How do I splice two vectors in MATLAB? - matlab

I need to splice two vectors based on a condition that also takes a vector as an argument. Example:
vec_cond = -5:5; % The exact values are calculated differently
vec1 = 0:10;
vec2 = 5:15;
I need a resulting vector to be comprised from values out of both vectors based on a condition from the third vector. Let's assume this is the condition: vec_cond >= 0
Then if this is true, I want vec_result to have values from vec1 on appropriate indexes, and if not, take values from vec2 on appropriate indexes:
vec_result = vec1 if (vec_cond >=0) else vec2
This is portion of my MATLAB script (original comments were Czech) where I would need to use that:
%% Draw output current and voltage characteristics
R = 100:5:2*10^3; % Load rezistor [ohm]
U_2 = R .* (I * 10^(-3)); % Load voltage [V]
U_1stab = U_LM + U_x + U_2; % Min. required input voltage
% for stabilization [V]
U_delta = U_1 - U_1stab; % Difference between actual and
% min. req. input voltage [V]
U_2norm = U_1 - U_LM - U_x % Calculating output load
% voltage based on params [V]
I_z = U_2norm ./ R .* 10^3; % Load current param based[mA]
I_r1 = I * I_z.^0; % Stabilizator current [mA]
So the condition would be U_delta >= 0.
I tried to use a ternary operator, which I found here:
I_graph = (U_delta >= 0) : (#() I) : (#() I_z); % Current splice [mA]
U_graph = (U_delta >= 0) : (#() U_2) : (#() U_2norm); % Voltage splice [V]
That means that for I_graph, if the condition is met, take a constant value I and vectorize it, otherwise take values from I_z vector. For U_graph, if the condition is met, take values from U_2 vector, otherwise take constant value of U_2norm and vectorize it.
But it didn't work, this is what it tells me:
Operator ':' is not supported for operands of type 'function_handle'.
Error in vypocet1 (line 52)
I_graph = (U_delta >= 0) : (#() I) : (#() I_z); % Current splice [mA]
I guess that I might want to use for loop, but I'm not sure how it will help me and how can I actually construct the necessary vector using a for loop.

vec_cond = -5:5;
vec1 = 0:10;
vec2 = 5:15;
You can set:
out = vec2;
I = vec_cond >= 0;
out(I) = vec1(I);
This uses logical indexing, which is indexing with a logical array.
By the way, the ternary operator you found is an exercise to overload the : operator for a specific class to do something that it normally doesn’t do. Note how you use the colon when creating vec_cond. This is what the colon operator does normally.


How do I linearly interpolate past missing values using future values in a while loop?

I am using MATLAB R2020a on a MacOS. I am trying to remove outlier values in a while loop. This involves calculating an exponentially weighted moving mean and then comparing this a vector value. If the conditions are met, the vector input is then added to a separate vector of 'acceptable' values. The while loop then advances to the next input and calculates the new exponentially weighted moving average which includes the newly accepted vector input.
However, if the condition is not met, I written code so that, instead of adding the input sample, a zero is added to the vector of 'acceptable' values. Upon the next acceptable value being added, I currently have it so the zero immediately before is replaced by the mean of the 2 framing acceptable values. However, this only accounts for one past zero and not for multiple outliers. Replacing with a framing mean may also introduce aliaising errors.
Is there any way that the zeros can instead be replaced by linearly interpolating the "candidate outlier" point using the gradient based on the framing 2 accepted vector input values? That is, is there a way of counting backwards within the while loop to search for and replace zeros as soon as a new 'acceptable' value is found?
I would very much appreciate any suggestions, thanks in advance.
%Calculate exponentially weighted moving mean and tau without outliers
accepted_means = zeros(length(cycle_periods_filtered),1); % array for accepted exponentially weighted means
accepted_means(1) = cycle_periods_filtered(1);
k = zeros(length(cycle_periods_filtered),1); % array for accepted raw cycle periods
m = zeros(length(cycle_periods_filtered), 1); % array for raw periods for all cycles with outliers replaced by mean of framing values
k(1) = cycle_periods_filtered(1);
m(1) = cycle_periods_filtered(1);
tau = m/3; % pre-allocation for efficiency
i = 2; % index for counting through input signal
j = 2; % index for counting through accepted exponential mean values
n = 2; % index for counting through raw periods of all cycles
cycle_index3(1) = 1;
while i <= length(cycle_periods_filtered)
mavCurrent = (1 - 1/w(j))*accepted_means(j - 1) + (1/w(j))*cycle_periods_filtered(i);
if cycle_periods_filtered(i) < 1.5*(accepted_means(j - 1)) && cycle_periods_filtered(i) > 0.5*(accepted_means(j - 1)) % Identify high and low outliers
accepted_means(j) = mavCurrent;
k(j) = cycle_periods_filtered(i);
m(n) = cycle_periods_filtered(i);
cycle_index3(n) = i;
tau(n) = m(n)/3;
if m(n - 1) == 0
m(n - 1) = (k(j) + k(j - 1))/2;
tau(n - 1) = m(n)/3;
j = j + 1;
n = n + 1;
m(n) = 0;
n = n + 1;
i = i + 1;
% Scrap the tail
accepted_means(j - 1:end)=[];
k(j - 1:end) = [];

Is there any special rules for nesting if-statement in for-loop in MATLAB?

I am trying to create a signal and then build a discrete-time signal by sampling the CT signal I create first. Until the last for-loop, things work out fine but I need to take N samples seperated by T. Without an if statement, I am getting an index out-of-bounds error and I had to limit sampling within the duration of the signal. For some reason, my code goes into if statement once and no more, and for debugging, I am printing out the values both in if and out of if. Although the logical operation should be true for more than one iteration(printing statements will show the values), it just does not print the statements inside the if-statement. What's wrong here?
function x = myA2D(b,w,p,T,N)
%MYA2D description: Takes in parameters to construct the CT-sampled DT signal
%b,w,p are Mx1 vectors and it returns Nx1 vector.
timeSpace = 0:0.001:3*pi;
xConstT = zeros(size(timeSpace));
%Construct Xc(t) signal
for k = 1:size(b,1)
temp = b(k) .* cos(w(k).*timeSpace + p(k));
xConstT = xConstT + temp;
%Sampling CT-Signal to build DT-signal
disp(strcat('xConstT size',int2str(size(xConstT))));**strong text**
x = zeros(N,1);
sizeConstT = size(xConstT);
for i = 0:N-1
index = i .* T .* 1000 + 1;
if index <= sizeConstT
%x(i+1,1) = xConstT(index);
sizeConstT = size(xConstT); creates an 1x2 array so you compare a float to an array, and your code enters the if loop only if comparison to each element of the array is successful. This example illustrates the issue:
if 1 <= [1 12]; disp('one'); end % <- prints 'one'
if 2 <= [1 12]; disp('two'); end % <- prints nothing
Your code will work with sizeConstT = length(xConstT);

Matlab : Help in implementing an encoding for realizing a mapping function

An example : Consider the unimodal logistic map : x[n+1] = 4*x[n](1-x[n]). The map can be used to generate +1/-1 symbols using the technique
I want to extend the above concept using the map f(x) for 3 levels, each level corresponds to a symbol but I am unsure how I can do that.
To map a continuous range (obtained for example as the output of a pseudo-random number generator, or alternatively the logistic map) to a small set of discrete values, you would need to split the continuous range into regions, and assign an output value to each of those regions. The limits of those regions would determine the corresponding threshold values to use.
For example, in the binary case you start off with a continuous range of values in [0,1] which you split into two regions: [0,0.5] and (0.5,1]. Each of those region begin assigned an output symbol, namely -1 and +1. As you have noted, the boundary of the regions being set to the midpoint of your [0,1] input range gives you a threshold of 0.5. This could be implemented as:
if (x > 0.5)
symbol = +1;
symbol = -1;
As a more compact implementation, the formula 2*(x>0.5)-1 takes advantage of the fact that in Matlab a true condition (from the x>0.5 expression) has a value of 1, whereas false has a value of 0.
For 3 discrete output values, you'd similarly split your [0,1] input range into 3 regions: [0,1/3], (1/3,2/3] and (2/3,1]. The corresponding thresholds thus being 1/3 and 2/3.
Finally for 8 discrete output values, you would similarly split your [0,1] input range into 8 regions: [0,1/8], (1/8,2/8], (2/8,3/8], (3/8,4/8], (4/8,5/8], (5/8,6/8], (6/8,7/8] and (7/8,1]. The corresponding thresholds thus being 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8 and 7/8, as illustrated in the following diagram:
thresholding function input: |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|
0 | | | | | | | 1
thresholds: 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8 5/8 6/8 7/8
| | | | | | | |
v v v v v v v v
generated symbol: -7 -5 -3 -1 +1 +3 +5 +7
This then gives the following symbol mapping implementation:
if (x < 1/8)
symbol = -7;
elseif (x < 2/8)
symbol = -5;
elseif (x < 3/8)
symbol = -3;
elseif (x < 4/8)
symbol = -1;
elseif (x < 5/8)
symbol = +1;
elseif (x < 6/8)
symbol = +3;
elseif (x < 7/8)
symbol = +5;
symbol = +7;
As a more compact implementation, you could similarly use the floor function to obtain discrete levels:
% x : some value in the [0,1] range
% s : a symbol in the {-7,-5,-3,-1,+1,+3,+5,+7} set
function s = threshold(x)
% Note on implementation:
% 8*x turns the input range from [0,1] to [0,8]
% floor(8*x) then turns that into values {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
% then a linear transform (2*() - 7) is applied to map
% 0 -> -7, 1 -> -5, 2 -> -3, ..., 7 -> 7
% min/max finally applied just as a safety to make sure we don't overflow due
% to roundoff errors (if any).
s = min(7, max(-7, 2*floor(8*x) - 7));
Now if you want to generate complex symbols with 8 levels for the real part and 8 levels for the imaginary part, you'd simply combine them just like in the binary case. Mainly you'd generate a first value which gives you the real part, then a second value for the imaginary part:
x_real = rand(); % random input 0 <= x_real <= 1
x_imag = rand(); % another one
s = threshold(x_real) + sqrt(-1)*threshold(x_imag);
Addressing some points raised by a previous revision of the question:
One thing to note is that x[n+1] = 4*x[n](1-x[n]) maps values in [0,1] to the same range of values. This makes it possible to iteratively apply the mapping to obtain additional values, and correspondingly generate a binary sequence with the threshold application (x > 0.5). The function f(x) you provided (in an earlier edit of the question) on the other hand, maps values within a range with discontinuities (roughly covering [-7.5,7.5] depending on p) to [0,1]. In other words you would need to either modify f(x) or otherwise map its output back to the input domain of f(x). It would probably be easier to consider a general uniform pseudo-random number generator over the [-8,+8] range as input to the threshold function:
% x : some value in the [-8,8] range
% s : a symbol in the {-7,-5,-3,-1,+1,+3,+5,+7} set
function s = threshold_8PAM(x)
s = min(7, max(-7, 2*round(x/2 + 0.5) - 1));
To get the final 64-QAM symbols you would combine two 8-PAM symbols in quadrature (i.e. x64qam = xQ + sqrt(-1)*xI, where xQ and xI have both been generated with the above procedure).
That said, if the goal is to implement a digital communication system using 64-QAM symbols with additional chaotic modulation, you'd ultimately want to take into account the source of input data to transmit rather than randomly generating both the chaotic modulation and the source data in one shot. That is even if for performance evaluation you wind up generating the source data randomly, it is still a good idea to be generating it independently of the chaotic modulation.
Addressing those concerns, the paper An Enhanced Spectral Efficiency Chaos-Based Symbolic Dynamics Transceiver Design suggests a different approach based on the inverse map you provided, which can be implemented as:
function x = inverse_mapping(x,SymbIndex,p)
if (SymbIndex==0)
x = ((1-p)*x-14)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==1)
x = ((1-p)*x-10)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==2)
x = ((1-p)*x-6)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==3)
x = ((1-p)*x-2)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==4)
x = ((1-p)*x+2)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==5)
x = ((1-p)*x+6)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==6)
x = ((1-p)*x+10)/2;
elseif (SymbIndex==7)
x = ((1-p)*x+14)/2;
As you may notice, the function takes a symbol index (3 bits, which you'd get from the input source data) and the current state of the modulated output (which you may seed with any value within the convergence range of inverse_mapping) as two independent input streams. Note that you can compute the bounds of the convergence range of inverse_mapping by finding the limits of repeated application of the mapping using input symbol index s=0, and s=7 (using for example a seed of x=0). This should converge to [-14/(1+p), 14/(1+p)].
The chaotic modulation described in the above referenced paper can then be achieved with (setting the control parameter p=0.8 as an example):
% Simulation parameters
Nsymb = 10000;
p = 0.8;
M = 64;
% Source data generation
SymbolIndexQ = randi([0 sqrt(M)-1],Nsymb,1);
SymbolIndexI = randi([0 sqrt(M)-1],Nsymb,1);
% Modulation
xmax = 14/(1+p); % found by iterative application of inverse_mapping
xQ = xmax*(2*rand(1)-1); % seed initial state
xI = xmax*(2*rand(1)-1); % seed initial state
x = zeros(Nsymb,1);
for i=1:Nsymb
xQ = inverse_mapping(xQ, SymbolIndexQ(i), p);
xI = inverse_mapping(xI, SymbolIndexI(i), p);
x(i) = xQ + sqrt(-1)*xI;
% x holds the modulated symbols
plot(real(x), imag(x), '.');
% if you also need the unmodulated symbols you can get them from
% SymbolIndexQ and SymbolIndexI
s = (2*SymbolIndexQ-7) + sqrt(-1)*(2*SymbolIndexI-7);
with should produce the corresponding constellation diagram:
or with p=1 (which is essentially unmodulated):

How to vectorize a piecewise periodic function in MATLAB?

I've noticed that matlab builtin functions can handle either scalar or vector parameters. Example:
ans =
ans =
0 0.5878 0.9511 0.9511 0.5878 0.0000
If I write my own function, for example, a piecewise periodic function:
function v = foo(t)
t = mod( t, 2 ) ;
if ( t < 0.1 )
v = 0 ;
elseif ( t < 0.2 )
v = 10 * t - 1 ;
v = 1 ;
I can call this on individual values:
[foo(0.1) foo(0.15) foo(0.2)]
ans =
0 0.5000 1.0000
however, if the input for the function is a vector, it is not auto-vectorized like the builtin function:
ans =
Is there a syntax that can be used in the definition of the function that indicates that if a vector is provided, a vector should be produced? Or do builtin functions like sin, cos, ... check for the types of their input, and if the input is a vector produce the same result?
You need to change your syntax slightly to be able to handle data of any size. I typically use logical filters to vectorise if-statements, as you're trying to do:
function v = foo(t)
v = zeros(size(t));
t = mod( t, 2 ) ;
filt1 = t<0.1;
filt2 = ~filt1 & t<0.2;
filt3 = ~filt1 & ~filt2;
v(filt1) = 0;
v(filt2) = 10*t(filt2)-1;
v(filt3) = 1;
In this code, we've got three logical filters. The first picks out all elements such that t<0.1. The second picks out all of the elements such that t<0.2 that weren't in the first filter. The final filter gets everything else.
We then use this to set the vector v. We set every element of v that matches the first filter to 0. We set everything in v which matches the second filter to 10*t-1. We set every element of v which matches the third filter to 1.
For a more comprehensive coverage of vectorisation, check the MATLAB help page on it.
A simple approach that minimizes the number of operations is:
function v = foo(t)
t = mod(t, 2);
v = ones(size(t)) .* (t > 0.1);
v(t < 0.2) = 10*t(t < 0.2) - 1;
If the vectors are large, it might be faster to do ind = t < 0.2, and use that in the last line. That way you only search through the array once. Also, the multiplication might be substituted by an extra line with logical indices.
I repeatedly hit the same problem, thus I was looking for a more generic solution and came up with this:
%your function definition
#(t)(mod(t,2))<0.2,#(t)(10 * t - 1),...
%call pw which returns the function
%example evaluation
Now the code for pw
function f=pw(varargin)
for ip=1:numel(varargin)
switch class(varargin{ip})
case {'double','logical'}
case 'function_handle'
%do nothing
error('wrong input class')
function y=pweval(x,p)
for segment=1:numel(p)

MATLAB: Cannot properly evaluate function using input vector

I am trying to pass a vector into a function, and evaluate the vector over a piecewise function. When I run the code below, I am only returned a single number rather than a vector. Any ideas?
function [v] = velocity( t )
%This function takes vector 't' and evaluates a velocity over a given
%piecewise function
if t>=0 & t<=8
elseif t>=8 & t<=16
elseif t>=16 & t<=26
v= 36*t+12*(t-16)^2;
elseif t>26
else t<0
When you elevate a vector to the square, you are performing a scalar product with itself.
Replace t^2 with t.^2 for element-wise operators.
Do the same for (t-16).^2.
All the other operators should fall automatically into the element wise case but you can add points before them to be sure.
And, furthermore, the conditions as you have wrote them apply to a t as a scalar value. You can get the researched effect by doing the following:
Instead of
if cond1:
v = something
elif cond2:
v = something_else
indices1 = (cond1) % where cond1 is t < 10 for example
indices2 = (cond2) % and cond2 is t >= 10
v[indices1] = something
v[indices2] = something_else
I hope you get the gist.