In UnityHub the uploaded project appears.
By pressing the download cloud-Button I need to set a folder.
After that, it starts downloading and immediatly stops with an error and I cant press the download button again.
Check if the project is in the archive
Unity Dashboard ( - Collaborate - Storage
Check if the project is active by following the path.
Although projects are actively visible in the Hub, if they are archived, they may not be allowed to download.
I started to make a project on a Windows computer and uploaded it via GitHub. Later I wanted to download it on my Mac. But when I start the project on MacOS Unity the scene is empty and all prefabs are missing. Every time when I check GitHub it is deleting a lots of meta.files. When I discard the deletion, all meta.files are deleted again as soon as I start the project on my Mac.
Getting back to Windows GitHub says that everything is pushed. Referring to that article ( the problem appears similar. But the solution does not help.
What is the problem to get my project from Windows to Mac via GitHub?
"Unity deletes .meta files":
After some research the answer to this seems to be - Unity removes .meta files when the corresponding object is missing.
"Prefabs are missing":
GitHub on my windows computer did not commit the .obj files. It took me a while to figure out that somehow a "gitignore_global.txt" was installed from somewhere (maybe GitHub Desktop?). .obj files were included to be ignored. That "gitignore_global.txt" is located in:[x:/User/Documents]
If you face the same problem - check the gitignore-file in your Unity project too. If certain file types are prohibited via one of these 2 files - no chance!
I have an application that I'm trying to publish to my website. The error I'm getting is that when done publishing, it says:
So it looks like it succeeded, but didn't.
My website is located at
In my build properties, under the publish tab, I click options->deployment, then set deployment webpage title to 'rdl', then I check automatically generate deployment webpage after every publish
I then go through the Publish Wizard:
Specify the location to publish this application:
Click next.
Check From a website: Specify the url:
Check Yes, this application will be available online or offline
The final page then states:
The application will be published to:
Users will launch this application from:
Click Finish
I am then left with the error described in the image above.
When I go to cPanel (my web host), I am able to see the Application Files folder which includes my application folder inside it.My .deploy and .application file are also located there along with any assets I had.
This Application Files folder is on the same level as the public_html folder if that matters.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm not exactly sure where I'm going wrong!
Yesterday I updated my unity to latest version..
Then the launcher is blank.
And when i open any .unity file.. It opens the editor with a error.
Error loading file:///C%3A%2FUsers%2FBuckyDroidz%2FAppData%2FRoaming%2FUnity%2FPackages%2Fnode_modules%2Funity-editor-home%2Fdist/index.html#/login
Unity is still working and running the project.. But unity launcher is not working
After searching on google I found a fix. I mean I have to add some file in package folder.. But there was a link to download those files and the link is dead...
Help Me!!
Looking at your SO username, it looks like this is a problem with your computer username.The D in your name is probably "Ď" or some other character and Unity is having problem reading that file path(C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Unity/Packages/node_modules/unity-editor-home/dist/index.html#/login). This causes license check to fail.
Two things to try:
Method 1.
Change your username
A.Change your name to valid English characters
B.Uninstall and install Unity again to recognize that change.
If this does not fix your problem, do method 2.
Method 2
Do manual Activation
A.Disconnect your internet/wifi.
B.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
C.Click on Manual Activation.
D.Click on Save License or Save License Request(Depends on Unity version)
E.Connect to your internet/wifi.
F.Go to then upload that saved license there. Follow steps to on the website to create a license on that website. Make sure to chose free unity version as the license type. When everything is done, you will be able to download a key file. Download that file.
G.Disconnect your internet/wifi again.
H.Open Unity. Go to Help -> Manage License
I.Click on Manual Activation.
J.Click on Load License then choose the file you downloaded from step F.
You can now connect to your internet/wifi again. Restart Unity and test if the problem is still there.
This is a issue with 2017.2 as well
To fix
go to C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\Packages
You can see 4 tgz files
Use an unarchive program (I used 7-zip file manager) to open each one of these and extract contents (dist folder and package.json file) to your Roaming folder
After extract, the folder looks like this..
and unity-editor-home like below (one level subfolders shown)
So I made a repository for an app and everything in Xcode is setup. Now another person tries to pull it and that works fine until this message appears: The File "UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate" could not be unlocked, unlocking failed for an unknown reason.
The project uses the Google Maps API and gives the error: "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h" file not found. Even though the project is a direct clone, it works for me but not for him.
For the error of "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h" file not found.
You may have not set the path properly. For setting right path do following steps:
Go to Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Click on + option
Select the GoogleMaps Framework. If you have added it from outside than go there & select it.
Go to Targets -> Build Settings -> Header Search Paths
Remove the older path of Google Maps API from it (keep new path don't remove it)
For "The File "UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate" could not be unlocked" issue
refer this :
You probably corrupted the file by using Git, that, or you overwrote a locally saved file with something from the cloud. Try recreating the project without using Git, and see if it works.
I am almost ready to release my iphone app. I use restkit for consuming my webservice. When I archive, it fails with this error:
cp: /Users/myusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/project-name-/ArchiveIntermediates/project-name/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/include/RestKit: No such file or directory
I dragged & dropped restkit into the project. It builds and works fine in debug mode. I am guessing it is unable to locate restkit dir while archiving. But I am not sure why. Any thoughts?
I've had trouble linking with my own framework in the past, but I have a procedure that works. Even though I don't understand it, it works so I follow it like voodoo, and I don't risk angering the gods by asking too many questions.
Here's what I'd try on your project (again, partly voodoo here):
Navigate to the Frameworks folder in the project nav, select the RestKit and delete it with the delete key. Just delete references.
Using Finder, option-drag (copy) the framework from wherever you first got it
(~/Downloads, or another project or wherever) into your project directory, replacing files if prompted.
Back in your project, select the project, then the target, then build phases.
Open the link binary section, hit "+", then the "Add Other.." button on the bottom of the dialog
Browse to the framework you copied in in step 2.
See if you can clean, build, archive. Easy enough to try, and no livestock are harmed. Hope it works for you.