Update plugins in unicode for 3.06 - plugins

I am updating my script to version 3.06 of NSIS.
So I added "Unicode True" in my script, but I have a problem with plugins.
These plugins not of "x86-unicode" version:
If anyone is able to compile and provide dll, thank you in advance.

Stackoverflow is not really the place for these type of questions. Your best bet is to ask the authors of these plug-ins to create a build for you.
Alternatively you can try the CallAnsiPlugin plug-in, it can call these older plug-ins in a Unicode installer.

The modification to add CallAnsiPlugin on the FontName plugin is more difficult.
I moved FontName.dll to the "x86-ansi" folder.
I have converted FontName.nsh, FontReg.nsh and FontRegAdv.nsh ANSI to UTF8.
In FontName.nsh I replaced FontName::Version with
File "/ONAME=$PLUGINSDIR\FontName.dll" "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\x86-ansi\FontName.dll"
CallAnsiPlugin::Call "*$PLUGINSDIR\FontName" Version 0
and FontName::Name with
File "/ONAME=$PLUGINSDIR\FontName.dll" "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\x86-ansi\FontName.dll"
CallAnsiPlugin::Call "*$PLUGINSDIR\FontName" Name 0
But during installation it causes an "CallAnsiPlugin error" and MessageBox "0".
I added this modification :
Now print :
[ERROR] InstallTTFFont
[ERROR] error: 0
[ERROR] FontFile: startest.ttf
[ERROR] FontFileName: startest.ttf
[ERROR] Index: Line183.6
I discovered that the value 0 is none other than CallAnsiPlugin::Call "*$PLUGINSDIR\FontName" Name 0.
So I test to replace (FontReg.nsh line 83) IfErrors 0 "${Index}-Add" by goto "${Index}-Add" always displays "CallAnsiPlugin error" but the file is installed.
I don't know how to remove this false return value !?
I saw that CallAnsiPlugin uses a file, this one is not deleted in the temporary folder created by the installer. I don't think this is normal ?
My solution that works :


Configure ac code fails to detect libXI presence

I am currently executing the configure script of gtk. It tests for the presence of XInput, and it stops the execution with the error message:"configure: error: *** XInput2 extension not found. Check 'config.log' for more details.
Looking at config.log, it says "configure:23050: error: *** XInput2 extension not found. Check 'config.log' for more details."
So, the same except for the line number.
Then I decided to look at configure.ac. There I found the full Xi detection test that it is:
if $PKG_CONFIG --exists "xi" ; then
AC_DEFINE(XINPUT_2, 1, [Define to 1 if XInput 2.0 is available]))
# Note that we also check that the XIScrollClassInfo struct is defined,
# because at least Ubuntu Oneiric seems to have XIAllowTouchEvents(), but not the XIScrollClassInfo struct.
AC_DEFINE(XINPUT_2_2, 1, [Define to 1 if XInput 2.2 is available]),
[[#include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>]])])
if test "x$have_xinput2_2" = "xyes"; then
AS_IF([test "x$have_xinput2" != "xyes"],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([*** XInput2 extension not found. Check 'config.log' for more details.])])
I am no expert about setting configure.ac, but I thought that this line: "if $PKG_CONFIG --exists "xi" ; then" would be satisfied by this parameter that I pass to configure:
Also this line:
AC_DEFINE(XINPUT_2, 1, [Define to 1 if XInput 2.0 is available]))
could not have been satisfied by this parameter that I pass to configure?
I am a bit lost as to why it doesn't detect nothing.
A curious point that I read in the documentation is that there is a parameter called: --disable-xinput.
Well I am passing it to configure and it obviously didn't disable the test. So I would appreciate any suggestions about how to change the test to try to figure out what is wrong with it (or with my system)
Solution found
If I replace:
if $PKG_CONFIG --exists "xi" ; then
on configure.ac, by:
if $PKG_CONFIG --print-errors --exists "xi" ; then
and then execute autoconf, it will generate a new configure based on this "new" configure.ac that will print all the required libraries that should be passed to configure.
First it was the .pc file of libXi, then the pc. file of Inputproto (that I had to download and install) an so on. I also really had to add libXi's include dir to CPPFLAGS, so it could find XInput2.h.
My final configure command was:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Glib-2.41.2/lib/ CPPFLAGS="-I/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/X11-1.4.4/include/ -I/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xorgproto-2018.1/include/ -I/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xi-1.5.0/include/" LDFLAGS="-L/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/X11-1.4.4/lib/" ./configure --prefix=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Gtk+-3.4.0 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Glib-2.41.2/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Atk-2.15.4/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Pango-1.30.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Cairo-1.10.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Gdk-pixbuf-2.30.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Pixman-0.18.4/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Fontconfig-2.8.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Freetype-2.2.1/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/Png-1.2.14/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xi-1.5.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Inputproto-1.5.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/X11-1.4.4/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xorgproto-2018.1/share/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xcb-1.4/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Pthread-stubs-0.1/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xau-1.0.0/lib/pkgconfig/:/media/34GB/Arquivos-de-Programas-Linux/xorg/Xext-1.1.1/lib/pkgconfig/

PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0, need some assistance

So I checked my spam folder today and had 122 messages send through the server stating:
PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Non stop it keeps sending me this.
Googled it and still have no clue on how to fix it as I need a step by step answer.
Found a similar question on stack but it's too complicated for me to understand.
I'm on the latest Plesk Onyx and OS=Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS‬.
As I'm running php 7.3 I hoped when I uninstalled php 7.0 in plesk it would go away but unfortunately it didn't.
It's send from here
Cron <root#server> [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && /usr/lib/php/sessionclean
And after php --ini (read about it on a forum) this was the result:
PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php/7.0/cli
Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d
Additional .ini files parsed: /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/00-ioncube-loader-7.0.ini,
I already know it's probably easily fixed when you know linux but I'm learning on the go and posses very little knowledge yet.
Could anyone assist me with the right commands?
Locate where is your php.ini file by:
php -i | grep Configuration
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/etc/php/7.4
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/etc/php/7.4/php.ini
Open the php.ini file and remove the line:
or change the line to a comment:
; extension=imagick.so

How to resolve a "Metadata error: chr must be valid" error on Linux?

I am relatively new to the world of coding, so I am having trouble resolving an issue when running TranslocWrapper.pl tutorial_metadata.txt preprocess/ results/ --threads 2. I am trying to run the HTGTS Pipeline according to this GitHub project. This is the full error:
. Library Genome Chr Start End Strand
1 RAG1A_SRep2 hg19 chr11 36594878 36595030 -
Metadata error: chr must be valid at /home/micah/transloc_pipeline/bin/TranslocWrapper.pl line 285.
main::check_validity_of_metadata('HASH(0x2903ac8)') called at /home/micah/transloc_pipeline/bin/TranslocWrapper.pl line 248
main::read_in_meta_file() called at /home/micah/transloc_pipeline/bin/TranslocWrapper.pl line 90
I have already double-checked the successful installation of the Software Dependencies, so everything should be all good, but I am having trouble interpreting the "Metadata error: chr must be valid at ..." line. If it helps, these are the specific lines that are being called in the error:
TranslocWrapper.pl line 285:
croak "Metadata error: chr must be valid" unless grep { $_ eq $expt->{chr} } #chrlist;
TranslocWrapper.pl line 248:
TranslocWrapper.pl line 90:
Thanks in advance for the help!
So the error is saying that one of the sequence characters in the metadata file is not present in the sequence's assembly file.
Given that this is the provided example you should assume that the data is correct and your invocation is faulty.
Have you done the TranslocPreprocess.pl preprocessing steps?
If you have try looking at the first line of the metadata file, identify the assembly entry. Ensure that the assembly file exists and that it contains the required sequence.
One common problem with this kind of code is the case of the filenames. The examples are designed to be run in Linux where filename case matters. Windows likes to pretend that case doesn't matter, this can cause problems. If you are running this code from Microsoft Windows or extracted any of the archives from within Windows this is a likely cause of the error.

Errors with installing SNA packages

I've been trying to install SNA packages but i always get the next errors,
> install.packages("sna")
Installing package(s) into ‘/home/rvaca/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.14’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
trying URL 'http://cran.cnr.Berkeley.edu/src/contrib/sna_2.2-0.tar.gz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 273329 bytes (266 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 266 Kb
The downloaded packages are in
> library(sna)
starting httpd help server ... done
Error in attr(helpObj, "call") <- this.call :
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘sna’
> library("sna")
Error in attr(helpObj, "call") <- this.call :
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘sna’
> library('sna')
Error in attr(helpObj, "call") <- this.call :
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘sna’
What happened? Thanks in advance
When loading the sna package using library(sna) or require(sna), the function .First.lib() is (still) called. This function is now among the defunct functions in the base package (see ?.First.lib), but that's beside the point.
Looking at the source files for sna, .First.lib() is defined in the file zzz.R and contains the line
ehelp <- help(package="sna")$info[[1]].
This does not work well if getOption("help_type") is not "text". You could, therefore, try setting this option before loading the package to see if that works.
Does this still produce an error?
Since the above still gives an error, and since the package has properties that are being phased out (i.e., no namespace, and using .First.lib()), I would recommend contacting the package's maintainer (perhaps with a reference to this question on SO):
Again, my suspicion is that the problem lies in creating the object ehelp in the .First.lib() function, which is called since there is no package namespace specified.
Ok this is the result of sessionInfo(), (I forgot to comment that i runs it into Eclipse)
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29)
Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] Cairo_1.5-1 igraph_0.5.5-4 rj_1.0.3-7
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] rj.gd_1.0.3-3 sna_2.2-0 tools_2.14.2

Algebra filter error in moodle

I installed moodle 1.9.12 and now I want to use Algebra notation in content. I enable "TeX Notation" and "Algebra Notation" in administrator panel and also install mimetext and dvips and Imagemagic on the server. fortunately Tex Notation works fine but I got the following error for Algebra:
sh: /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux: not found
The shell command
"/var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux" -e "/var/www/moodledata/filter/algebra/de06d6c44d98ba4e42dffca988bf530b.gif" -- '\Large \frac{\sin\left(z\right)}{x^{2}+y^{2}}'
returned status = 127
File size of mimetex executable /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux is 830675
The file permissions are: 100775
The md5 checksum of the file is 56bcc40de905ce92ebd7b083c76e019e
Image not found!
Note: /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux exists on the server and is executable!!!
What is the problem?? Any idea?????
From what you have described, calling the general tex filter debug page works and does not show up the same error.
/filter/tex/texdebug.php works, but /filter/algebra/algebradebug.php does not.
If this is the case, perhaps you could check for an open_basedir, or safe_mode_exec_dir being set to include the current working directory, or otherwise restricting the execution of /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux, while the current working directory is /var/www/html/moodle/filter/algebra.
You could look at this by visiting /admin/phpinfo.php at your site, and look carefully at the effective values of open_basedir, safe_mode and safe_mode_exec_dir.
You could also check the apache error log or add the following lines to the top of the algebra debug php file, and you might see some extra error messages:
$CFG->debug = 6143 ;
$CFG->debugdisplay= 1 ;
Hope that helps