
First, the name and the run field aren't at the same yaml level.
Second, your step with the name field doesn't have a run or uses field associated with it (you need at least one of them).
The correct syntax should be:
- name: ...
run: ...
- run: ...
- run: ...
Reference about workflow syntax
I have an environment.yml shown as follow, I would like to read out the content of the name variable (core-force) and set it as a value of the global variable in my azure-pipeline.yamal file how can I do it?
name: core-force
- conda-forge
- click
- Sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- numpy
- pylint
- azure-cosmos
- python=3
- flask
- pytest
- shapely
in my azure-pipeline.yml file I would like to have something like
tag: get the value of the name from the environment.yml aka 'core-force'
Please check this example:
File: vars.yml
favoriteVeggie: 'brussels sprouts'
File: azure-pipelines.yml
- template: vars.yml # Template reference
- script: echo My favorite vegetable is ${{ variables.favoriteVeggie }}.
Please note, that variables are simple string and if you want to use list you may need do some workaraund in powershell in place where you want to use value from that list.
If you don't want to use template functionality as it is shown above you need to do these:
create a separate job/stage
define step there to read environment.yml file and set variables using REST API or Azure CLI
create another job/stage and move you current build defitnion into there
I found this topic on developer community where you can read:
Yaml variables have always been string: string mappings. The doc appears to be currently correct, though we may have had a bug when last you visited.
We are preparing to release a feature in the near future to allow you to pass more complex structures. Stay tuned!
But I don't have more info bout this.
Global variables should be stored in a separate template file. This file ideally would be in a separate repo where other repos can refer to this.
Here is another answer for this
I have top level chart and one of the subcharts. In subchart I want to use variables that defined in level chart, and if it is not found - use default value.
I have code like this in one of deployment definitions in my subchart
name: {{tpl .Values.global.my.GlobalValue .}}
where Values.global.my.GlobalValue - is parameter from top level chart.
Problem is when I try to install only subchart - I am failing, I need some defaults.
I tried to puth like below and it is not working
name: {{default defaultName tpl .Values.global.my.GlobalValue .}}
name: {{tpl .Values.global.my.GlobalValue . | defaultName}}
Could you please advise the correct way to do that.
As per Using the default function:
One function frequently used in templates is the default function:
default DEFAULT_VALUE GIVEN_VALUE. This function allows you to specify
a default value inside of the template, in case the value is omitted.
You should use:
name: {{ .Values.global.my.GlobalValue | default "defaultName" | quote }}
In Ansible, there are several places where variables can be defined: in the inventory, in a playbook, in variable files, etc. Can anyone explain the following observations that I have made?
When defining a Boolean variable in an inventory, it MUST be capitalized (i.e., True/False), otherwise (i.e., true/false) it will not be interpreted as a Boolean but as a String.
In any of the YAML formatted files (playbooks, roles, etc.) both True/False and true/false are interpreted as Booleans.
For example, I defined two variables in an inventory:
And when debugging the type of these variables inside a role...
- debug:
msg: "abc={{ abc | type_debug }} xyz={{ xyz | type_debug }}"
... then abc becomes unicode but xyz is interpreted as a bool:
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "abc=unicode xyz=bool"
However, when defining the same variables in a playbook, like this:
abc: false
xyz: False
... then both variables are recognized as bool.
I had to realize this the hard way after executing a playbook on production, running something that should not have run because of a variable set to 'false' instead of 'False' in an inventory. Thus, I'd really like to find a clear answer about how Ansible understands Booleans and how it depends on where/how the variable is defined. Should I simply always use capitalized True/False to be on the safe side? Is it valid to say that booleans in YAML files (with format key: value) are case-insensitive, while in properties files (with format key=value) they are case-sensitive? Any deeper insights would be highly appreciated.
Variables defined in YAML files (playbooks, vars_files, YAML-format inventories)
YAML principles
Playbooks, vars_files, and inventory files written in YAML are processed by a YAML parser first. It allows several aliases for values which will be stored as Boolean type: yes/no, true/false, on/off, defined in several cases: true/True/TRUE (thus they are not truly case-insensitive).
YAML definition specifies possible values as:
Ansible docs confirm that:
You can also specify a boolean value (true/false) in several forms:
create_key: yes
needs_agent: no
knows_oop: True
likes_emacs: TRUE
uses_cvs: false
Variables defined in INI-format inventory files
Python principles
When Ansible reads an INI-format inventory, it processes the variables using Python built-in types:
Values passed in using the key=value syntax are interpreted as Python literal structure (strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, None), alternatively as string. For example var=FALSE would create a string equal to FALSE.
If the value specified matches string True or False (starting with a capital letter) the type is set to Boolean, otherwise it is treated as string (unless it matches another type).
Variables defined through --extra_vars CLI parameter
All strings
All variables passed as extra-vars in CLI are of string type.
The YAML principles define the possible Boolean values that are accepted by Ansible. However after parsing only two values remain (true and false), these are valid in JSON too, so if you do some things with these values in Ansible, then true and false are good choices. Also the Ansible documentation states
Use lowercase ‘true’ or ‘false’ for boolean values in dictionaries if
you want to be compatible with default yamllint options.
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
- name: true or false?
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: "all these boolean inputs evaluate to 'true'"
msg: "{{ item }}"
- true
- True
- yes
- Yes
- on
- On
- ON
- name: "all these boolean inputs evaluate to 'false'"
msg: "{{ item }}"
- false
- False
- no
- No
- NO
- off
- Off
The YAML principles define the possible Boolean values that are accepted by Ansible. However after parsing only two values remain (true and false), these are valid in JSON too, so if you do things with JSON in Ansible, then true and false are good choices. The best IMHO.
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
- name: true or false?
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: "all these boolean inputs evaluate to 'true'"
msg: "{{ item }}"
- true
- True
- yes
- Yes
- on
- On
- ON
- name: "all these boolean inputs evaluate to 'false'"
msg: "{{ item }}"
- false
- False
- no
- No
- NO
- off
- Off