Flutter what does "Open for editing in Android Studio" do - flutter

Perhaps this is a dumb question, but WTH... I've created a Flutter app in Android Studio, running it in AVD devices, etc. I've reached the stage where I'm looking to sign the app, and the docs tell you to use Tools> Flutter>Open for editing in Android Studio.
What exactly is this doing? What's the difference between the first editing session, and the newly created one? The new session has many more Build menu options, including the one necessary for signing, but why aren't these present in the first editing session?
I've tried looking for any explanations for this, and drawn a blank. Always keen to learn... :-)

Do it the simple way.
In android studio: File -> Open -> (your project's folder)/android and open it in a different window.


Launch Flutter app from right-click or long press

I want to be able to select text and then right-click or long-press to have a flutter app appear in the list of available applications to process the selected text.
I found this question which gives a solution for Windows. Is it the case that I will have to develop a native solution for every platform? If so, will this be relatively easy to achieve and will the solution be acceptable to the App stores?

Android Studio: errors in Dart are not showing on the screen

I created a new project in Android Studio Bumble Bee. However when I enter some code that has errors in it the error is not showing up.
For example if I enter the following:
import './screens/authorization/auth_root_screen.dart';
When this directory or screen doesn't exist no error is shown.
Or even if I enter some code with a typo...
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimport './screens/authorization/auth_root_screen.dart';
No error is shown in the IDE.
I guess I am missing a setting somewhere but I havent been able to find it. This always worked fine before I installed BumbleBee.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Thanks so much.
Hi thanks for looking at this. I have solved it myself. I'll post the solution here in case anyone has a similar question.
Do the following:
At the bottom of the Android Studio IDE is a tab called: Dart Analysis. Click on it to open the tab.
On the left hand side of the Dart Analysis screen that opens is a settings Icon. Click on this.
On the settings screen, make sure that "Scope Analysis to the Current Package" is ticked on.
Here is a screen print:
Have you installed the Flutter extension for your Android Studio? You can find it in the Extensions section of your IDE.
Come do these things
First, run this Flutter Doctor code in the terminal, be sure to check all the options
Specify the second SDK FLutter for Android Studio
Third, install the Dart and Flutter plugins

Detect window closing action flutter desktop

I am working on flutter desktop application and want to show alert dialog before closing window. Could not get any information about detecting window closing action.
Can anyone tell me how to do this. Thankx.
You can do it using the existing flutter_window_close package. Check out the example here.
This plugin lets your Flutter app a chance to confirm if the user wants to close your app. It works on desktop platforms including Windows, macOS and Linux.
Try to explore as well bitsdojo_window.

View sqflite table contents for debugging

I am integrating a Database into my flutter app with sqflite. Since I am a visual understander in terms of problems, I would like to be able to see table contents for debugging.
Is there a possibility to view/read the table contents on the phone via some kind of UI or via debug? I am using visual studio code.
Android Studio , Use Database Inspector as Code Poet Said
IntelliJ IDEA / DataGrip. you can choose Android SQLITE db, and it detect your connected devices.
IntelliJ Screenshot
*dont have enough reputation to post img
You can use Database Inspector at bottom bar of Android Studio to view
If you were willing to move to Android studio, from version 4.1 which is available in the Canary and Dev channels, there is a Database Inspector.
Alternatively, I see that there is a VS code extension that might correspond to what you are looking for.
Finally, you could simply use DB Browser for Sqlite.
Good luck!

is there any api to make a shortcut of chrome standalone app to a desktop

normally what happens when you install an app is that it creates a shortcut from where you can launch it on desktop or start menu. However, chrome apps for now are places in chrome app launcher that is packed with all other chrome apps. It's all good and fine. But is there a way to place my app on desktop with user's consent if need be.
There is a way to do it manually. Like if user right clicks on the app in chrome app launcher and click create shortcut which has checkboxes showing places where shortcuts are going to be created ex: desktop, startmenu...
Without a icon of your app on desktop it still doesn't feel like a standalone app.
You can check out the chrome.management.createAppShortcut API that is added recently. Now it's only available on the dev channel:
There is no way to do this. Users can also drag their app from the app launcher to the desktop to create a shortcut.
An API to prompt the user for this isn't something we're likely to support. Personally I think users would find it annoying, as it is simple and easy to create shortcuts where they want.
If you disagree please file a feature request at http://crbug.com. It would be there is some action we could take, e.g. educate users better that they can create shortcuts, but crbug.com is a better place to discuss.