Can anyone help me installation Mosquitto 2.0 on CentOS linux 7.0 - centos

I need to install Mosquitto 2.0 on my centOS linux machine.
The command available is yum install mosquitto works well, but it installs 1.6 version
I cannot use docker due to some limitation in my machine container eligibility.
Can anyone help me in this?

After some trial and error along with performing this is the best document I got so far.

Related in redhat 8.3 yum

I am try to install oracle manager server in linux redhat 8.3 oprating system but getting error where try to install this package also not able to install help please any one
I am try to install oracle manager server in linux redhat 8.3 oprating system but getting error where try to install this package also not able to install help please any one

message "no module named compose" in docker-compose

I tried already pip install docker-compose
But it didn't help...
Didn't find any other solution for this question, any clue greatly appreciated
(Running docker 20.10.18 on raspbian bullseye, can't provide compose version, same error)
Well, it's due to a bad installation of multiple versions of python unfortunately.
Trying to uninstall 3.10 which has been installed manually above the standard 3.9 package and screws up everything...

Install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 not working

I am trying to install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 Vmware workstation, i am on a bridged network but everytime i attempy to download it i get this messsage. Is there another way to do this or to fix this issue?
at time of this post Gluster 8 ( is the current maintained version. So to install it you would do
dnf -y install centos-release-gluster8
Please note that you can find other versions in the extras repository which, as you see above, is enabled.

Does kubespray support CentOS 8?

I have a quick question related to "Kubespray".
Does "Kubespray" support CentOS 8?
I wanted to deploy "Kubespray" on "CentOS" and I came to know that the CentOS 8 has Kernel version 4.18 and If I can use "CentOS 8" for "Kubernetes" deployment, maybe I can get rid of the "c-group" issue which we are currently facing for all the CentOS distribution which has Kernal Version less than 4.18.
Thanks in Advance.
According to the official documentation Kubesprawy provides support for CentOS/RHEL 7 only. The problem is that:
Installing Kubespray on a RHEL8 systems does not work since the
default Python version is 3.6 and thus python3-libselinux should be
installed instead of libselinux-python. Even that python2 is still
available, the libselinux-python package is not.
I hope it helps.

How to upgrade the centos 5.8 to centos 6X?

I am using centos 5.8 in xencenter , i need to upgrade to centos6.5.
i tried with yum update it will updated to centos 5.10 only,please any one help me.
I am guessing that you are trying to update a virtual machine. If this is the case then you can try the following.
Boot your CentOS 5.8 VM using the CentOS6 ISO
On the initial screen press tab
when the boot command appears, append upgradeany
vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img upgradeany
When you pass the language and devices selections and the system is done examining the storage, you will be prompted if you want to upgrade an existing installation and be shown a drop down list of versions that were found.