Error in opening the hierarchical stage : Flash Player Error - datastage

Opening the Datastage hierarchical stage we have this error :
Flash Player Error. This application requires an Adobe Flash Player ActiveX control of version 10 or later. Get Flash
Time ago, we modified the mms.cfg and it was working.
But it seems that now they deleted the flash software from windows and we have back again this Error.
Does someone have a brilliant idea to resolve this ?
Thank You -

Flash no longer exists. It was withdrawn by Adobe. Harman has created a replacement, which does work with the hierarchical data stage.


Why is unity stuck on this infinitely?

So im using github desktop to transfer my project around places and today when i went to open my unity project (version 2020.3.17f1) its just stuck on this forever?
I don't know why or how this is happening but it causes unity to halt opening for about 10 mins and as you could probably guess, I dont want that. (PS: event after the 10min pause unity still takes ages to open) I have never encountered this problem before, please god help me...
Edit: I have found what may be the issue, when unity opened it threw a warning saying my 2 empty folders cannot be stored in version control.

Unity play games services cloud save internal error

I have used the same code given by to add the cloud save game functionality, enable save games have been called at the beginning of the code and save games are enabled from the google play console as well. The leaderboards and achievements are working fine.
The OnSaveGameOpened function gets an internal error as SavedGameRequestStatus status.
I am not able to find the cause of this (internal error being received as the status), can anyone help me out please? How can I solve this.
P.S. Serialized data (in the form of bytes[]) was fed into the SaveGame function, serialized using the binary formatter.
I was able to debug this further, I get an error on the activation of save games in the play console. I have activated the save games feature and published it (this was done a few days ago). I have also confirmed that the Drive API, Play Games Services API and Play Games Management API are enabled under the API console project. I get following error,
Cannot use snapshots without enabling the 'Saved Game' feature in Play console
log from running on an android mobile.
The answer to this question
Google Play Games :: Cannot Use Snapshots Exception
states that it will activate within 24hrs, but it is not active even after multiple days.
There are several causes of an internal error; there should be other logs indicating the root cause. You might want to take a look into the source code to know what logs to expect.
If you're testing in an emulator, make sure your play services and play games are up-to-date.
The problem was solved. It was not a problem from my end, it took well over 24 hours for the saved game services to activate. The problem solved itself once the saved games were enabled by google (there was no notification that the saved games were enabled, instead the app started working properly).

Kinect not being detected on other computers after deployment of UWP

I recently finished to develop a UWP based on the SDK example CameraFrames. On the second screen of this example (and also on my app) you can choose to preview the frames taken by the Kinect v2.0 as shown below.
On the top of the image on the right of "Grupo de fontes" (Source group) I am able to choose between the different cameras that are connected to my PC. The problem comes when I deploy my app to another PC, I am unable to see "Kinect V2 Video Sensor". Thus rendering my app obsolete as it needs to be portable between PCs. I have checked that inside "Package.appxmanifest->Capabilities->Web Cam" checkbox is ticked.
I am out of ideas as I don't have a clue why my app works flawlesly on my computer but not on the rest. If you need any extra info to help me with my problem please let me know.
It is worth noting that on the other PCs that I've tried my app can read frames via Kinect Studio or MatLab.
Inside "Camera privacy settings" my app has privileges to use the camera.
Thank you in advance.
Update due to Nico Zhu's comment
My OS is Windows 10 and my target version is "10.0.16299.0". I have downloading and deploying CameraFrames on the second computer that I'm working with but it doesn't recognize the Kinect as in input source. Even though CameraFrames doesn't work doesn't read anything, I can properly make use of the kinect using Kinect Studio.
It seems that my problem is focused on my second computer not being able to make use of the Kinect on any deployed UWPs. What should I installed in order to make sure that I have all that's needed to properly read from the Kinect?
At the end of a lot of headaches I just needed to upgrade my drivers. forge.file.getImage() causes an application crash when accessing Android's Photo Library

We have a serious problem in our application. Before, when we get an Image using camera or via Photo Library, our application crashed and restarts and become a blocker in our development.
W Forge : Unhandled intent result, should have been handled by Forge.
We tried the solution here: : Unhandled intent result
And luckily, it won't crash now if we will use the camera. But the problem still exists when the user chooses Gallery.
Do we have any alternative way how to handle this kind of situation?
Waiting for any responses, thanks!!!
Not really at the moment - the device is running low on memory and your app is being killed when the gallery starts up.
One option would be to use a plugin / module like this, which presents the image-picking interface inside your app.
That plugin I linked to, however, is pretty old and made for version 1.4: it will take a bit of work to convert to a module.

Artifact issues with Wowza and GoogleTV: PE's result check pointer is null

I'm streaming live feeds from Wowza to GoogleTV boxes via HLS. I'm having a lot of issues with artifacts, the kind you see if you lose packets, where part of the screen lags behind and doesn't get updated properly until the next key frame arrives. It's the same on the Visio, HiSense and Sony, with latest updates (GoogleTV FW 3.2 and Wowza 3.5.2). Watching the same streams in VLC or on an a Nexus 4/7 works great.
This is what I get from logcat:
[ 03-13 16:07:15.343 678:0xb3c W/MVBerlinVideoEngine36 ]
** empty vid_meta!!!
[ 03-13 16:07:15.423 678:0x2f1 E/MVBerlinVideoEngine36 ]
!! PE's result check pointer is null line = 536
The media is a live stream, encoded by VLC.
vlc udp://# --sout "#transcode{deinterlace,deinterlace-mode=linear,acodec=aac,ab=160,vcodec=h264,venc=x264{profile=high,level=4.1,preset=fast}}:rtp{mux=ts,dst=,port=10021}"
I have no idea where to continue to at this point. Can I get more information somehow? Is it most likely a decoding issue, network issue (tried wired + several wifi gateways) or code issue?
This is a firmware bug on the device. You will not be able to work around this right now. Internal bug filed - you will need to wait for an update.
We also often faced with the problem of freezing the bottom of the screen especially when we broadcast mp4 files with strong motion and frequent scene changes. When you plan to update the software? Is there a downloadable beta version of GoogleTV in which this problem was fixed?