FBX exported model's texture tiling issue in Reality Converter - arkit

I am exporting an FBX character from Maya to Reality Converter. In Maya, I base the settings on the "Autodesk Media and Entertainment" profile, I embed media to make sure textures are exported, and I set the scale to meters.
The textures work well in Maya, but in Reality Converter they appear tiled. The same character downloaded as DAE from the Mixamo website has the textures displaying correctly in RC. Also, the exported FBX looks fine in FBX review, which leads me to believe this has to do with the way the FBX is read inside Reality Converter. The export converts the units to meters, which is the only scaling factor I can think of in the scene. However, typically unit scaling does not affect UV tiling in any 3D software I worked in.
This is how textures appear in Maya
and this is how they appear once in Reality Converter
I have found several posts around the web describing the issue, but none outlining a solution
Any suggestions?


About Unity 3d map modeling(with blender)

I'm trying to develop a 3D game with unity.
I was thinking about how to make a game map (3d space), and I found a program called Blender,
and I made a map made of low-poly.
It looked very awesome inside the blender program,
but when I exported using the .fbx file, it was disappointing in the unity program.
(unlike the color that I saw blender)
Should I add special settings when importing fbx files in Unity or change the export file extention?
I might give up Blender.
Please recommend a free program to create a unity game space.
I'm not talking about the light texture effect in the blender,and the water reflection. It's because the colors are so different.

How to export fbx with textures from Unity?

I have downloaded a Unity asset which included lots of 3d models with textures/materials etc.
I wanted to share one of those objects with an artist, so that they can create a new model on top of that model, so I exported the fbx from Unity using one of the Unity fbx exporter assets.
However, the model was exported without any textures and so it looked pretty much white as a whole. Therefore, the artist cannot really work on a model that includes textures and also send me back the finished work with those textures.
I am wondering, is there a way to actually export everything with the fbx
from Unity ? Thanks !
Assign your material in the source package, make sure there is a baked texture in the diffuse slot
Assign your other baked textures to the spec, normal and others
Check embed textures at export
Check 'import materials: by material name' is selected for your imported model (in the inspector)
Where possible use a portable file format like FBX and follow these guidelines.
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/material-texture-faq.244786/ http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/HOWTO-exportFBX.html

Importing blender textured objects into unity

I am able to get this particular textured model from a 360 camera in blender. Blender Image
However, how do i get this .obj model into unity? I am only able to get the shaded version of it, not the textured version. Unity Image
When you export the .obj you should have a .mtl which contains the material data and texture mapping. Make sure when importing into unity (and exporting from blender) the file is generated and read.
Check your blender material properties and the individual texture properties. you should try to combine all materials into a single material so that its easier to reconfigure the textures in unity.
Once imported into unity, check the material settings and check if you need to reference the texture files again, most often when importing exporting .obj, the texture path gets lost so you must re-reference it in the target software. Sometimes it is also necessary to re-assign the materials themselves.
Also check your rendering options in unity, you may just be seeing it untextured in the unity viewport. (on the top left corner it says shaded, try changing it to textured or some other option)
You may as well try to use other mutually supported file types, like .3DS which do not use a separate material file, or check for blender add-ons that can export with all necessary settings for Unity.
Finally, your model is way too complex, it is raw data from a 3D scanner or ripper, I suggest you remake it so that you have manual control over each face and texture. (or at least for practice of doing the export-import operation).
More details like pictures of your material settings of both blender and unity would help in assisting you further.

Some of the textures and materials resets while importing models from maya autodesk to unity3d

I am somewhat beginner to Unity3d and an absolute beginner in Maya modelling.
I created a room model in Maya Autodesk 2017 student version referring one youtube tutorial.
And made an attempt to import .ma file in Unity3D.
But when I import it some materials are not visible in unity.
To be precise blinn is visible but material created by Lambert or by using images aren't.
It seems like unity can't recognise this material.
I tried to google it. But there they show something like converting to .fbx file or exporting materials. But I don't see .fbx option in save scene and Maya Autodesk isn't allowing me to export material as it is student version.
Maya is just allowing me to save scenes in .ma and .mb format.
Am I missing something while importing? and if not then is there any way I can use exact models that I created in Maya Autodesk in unity3D.
I am attaching sample images from unity3D and Maya Autodesk.
Image From Maya Autodesk:
Image from Unity3D:
Here it is clear that when the image of earth is used to create material, Unity3D is unable to render it.
Also, I noticed that in Maya Autodesk I have to turn texture button on to see the texture of earth.
Do unity have any such setting that prevents it from displaying texture from other software?

Texture from Blender doesn't appear in Unity 3D

I've searched endlessly for an answer to this question. However, I have created a model in Blender and export it as a .FBX directly into Unity. But the textures I have applied in Blender do not render in Unity (Even in the preview screen). I have UV Unwrapped the model, and created a custom texture pattern to suit. I've inserted the textures into Unity, however this just loads them how Unity feels, not how I'd like it to look.
I've attempted to add it as a .blend file, but Blender crashes, and it fails to convert to an .fbx file in Unity. The model is of a wall, with 3 doorways, and 3 doors. The wall has its own texture, and the doors all have the same texture. (I'd upload images but haven't earnt enough rep).
Is there a simple solution? Or am I over looking the whole process and missing something important out?
after you UV unwrapped your model you save the uv in a file in blender you should apply that file as a texture to your model in unity and you will be done,tell me if you have already done that. Here are useful tutorials.
I had better luck exporting it as a wavefront object. Under transform select Path Mode: Copy and you should get your materials.