trigger a whatsapp message when new order - triggers

Very newbie here and with Wix, it's the first time a client ask me for Wix and he has a special need.
Do you know if it's possible to send a whatsApp or Messenger to the owner of the shop when a new order is coming ?
I need this message contain the order item and the address to deliver.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Have a good day

You will need to use an external API like Twilio WhatsApp Business API. You can trigger the message whenever a new order is created using the Wix Store onNewOrder() event. Take a look at the Twilio SMS API example which should provide some insight.


Is it possible to develop multiple Whatsapp bots with one phonenumber?

Whatsapp just released their api (yeah FINALLY!)
You have to confirm a phonenumber. I was wondering if you could create multiple Whatsapp bots with one phonenumber. Or you would need to buy prepaid cards for each new bot to receive sms and confirm that number.
Each bot should have it's own number.
When a user sends a message, the correct bot needs to load which is not possible, as it cannot guess which one was intended.
A possible workaround is to combine all bots into a single one and create a redirection phase (first one obviously) with a "bot selection menu".
For example:
Hi, please choose the correct service:
shopping helper
app downloader
Choosing an option will load the requested agent

Need to send Whatsapp Messages from Salesforce - Apex Code

I am doing a proof of concept to find a way to make callouts from Apex code to send automated Whatsapp messages/communications from Salesforce to our customers at difference points of time in Sales life cycle (ex: one at lead conversion, one when a payment is received etc).
My assumption here is to send these messages via triggers. Only thing is i am not able to figure out the correct approach to start with. I did see an example online which is using middleware apps like twilio, weboxapp to convey the messages to Whatsapp servers. Is there a way these communications could be sent directly? Any leads are appreciated!
There appears to be a fairly new integration set up between Salesforce and WhatsApp. There's a good write up in the first link below, and then documentation from Salesforce in the 2nd link. I'd start by looking through there because it might help solve your requirements much more easily. I believe that Whatsapp's APIs are private and need to be accessed through an approved partner.

Integrate Facebook messenger into CRM without bot?

we have built a very simple bot that simply passes any message onto our own application. (we want to answer questions asked from our customers to be handled straight from our CRM application for customer service purpose)
Now, the bot is declined with message:
Thank you for your submission. We tested the messenger experience on your associated page and received either no response from your messenger bot or received a human response. Please resubmit with the new, improved version of your bot.
Which raises the question for me: is it even allowed to do human assistance via the messenger API? Or is it bot only? I have read through all the platform policies, use case examples, etc.
So, how do I create the simplest integration? (send message straight through to one of our customer service users?)
Making a bot is easy if you use which is an NLP and speech API. It can integrate with the messenger/graph API. Basically, you send text to and it returns the intent. For example: you send "get me a large pizza" to Wit and it returns something like (intent = pizza, size=large, time = now) You could also try but in my opinion, it is not as good yet.

How to get item sold notification using Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)

I want to get item sold notification for items listed on amazon marketplace programmatically. Is there a way to do this using MWS APIs? I looked through the documentation and didn't quite find anything close.
Hi I know that this is old and the user that asked the question is probably inactive.
Though just in case someone lands here I would to say that at the moment of writing this MWS does not support item sold notifications (the might do in the future) for now the only notification supported is "AnyOfferChanged".
more info
The way to get the orders will be by making a call to the ListOrders service, more info
Hope this helps anyone
You have to use MWS service from Amazon.
You will find all docs, api and information on this website :
You have to code the call to their webservice and treat response.
There is an "order" call than you can load, using a cron for example, to get any new orders. This is the order api call.
I hope this help.
Have a look at the description of FulfillmentOrderStatus notification type

Creating a chat feature?

I need to include chat, in my application. People sign in the chat and create their user and chat to other users. However it needs to be like facebook chat or pingchat where you add friends you want to talk to.
Can anyone give me pointers to what i need to do? I've heard about xmpp servers but not sure if that is the right thing for my app. Any help would be much appreciated
Is your app going to create new users, and add them in the chat list, or going to use existing users (like Gtalk, Y! Messenger etc) on existing protocols (like IRC, XMPP etc)...?
If you are going to implement your own chat system, where your users are registering in your website, then you are going to do these things:
Setup your website
Create a protocol (that's, how you pass messages)
Write and implement an API (in PHP, ASP etc)
Connect that API with your iPhone app.
How it works?
You keep a table of chat messages. The table include:
All what you do is, when you start a Chat session from Alice to Bob, you just enter them in the table. Next, you fetch the row from the Web Server to your App, by calling your PHP file (say, based on the condition SELECT CHAT_MESSAGE FROM CHAT_TABLE WHERE CHAT_FROM="ALICE" AND CHAT_TO="BOB";. This message is displayed in your App.
This process should be performed repeatedly, with an interval of, say 1 sec.
I hope you got this idea.