How to override image transparency (flame) - flutter

I am using flame and loading an image and trying to render the image without the background color:

Flame can't know what part of your image that is the background, you'll have to remove the background and replace it with transparency in a graphics editor first.


Problem while Making Background in Unity 3D

I'm Following these steps
Follow these few steps to add texture as a camera background:
Create a new Canvas that would hold your image.
In that canvas, on Canvas component set:
Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera.
Render Camera to your main camera (drag&drop).
Plane Distance are the units, at which the background would render.
Right-click on the newly created canvas and create an Image inside of it.
On the newly created image on Image component:
Set Source Image to your desired background sprite.
and can't insert my background also
can anyone help ?
It maybe that you will have to use a raw Image instead of a normal image as I think .png files are not supported in a normal Image component

Iphone Set background image into text in uitextView?/

I have a uiimageView containing the text like this.
I want to set the image background of the text to look like this instead.
Please help me! Thanks!
You will need to combine an image of the text with the background image (the stuff that is supposed to fill the inside of the text) using compositing. Take a look at the various blend modes you can use, or look into the use of CIFilter.
The thing in the background looks like it might be a gradient. Again, you can use a CIFilter to generate that gradient, or you can use Core Graphics. So you'll composite the drawn text with its fill image, then you'll draw that over a gradient.
instead of text in black solid color, make image with transparent text and outer region as the grey gradient you want and put this image over you background image, you will get the desired result.

Gradient texture background

I want to create a dark grill texture that fades to black for a configuration screen under a page curl effect.
Garmin StreetPilot Onboard uses something like this:,3253,l%253D286397%2526a%253D286507%2526po%253D7,00.asp?p=n
How do I programmatically create a background such as this? I really don't want to include an image the size of the iPhone screen; this seems the lazy approach.
I would create it in two parts. First, draw a gradient using the normal quartz drawing functions. Then, add an overlay with a repeating pattern of dots. These dots could be a small PNG file that is tiled, or you could use quartz to draw them.
See the documentation for CGContextDrawLinearGradient and [UIColor initWithPatternImage:]

iPhone Drawing Application (Not OpenGL)

I'm new to iPhone drawing field. I need to draw simple drawing on iPad. After I clicked button (that I created on same UIView)I need to erase those lines I was drawn.
In short;
Need to Draw a line.--> Click Button---> Erase those lines.
Now I Can draw A Line. But I want to erase those links and I fond useful links, for drawing and for erasing.
So How can I convert My Drawing image to CGImageRef ?
Is their any learning material for this ?
Is there any sample iPhone or iPad project for Drawing and erasing ?
Without Using OpenGl :)
Thank You.
Simple idea to perform erase operation is, set your current brush color to background color and this will virtually implements an eraser tool.
Draw a Line ---> Click on Eraser Button ---> use same paint method with background color(increased brush size)
Most of the drawing apps will use only white color as background, So that if you use white color brush for eraser with the same painting method will act as eraser. But if you use some other backgrounds like images you have to go for other methods.

How to erase foreground image to make the background visible using OpenGLES?

I'm learning iPhone development specifically OpenGL ES 2. I'm trying to achieve an effect as in steam draw. I have a background image and a foreground image. When I move the finger over the foreground image the corresponding pixels of the foreground image are erased and the background does get visible. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to implement this? Some guide lines?
You can use GL_STENSIL_TEST when drawing foreground to exclude fragments you choose(or your finger ;))