Sync database on server with database local machine - postgresql

I have a database on my server which I could like to have on my laptop so I can use it for development. Is there a way to do this? I was using the default SQLite database with Django but now I'm using PostgreSQL which isn't part of the repo.


Accessing Postgresql Database on Heroku After doing git push heroku

Please I need your help.
I have a Django app that is running on heroku.
The Django app initially uses an sqlite3 database.
The local and the remote versions of the app worked fine.
I could access the sqlite3 database on my local machine. However, I have no idea, e.g. an interface, through which I could access the database version that is running on heroku.
Then, I changed the database to Postgresql.
The local version of the database worked fine with the application, as I could see the data being written into the local posgresql whenever I have a need to check the data in the database.
However, I need to be able to see how data is being written into the remote postgresql.
When I try to connect to the database on postgresql, I get an error as shown in the snapshot below.
Please, how can I connect to the database on heroku and see my database.
I am currently using a free heroku account. I hope that is also not a problem?
enter image description here

Copy Postgres database from server to local via SSH?

Is there any way to copy my production database to my local machine possibly over SSH?
I'd like to use it for testing and safe keeping.
What I need to know is where Postgres stores the database and what the best practice would be in this situation.

How to download the data from postgresql

Now I have a postgresql database on server. I want to change the server so I want all the data from postgresql on server to my PC and able to upload it in another server postgresql database. Is it possible if not suggest me any alternative.

Firebird local vs remote connection

I have a cloud-service based on firebird databases. Every customer has his own database file. So many connection-definitions are loaded into my service at startup. This works all well.
Currently the load for the server is ok so the database files are on the same machine as the service itself. Later I could extend it by another server.
My question is:
Does it matter if I use a local firebird connection or should I prefer a remote connection (via TCP/IP). Although I am on the same machine.
Are there advantages / disadvantages or any limits? I got a lot of requests to this server.
I am using Firebird 2.5.7 (64Bit).

Postgres / Heroku - Handling data transfer from local to remote database

I am building a Flask app which I have deployed on Heroku. I recently added a Postgres database which I have been running locally and storing data in. I'm now ready to add the remote Postgres database to my Heroku site.
My question is what are the steps to transfer data from local to the remote Postgres database on Heroku?
Thank you in advance!
You just need to export your local database using pg_dump and import it on heroku using the PGBackups function.
A full explanation of the procces can be found on: