After updating unity to latest version, the unity launcher is blank - unity3d

Yesterday I updated my unity to latest version..
Then the launcher is blank.
And when i open any .unity file.. It opens the editor with a error.
Error loading file:///C%3A%2FUsers%2FBuckyDroidz%2FAppData%2FRoaming%2FUnity%2FPackages%2Fnode_modules%2Funity-editor-home%2Fdist/index.html#/login
Unity is still working and running the project.. But unity launcher is not working
After searching on google I found a fix. I mean I have to add some file in package folder.. But there was a link to download those files and the link is dead...
Help Me!!

Looking at your SO username, it looks like this is a problem with your computer username.The D in your name is probably "Ď" or some other character and Unity is having problem reading that file path(C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Unity/Packages/node_modules/unity-editor-home/dist/index.html#/login). This causes license check to fail.
Two things to try:
Method 1.
Change your username
A.Change your name to valid English characters
B.Uninstall and install Unity again to recognize that change.
If this does not fix your problem, do method 2.
Method 2
Do manual Activation
A.Disconnect your internet/wifi.
B.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
C.Click on Manual Activation.
D.Click on Save License or Save License Request(Depends on Unity version)
E.Connect to your internet/wifi.
F.Go to then upload that saved license there. Follow steps to on the website to create a license on that website. Make sure to chose free unity version as the license type. When everything is done, you will be able to download a key file. Download that file.
G.Disconnect your internet/wifi again.
H.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
I.Click on Manual Activation.
J.Click on Load License then choose the file you downloaded from step F.
You can now connect to your internet/wifi again. Restart Unity and test if the problem is still there.

This is a issue with 2017.2 as well
To fix
go to C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\Packages
You can see 4 tgz files
Use an unarchive program (I used 7-zip file manager) to open each one of these and extract contents (dist folder and package.json file) to your Roaming folder
After extract, the folder looks like this..
and unity-editor-home like below (one level subfolders shown)


Unity Prefabs missing after pulling project from GitHub

I started to make a project on a Windows computer and uploaded it via GitHub. Later I wanted to download it on my Mac. But when I start the project on MacOS Unity the scene is empty and all prefabs are missing. Every time when I check GitHub it is deleting a lots of meta.files. When I discard the deletion, all meta.files are deleted again as soon as I start the project on my Mac.
Getting back to Windows GitHub says that everything is pushed. Referring to that article ( the problem appears similar. But the solution does not help.
What is the problem to get my project from Windows to Mac via GitHub?
"Unity deletes .meta files":
After some research the answer to this seems to be - Unity removes .meta files when the corresponding object is missing.
"Prefabs are missing":
GitHub on my windows computer did not commit the .obj files. It took me a while to figure out that somehow a "gitignore_global.txt" was installed from somewhere (maybe GitHub Desktop?). .obj files were included to be ignored. That "gitignore_global.txt" is located in:[x:/User/Documents]
If you face the same problem - check the gitignore-file in your Unity project too. If certain file types are prohibited via one of these 2 files - no chance!

Unity - unity error cs2001 source file could not be found 2018

Ever since i updated my Unity, It keep telling me
error cs2001 source file "Scripts.cs" could not be found
I even tried creating a whole new project with new file and still getting this problem.
Anybody knows how to fix this problem!!!!!!
Sorry for my English.
Unity Version 2018.1.0f2
enter image description here
If the missing file is a script that you've renamed or deleted, simply recreate a script with the same name in the location mentioned. Then let Unity recompiles the scripts. Once successfully compiled feel free to delete the file if it no longer is necessary.
Check the folow:
1 Location of your update files in linux have 777 permissions for the user you have?. Or your file is in the location?.
2 path to the file correct writely?. You know in Windows or Linux use / or \ test it
3 your file have a name with extension correctly?
I hope this helps
Today I ran into that same problem as well after restoring a Windows system restore point. I assume that Windows restored some old Unity cache files in that process which led to that error.
Simply creating the missing file(s) works. But if you did a lot of changes / renames / removals recently you may have to re-create quite a lot of files to make it compile again.
If you're using version control like Git or SVN you can jump back to an earlier point in your change history (one where the probelmatic files still existed), let Unity compile and then go back to your current state.

Unity3d OSX "Application can't be opened"

I'm using a PC and I've created a build for Mac standalone.
I shared the file with my test user by zipping and emailing the build, but when he tries to run the application he sees this error:
The application "" can't be opened.
After some searching, I learned that I need to do chmod to open the file. Can anyone tell me how to do that on a Mac?
The zip format doesn't have easy support for Unix-like file permissions, so your transfer process is stripping any permission flags that OSX uses to recognize files within that zip that are supposed to be executable. This can also happen with other file transfer solutions, so it's something to watch out for.
The best solution would be to create an archive which does keep those permissions, such as a tar archive.
Failing that, you can have a Mac user open a terminal and set the permission flag manually:
chmod a+x*
(Replace with whatever your .app folder is named)
I had the same issue, I left an answer here, at the bottom:
The problem was not with the .zip, but rather with the build itself. Ran fine on my Mac, did NOT run fine once I uploaded it and downloaded it again (or if anyone else downloaded it).
Edited 12/8/2021, as per EmiOB's suggestion, to add the text of my answer (same as in the link):
This worked for me on 2020.3.16f1:
In the Unity Editor: Build Settings, check the box that lets you make an XCode project (requires having XCode installed, I believe I have Xcode 11)
Open the XCode project
That solved my problem :)

MonkeyTalk-While recording not recognizing the recorded script in MonkeyTalk,is any problems with me?

We tried to Implement two types of scenarios on Monkey Talk
One is recording through Source Code and Converting Eclipse Project to Aspect J project-Its working fine.
Second scenario we tried to use the .APK file for same project we are unable to record the apk formatted set up
Clarifications needed for Below points:
Can we record .APK file setups in Monkey talk or not
As per My Observation from Web we can use .APK file but I am
Unable to Find out the Solution for my Problem.
Looking forward to assist with you if you have any concerns & Waiting or your Informative reply..
Best Regards,
Uday Reddy.S
I was able to record using .apk when the device was connected by the option Android Device(USB). You will have to wait for 10-15 secs for the record button to be enabled.
You first have to make your app source code compatible with Monkeytalk by below steps and after than you can automate it
steps are :
1)Download MonkeyTalk for gorilla logic website and unzip it.
2)Open Eclipse and convert your project on "Aspectj" (need a plugin aspectj - for eclipse)- Once it get downloaded right click on your app,configure,Convert to aspectj.
3)Then under your project folder structure search for "libs" folder if it's exist then ok else create it.
4)Once it get done go to monkeytalk,agents,android,Monkeytalkjar file. Copy it and paste it under libs folder.
5)Once it done click on "jar" file and right click on it,Aspectjtools,Add to aspectpath.
6)Then go to Androidmanifest.xml file where we have to add some permissions;
<Uses-permissions android:name="android.Permission.INTERNET/>
<Uses-permissions android:name="android.Permission.Get_TASKS/>
and save it.
7)Go to project click on it,Right click,properties,JavaBuild Path,Check the "Aspectj Runtime Library,Ok.
8)Run your application as a Android application.
9) Open monkey talk.
10) Create new project,Create new script.
11)Then set the android sdk path under prefences; MonkeyTalk,MonketTalkPrefences,Android SDK path,ok.
12) Connect to emulator on monkeytalk.
Now you will be able to record and play in MonkeyTalk.
Some start up code for your reference eg; if we have two textfield username and password and one button submit.

Problem installing ad-hoc app on iphone: "resources have been modified."

I can install an app on my development iPhone compiled with "Debug" configuration using my Ad Hoc provisioning and everything works OK.
But when I build it using "Release" configuration, iTunes says:
The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified.
I've never seen this message before. Does anybody know what it means?
We had the same problem during our first Beta. Someone on Windows dug in the folder then Explorer created a Thumbs.db file inside and, boom, he got the message "The application XXX was not installed on the iPhone "YYYY" because its resources have been modified." when he tried to install.
He had to remove the app from iTunes, deleted all the Thumbs.db from and then it worked.
We finally got rid of the problem. We were trying to include an image for iTunes after creating the build, but when we used this method ( everything went smoothly.
Just in case it helps someone: In my case, I copied the .app to a network drive, then to my Win7 computer before dragging into iTunes - then it did not work. When I zipped the .app first before copying, and then unzipped it on the other end - it worked. Of course, I have no real idea why....
Your debug configuration and your release configuration have some important differences, and release is a lot closer to what ad-hoc should look like. So you first need to duplicate the release configuration and make and call your copy "Ad-Hoc", and make sure you use your ad-hoc provisioning profile with it. Then you need to create a new entitlements file. The new version of Xcode has a cool feature where you can build and archive your app into an ipa file that includes your provisioning profile.
How to do all of this is explained here:
In those instructions, when it tells you to make the entitlements plist file, it says to uncheck get-task-allow in the plist file. When I created the entitlements file, there wasn't a get-task-allow row at all, so I created one, set the type to boolean, and left it unchecked. It worked great for me.
The best solution to avoid wierdness like this is to create an IPA file. A good step-by-step guide to creating an IPA target in XCode is here:
It starts out with an introductory project so search for "Aggregate" to find the point where it starts telling you how to create a new IPA target for build.
I directly upload the app to a server where the windows can also visit. Then compress it in Windows.
I had it, did a clean build and never saw it again.
Incomplete ipa/zip archives (received at the installation end) were the cause for us.
I had this problem using a run script to cp -R the .app file to the Payload folder, for some reason when the script copied the file it modified it somehow, if I used finder and manually copied the .app file into the payload folder and manually zipped the .ipa file it worked fine. I tested it several times using codesign -v to verify the .app file. it always through the error after a build and the run script. but no error when I would copy the file manually.
For me the issue was the .Double files being added to every directory on a shared network drive. We are primarily a Windows environment, and the Mac was saving .Double file on the drive, in every directory.
Literally, to fix the issue referenced above, I simply deleted the .Double files in every directory (of the app being copied to iTunes) and it fixed it.
Hope this helps someone!
I was tasked to test some apps and for some reason was the only one on my team getting this this error. I am working on an XP. All the apps we are testing use the same provisioning file yet some would sync while others would not. Not sure what fixed it but I did go into my *My Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications* folder, deleted the existing .ipa file for the app I was trying to sync and it seemed to sync fine after. It might not be the answer to your problem but give it a try.
If you work with asstes on a Mac, or have versioned content, I had the same problem with .DS_Store files and hidden .git folders. Once deleted from assets, problem gone. It might be an issue with hidden files.