Datatable Footer Callback - laravel-backpack

Is there any feature for this footer callback?
I would like to sum up a column for each page or filter the data.
As I read the src/resources/views/crud/inc/datatables_logic.blade.php seem like does not have the footer keyword.
Not sure this version support for this?

You can publish the blade file using php artisan backpack:publish crud/inc/datatables_logic. Then you'll find it in your resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/inc/ and be able to change it to fit your needs - like adding your own footer callback logic.
This is perfectly fine to do when you need a feature that Backpack doesn't support out-of-the-box (it can't possibly support everything) - but make sure you don't overdo it and publish a lot of blade files. When you're publishing a blade file:
you're basically forfeiting the minor updates for that file;
when a new major Backpack version comes around, if it has breaking changes in that particular file, the fact that you have it published and customised will make it a little more difficult to upgrade - you'll need to look at the diff between the files and manually make the same breaking changes;


What is the relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3?

I am new to TYPO3 and have trouble understanding the general relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
For example if I wanted to add a carousel to my page, would I make an extension and design it in such a way that I can add it from my backend to the desired page? Or would it make more sense to, for example, put it as a partial and import it to the desired page using fluid (all of this without using the backend and just using code).
Or are both approaches possible and when would you go for the first or the second (or seek out a third approach)?
Sorry if this question is too general/vague. I feel like I do not understand how the backend and the files in my TYPO3 folder communicate to generate the website and that I am using content elements in the backend one time and typing out the elements in HTML the next time without a good reason for it.
I try to bring some light into the dark areas.
Backend This is the admin area of the CMS where in most cases the content is created by editors.
Frontend: How the website looks to a regular visitor
Extension: An extension is custom code, either your own code or by others which extend TYPO3 in one or more ways. The benefit is that you don't change the code of TYPO3 core itself and therefore it can be always updated.
An extension can be used for a lot of things:
- Shipping a site template with all the assets like CSS, JavaScript, HTML template, ..
- Providing custom content elements
- Providing new record types like news or forms
- Improve user experience
So yes, if you want to have a new kind of content elements you need to use an extension:
Search on to check if there is already something which fits your needs
Use (best in combination with or to make it a lot faster to create content elements
If experienced you can also create a custom content elements without any additional extension but for start I don't recommend that.
One approach to look at this question in a different way might be to differentiate between content created and maintained by editors (the backend users which typically add and maintain content) and parts of the visible webpages created in other ways. For example, the header, footer, menu of a site may be created by a sitepackage extension - this is something the editor (backend user without admin access) typically has no permission to access and that is one of the points of a CMS - the content is editable by someone without technical background. Of course this improves the stability as well because you don't have people fiddling around with things they should not be able to have access to and thus cannot break.
If you want your editors to be able to add (remove, change) content - do it in a way they have access to (typically using content elements).
You are right, the core provides content elements (such as "textmedia"), extensions can extend this by adding other content elements.
For your example with "carousel" you might want to look at the (official) Introduction Package which uses the bootstrap_package which offers a carousel content element. The Installation Guide explains how to setup a TYPO3 installation with "Introduction Package" so you may already be using that.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able to add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
That is one of many, many other possible purposes of an extension. For example, look at the extension "min". It does not provide any content element and there is no visible change for the editor. An extension is just a way to extend the TYPO3 core (while the core itself also consists of extensions).
Introduction of Extensions in TYPO3 Explained
Sitepackage Tutorial

Javascript messes with orderBy in my CRUD in Laravel Backpack

I followed the process in this question and everything works, but I wanted to see the order in my displayed page.
I updated My controller with this:
But it doesn't seem to work. I then desactivated the JavaScript, and the order was correct. It seems the JS reorders the contents when loading the page (I assume it's by the contents IDs).
How can I disable this behaviour ? (Only the one made while loading the page, I want my users to be able to reorder by columns).
This was a bug - DataTables ignored the order set by Eloquent and just did his thing. This has been fixed in the latest version of Backpack\CRUD, so a composer update should fix it.

SugarCRM fetching data from outside REST service to subpanel

I'm trying to create subpanel in Account detail view where list of elements is fetched from external REST service.
I know how to define subpanel, but have no idea how to fill it with data from external network source. Was trying to use get_subpanel_data but there I can only change SQL.
Any ideas how can I do this?
When I've done this in the the past, at least with Sugar 6, I opted distinctly not to try to create a true subpanel. The data being loaded is coming from an outside source and is loaded dynamically with the page, so why present it as if it's static data coming from Sugar? Instead, I created a custom Smarty template to use as the footer on the detail page. For such an example, you can check how it works on the Calls Edit View. I think it's the footerTpl parameter in the detailviewdefs.php or editviewdefs.php. I loaded the smarty template by creating a custom detail view for my module, so custom/modules/MyModule/views/view.detail.php - extend the base Detail View class and override the display to feed Smarty new params, then your Smarty template only needs to iterate through and present the data that your view defined.
To be super-hip and abide by MVC, you could even put your custom code into your bean (if it's a custom module) or into a custom controller method, then reference that from the view.detail.php, and still feed it from there to the Smarty template.
Alternatively, you could just load JavaScript into the Smarty template and use the JavaScript to call the third-party service, parse and present it, etc.
I realize this question is a little bit old now however it comes up fairly often so why not provide an answer with a couple possible solutions. I won't get into code but more just into the design theory of how it can work. If someone needs more specific code help then that is another question.
A couple ideas...
As you mentioned you can define a custom Function which will load in Data to the SubPanel from your own SQL Query. That is one method that I just recently got to finally put to use after knowing about it for a good year and a half.
When you go this route, you are restrained to using the Columns in the SubPanel. I assume it is using the actual Metadata files to determine which Field Columns a SubPanel can use so you pretty much need your custom data in a Database table to have the same column names as the fields defined in the SubPanel Metadata.
Obviously this works great in the right situation, however not always and that leads us into the 2nd method I know of.
The other way is pretty much what #Mattew-Poer mentioned in his answer. It means abandoning the SubPanel altogether and instead generating your own HTML. This is by far my favorite and prefered way of doing it and I have been some really custom modules due to this being possible in a custom module! I will show an example below.
(Click HERE to View full size image)
In the screenshot, you can see in this example that I have something looking Similar to a SubPanel however it is not and is much for flexible and easy to customize.
Example, to the far left column in my fake subpanel is image checkboxes. When clicked on, an AJAX request is made to change the Task row Status.
After that, the checkbox image is updated to indicate the new Status state, the Modified DateTime is updated, the Status column has color background SPANS and is also updated with the correct text and background color when the left side checkbox is clicked.
Doing any of this with the standard SubPanels is a complete nightmare and would be difficult to do some of the stuff that you are open to do when you build your own version of a SubPanel.
With that said, I have built an identical clone of the above screenshot using SugarCRM default SubPanels! It was a nightmare. I could easily update the content and HTML in some of the columns. I even had the AJAX click checkbox image to update and do all the other updates I mentioned above. It wasn't too hard and worked fairly good but it had some issues.
When you do inline edit, inline create record, or subpanel paging to load different set of record. You would then lose all the custom HTML formatting that was applied. The reason is, in the SubPanel you are limited to using the After UI load logic hook. So since the "Page" is loaded already, when an AJAX request is made to add/edit the subpanel content or load a new set of items with the paging links. It only loads the SubPanel content on those events and the whole Page content does not reload. Because the logic hook only fires off 1 time after the page loads, this newly loaded subpanel data doe not receive any of your custom HTML formatting.
In my case, this means that nice looking colored background Status spans are lost, the image checkboxes are lost, and some other functionality is lost.
Now to get super technical, I could have gone another 3rd route and instead made new Custom Field Types for each SubPanel filed that I needed to apply custom HTML to. This process is super hard in my experience and in some cases it really isn't the BEST solution.
Because of the reason explained, this is why my new modules use the Custom HTML route to generate my own version of a custom subpanel or whatever Data is needed in my Module pages! So far it is working better than I imagined and has opened doors for me to build custom SugarCRM modules that I previously didn't even realize would be possible to build due to some of the issues I mentioned above. Now I bypass them altogether and open the door to do pretty much anything!
I've got some really cool stuff for SugarCRM in the works right now. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask in a new question or for me personally in a comment here.

Creating a new page template in Typo3

I'm using Typo3 for the first time and have been asked to update a site built on it.
Making changes to existing templates so far has been OK since they were mainly CSS changes or replacing images. Now though I need to create a couple of new page templates.
What's the easiest way to go about this? The existing site has a home.html and layout.hmlt in the fileadmin directory. Do I need to create a new html file there, if so how do I use this as a new template for some of my pages?
I'm coming from a mainly WordPress background in terms of CMS (I've nearly given in a recoded the site as a WordPress site since I think it would be quicker at this stage) but I'd really prefer to figure this out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm pulling my hair out trying to read through the documentation and getting nowhere. The site is using Typo3 version 4.4.6
How you add a new template to your page depends on how templating is handled. Sadly TYPO3 has a poor templating out of the box, so there is most likely an extension that does the job on your site.
Probably one of these:
flux & fluidpages
Check if one of these extension is installed and add a new page template according to the extensions manual or specify your question afterwards.
If plain TYPO3 was used, you'll find something like
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10 {
file = fileadmin/myTemplate.html
in your Typoscript. You can add tmplate files like the ones that are already there. To use a different template on a page, you have to replace the page.10.file with the template you want to use. This can be done with a new template record (crated in backend via the template module). But this is a rather anoying procedure to change the template, because you have to create each time you want to change the page template for a page and its children. That is why mostly extensions are used for this.
The out of the box situation gets better with newer TYPO3 versions but in 4.4.6 there are no Backend Layouts that could be uses for a template switch ot something like that.
In Addition to change the mere file you have to adjust the subparts or marker that are filled with the content. You'll find that configured in your TypoScript as well

is it possible to get an xPages build number?

I do all development in a single application. when a new version is ready I create a template and give it a version number. this way I can store a history of all previous versions.
the development templates are used to push the new design to many applications via replace design.
Creating manual version number or template names is fine but I am looking for a more automatic way of finding out which build the different applications are inherited from
When I visit the different applications I would like to be able to see which build number each application are inherited from. is this possible?
A simple build time stamp could do, but is there a built in build number that can be used and that can be displayed on the xpage.
e.g Build 2012092712345
Thank you for all your answers, many good suggestions but it looks like all require manual work.
The best solution would be if there is a way to read (from ssjs) a timestamp from any file within the nsf that is always updated during a build. is this possible?
In classic notes, there was a method to add a shared field with a special name to the application. Cannot remember the details, but have it somewhere on the disk.
Then you can see the build number in the design tab of the application properties. And you can of course display the value in your applikation as well.
But you have to fill the item manually on each build. Or use teamstudio Buildmanager. This tool adds the value automatically.
And I also guess that you can write some code that changes the value whenever you create a new build.
Another option would be to use a versioning system like CVS/SVN. This is possible since 8.5.3.
Source control
I think I know what you are meaning. Your a pushing out design and want to check thru code what version each database has. I usually do this with a Build form. In this form I have computed fields with all the data I want to retrieve. Then I open the database with an agent create a document
and set the form field to "BuildForm" and do a computewithform.
Now I can see all information about this database.
I once wrote a rudimentary build system for "classic" Notes, and had the last part of the build pipeline create a form named _BUILDID_, and put the build id in the $Comment field.
The main reason to create a form instead of a shared field was that I could dynamically fetch the form using NotesDatabase.Forms, and open up the desired field.
I sure hope there are simpler solutions nowadays... :-)