Making a Bigchaindb Network - mongodb

Can anyone help me in making a bigchaindb network with 3 nodes.I tried and created network by following this link .After running monit process on each node iam getting panic error initializing db resource temporarily unavailable.But i can see mongodb status as active and bigchain db has been created.


ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instance-templates.create) Could not fetch image resource:

The cluster was running fine for 255 days. I brought down the cluster and after that, I was unable to run the cluster up. It gives the following error while running the cluster up.
Creating minions.
Attempt 1 to create kubernetes-minion-template
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instance-templates.create) Could not fetch image resource:
- The resource 'projects/google-containers/global/images/container-vm-v20170627' was not found
Attempt 1 failed to create instance template kubernetes-minion-template. Retrying.
This Attempt goes on and it always fails. Am I missing something?
The kubernetes version is v1.7.2.
It looks like the image you are trying to use to create the machines has been deprecated and/or is no longer available.
You should try specifying an alternative image to create these machines from Google's current public images.

Why would running a container on GCE get stuck Metadata request unsuccessful forbidden (403)

I'm trying to run a container in a custom VM on Google Compute Engine. This is to perform a heavy ETL process so I need a large machine but only for a couple of hours a month. I have two versions of my container with small startup changes. Both versions were built and pushed to the same google container registry by the same computer using the same Google login. The older one works fine but the newer one fails by getting stuck in an endless list of the following error:
E0927 09:10:13 7f5be3fff700 Metadata request unsuccessful: Server responded with 'Forbidden' (403): Transport endpoint is not connected
Can anyone tell me exactly what's going on here? Can anyone please explain why one of my images doesn't have this problem (well it gives a few of these messages but gets past them) and the other does have this problem (thousands of this message and taking over 24 hours before I killed it).
If I ssh in to a GCE instance then both versions of the container pull and run just fine. I'm suspecting the INTEGRITY_RULE checking from the logs but I know nothing about how that works.
MORE INFO: this is down to "restart policy: never". Even a simple Centos:7 container that says "hello world" deployed from the console triggers this if the restart policy is never. At least in the short term I can fix this in the entrypoint script as the instance will be destroyed when the monitor realises that the process has finished
I suggest you try creating a 3rd container that's focused on the metadata service functionality to isolate the issue. It may be that there's a timing difference between the 2 containers that's not being overcome.
Make sure you can ‘curl’ the metadata service from the VM and that the request to the metadata service is using the VM's service account.

ImageStoreService IdleSecondary replica

I have a Service Fabric cluster with 5 nodes deployed to Azure. A few days ago one of the nodes in the cluster is failing to start the ImageStoreService and I'm seeing the following error:
Unhealthy event: SourceId='System.RAP', Property='IReplicator.BuildReplica(131347642528671415)Duration', HealthState='Warning', ConsiderWarningAsError=false.
The api IReplicator.BuildReplica(131347642528671415) on node _backend_0 is stuck. Start Time (UTC): 2018-07-19 12:47:20.764.
I have tried rebooting the virtual machine but it still remains in this state. It looks like it's currently in the InBuild replica state but I don't know what to look for or how to resolve it.
I logged into the virtual machine that is failing and looked at the Event Log for Service Fabric. I see tons of warning messages in the logs that look like this:
CopyFile: no new token is found. current token count: 2
and a lot that have this:
ImpersonateAndCopyFile for SourcePath:\\StoreShare__node_3\131347742554673412\ApplicationName\ServiceName\Code\131347741584517844_1047972020224_30.File.dll, DestinationPath:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SF_App__FabricSystem_App4294967295\work\Store\131347742554673413\ApplicationName\ServiceName\Code\131347741584517844_1047972020224_30.File.dll failed: E_ACCESSDENIED. Have tried all access tokens.
Seems like it is failing to either read or write the files. I'm not sure why.

Whats the status of External Master Replication beta in Google Cloud SQL

I have a compute image that is running a mySql database, with confirmed access to the outside world.
When using the curl script to create an 'interface' to this database no errors are returned. However in the console GUI there is a warning triangle and no read replica can be created.
Are there any known issues with this functionality and/or are there any ways that I could get out some more logging in the response?

A combination for monitoring system for container (Grafana+Heapster+InfluxDB+cAdvisor) based on baremetal

I have a question related monitoring system for container.
Below picture has my thinking for monitoring.
I'd like to run monitoring combination(Grafana,Heapster,InfluxDB,cAdvisor) on baremetal as a daemon process instead of running in containers.
When i configure those 4 units...i got the error below.
It might be comes out from linking influxdb to Heapster (ex:--sink)
Below is my commands to run heapster
"./heapster --source=cadvisor:external?cadvisorPort=8081 --sink=influxdb:"
Then I get following message
driver.go:326 Database creation failed : Server returned (404): 404
page not found
What symptom it is?
Someone if have a solution? let me get an advice
Thanks in advance