Is there a way to refactor all table-names and column-names of a PowerBI (PBIX) dashboard through Visual Studio Code or any other IDE? - visual-studio-code

I have about 25-30 odd tables in the PowerBI app. reading from a SQL database. The application is towards the end-stages of development, and now business wants things renamed using new conventions and this technically means a lot of rework to manually go 1 table at a time to refactor in PBI. Is there a way in PBI, like how we could simply refactor a C-Sharp/Java codebase through an IDE like Visual Studio/IntelliJ by easily renaming something at one place only and it auto-refactors where-ever that dependency exists?


Access 2013 + Source Control (Team Foundation Server) workflow

Since Access 2013 is not any longer offering direct source control compatibility: how is your workflow to integrate a source code control into MS Access, especially TFS?
Edit: workflow of access2013 -> ANY source code system appreciated
First thing I think of is exporting all objects into Text Files withe the builtin function SaveAsText which is available for almost every item in your database.
Application.SaveAsText acModule, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Module_" & d.Name & ".txt"
I would load, save and maybe even check the plain files in with VBA functions. The question is: is there a better workflow for this task... I really doubt that this is the best way to integrate Access 2013 projects in Sorce control.
I heard of OASIS SVN but I think this is basically the same mechanism I would use.
Please tell me how you manage your access projects
I use OASIS-SVN here to export all objects in my access database file to be text files.
I then use git, souretree, etc...
It has worked well for me and has a number of settings that are useful (eg you can choose to export data, to export table links etc)
It is not ideal, but is manageable and better than nothing!
As you might expect, I use a git project and separate local directory for every access file.
Another option that is recently on the market can be found here "entAscc" now known as Ivercy!
This looks very promising as the source control is integrated into the development environment. I've not used it, but would like to!

Is TFS Source Control really feasible for Dynamics CRM?

I'd really like to get a CRM solution under source control but there are a lot of issues. I was excited to see the SolutionPackager tool - thinking MS finally gave us a way to do this. However the tools to export the solution, extract it to files and check it into source control are not integrated. I'm working on a C# project that ties everything together because it's easier to work with the APIs in a single C# solution than deal with a combination of command line utilities such as tf.exe, PowerShell commandlets and plain old .cmd files.
Source files for plugins and Silverlight pages are easy to deal with but I'm looking to get all of the customizations under source control. SolutionPackager works well for tracking customizations made in the CRM interface, but fails in a lot of other areas. I want to create VS solutions for my web resources and reports but I have issues with the VS project and solution structures. SolutionPackager expects to find things where it puts them for repackaging and I'm sure it would not like to see a bunch of .sln, .csproj and .vspscc files interspersed with them.
I figured putting the VS solutions in a separate folder would be the answer but it's not easy. If I create a project for my web resources and try to put my existing .html, .css and .js files into it it wants to copy those into the project folder. I have to remember to use "Add As Link" each time. Worse yet, if I try to do the same with SSRS reports, the "Add As Link" feature isn't even available.
Has anyone done this successfully? I'm open to any suggestions.
I have seen below link but i have not get chance to implement it.when i have try it will post information.

How I can use TFS Source control for my multi solution brown field project

I want to use TFS source control for my brown project. My project has many solutions. One solution depends on another solution. I have module like following.
…. And so on
BusinessERP. Integration.UI
BusinessERP. Integration.BL
BusinessERP. Integration.DAL
BusinessERP. Integration.DTO
Here one module depends on another and integration depends on all individual modules.
My question is how I can use TFS source control
Shall I create single TeamProject and then paste all my solution there.
If I did that, then by default TFS ignore dll files. So when I want to check out then I get a solution without dll. Then my solution doesn’t run. What is the standard way to keep my solution so that I cannot copy dll or what things I have to do?
Another question is, shall I create Area in TFS under Same Team project? Then under each Area I will put each of my solutions?
Need help how I can start with TFS source control with my multi solution existing project so that I can get all benefit of TFS.
What I would do is create a single team project for every product/project that you have. If the solutions release together, they are part of the same TP.
Have all of the solutions stored together in the source control. This means that if your product is called BusinessERP, for example, then your sources will be stored in the following tree-like configuration:
- BusinessERP
-- BusinessERP.Sales
--- BusinessERP.Sales.UI
--- BusinessERP.Sales.BL
--- BusinessERP.Sales.DAL
--- BusinessERP.Sales.DTO
-- BusinessERP.Purchase
And so on.
If you intend to use a release/versioning plan (and you really should for any serious work), then this is the structure that you will put in the versioning structure. For more on version management in TFS, you may want to refer to the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Branching and Merging Guide.
One important thing to note: If you are managing your sources in different solutions, make sure to manage the inter-dependency between those solutions properly. Make sure that you don't depend on sources from external solutions, but rather on their outputs, and manage those the same way you would with 3rd party dependencies. This will save you a lot of problems when you try to set up a new development environment, as well as avoid situations where the dependent solution breaks because of changes in another solution. If instead you only depend on a tested version of some solution, you will be able to adapt to any breaking changes at your schedule, instead of that of another team.

Versioning for Dummies

I'm looking for a subversion tool, and i have the following requirements:
Must integrate into VS 2008
Automatically submits new versions
Does not use the command line as primary interface
Doesn't clutter up explorer with bright icon overlays or context menus
is only going to be used by one user mostly if not completely, so doesn't need to have advanced diff tools or anything like that
Basically, i want a subversioning tool that will only bother me when creating a project or actually needing to get something from a previous version.
Does something like that exist, and if so, what is it?
Yes. VisualSVN (commercial)
Except for "automatically submits new versions" - that makes no sense.
The day computers know when your code is ready to be committed and free of bugs is the day the world needs a lot less programmers
You commit when you're done a task, which effectively gives you a rollback point. It's also important to add a meaningful commit message ("Fixed crash when clicking on Save button") - this way you can find things easily later. A lot of new users to version control skip this part, and unfortunately only learn the hard way 3 months later when they need to go back and undo a fix/feature.
AnkhSvn is a free alternative, I've personally only used 1.x, which was really quite terrible. It definitely looks more usable in 2.x.
One upside to VisualSVN is that it uses TortoiseSVN for a lot of its dialogs. This means when you're working with subversion just from explorer, you have basically the same interface and same UI. Quite handy, as it lets you do things like edit images or text files without having to fire up VisualStudio, or edit scripts/installers, or other parts of a product that are not necessarily in VisualStudio.
Yes, they are available.
The two I know of are VisualSVN and AnkhSVN. There are a bunch of comparisons available on SO
I use AnkhSVN myself. It is free, integrates nicely with Visual Studio, and doesn't cause any performance issues.
visual SVN is what you need.

How do you check your database in and out of svn (or git)

Currently I go into phpMyAdmin, export my database as a text file and then save it with the application files before I commit things to svn (or git). Then of course, I've got to import it to production.
Is there a better way?
Depends on the language you use, RoR has it built in. Currently for a project I'm doing in MVC I have 2 files in the project in a folder: database. One file contains the structure of the database and one file some dummy variables for testing. I must say it is a cumbersome way of sharing your database since when you update something you have to let the others know they have to rerun the (updated) sql structure script.
The structure script deletes tables if the exist and readds them + adds new tables.
Could not find a better way like db::migrate of Ruby on Rails.
If you don't have something like rails migrate, are in java environment or anything else, check out liquibase. It's pretty cool if you need that much flexibility. We just track .sql files which setup the entire database.
Generally, I would create a script that is able to generate the database (i.e., all the tables, users, views, indexes, etc) and another script that populates the DB with data. Then, use DBDeploy (similar to RoRs migrations) to handle all DB modifications. Then I would create build targets for all these script in Ant, NAnt, Buildr, etc. This way everything is versioned and in text files so it works with any SCM.
If you're looking for migrations similar to db:migrate in Rails, but you're not in rails, there are other options. There's migrate4j which is similar to db:migrate, but written in/for Java. There's also liquibase, which is very flexible and (AFAIK) language independent, but does make you write everything in XML (which is kind of the opposite of "the Rails way").
If you look at Apache ODE, they have a h2.rake task for Buildr that builds a database for testing automatically.