cant get unity hub to install unity editor - unity3d

So, when I try to install the unity editor from unity hub 2.4.3, it says I don't have enough memory. I have over 600 gigabytes, which should be more than enough. I think it might be trying to install on another drive, and if it is, it wont give me an option to change which drive it will download to. How would I make it install to the right location? If this isn't the right place to ask, please show me where to ask this.

One of the potential reasons for Unity being unable to install an instance of Unity Editor as you mentioned could be a lack of space in the specific drive that you're trying to install the editor on.
In order to change the install location, go to preferences by clicking on the gear icon in Unity Hub:
After that, you should see Unity Editors Path which you can use to change the install location of all the Unity editors:

On the mac the problem for me was, that the folder was not writable. I changed the owner of the directory to my user and the installtion worked.


How do I specify an installation path for Unity in Unity HUB

I have just downloaded and installed UnityHUB on my laptop in the local disk F: which has 100GBs of space.
Now the problem is that when I try to install Unity Engine it tries to install it in my local disk C: which just has 10GB of space for some reasons I don't want to clear any space in local disk C: I want to install Unity in local disk F: but I don't see an option to decide the path It just by default tries to install it in my local disk C.
Any help or improvement in the question will be welcome.
Open Unity Hub, and click the gear icon.
In General tab, Set the editor's path
Unity Hub
Click Setting Gear Icon.
Click General Tab.
On Right side Unity Editors Folder click ...(Three dot on click)
Select Directory or create new folder after select.[ If error not enough space make sure check enough space after select another directory]
Select Folder.
Click Save Button.
Best Solution:
Please Change another Directory and click select folder click.
Please select your directory or create new folder and select it.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

How to get ML Agents to run in Unity?

I've tried going through the documentation but the steps mentioned there aren't quite clear enough. Is there a good step by step video tutorial that can be helpful? The ones I saw on YouTube are pretty old and don't work with the latest updates on GitHub
This will help you to setup ml agent version 14.
I am currently using this version.
I suggest you create a new python environment for only this purpose.
Don't use pip install mlagents in your python environment terminal. This is not updated to 14 when i installed it, so use the link above to see complete guide but here's the important stuff.
Download zip file
Ml Agents master
When you extract this Zip, you should open this extracted folder .
Then open cmd at that location. Activate your python environment and follow these steps:
You should install the packages from the cloned repo rather than from PyPi. To do this, you will need to install ml-agents and ml-agents-envs separately.Open cmd inside ml-agents=master folder and activate your python environment then, From the repo's root directory, run:
cd ml-agents-envs
pip3 install -e ./
cd ..
cd ml-agents
pip3 install -e ./
It is very important that both packages are installed from same ml agent folder, this will not work if the version are not compatible. if installed from same folder both packages will have same version i.e. 14 in this case.
These two packages will help you to use predefined PPo and SAC algo.
I suppose you have installed 2018 or 2019 Unity. Open it and Goto File → Open project
Now in open dialog box select folder Project inside ml-agents-master folder that you have downloaded.
Sorry that most of the things are named project but don't be confused, earlier project was a folder inside ml-agents-master but after opening it you will see a Project toolbar. Follow Assets\ML-Agents\Examples\3DBall\Scenes now double click on 3Dball.
This will open a scene as you can see here. You can also see TFModels and Scirpts they are predefined neural network and code, respectively.
Select Agent in Hierarchy toolbar in left side (this will make change for only that instance of 3Dball it will be better to go to prefabs then double click on 3Dball this will open only one 3Dball whose settings will be applied on all instances now in hierarchy you will see only one 3Dball, now select it's Agent rest is same but now changes will affect all copies of 3Dball, prefabs are used to control all the copies this helps to train multiple agents at same time) then in right side Inspector view will open, inside Behaviors parameters you can see Model and a input in its box. Keep the agent selected otherwise this inspector view will disappear .
Now Goto TFModels folder, you will see a 3DBall file that looks like Neural network. Drag this to that Agent's Behavior parameters Model.
After Following all these steps Click on play option on top . Now the predefined model will start playing and you will see that it can balance the ball pretty well.
Now that you are able to see how trained model work and want to train again using predefined PPO and SAC, follow this
goto: ml-agents-master\config, here you will find a file trainer_config.yaml, now open cmd then activate your environment and enter code
mlagents-learn trainer_config.yaml --run-id=firstRun --train
When the message "Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor" is displayed on the screen, you can press the ▶️ button in Unity to start training in the Editor. You can press Ctrl+C to stop the training, and your trained model will be at models run-identifier → behavior_name.nn where behavior_name is the name of the Behavior Name of the agents corresponding to the model.
Move your model file into Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels/.
Open the Unity Editor, and select the 3DBall scene as described above.
Select the 3DBall prefab Agent object.
Drag the <behavior_name>.nn file from the Project window of the Editor to the Model placeholder in the Ball3DAgent inspector window.
Press the ▶️ button at the top of the Editor.
Now, for your own RL algorithm in python:
see this jupyter notebook it shows how we activate unity gym and get observations, rewards and reset environment. For this use can also create Unity executable, it's just creating exe files with some settings which you will find here
Hope this works without any issues. And Good Luck with this.

unity hub does not let me install unity; error: "There is not enough space to download and install the selected items"

So I'm pretty sure this is not the right forum for asking a question like this therefore I would really appreciate it someone links me to a better forum for this question (if needed).
My problem:
In the unity hub I have it set so that the unity editors should download in a folder on my hard drive. However, when I click to install unity, it says there is not enough space. I believe this is because the unity hub ignored my request to install onto my hard drive (which has 180 gigabytes left) and tries to install it into my ssd (which only has 888 mb left).
It's either Unity's fault, or the fact that even though I'm telling unity to install onto my hard drive, it still needs to download some files onto my ssd and there is just not enough space. Hopefully one of you will know the answer to this problem.
Download the needed unity version directly here:
Then install it on your hdd.
Link the installed editor to Unity hub, inside the hub.
Just redefine your installation path (Unity editors path) from unity hub preferences. It worked for me.
The unity hub, first downloads into it's temporary directory in C:\users<username(s)>\Appdata , which is a hidden folder, that's why it doesn't appear , in order to see this you to check the hidden checkbox in the view tab in your file explorer (btw this worked with me on windows , idk if this gonna work on other OS but you can try) . It does this first and then installs the Editor and still needs a little more space to install like 3gb of data . So, depending on your requirements check if your C drive , even if your installing on another drive . TLDR ; Check your C drive compalsary .

After updating unity to latest version, the unity launcher is blank

Yesterday I updated my unity to latest version..
Then the launcher is blank.
And when i open any .unity file.. It opens the editor with a error.
Error loading file:///C%3A%2FUsers%2FBuckyDroidz%2FAppData%2FRoaming%2FUnity%2FPackages%2Fnode_modules%2Funity-editor-home%2Fdist/index.html#/login
Unity is still working and running the project.. But unity launcher is not working
After searching on google I found a fix. I mean I have to add some file in package folder.. But there was a link to download those files and the link is dead...
Help Me!!
Looking at your SO username, it looks like this is a problem with your computer username.The D in your name is probably "Ď" or some other character and Unity is having problem reading that file path(C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Unity/Packages/node_modules/unity-editor-home/dist/index.html#/login). This causes license check to fail.
Two things to try:
Method 1.
Change your username
A.Change your name to valid English characters
B.Uninstall and install Unity again to recognize that change.
If this does not fix your problem, do method 2.
Method 2
Do manual Activation
A.Disconnect your internet/wifi.
B.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
C.Click on Manual Activation.
D.Click on Save License or Save License Request(Depends on Unity version)
E.Connect to your internet/wifi.
F.Go to then upload that saved license there. Follow steps to on the website to create a license on that website. Make sure to chose free unity version as the license type. When everything is done, you will be able to download a key file. Download that file.
G.Disconnect your internet/wifi again.
H.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
I.Click on Manual Activation.
J.Click on Load License then choose the file you downloaded from step F.
You can now connect to your internet/wifi again. Restart Unity and test if the problem is still there.
This is a issue with 2017.2 as well
To fix
go to C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\Packages
You can see 4 tgz files
Use an unarchive program (I used 7-zip file manager) to open each one of these and extract contents (dist folder and package.json file) to your Roaming folder
After extract, the folder looks like this..
and unity-editor-home like below (one level subfolders shown)

Unity 5 import package

I have installed Unity 5 personal version and trying to follow tutorials.
One of the tasks is to right click on assets and import a character package, however, when I right click on assets and point to import package, all I see is custom packages without any other options like the guy has on the tutorial.
For example: character, effects, environments, vehicles, etc.
Is there something that I forgot to install, or do I need to enable it somewhere?
When you download and install Unity, be sure to check the box for Standard Assets during installation.
Try downloading the Standard Assets installer from their website.
Click additional downloads
Click Standard Assets
Credits to Klockrent.
I think you forgot to install standard assets.
Go to the following link,
And select standard assets for your version.
After downloading the standard assets, just install it.
It will resolve your issue.