Why does the Snowflake PUT command throw error 253003? - command

Using snowflake-connector-python 2.4.3, we're able to connect and execute DML & DDL successfully. But the put command throws this error:
snowflake.connector.errors.OperationalError: 253003:
253003: <urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f2dbd5784a8>:
Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known, file=/tmp/tmpwh9m7__x, real file=/tmp/tmpwh9m7__x
We can manually put files to the specified stage using SnowSQL client. Does the put command create its own connection separate from the connection & cursor we've already created in python? Does put require a specific outbound port opened through our firewall? I assumed everything is going through port 443 (https).

I’m also facing same error in Linux with specific user. Trying to figure it out, why snowflake put not able to use the tmp location as user has full access on that tmp dir.
By the way, if I use any other uses, I’m able to complete this task. So please check if the user has right permissions.


How do you specify DB_URI postgres DB connection string to instance running in Google Sql cloud?

Here's my scenario. I have set up an instance of Postgres DB running in the Google SQL cloud. It's up and running and if I whitelist my local IP, I can connect directly with no issue.
I then have deployed a docker container (postGrest) which is a web server that connects to the postgres DB.
When I configured this on Google Cloud Run, it did have a drop-down option where I could specify DB connectivity and it says that, behind the scenes, it configures Cloud SQL Proxy for this connection.
The container allows environment variables to be passed in to specify which server, etc.
One required parameter is the DB_URI to the postgred instance. When running locally, it looks like this:
When I tried to configure this on the cloud version I tried using the IP (The google cloud SQL proxy documentation says this is how you connect via the proxy). This didn't work.
I then tried using the public-ip assigned to the postgres DB....this didn't work either.
Does anyone know how to specify the correct connection string using this DB_URI format?
I am just going to add this as an answer rather than a comment since it's easier for readability and perhaps helping other users. Please don't feel encouraged to change the accepted answer.
By following the documentation provided by the OP, the final pattern for the URI became:
# Breaking lines for improved readability
* dont forget to prefix the unix socket path with /cloudsql/
Any parameters can be used normally as in the example of sslmode.
Also, be aware that two important things are mentioned in the Cloud SQL documentation:
Note: The PostgreSQL standard requires a .s.PGSQL.5432 suffix in the socket path. Some libraries apply this suffix automatically, but others require you to specify the socket path as follows: /cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME/.s.PGSQL.5432.
In my case, the program I am using already adds as a suffix .s.PGSQL.5432, so I didn't need to add it to my URI.
Warning: Linux based operating systems have a maximum socket path length of 107 characters. If the total length of the path exceeds this length, you will not be able to connect with a socket from Cloud Run (fully managed).
Cloud Run does not support connecting to Cloud SQL using IP addresses. This means will not work. Cloud Run uses Unix Sockets. You must use a connection string.
The Cloud SQL Proxy connection string looks like this:
You can get the instanceid from the Cloud SQL Instance Details page in the console.
You will also need to add permissions to your Cloud Run service account to access Cloud SQL. You will need at least Cloud SQL Client.
It seems that some postgres client libraries don't support putting user and password parameters in the URL query params. I had problems with pq for Node.js and would get the error "no PostgreSQL user name specified in startup packet".
An alternative way of writing the connection string is as follows:
Breaking lines for readability:
It's like a normal TCP connection string, but you put the path to the Unix socket as the host, encoding the / and : characters. If the first character of the hostname is /, then the hostname will be treated as a filesystem path.

JMeter: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

Once a Login script is executed with few user, I don't see connection reset problem, whereas, when the same is run 100 users, "java.net.SocketException: Connection reset" starts throwing for very first link.
What I don't understand is if there is connection problem, then it should even show the same error for single or few users as well.
This means that your server is rejecting connections because it is either overloaded or misconfigured.
It is regular that you don't face it with 1 user and face it with 100, this is typically what load testing brings, ie simulate traffic on your server
It might be the case described in Connection Reset since JMeter 2.10 ? wiki page.
If you are absolutely sure that your server is not overloaded and is configured to accept 100+ connections (defaults are good for development, not for production, they need to be tweaked) you can try work it around as follows:
In user.properties file add the next 2 lines:
In hc.parameters file add the following line:
Both files live in JMeter's bin folder.
You need to restart JMeter to pick the properties up.
Above instructions are applicable for HttpClient4 implementation, make sure you use it, the fastest and the easiest way to set HttpClient4 implementation for all the HTTP Request samplers is using HTTP Request Defaults

MySQL Workbench failed to connect

I can't figure this one out. I can't connect to a server using MySQL Workbench, I tried any kind of connection methods. The error message I get is
Failed to Connect to MySQL at AT with user root
Invalid for this platform protocol requested(MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET)
I ran into the same problem, in my case I originally created the connection with the "Local Socket/Pipe" option selected in the "Connection Method" drop down. Trying to switch back to "Standard (TCP/IP)" did not work and caused the error mentioned by OP. I had to delete the connection and start over by selection "Standard (TCP/IP)" from the start. The connection was successful after that.
To solve this problem you must check the "Others" field in Advanced tab
If you had the connection stored with a socket option you will find a "socket=." (or anything similar)
Delete it
e.g. http://prntscr.com/k63pua
This is a very unusal error message which I haven't seen before, especially on Windows. It has probably to do with how the server is installed. As a newbie it would definitely be the best choice to use the Windows Installer for all required parts. This will install the server properly too.
By using xampp you are on your own to check whether a server is installed and running as a service, as well as the proper configuration. For troubleshooting watch my video on Youtube where I tried to explain most common pitfalls for beginners.
Note: you can open the connection without actually being connected. In that case MySQL Workbench allows to do all those things that don't require a valid server connection, e.g. log file viewing, config file editing, service start/stop etc. Use this to check your server's configuration. Make sure it accepts TCP/IP connections (there's also a short section in the video about this).
Downvoter, please add a comment why you think my answer is bad.
Re-reading the error message I got another idea: could it be that you used local socket/named pipe for the connection? If so try with normal TCP/IP.

ZSS initial setup failing with invalid connection string

I am trying to get the Zumero for SQL Server working and I cannot get past running the test client. I get the below error
Connection string in web.config is
<settings temp_directory="C:\ProgramData\Zumero\ZSS Server\temp\"
odbc_connection_string="DSN=krishna;User Id=syncadmin;Password=syncadmin;"
license_key="<removed>" />
The description for Event ID 1 from source Zumero cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Error -1 (mssql): {"diag":[{"SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT":"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database \"ZumeroTest\" requested by the login. The login failed.","SQL_DIAG_NATIVE":4060,"SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE":"42000"},{"SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT":"[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed","SQL_DIAG_NATIVE":0,"SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE":"IM006"},{"SQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_TEXT":"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute","SQL_DIAG_NATIVE":0,"SQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE":"01S00"}],"SQLRETURN":-1}
The publisher has been disabled and its resource is not avaiable. This usually occurs when the publisher is in the process of being uninstalled or upgraded
Either the SQL Server user doesn't have rights or the database doesn't exist.
You can use a DSN, but for troubleshooting purposes I recommend putting the connection details directly in the connection string for now. Once it's working you can migrate the settings back to a DSN if you like.
Looks like you're using SQL Server authentication. So the odbc_connection_string value should look like this:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Database={database};Server={server.ad.domain.com};UID={sql_server_user};PWD={password};
The database must exist and the user specified must have appropriate read/write access to it.
(If you're setting minimum necessary permissions, you'll also want to make sure the user has VIEW SERVER STATE rights, as described here.)
While unrelated to your invalid connection string problem, the messages about The description for Event ID 1 [...] and The publisher has been disabled [...] indicate that ZSS hasn't been correctly registered with the Windows Event Viewer. Did you install the server by hand (from the .zip file) or using the installer?
You can fix those messages using the following command (which probably requires an admin prompt):
wevtutil im "PATH\TO\events.man" /rf:"PATH\TO\zumero_server.dll" /mf:"PATH\TO\zumero_server.dll"
where PATH\TO is the path where you extracted those files from the .zip. If you used the installer then they should be located at: %PROGRAMFILES%\Zumero\ZSS Server
If you installed manually from the .zip then it's worth noting that the instructions had a subtle typo in that command which would cause it to fail. That typo has been fixed in the past few days, but it may have caught you during your installation and caused this issue.

Problems with postgreSQL on ubuntu 12.10

I am a new postgresql user and I am trying to open an new account on this
database technology. As I was trying to open a new server I cannot create a database within this server. It says an error when I try to open that up.
Could you please tell whats wrong with this.
I do the following steps.
I create an account as this:
Despite this the server does not get created.
Is there something wrong with configuration of this server.
This is the error which says
Thank you in advance
The service is not the IP address of the server: http://www.pgadmin.org/docs/dev/connect.html
I'm no expert, but I believe the service is a shorthand for specifying other connection parameters. It's most simple to establish connections at first by specifying the values directly, so just leave that blank.