PayPal - IPN History Page - User/view permission setting - paypal

Help! Another admin/user needs to have access/view the IPN History Page. When he clicks the "IPN History page" link, this message is returned: Feature Not Available - Sorry this feature is currently unavailable....
The PayPal business account owner doesn't want to give full access to other administrative users. All of us have researched/key word searched, messaged the message center, but can't find the answer.
Which permission needs to be given to the user profile, so the PayPal administrative user can view the IPN history?
Thanks so much for any help! It's probably just me, but PayPal support/resources have me about ready to jump through a window. ;)


Need help regarding IPN and paypal payment page

I'm working on a website where the users can create listings like in a regular classifieds website.
My concern is that if a user wants to feature his listing on the website, he has to make a payment via Paypal (IPN). The problem is that when the user completes the payment, the paypal payment confirmation page will give the user 2 links at the bottom of the confirmation page. The first one is "return to your website" and the second one is "view your paypal account".
If the user clicks the first link it will trigger the featured option and make his listing featured. However if he clicks the second link the user will be sent to his paypal account and will not trigger the featured option.
My concern is that users who will click the second link will pay however will not get the service they paid for. This portion of the website was done by my developer and he said that it would only work if the user clicks the "return on your website" link.
Would you guys have any suggestions or help on how to resolve this? If Paypal did not show the second link it would resolve this pb.
That's what IPN is for. If you enable it, PayPal will send you a payment notification. You should enable the feature for the user when you get the money, regardless of what the user navigates to.

Set up micropayment via paypal

I am trying to set up micropayments through paypal, but every time I click "get started" on the "selling digital goods" page it sends me to a UK site, and then back to my account over view after clicking the "get started" button on the UK site. Am I doing something wrong?
You'll need to call to get that enabled. Their documentation states that specifically.
Enabling your PayPal Account for Digital Goods
Please contact your sales representative to enable your account for PayPal Digital Goods.
Additionally, merchants in the US or Canada can contact either
1-855-477-5673 or 1-888-818-3922 to activate Digital Goods for their
I just tried something for myself, and seems to be working for me. Using this URL, if I'm already logged in to my PayPal account when I click Get Started then it just takes me to my overview page like you're explaining.
If I log out of my account, though, and then go back to that page and click Get Started, it asks me to enter my email and a captcha, then it sees that I already have a PayPal account with my email and asks me to login. When I login there it continues to the DG app.

Why is there a warning sign in paypal app profile - accept payments?

Hi there!
I recently created a paypal app in paypal developer, I entered informations on the app but still a warning is shown in the 'accept payments' area (see picture). Whats the error? ...there's no description at all!
There is an issue currently where users aren't able to submit new apps on There are a couple potential workarounds that you may want to check.
Ensure that your account has a first and last name associated with it and that you have a "facilitator" account saved in the "Sandbox accounts" section. If you don't have a "facilitator" account you can add one by just creating a new account with the e-mail address formatted like this -
I'll update this thread again when a fix is released or if more information is provided.
Edit: The issue where valid accounts were unable to submit an application should be fixed now. Make sure that the account you're requesting an app for is on this list and you should be good to go:
I recently done this on developer paypal portal.i had also this mark on my app but after filling the information and we need to include mass payment in our app so we just contacted paypal to enable this feature as this is disabled by default and developer needs to contact paypal to enable this.So now i have approved status on my app and no alert mark for any info.

Opencart paypal standard not processing

I've googled like crazy and can't find a solution. I'm using opencart with paypal standard. It processes and returns to the site and the site says the order has been processed. However, nothing shows up in the users order history or in the admin dashboard. Here's a rundown of the settings.
Transaction method - sale
All statuses set to match their title, i.e completed status set to complete
status set to enabled
On paypal website preferences
Auto Return: on
return URL
Payment data transfer: on
encrypted website payments: off
express checkout: no
instant payment notification url:
So the core issue is that the users get's taken to paypal and get's returned to the website after paying, however, an order does not show up on either the user's end, or on the owner/admin's side. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing the trouble?
Well I figured it out. It was all because I had my webstore password protected. I didn't want it to be ope to the public while I was developing it and this is what was causing the payments not to callback to my webstore. Thanks everyone for all the help!

Creating sandbox paypal pro account

i have some difficulties creating test account in sandbox. I found some similar topics but i still can't understand what to do.
For example this one "How to create test account with PayPal Payments Pro (Use to represent yourself as a merchant using Pro) option selected in sandbox?"
It says login in developers site, ok, done with that. Then "click on the link Preconfigured". What link? I can't find it. It just does not exist on that page and on any other that i searched.
Why i cannot login to with my seller account from sandbox, but it's possible to login using clients accounts (personal) from sandbox.
Do i need to apply to Paypal Payments Pro after i registered my sandbox account, and if i need why do i get "Service is not responding due to an internal error. Please contact customer service at +1-888-883-9770.". Also what social security number do i have to use(i just want to check integration with paypal, i dont have any bank accounts or social security numbers. i'm not even from usa)?
Do i need to accept licence agreement and where can i find it? According to this document it's located somewhere inside the "Merchant Services" tab. After about an hour of search i found it in old interface. When i click it i'm being redirected to "My account".
Please, help me somebody. I'm sick and tired of that buggy, laggy and terribly designed paypal's site.
Once you are logged into, click "Applicatons", then click "Sandbox accounts". You see a blue button at the top of the page that says "Create Account". When you create a business account, you will automatically be signed up for PayPal Payments Pro.
You can then grab your API credentials by clicking the "Profile" link from
Updating answer with additional information about creating test accounts.