How to take screenshot using command in Selenium IDE [New Version] - selenium-ide

This question was already asked but the version of Selenium IDE is changed now.
Previously there was command but screenshot command is removed in new Selenium IDE.
Please help me if anyone knows any workaround.


eclipse IDE guava-18.0.jar has no source attachment

I was trying install a newer version of Chrome Selenium driver but the newest version didn't fix a problem I was having. So I copied the previous Chrome Selenium driver back into the same folder where I keep all of the browser drivers.
Now when I try to run my Selenium script in Eclipse IDE I get this error:
"eclipse IDE guava-18.0.jar has no source attachment"
I googled around but cannot find this problem elsewhere to see how to fix it.

Eclipse luna showing incomplete help menu

I'm using eclipse luna 4.4.1.I installed it recently and it was working fine. I had to uninstall it and again install it. After re-Installing the help menu is incomplete and i'm not able to see install new software option or anything. It was working fine before.
I know this is a duplicate question.But none of the answers there solved my problem.
Please suggest a solution.

Run as TestNG not appearing in Eclipse

I am trying to setup TestNG and run a sample test using TestNG.
I have installed the TestNG plugin in Eclipse but when I try to run the test as TestNG, the option is not showing in 'Run As', it only shows Run As JUnit.
Can anyone tell the reason why it is not appearing? or am I missing something?
I tried uninstalling TestNG and re-installing it again, but no go..
One more thing, am I not allowed to use JUnit and TestNG at the same time?
My eclipse has got just the JUnit in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> JUnit but I can't see TestNG, why is this?
Please advise.
As a workaround, I tried to install 'eclipse-jee-mars-R-win32-x86_64' and upgraded JDK from 1.6 to 1.7, it worked for me. So right now am not using Eclipse Luna anymore.
Doing this will not disturb your Workspace. All your projects remains same. Only thing is you need to point eclipse to your previous Workspace itself.
Thanks all for your comments.

Can't run libgdx project from eclipse

I have eclipse luna on win 8.1 and installed libgdx and there are no errors, but when I try to run my project I get this text:
Prints the ASM code to generate the given class.
Usage: ASMifier [-debug]
What's that and how to solve it?
Solved. Under "Run as" wrong default was set. I'm actually not 100% sure why was I'm getting this message so clarification is welcome, but problem is not appearing any more.

Can't install a Grails plugin

I'm trying to install the ws-client plugin for grails. When I run grails install-plugin ws-client, however, it gets to
Resolving plugin ws-client. Please wait...
and then it just appears to complete with no further information. I've tried deleting the plugin in the file (it is appearing there) but it doesn't help.
I know the plugin wasn't successfully installed either because I get an error when trying to import the ws-client.
Unable to resolve class
Does anyone know why it's not properly installing?
Update: When I run grails list-plugins -installed ws-client DOES show up, so perhaps it is being installed? But if so, why would the import statement be throwing the resolve error?
Update: It was definitely a problem with the installation. I don't know what the problem was, but I have managed to work around it. Posting an answer with the process.
Well I can't post an answer to myself because I need 100 Rep to answer myself in under 8 hours, and I of course only have 99... :)
The answer wound up being to right click "plugins" under the project in STS' Project Explorer window and manually locating the ws-client plugin and marking for installation. I'll post this as an actual answer in 5 hours.
So for some reason using the
grails install-plugin ws-client
command wasn't working correctly. I ran it from both the command line and STS's built in terminal. Both gave me the problem of it not completing installation, but not giving an error either.
Anyway, I finally managed to get the plugin installed by right clicking on "plugins" under my project in the STS Project Explorer window. From there you can open "Grails Plugin Manager" and search for ws-client. I selected it for installation and it wound up installing without a hitch.
Still don't know why I couldn't do it from regular command line, but this method worked and got it installed, so hopefully it helps someone else out in the future!
Another way that did work for me (I'm using STS) is to run grails install-plugin ws-client by accessing grails command-line through Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G (Cmd+Alt+Shift+G on Mac)
Also it helps to just "Refresh" the project after installing the plugin and rebuilding it (if you're Automatic Built is turned off)