AEM Quickstart License Key - aem

I've been given an AEM quickstart jar file and from a client and I'm trying to set up a local dev environment as described here:
But on step 6; opening the jar file. This starts a local server and I get this screen:
What "license key" is this expecting? And where do I find that. Nothing in the supplied seems to work.

Assuming fair use of the license, just put the next to the JAR, AEM will recognize the license during the start up.

As AEM is a licensed product, YOu would require a license to run the local jar file. You should get the jar file from your:
Company Admin
Adobe partner manager
Send an email to to obtain one on behalf of your company.
How to use it?
Option 1:
YOu can place the file next to the aem-quickstart.jar file and when you run the jar file automatically it should take it.
Option 2:
In the case of MAC sometimes the file does not recognize even if you placed it next to the AEM JAR file.
In that case
copy the license file to a different folder.
delete the license file from the AEM JAR folder
copy below properties from the license file >> Customer Name &
downloadId >> license Key
Refer to for Adobe communities answer.


AppSrv01 doesnt have write permission

i know that the default profile name when i installed websphere was Appsrv01, I want to create my own AppSrv02 but the location of my IBM Websphere was in C: and i dont have any write permission, i dont have any admin rights also..
using COMMAND-LINE, I want to make my profile folder to be writable, so that my newly created AppSrv02 will be list down in the profile names in my RAD.
Please help me. Thanks
So that's your problem. In order to have a usable profile in WAS, your user must have write permissions. See this link from WAS ND infocenter, it applies to WAS standalone too.
If you cannot change the write permissions to this profile, you'll need to create your own. For this, you can either use WAS Profile Management Tool, WAS CLI or you can create your profile using the Configure profiles... link in the WAS server creation wizard you posted. I'd use the RAD way because RAD validates, within the IDE, the proper permissions that you need to create and use the profile within RAD.
First check whether you have admin rights or not if your using User/Guest profile, by creating any new folder in C drive where IBM WAS is installed.
If you have Admin rights, than right click on RAD run as administrator. It should work fine.
If Profile doesnt show up in drop down, Configure new profile and try checking that way.
If you dont have Admin rights better install RAD in any local drive other than C
Running Eclipse with Admin rights and removing the read-only tick for the AppServXX folder/WAS folder couldn't help me... cause I copied the WAS server from another PC :). So for those of you who want to move / migrate your development environment:
I did a search inside the copied WAS, Eclipse and the project's workspace folder for their old paths (with Total Commander, feed the results into a list) and dragged all the files (except the log ones) into my editor (NotePad++) and did a replace in all open documents for the new paths. It's a bit lucrative, but it took only 10 minutes for me and afterwards the WAS server in Eclipse showed the correct profile and it also did start up well.

After updating unity to latest version, the unity launcher is blank

Yesterday I updated my unity to latest version..
Then the launcher is blank.
And when i open any .unity file.. It opens the editor with a error.
Error loading file:///C%3A%2FUsers%2FBuckyDroidz%2FAppData%2FRoaming%2FUnity%2FPackages%2Fnode_modules%2Funity-editor-home%2Fdist/index.html#/login
Unity is still working and running the project.. But unity launcher is not working
After searching on google I found a fix. I mean I have to add some file in package folder.. But there was a link to download those files and the link is dead...
Help Me!!
Looking at your SO username, it looks like this is a problem with your computer username.The D in your name is probably "Ď" or some other character and Unity is having problem reading that file path(C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Unity/Packages/node_modules/unity-editor-home/dist/index.html#/login). This causes license check to fail.
Two things to try:
Method 1.
Change your username
A.Change your name to valid English characters
B.Uninstall and install Unity again to recognize that change.
If this does not fix your problem, do method 2.
Method 2
Do manual Activation
A.Disconnect your internet/wifi.
B.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
C.Click on Manual Activation.
D.Click on Save License or Save License Request(Depends on Unity version)
E.Connect to your internet/wifi.
F.Go to then upload that saved license there. Follow steps to on the website to create a license on that website. Make sure to chose free unity version as the license type. When everything is done, you will be able to download a key file. Download that file.
G.Disconnect your internet/wifi again.
H.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
I.Click on Manual Activation.
J.Click on Load License then choose the file you downloaded from step F.
You can now connect to your internet/wifi again. Restart Unity and test if the problem is still there.
This is a issue with 2017.2 as well
To fix
go to C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\Packages
You can see 4 tgz files
Use an unarchive program (I used 7-zip file manager) to open each one of these and extract contents (dist folder and package.json file) to your Roaming folder
After extract, the folder looks like this..
and unity-editor-home like below (one level subfolders shown)

Restricting access to particular URL for sesame server deployed on JBoss (WildFly 8.2)

I have a sesame server running deployed in a WildFly 8.2.0 final container.
How can I restrict access to some particular URLs?
I know I have to edit some XML files (deployment descriptor and some other files) but I don't know which files and where to find them.
I figured it out my self.
Step 1:
Open the openrdf-sesame.war with Total Commander or any file archiver. Go the WEB-INF folder and open the web.xml file.
Edit the web.xml file by adding constraints, roles and the login-config tag as in this example :
Save the edited file within the archive and redeploy the openrdf-sesame.war file containing the modified web.xml file.
Step 2:
Go to the WildFly folder and enter the bin directory and run the add-user.bat file.
Choose b) Application User and hit Enter.
Enter a username and a password for the new user.
When you are asked "What groups do you want this user to belong to?", type in one of the roles you have created in the web.xml file and hit Enter.
When asked “is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?” type “yes” and hit Enter.
And that's all.
You now have youre particular URL's restricted.

Building .car ColdFusion Archive from command-line

The current way I'm packaging my application is to deploy it on a running ColdFusion server, and export is as a .car (Coldfusion ARchive) through the admin console, but this manual process is usually prone to errors.
That's why I'm looking for a tool (or any solution) to build this final .car from the command line (so without requiring a ColdFusion server up and running).
Note: because of the complexity and the size of this legacy application, I cannot work with .war files, and I'm not aware of any other packaging format than .war or .car for ColdFusion applications.
Hi unfortunately Coldfusion is not built to use in this way but you can use API or the admin console.
I invite you to read this page : for more details.
From coldfusion 9 servers, CAR files are zip files. You can unzip them, edit the files, and zip them back up and deploy them on coldfusion10 servers. The zip contains a folder called "{WorkingDir}" with curly brackets.
Structure looks like

How to distribute my Java program so that it is runnable by double-clicking a single file?

I have a Java rich client desktop app. that I want to distribute on some computers at work, but I've never done something like this before. People aren't too computer-savy at my workplace and since it is a student job, I won't be there for much longer and I'd like it if I could make my program easy to run by making it runnable when people double-click on it.
I also don't want to have to manually install a JRE to have it run. Basically, what I'd like to know is how to make my java application runnable easily by double-clicking (even if it's only on windows, it's okay). I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to package the correct JRE version alongside, but I don't know what's the correct way of doing this.
I read on some sites that you should not package a JRE along with your program because it makes people have multiple different versions, some of which are outdated, and it causes security issues, but this is not a problem in this case since the computers that are going to run my application are not connected to the internet and are only used to run this program anyway.
Somewhat related question: Since my application is currently an Eclipse project, I get my resources such as icons, images, SQLite database (for read and write), etc. using relative paths (e.g.: img/test.png).
Am I going to have to change any of those paths to have them keep working even while packaged?
What you're looking for is a JAR file. In eclipse, it's quite easy to make a Jar file. Specifically, you'll want to right click on your project, go to Export, and then select "Runnable Jar." Be careful with paths to folders. You may need to keep a resources folder next to the Jar file. You may need to provide some more specifics to get an exact answer on that. Typically, a Resources folder is located in the same spot as the JAR file (in the same folder on your computer).
A better option for easy install of a Java app. with a GUI is to launch it using Java Web Start. For the user, JWS is the 'one click' installation option that can (install & launch the app. then) add desktop shortcuts and menu items. A JWS launch would mean some more work for you, but it is a breeze for the end user.
To ensure a suitable JRE is present to run the app., use deployJava.js (see the JWS link for more details). The script would need to be reconfigured to get the JRE installer from your local network - the default is to get it from Oracle.
Most of the resources should be packaged in Jar files and supplied along with the app., but for the DB, use the JNLP ExtensionInstallerService to call the DB installer.
..Java Web Start is kind of a link (or I can make it a shortcut on the desktop) that the users will click to either install the JRE and run the program if the JRE isn't installed, or just run the program if the JRE is present on the computer.
The way it would work is to have a web page on the local intranet. When the user visits the page, the script checks for a suitable JRE.
If it is present, it writes the link to the launch file.
If there is no JRE, or the version is too low, it will guide the user through installing it (just a matter of them clicking 'OK' when prompted). Then it will put the link to the app.
I can then configure the link to grab the JRE from the server on our network.
That's the part where you need to reconfigure the script. AFAIR the script exposes an URL at which to look for JREs - that can be changed to point to a place on the intranet.
..So "Web" is only just in the name, the computers don't have to be connected to the internet to have this work, right?
Yes. JWS is a great launch technology for Java rich clients, but is a poorly chosen name.
To make the problem run by double clicking it you can distribute it as a jar file or a batch file to call the jar file.
For the installation part you can make a batch file that checks if java is present and then call the installer if it isn't.
The batch code:
GOTO end
If you are finding it tough to implement the above mentioned methods. You can proceed with this simple approach.
Create a folder lib at a location. Place all the jars that your application uses into this. If you are able to create a jar for your application, you can very well place your application.jar into the lib folder too. Create a batch file at the same location that will contain the java command for your main class in it. The text within your batch might look something similiar to this :
set path="\lib\"
java -cp %path% package1.package2.MainClass
If you have any other dependencies, for ex: if you use images in your code under img/icon.jpg. Then you just have to shift the img folder to this location too.
Just zip these files using winrar and share it across. Running the batch file after extracting the zip would launch your java MainClass irrespective of the location in which it is placed in the client system.
PS : If you are unable to create a jar for your application and placing it in lib folder, just copy your bin folder with class files and paste it in the location and change the batch file accordingly to look for classes inside bin.