Why would running a container on GCE get stuck Metadata request unsuccessful forbidden (403) - metadata

I'm trying to run a container in a custom VM on Google Compute Engine. This is to perform a heavy ETL process so I need a large machine but only for a couple of hours a month. I have two versions of my container with small startup changes. Both versions were built and pushed to the same google container registry by the same computer using the same Google login. The older one works fine but the newer one fails by getting stuck in an endless list of the following error:
E0927 09:10:13 7f5be3fff700 api_server.cc:184 Metadata request unsuccessful: Server responded with 'Forbidden' (403): Transport endpoint is not connected
Can anyone tell me exactly what's going on here? Can anyone please explain why one of my images doesn't have this problem (well it gives a few of these messages but gets past them) and the other does have this problem (thousands of this message and taking over 24 hours before I killed it).
If I ssh in to a GCE instance then both versions of the container pull and run just fine. I'm suspecting the INTEGRITY_RULE checking from the logs but I know nothing about how that works.
MORE INFO: this is down to "restart policy: never". Even a simple Centos:7 container that says "hello world" deployed from the console triggers this if the restart policy is never. At least in the short term I can fix this in the entrypoint script as the instance will be destroyed when the monitor realises that the process has finished

I suggest you try creating a 3rd container that's focused on the metadata service functionality to isolate the issue. It may be that there's a timing difference between the 2 containers that's not being overcome.
Make sure you can ‘curl’ the metadata service from the VM and that the request to the metadata service is using the VM's service account.


AWS ECS won't start tasks: http request timed out enforced after 4999ms

I have an ECS cluster (fargate), task, and service I have had setup in Terraform for at least a year. I haven't touched it for a long while. My normal deployment for updating the code is to push a new container to the registry and then stop all tasks on the cluster with a script. Today, my service did not run a new task in response to that task being stopped. It's desired count is fixed at so it should.
I have go in an tried to manually run this and I'm seeing this error.
Unable to run task
Http request timed out enforced after 4999ms
When I try to do this, a new stopped task is added to my stopped tasks lists. When I look into that task the stopped reason is "Deployment restart" and two of them are now showing "Task provisioning failed." which I think might be tasks the service tried to start. But these tasks do not show a started timestamp. The ones I start in the console have a started timestamp.
My site is now down and I can't get it back up. Does anyone know of a way to debug this? Is AWS ECS experiencing problems right now? I checked the health monitors and I see no issues.
This was an AWS outage affecting Fargate in us-east-1. It's fixed now.

Connection from VS Code to Kubernetes failing

I am receiving an error message when trying to access details from VS Code of my Azure Kubernetes Cluster. This problem prevents me from attaching a debugger to the pod.
I receive the following error message:
Error loading document: Error: cannot open k8smsx://loadkubernetescore/pod-kube-system%20%20%20coredns-748cdb7bf4-q9f9x.yaml?ns%3Dall%26value%3Dpod%2Fkube-system%20%20%20coredns-748cdb7bf4-q9f9x%26_%3D1611398456559. Detail: Unable to read file 'k8smsx://loadkubernetescore/pod-kube-system coredns-748cdb7bf4-q9f9x.yaml?ns=all&value=pod/kube-system coredns-748cdb7bf4-q9f9x&_=1611398456559' (Get command failed: error: there is no need to specify a resource type as a separate argument when passing arguments in resource/name form (e.g. 'kubectl get resource/<resource_name>' instead of 'kubectl get resource resource/<resource_name>'
My Setup
I have VS Code installed, with "Kubernetes", "Bridge to Kubernetes" and "Azure Kubernetes Service" installed
I have connected my Cluster through az login and can already access different information (e.g. my nodes, etc.)
When trying to access the workloads / pods on my cluster, I receive the above error message - and in the Kubernetes View in VS Code I get an error for the details of the pod.
Error in Kubernetes-View in VS Code
What I tried
I tried to reinstall the AKS Cluster and completely logging in freshly to it
I tried to reinstall all extensions mentioned above in VS Code
Browsing the internet, I do not find any comparable error message
The strange thing is that it used to work two weeks ago - and I did not change or update anything (as far as I remember)
Any ideas / hints that I can try further?
Thank you
As #mdaniel wrote: the Node view is just for human consumption, and that the tree item you actually want to click on is underneath Namespaces / kube-system / coredns-748cdb7bf4-q9f9x. Give that a try, and consider reporting your bad experience to their issue tracker since it looks like release 1.2.2 just came out 2 days ago and might not have been tested well.
final solution is to attach debugger in the other way - through Workloads / Deployments.

AWS EC2 free tier instance is automatically stopping frequently

I am using ubuntu 18.04 on AWS EC2 instace free tier, running websites on apache server, NodeJS with PostgreSQL database. All deployments are done perfectly and webapps works fine without any exception or error details.
However I am facing an annoying issue: this instance is stopping frequently without any exception or error logs. After rebooting instance everything starts working fine but after some time it automatically stops either in few hrs. on same day when rebooted instance or in 1-2 days after that.
I created another free tier instance with seperate account and that is also giving same issue. I am not finding any logs or troubleshoot option to get rid of this problem.
I would like to know how it can be troubleshooted or where can i find logs of any errors or exception for this isntance?
Suggestion given by AWS in "Instance Status Checl" as attached below are not practicle solution to apply evertime.
Something with your VM itself is causing its health checks to fail.
Have a look at syslogs, and your application logs. Also take a look at CloudWatch metrics to see if any metrics have dramatic change close to time.
You can also add a CloudWatch alarm with a recovery action to automatically reboot if there’s an issue with your VM.

AWS elastic search cluster becoming unresponsive

we have several AWS elastic search domains which sometimes become unresponsive for no apparent reason. The ES endpoint as well as Kibana return bad gateway errors after a few minutes of trying to load the resources.
The node status message is the following (not that it's any help):
/_cluster/health: {"code":"ProxyRequestServiceException","message":"Unable to execute HTTP request: Read timed out (Service: null; Status Code: 0; Error Code: null; Request ID: null)"}
Error logs are activated for the cluster but do not show anything relevant for the time at which the cluster became inactive.
I would like to at least be able to restart the cluster but the status remains "processing" seemingly forever.
Unfortunately, if you are using the AWS ElasticSearch Service (as in not building it on your own EC2 instances), many... well... MOST... of the admin API's and capabilities are restricted so you cannot dig as much into it as you could if you built it from the ground up.
I have found that AWS Support does a pretty good job in getting to the bottom of things when needed, so I would suggest you open a support ticket.
I wish this wasn't the case, but using their service is nice and easy (as in you don't have to build and maintain the infra yourself), but you lose a LOT of capabilities from an Admin or Troubleshooting perspective. :(

Why shouldn't you run Kubernetes pods for longer than an hour from Composer?

The Cloud Composer documentation explicitly states that:
Due to an issue with the Kubernetes Python client library, your Kubernetes pods should be designed to take no more than an hour to run.
However, it doesn't provide any more context than that, and I can't find a definitively relevant issue on the Kubernetes Python client project.
To test it, I ran a pod for two hours and saw no problems. What issue creates this restriction, and how does it manifest?
I'm not deeply familiar with either the Cloud Composer or Kubernetes Python client library ecosystems, but sorting the GitHub issue tracker by most comments shows this open item near the top of the list: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/issues/492
It sounds like there is a token expiration issue:
#yliaog this is an issue for us, as we are running kubernetes pods as
batch processes and tracking the state of the pods with a static
client. Once the client object is initialized, it does no refresh, and
therefore any job that takes longer than 60 minutes will fail. Looking
through python-base, it seems like we could make a wrapper class that
generates a new client (or refreshes the config) every n minutes, or
checks status prior to every call (as #mvle suggested). The best fix
would be in swagger-codegen, but a temporary solution would probably
be very useful for a lot of people.
- #flylo, https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/issues/492#issuecomment-376581140
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AIRFLOW-3253 is the reason (and hopefully, my fix will be merged soon). As the others suggested, this affects anyone using the Kubernetes Python client with GCP auth. If you are authenticating with a Kubernetes service account, you should see no problem.
If you are authenticating via a GCP service account with gcloud (e.g. using the GKEPodOperator), you will generally see this problem with jobs that take longer than an hour because the auth token expires after an hour.
There are more insights here too.
Currently, long-running jobs on GKE always eventually fail with a 404 error (https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake/issues/932/long-running-jobs-on-kubernetes-fail). We believe that the problem is in the Kubernetes client, as we determined that although _refresh_gcp_token is being called when the token is expired, the next API call still fails with a 404 error.
You can see here that Snakemake uses the kubernetes python client.