Opencart paypal standard not processing - paypal

I've googled like crazy and can't find a solution. I'm using opencart with paypal standard. It processes and returns to the site and the site says the order has been processed. However, nothing shows up in the users order history or in the admin dashboard. Here's a rundown of the settings.
Transaction method - sale
All statuses set to match their title, i.e completed status set to complete
status set to enabled
On paypal website preferences
Auto Return: on
return URL
Payment data transfer: on
encrypted website payments: off
express checkout: no
instant payment notification url:
So the core issue is that the users get's taken to paypal and get's returned to the website after paying, however, an order does not show up on either the user's end, or on the owner/admin's side. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing the trouble?

Well I figured it out. It was all because I had my webstore password protected. I didn't want it to be ope to the public while I was developing it and this is what was causing the payments not to callback to my webstore. Thanks everyone for all the help!


Paypal IPN: my domain suffix appears twice

I am setting up my IPN for PayPal its been tested using a send box account and the site worked.
Now that I have gone live I am testing using real money and the ipn set up is
However when I make the payment I notice in the url reply on my browser and when I check the IPN history on Paypal it says` appears twice. I assume this is the reason I am not getting the orders finalised on my backend.
There are two places you can specify the IPN listener URL:
your PayPal profile, or
with your transaction
It's very likely to be caused by mis-configuration in either of the two places.
If you specified it with your transaction, depending on the product you use, you may be able to find it in a parameter similar to "notify_url" or "PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL". You'd need to refer to the documents of the product you are using.

paypal different pages - visa/debit payment not create account

Hi I have searched for this solution and although others have experienced the same problem I couldn't find a solution that works for my site.
My wordpress site mainly sells registrations/bookings for events and I'm using the s2Memberplugin to process the payments with Paypal. The problem is that when we direct the users/customers to the paypal page to complete the transaction which i want set up with the option of paying via credit/debit card if the user/customer doesn’t have (or doesn’t want to create one) a paypal account. That has been working perfectly except for when users/customers are using a variety of internet browser with various cookie settings so the user/customer get’s directed to a completely different page both in appearance and functionality from the page I want them to see. This incorrect page ‘requires’ users/customers to have or create a paypal account to make the payment, no option to pay via card is available. I tried calling paypal and of course they say it is something wrong with my site.
Over 20 days ago i lodged a support ticket with Paypal MTS (or whatever they are called) and of course no response. I have lodged about 5 more tickets and made about 10 more phone calls and they simply don't care about customers. That is clearly demonstrated when you ask to speak to the complaints section and they say "We don't have a complaints section'
Thanks very much, any assistance is greatly appreciated
I haven't been provided with any error codes, unfortunately - i did ask for them but nobody supplied them.
we just discovered that the payflow and IPN settings within my sites plugin were empty but i'm filling them in now but i have two questions:
The vendor, is that just my username for my paypal account? (why don't they just use the same terminology - confusing)
My s2Member plugin say's i'll need my IPN url (and then supplies a url, but whn i look at the IPN notification url within my paypal settings it's a totally different link. Should i be changing my paypal IPN url to that which is supplied by my s2Member plugin or am i getting two different url's confused?
Thanks for your help again mate.
If you're using Payments Standard this experience is cookie based as you mentioned. If you want to make sure the full credit card form shows up and allows people to pay with a credit card without creating an account you can use the Express Checkout API instead.
In your SetExpressCheckout request you just need to set SOLUTION=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.

Change the IPN url on existing subscription

we plan to change the domain name for our service. Therefore we need to update the IPN-url for our existing customers. I have tried googling a solution on how to change the IPN-url for current subscriptions, but I haven't been able to find anything.
Any help is appreciated.
best regards
I ran into this problem today.
Folks who are saying that you can change the IPN URL on an existing Paypal recurring payment are incorrect; you can't, you can only change the IPN URL for future notifications.
To resolve this, I used an Apache rewrite:
RewriteRule ^sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/ipn.php$ [R=307,L]
The magic is the R=307. A 307 redirect indicates that a POST request must be resent as a POST. Otherwise you lose the IPN data.
I had exactly the same problem .... I had to move servers which meant my IPN url changed.
I have spoken to 3 different paypal reps and even had a meeting with a tech support guy from there.
Unfortunately, there is NO WAY to change the IPN url for existing customers/subscriptions.
I have been advised that all existing customers/subscriptions would need to be setup again, your customers would then need to start a new subscription based on the new IPN url.
This is a right PITA ... I have just over 1500 customers I need to do this for, and I can guarantee I will lose some due to the hassle of this.
Sorry this wasn't the answer you were looking for :(
If you need to chnage IPN Url make sure that it is still turned on check from History>IPN History and turn it on.
IPN can be enabled in one of 2 ways.
In the PayPal account Profile
Passing an IPN URL as a parameter in an API call or button code.
To enable IPN in your account profile follow these steps:
Log into your account at
Click on the Profile
subtab In "My selling tools" click Update in the Instant Payment Notifications section.
Click the Edit button or Choose IPN settings
Enter your IPN URL in the Notification URL field Make sure the radio button for 'Receive IPN messages (Enabled)' is selected
Click Save
IPN can be enabled directly in this section of the account: (access requires login)
To pass an IPN URL as a code-level parameter you should refer to the documentation of the feature you are implementing. Typically the API variable you would pass is 'NotifyURL' but it can differ based on the API call, if the API is Name-Value-Pair (NVP) or SOAP format or if you are using non-hosted PayPal Standard button code. For standard buttons the variable is "notify_url".
This profile setting is frequently overridden by shopping carts. Still, IPN should be enabled in the account.
It's 1 May 2013 & PayPal has changed the location for the IPN.
Login, go to Profile -> My selling tools ->Instant Payment Notifications...(Update)
This shows your current IPN URL, and there is an EDIT button.
In the absence of a solution from Paypal, I would encourage anyone to submit a support ticket requesting a manual change. If enough of us do this, they will have to provide this option eventually.
Contact Paypal Technical Support here.
EDIT: I managed to successfully change all my prior IPN URLs via a ticket with Paypal Support. They told me it has to be done manually, but obliged my request. It took about a week. They were very helpful. Hope this helps someone.
Dec 2022 update:
There is IPN URL settings at . I changed the IPN URL and since then all IPN notifications are coming to the new IPN URL. I do not know if super old subscription notifications will also come to this URL or not, but I can confirm that 1.5 year old subscriptions are going to this new URL now.
I have just done it.
Login, go to Profile -> My Account Settings ->Instant Payment Notifications...(Update)
This shows your current IPN URL, and there is an EDIT button, which works.
This is April 2013, so PayPal might have changed since this question was posted

Getting Paypal to do an immediate redirect?

When the PayPal transaction is complete, PayPal shows this:
Thanks for your order
Your payment of $XXXX.XX USD is complete.
You're now going back to MYSITE.
If you are not redirected within 10 seconds, click here.
I don't want the client to even see this page. Is there any way to either avoid it completely, or set the redirect time to 0?
You will also need a Website Payments Pro subscription for that.
Once you have it, get the API signature, API username & API password from the My Profile area of your paypal account.
Then, use the Direct Payment method as described in the following manual
As mentioned by Watermark, you might need to review PCI requirements and at least have SSL on your site before you can do this.
Check out You can build your own interface using PayPal's API. The user will never know that PayPal handled the transaction.
Be sure to review PCI-DSS requirements when using this approach.
What you ask is achievable with PayPal Payments Standard, but the seller account receiving the payment needs to be a PayPal Business/Premier account (a free upgrade), and they need to enable Auto Return and provide a Return URL in their PayPal account > Profile > Profile & Settings > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences.
You can also pass a return URL variable to checkout for each order, which would override any Return URL (or lack thereof) in the seller's PayPal account profile; however, if Auto Return is not also enabled in the seller's account, the buyer would need to click past the end of checkout manually in order to be redirected to that URL.

Which PAYPAL method to use?

I am working an e-commerce site which will allow pdfs to be downloaded once payment is done.
So, user will put them in a cart, click buy using paypal and from there will come back to see download link on a success page.
I have implemented PDT.
Not sure which is the best option ?
Please help. I want to take care of any connection lost scenario too, like user completes payment at PAYPAL and while returning back to our site's success page, connection is lost and for some n days, user couldnt access internet as well.
I would just use the IPN.
Keep a record in your database that has all of the order items.
e.g. Order and Order Items (in 2 tables)
Then send that primary key across as the "custom" variable.
Then your ipn handler page will validate the payment and then email the customer their digital goods.