ebpf: how to use BPF_FUNC_trace_printk in eBPF assembly program - bpf

I have a small socket filter type eBPF program, where I'm trying to print a protocol value read from __sk_buff context:
struct bpf_insn prog[] = {
BPF_LDX_MEM(BPF_W, BPF_REG_0, BPF_REG_6, offsetof(struct __sk_buff, protocol)),
BPF_RAW_INSN(BPF_JMP | BPF_CALL, 0, 0, 0, BPF_FUNC_trace_printk),
I create a raw socket and bind it to the lo interface, then setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_BPF, ...). It compiles and loads with no problems, however whenever I ping I never see traces in the trace_pipe.
So, to make sure that it BPF_FUNC_trace_printk actually can work, I changed it so that it prints a static string on the stack, and it does print on every packet hitting the loopback.
What am I doing wrong?

Read the friendly manual :)
I don't believe you are calling the bpf_trace_printk() helper correctly (BPF_FUNC_trace_prink is just an integer, by the way). Its signature, commented in the kernel UAPI header bpf.h or in the bpf-helpers man page, is as follows:
long bpf_trace_printk(const char *fmt, u32 fmt_size, ...);
This means that the first argument must be a constant, null-terminated format string, not an integer like you do.
What does clang do?
I understand you are attaching your eBPF programs to sockets and cannot compile the whole program from C. However, why not compile that specific part as a generic networking eBPF program to see what the bytecode should look like? Let's write the C code:
#include <linux/bpf.h>
static long (*bpf_trace_printk)(const char *fmt, __u32 fmt_size, ...) = (void *) BPF_FUNC_trace_printk;
int printk_proto(struct __sk_buff *skb) {
char fmt[] = "%d\n";
bpf_trace_printk(fmt, sizeof(fmt), skb->protocol);
return 0;
Compile to an object file. For the record this would not load, unless we provide both a valid licence string (because bpf_trace_prink() needs a GPL-compatible program) and a compatible program type at load time. But it does not matter in our case, we just want to look at the generated instructions.
$ clang -O2 -g -emit-llvm -c prink_protocol.c -o - | \
llc -march=bpf -mcpu=probe -filetype=obj -o prink_protocol.o
Dump the bytecode:
$ llvm-objdump -d prink_protocol.o
prink_protocol.o: file format elf64-bpf
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000000 <printk_proto>:
0: b4 02 00 00 25 64 0a 00 w2 = 680997
1: 63 2a fc ff 00 00 00 00 *(u32 *)(r10 - 4) = r2
2: 61 13 10 00 00 00 00 00 r3 = *(u32 *)(r1 + 16)
3: bf a1 00 00 00 00 00 00 r1 = r10
4: 07 01 00 00 fc ff ff ff r1 += -4
5: b4 02 00 00 04 00 00 00 w2 = 4
6: 85 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 call 6
7: b4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 w0 = 0
8: 95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 exit
We can see that on the first two instructions, the program writes the format string (in little endian) onto the stack: 680997 is 0x000a6425, \0\nd%. r2 still contains the length for the format string. The protocol value is stored in r3, the third argument for the call to bpf_trace_prink().


SHA-3: Implementation of Theta function according to FIPS-202 not behaving as expected

I'm implementing SHA-3 following the official FIPS-202 document in Verilog.
My state is represented by a one-dimensional register and I use a macro function to calculate the corresponding state index from the (x,y,z) coordinates in the document:
A[x, y, z] = S [W(5y + x) + z], W = 64 (p. 9)
I'm strictly following the guide on page 11 and came up with this:
// Macros for transforming dimensions
`define sub_1(x) (x == 0 ? 4 : x - 1)
`define add_1(x) (x == 4 ? 0 : x + 1)
`define sub_1_W(x) (x == 0 ? (W - 1) : x - 1)
`define s(x,y,z) ((W * ((5 * y) + x)) + z)
`define s_xz(x,z) ((W * x) + z)
// Wires
wire [0:(1600 - 1)] absorbed_data, after_theta;
wire [0:((5 * 64) - 1)] C, D;
genvar x, z;
for(x = 0; x < 5; x = x + 1) begin
for(z = (W - 1); z >= 0; z = z - 1) begin
// Step 1
assign C[`s_xz(x,z)] = absorbed_data[`s(x,0,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,1,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,2,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,3,z)] ^ absorbed_data[`s(x,4,z)];
// Step 2
assign D[`s_xz(x,z)] = C[`s_xz(`sub_1(x),z)] ^ C[`s_xz(`add_1(x),`sub_1_W(z)];
genvar x, y, z;
for(x = 0; x < 5; x = x + 1) begin
for(y = 0; y < 5; y = y + 1) begin
for(z = 0; z < W; z = z + 1) begin
// Step 3
assign after_theta[`s(x,y,z)] = absorbed_data[`s(x,y,z)] ^ D[`s_xz(x,z)];
The issue I'm currently facing seems to be in the Theta function. For example for SHA-224 and an empty message should yield the intermediate results and the final output as shown in this document.
Strangely, I get the same absorbed_data (06 00 ... 00 80) but different values for C and D:
as is: 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
to be: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
as is: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 | 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
to be: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c
Firstly, for C the bit order seems to be different but not on the bit-level but on the byte-level (as 06 stays 06).
Secondly, for D I get 06 00 .. 01 00 whereas the correct result should be 00 .. 00 07. This is never possible for my implementation as, according to FIPS-202, the bit at z can only be shifted by one position ( (z - 1) mod w).
In the to-be case D will yield the correct result because 06 ^ (80 << 1) = 07.
In conclusion, I would say that my implementation behaves as one can expect from the definition in FIPS-202, correct?
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
I think I found the solution.
It is described in appendix of FIPS 202 B.1 (starting on page 26). A hint on this topic is given on page 25:
The convention for interpreting hexadecimal strings as bit strings for the inputs and outputs of the SHA-3 examples is different from the convention for other functions on the examples page. The conversion functions between hexadecimal strings and SHA-3 bit strings are specified in Sec. B.1. For byte-aligned messages, the hexadecimal forms of the padding for the SHA-3 functions are described in Sec. B.2.
There is a good explanation on how to circumvent this issue on cryptologie.net.

How do loop over the search results for a byte string and offset the resultant pointer (in WinDbg)?

I'm attempting to search for an arbitrarily long byte string in WinDbg and print out the address if an integer in the vicinity meets some criteria.
Pseudo-register $t0 contains the starting address I want to search.
Here's something that, based on the Windows docs, maybe could work (though it clearly doesn't).
.foreach (place { s -[1] #$t0 L?30000 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 }) { .if ( (place +0x8) <= 0x1388) { .printf "0x%x\n", place } }
First, the search command doesn't quite work correctly. I only want the address of the match (not the data).
s -[1] #$t0 L?30000 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00
The docs say that the 1 flag will only return the address. When I issue that command, WinDbg replies
^ Syntax error in 's -1 #$t0 L?30000 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 '
If I leave out the -1, it finds two matches.
What am I doing wrong here?
I don't think the condition is behaving the way I want. I want to look at the third dword starting at place, i.e. place+8, and verify that it's smaller than 5000 (decimal). The .if inside the .foreach isn't printing a meaningful value for place (i.e. the address returned from the search). I think it's dereferencing place first and comparing the value of that integer to 5000. How do I look at the value of, say, *(int*)(place+8)?
The docs are not helping me very much. They only have sparse examples, none of which correspond to what I need.
Is there better documentation somewhere besides MS's Hardware Dev Center?
you can start writing JavaScript for a more legible way of scripting
old way
0:000> s -b vect l?0x1000 4d
00007ff7`8aaa0000 4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00-04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 MZ..............
00007ff7`8aaa00d4 4d 90 80 d2 df f9 82 d3-4d 90 80 d2 52 69 63 68 M.......M...Rich
00007ff7`8aaa00dc 4d 90 80 d2 52 69 63 68-4c 90 80 d2 00 00 00 00 M...RichL.......
0:000> s -[1]b vect l?0x1000 4d
using javascript
function search(addr,len)
var index = []
var mem = host.memory.readMemoryValues(addr,len)
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(mem[i] == 0x4d)
return index
executed will return address like which you can manipulate further
0:000> dx -r1 #$scriptContents.search(0x00007ff78aaa0000,1000)
#$scriptContents.search(0x00007ff78aaa0000,1000) : 140701160046592,140701160046804,140701160046812
length : 0x3
[0x0] : 0x7ff78aaa0000
[0x1] : 0x7ff78aaa00d4
[0x2] : 0x7ff78aaa00dc
improving the script a little to find something based on first result
we will try to find the index of Rich string that follows the character 'M'
modified script
function search(addr,len)
var index = []
var Rich = []
var result = []
var mem = host.memory.readMemoryValues(addr,len)
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(mem[i] == 0x4d)
var temp = host.memory.readMemoryValues(addr+i+4,1,4)
host.diagnostics.debugLog(temp +"\t")
if(temp == 0x68636952)
return result
result only the third occurance of char "M" is followed by Rich string
0:000> dx -r2 #$scriptContents.search(0x00007ff78aaa0000,1000)
3 3548576223 1751345490 #$scriptContents.search(0x00007ff78aaa0000,1000) : 140701160046592,140701160046804,140701160046812,140701160046812
length : 0x2
[0x0] : 140701160046592,140701160046804,140701160046812
length : 0x3
[0x0] : 0x7ff78aaa0000
[0x1] : 0x7ff78aaa00d4
[0x2] : 0x7ff78aaa00dc
[0x1] : 140701160046812
length : 0x1
[0x0] : 0x7ff78aaa00dc
0:000> s -b vect l?0x1000 4d
00007ff7`8aaa0000 4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00-04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 MZ..............
00007ff7`8aaa00d4 4d 90 80 d2 df f9 82 d3-4d 90 80 d2 52 69 63 68 M.......M...Rich
00007ff7`8aaa00dc 4d 90 80 d2 52 69 63 68-4c 90 80 d2 00 00 00 00 M...RichL.......
load the extensension jsprovider.dll .load jsprovider
write a script say foo.js
load the script .scriptload ...\path\foo.js
execute any functions inside the js you wrote with dx #$scriptContents.myfunc(myargs)
see below using cdb just for ease of copy paste windbg works just as is
F:\>type mojo.js
function hola_mojo ()
host.diagnostics.debugLog("hola mojo this is javascript \n")
F:\>cdb -c ".load jsprovider;.scriptload .\mojo.js;dx #$scriptContents.hola_mojo();q" cdb | f:\usr\bin\grep.exe -A 6 -i reading
0:000> cdb: Reading initial command '.load jsprovider;.scriptload .\mojo.js;dx #$scriptContents.hola_mojo();q'
JavaScript script successfully loaded from 'F:\mojo.js'
hola mojo this is javascript
If I read this part of the documentation
s [-[[Flags]Type]] Range Pattern
correctly, you cannot leave out Type when specifying flags. That's because the flags are inside two square brackets. Otherwise it would have been noted as s [-[Flags][Type]] Range Pattern.
Considering this, the example works:
0:000> .dvalloc 2000
Allocated 2000 bytes starting at 00ba0000
0:000> eb 00ba0000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
0:000> eb 00ba1000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
0:000> s -[1]b 00ba0000 L?2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Also note that you'll have a hidden bug for the use of place: it should be ${place}. By default, that will work with the address (line break for readability on SO):
0:000> .foreach (place {s -[1]b 00ba0000 L?2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 })
{ .if ( (${place} +0x8) < 0xba1000) { .printf "0x%x\n", ${place} } }
In order to read a DWord from that address, use the dwo() MASM oerator (line break for readability on SO):
0:000> .foreach (place {s -[1]b 00ba0000 L?2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 })
{ .if ( (dwo(${place} +0x8)) < 0xba1000)
{ .printf "0x%x = 0x%x\n", ${place}, dwo(${place}+8) } }
0xba0000 = 0x9
0xba1000 = 0x9

UnsafeMutableRawPointer to UnsafeMutablePointer<T>: EXC_BAD_ACCESS on pointee

I'm trying to get an UnsafeMutablePointer from an UnsafeMutableRawPointer obtained using Unmanaged.passUnretained().toOpaque():
class C { var foo = 42, bar = "bar" }
let c = C()
let rawPointer = Unmanaged.passUnretained(c).toOpaque()
let pointer = rawPointer.bindMemory(to: C.self, capacity: 1)
let pointee = pointer.pointee
print(pointee.foo) // EXC_BAD_ACCESS
Here's some LLDB output, which looks strange to me as everything seems alright in pointer until I ask for its pointee:
(lldb) frame variable -L c
scalar: (memtest2.C) c = 0x0000000101d00030 {
0x0000000101d00040: foo = 42
0x0000000101d00048: bar = "bar"
(lldb) frame variable -L rawPointer
0x00000001005e2e08: (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) rawPointer = {
scalar: _rawValue = 0x0000000101d00030 {
0x0000000101d00040: foo = 42
0x0000000101d00048: bar = "bar"
(lldb) frame variable -L pointer
0x00000001005e2e10: (UnsafeMutablePointer<memtest2.C>) pointer = 0x0000000101d00030
(lldb) frame variable -L pointer._rawValue
scalar: (memtest2.C) pointer._rawValue = 0x0000000101d00030 {
0x0000000101d00040: foo = 42
0x0000000101d00048: bar = "bar"
(lldb) frame variable -L pointee
0x00000001005e2e18: (memtest2.C) pointee = 0x00000001005b65d8 {
0x00000001005b65e8: foo = 140736790071664
0x00000001005b65f0: bar = ""
I've also tried assumingMemoryBound(to:), load(as:), or simply:
let pointer = UnsafePointer<C>(bitPattern: Int(bitPattern: rawPointer))!
print(pointer.pointee.foo) // EXC_BAD_ACCESS
But I always get this EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. What is going on here?
My rawPointer points to where the c instance data is located. It is not, as I expected, a pointer on the reference. Classes are reference types: the value of c is the memory address of where the class instance data is located. Yet the toOpaque() doc was clear:
Unsafely converts an unmanaged class reference to a pointer.
(toOpaque() actually calls unsafeBitCast(c, UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self))
To have a pointer on the reference one can simply do:
let referencePointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<C>(&c)
As my rawPointer points to the instance data, doing pointer.pointee tells the runtime that the first word of the instance data is a (or its) reference. Which of course isn't true nor makes sense.
Illustrating: (I've slightly change my initial code: both foo and bar are Int)
(lldb) frame variable c
(testmem.C) c = 0x0000000101833580 (foo = 42, bar = 84)
This (0x0000000101833580) is where the instance data is located. Let's see what the memory contains at this address:
(lldb) memory read 0x0000000101833580
0x101833580: e0 65 5b 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x101833590: 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I learned that the first word (e0 65 5b 00 01 00 00 00) is type data, the second (02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00) is reference counts (I don't know more about this), and the rest is the instance data. Indeed, 0x2a is 42 and 0x54 is 84. The value of foo and bar.
Doing pointer.pointee means telling the runtime that the first word (e0 65 5b 00 01 00 00 00 or 0x00000001005b65e0) is a reference pointing to where our instance data is located (which is obviously not the case)! Implying that pointer.pointee.foo is located at 0x00000001005b65e0 + 16 (0x00000001005b65f0) and bar at + 24 (0x00000001005b65f0).
(lldb) memory read 0x00000001005b65e0
0x1005b65e0: a9 65 5b 00 01 80 1d 00 80 62 5b 00 03 00 00 00
0x1005b65f0: 70 e9 10 9e ff 7f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
foo contains 0x0000007fff9e10e970 which in decimal is 140735845296496 and corresponds to:
(lldb) frame variable -L pointee
0x00000001005e2e18: (testmem.C) pointee = 0x00000001005b65e0 {
0x00000001005b65f0: foo = 140735845296496 // this
0x00000001005b65f8: bar = 0
And as this data wasn't allocated by my program we don't have access to it, hence the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
Life makes sense now 😂.

Mifare Desfire Wrapped Mode: How to calculate CMAC?

When using Desfire native wrapped APDUs to communicate with the card, which parts of the command and response must be used to calculate CMAC?
After successful authentication, I have the following session key:
Session Key: 7CCEBF73356F21C9191E87472F9D0EA2
Then when I send a GetKeyVersion command, card returns the following CMAC which I'm trying to verify:
<< 90 64 00 00 01 00 00
>> 00 3376289145DA8C27 9100
I have implemented CMAC algorithm according to "NIST special publication 800-38B" and made sure it is correct. But I don't know which parts of command and response APDUs must be used to calculate CMAC.
I am using TDES, so MAC is 8 bytes.
I have been looking at the exact same issue for the last few days and I think I can at least give you some pointers. Getting everything 'just so' has taken some time and the documentation from NXP (assuming you have access) is a little difficult to interpret in some cases.
So, as you probably know, you need to calculate the CMAC (and update your init vec) on transmit as well as receive. You need to save the CMAC each time you calculate it as the init vec for the next crypto operation (whether CMAC or encryption etc).
When calculating the CMAC for your example the data to feed into your CMAC algorithm is the INS byte (0x64) and the command data (0x00). Of course this will be padded etc as specified by CMAC. Note, however, that you do not calculate the CMAC across the entire APDU wrapping (i.e. 90 64 00 00 01 00 00) just the INS byte and data payload is used.
On receive you need to take the data (0x00) and the second status byte (also 0x00) and calculate the CMAC over that. It's not important in this example but order is important here. You use the response body (excluding the CMAC) then SW2.
Note that only half of the CMAC is actually sent - CMAC should yield 16 bytes and the card is sending the first 8 bytes.
There were a few other things that held me up including:
I was calculating the session key incorrectly - it is worth double checking this if things are not coming out as you'd expect
I interpreted the documentation to say that the entire APDU structure is used to calculate the CMAC (hard to read them any other way tbh)
I am still working on calculating the response from a Write Data command correctly. The command succeeds but I can't validate the CMAC. I do know that Write Data is not padded with CMAC padding but just zeros - not yet sure what else I've missed.
Finally, here is a real example from communicating with a card from my logs:
Authentication is complete (AES) and the session key is determined to be F92E48F9A6C34722A90EA29CFA0C3D12; init vec is zeros
I'm going to send the Get Key Version command (as in your example) so I calculate CMAC over 6400 and get 1200551CA7E2F49514A1324B7E3428F1 (which is now my init vec for the next calculation)
Send 90640000010000 to the card and receive 00C929939C467434A8 (status is 9100).
Calculate CMAC over 00 00 and get C929939C467434A8A29AB2C40B977B83 (and update init vec for next calculation)
The first half of our CMAC from step #4 matches the 8 byte received from the card in step #3
Sry for my English,- its terrible :) but it's not my native language. I'm Russian.
Check first MSB (7 - bit) of array[0] and then shiffting this to the left. And then XOR if MSB 7 bit was == 1;
Or save first MSB bit of array[0] and after shiffting put this bit at the end of array[15] at the end (LSB bit).
Just proof it's here:
Try this way:
Zeros <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SessionKey <- 00 01 02 03 E3 27 64 0C 0C 0D 0E 0F 5C 5D B9 D5
Data <- 6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
First u have to encrypt 16 bytes (zeros) with SesionKey;
And u get EncryptedData.
EncryptedData <- 3D 08 A2 49 D9 71 58 EA 75 73 18 F2 FA 6A 27 AC
Check bit 7 [MSB - LSB] of EncryptedData[0] == 1? switch i to true;
bool i = false;
if (EncryptedData[0] & 0x80){
i = true;
Then do Shiffting of all EncryptedData to 1 bit <<.
And now, when i == true - XOR the last byte [15] with 0x87
if (i){
ShiftedEncryptedData[15] ^= 0x87;
7A 11 44 93 B2 E2 B1 D4 EA E6 31 E5 F4 D4 4F 58
Save it as KEY_1.
Try bit 7 [MSB - LSB] of ShiftedEncryptedData[0] == 1?
i = false;
if (ShiftedEncryptedData[0] & 0x80){
i = true;
Then do Shiffting of all ShiftedEncryptedData to 1 bit <<.
And now, when i == true - XOR the last byte [15] with 0x87
if (i){
ShiftedEncryptedData[15] ^= 0x87;
F4 22 89 27 65 C5 63 A9 D5 CC 63 CB E9 A8 9E B0
Save it as KEY_2.
Now we take our Data (6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
As Michael say's - pad command with 0x80 0x00...
XOR Data with KEY_2 - if command was padded, or KEY_1 if don't.
If we have more like 16 bytes (32 for example) u have to XOR just last 16 bytes.
Then encrypt it:
Now u have a CMAC.
CD C0 52 62 6D F6 60 CA 9B C1 09 FF EF 64 1A E3
Zeros <- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
SessionKey <- 00 01 02 03 E3 27 64 0C 0C 0D 0E 0F 5C 5D B9 D5
Key_1 <- 7A 11 44 93 B2 E2 B1 D4 EA E6 31 E5 F4 D4 4F 58
Key_2 <- F4 22 89 27 65 C5 63 A9 D5 CC 63 CB E9 A8 9E B0
Data <- 6F 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
CMAC <- CD C0 52 62 6D F6 60 CA 9B C1 09 FF EF 64 1A E3
C/C++ function:
void ShiftLeft(byte *data, byte dataLen){
for (int n = 0; n < dataLen - 1; n++) {
data[n] = ((data[n] << 1) | ((data[n+1] >> 7)&0x01));
data[dataLen - 1] <<= 1;
Have a nice day :)

Can I trick libc (GLIBC_2.13) into loading a symbol it doesn't have (from GLIBC_2.15)?

In my attempt to get "Steam for Linux" working on Debian, I've run into an issue. libcef (Chromium Embedded Framework) works fine with GLIBC_2.13 (which eglibc on Debian testing can provide), but requires one pesky little extra function from GLIBC_2.15 (which eglibc can't provide):
$ readelf -s libcef.so | grep -E "#GLIBC_2\.1[4567]"
1037: 00000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND __fdelt_chk#GLIBC_2.15 (49)
2733: 00000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND __fdelt_chk##GLIBC_2.15
My plan of attack here was to LD_PRELOAD a shim library that provides just these functions. This doesn't seem to work. I really want to avoid installing GLIBC_2.17 (since it is in Debian experimental; even Debian sid still has GLIBC_2.13).
This is what I've tried.
fdelt_chk.c is basically stolen from the GNU C library:
#include <sys/select.h>
# define strong_alias(name, aliasname) _strong_alias(name, aliasname)
# define _strong_alias(name, aliasname) \
extern __typeof (name) aliasname __attribute__ ((alias (#name)));
unsigned long int
__fdelt_chk (unsigned long int d)
if (d >= FD_SETSIZE)
__chk_fail ();
return d / __NFDBITS;
strong_alias (__fdelt_chk, __fdelt_warn)
My Versions script looks as follows:
GLIBC_2.15 {
__fdelt_chk; __fdelt_warn;
I then build the library as follows:
$ gcc -m32 -c -fPIC fdelt_chk.c -o fdelt_chk.o
$ gcc -m32 -shared -nostartfiles -Wl,-s -Wl,--version-script Versions -o fdelt_chk.so fdelt_chk.o
However, if I then run Steam (with a bunch of extra stuff to get it working in the first place), the loader still refuses to find the symbol:
% LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/tinctorius/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32" LD_PRELOAD=./fdelt_chk.so:./steamui.so ./steam
./steam: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by /home/tinctorius/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/libcef.so)
However, the version symbol is also provided by the .so I just built:
% readelf -s fdelt_chk.so
Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 8 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
1: 00000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND __chk_fail#GLIBC_2.3.4 (3)
2: 0000146c 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _edata
3: 0000146c 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _end
4: 00000310 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 __fdelt_warn##GLIBC_2.15
5: 00000310 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 11 __fdelt_chk##GLIBC_2.15
7: 0000146c 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __bss_start
At this point, I don't know what I can do to trick the loader (who?) into choosing my symbols. Am I going in the right direction at all?
I ran into this same problem, though not with Steam. What I was trying to run wanted 2.15 for fdelt_chk while my system had 2.14. I found a solution for simple cases like ours where we can easily provide our own implementation for the missing functionality.
I started out from your attempted solution of implementing the functionality and LD_PRELOADing it. Using LD_DEBUG=all (as suggested by osgx) showed that the linker was still looking for 2.15, so just having the right symbol wasn't enough and there was some other versioning mechanism somewhere. I noticed that objdump -p and readelf -V both showed references to 2.15, so I looked up documentation on ELF and found information on version requirements.
So my new goal was to transform references to 2.15 into references to something else. It seemed reasonable that I could just overwrite structures that referred to 2.15 with the structures that referred to some lower version, like 2.1. In the end, after some trial and error, I found just editing the right Elfxx_Vernaux(es?) in .gnu.version_r was sufficient, but caveat hacker, I guess.
The .gnu.version_r section is a list of 16-byte Elfxx_Verneeds and 16-byte Elfxx_Vernauxes. Each Elfxx_Verneed entry is followed by the associated Elfxx_Vernauxes. As far as I could tell, vn_file is actually how many associated Elfxx_Vernauxes there are, even though the docs say number of associated verneed array entries. It might just be a misunderstanding on my part, though.
So, to start off making the edits, let's look at some of the info from readelf -V. I snipped out parts we don't care about.
$ readelf -V mybinary
<snip stuff before .gnu.version_r>
Version needs section '.gnu.version_r' contains 5 entries:
Addr: 0x00000000000021ac Offset: 0x0021ac Link: 4 (.dynstr)
<snip libraries that don't refer to GLIBC_2.15>
0x00c0: Version: 1 File: libc.so.6 Cnt: 10
0x00d0: Name: GLIBC_2.3 Flags: none Version: 19
0x00e0: Name: GLIBC_2.7 Flags: none Version: 16
0x00f0: Name: GLIBC_2.2 Flags: none Version: 15
0x0100: Name: GLIBC_2.2.4 Flags: none Version: 14
0x0110: Name: GLIBC_2.1.3 Flags: none Version: 13
0x0120: Name: GLIBC_2.15 Flags: none Version: 12
0x0130: Name: GLIBC_2.4 Flags: none Version: 10
0x0140: Name: GLIBC_2.1 Flags: none Version: 9
0x0150: Name: GLIBC_2.3.4 Flags: none Version: 4
0x0160: Name: GLIBC_2.0 Flags: none Version: 2
From this we see that the section starts at 0x21ac. Each file listed will have a Elfxx_Verneed followed by an Elfxx_Vernaux for each of the subentries (like GLIBC_2.3). I assume the order of the info in the output will always match the order in the file since readelf is just dumping the structures. Here's my entire .gnu.version_r section.
000021A0 01 00 02 00
000021B0 A3 0C 00 00 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 11 69 69 0D
000021C0 00 00 11 00 32 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 69 69 0D
000021D0 00 00 0B 00 3C 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
000021E0 BE 0C 00 00 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 13 69 69 0D
000021F0 00 00 08 00 46 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 69 69 0D
00002200 00 00 07 00 3C 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
00002210 99 0C 00 00 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 11 69 69 0D
00002220 00 00 06 00 32 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 69 69 0D
00002230 00 00 05 00 3C 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
00002240 AE 0C 00 00 10 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 11 69 69 0D
00002250 00 00 12 00 32 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 69 69 0D
00002260 00 00 03 00 3C 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 0A 00
00002270 FF 0C 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 69 69 0D
00002280 00 00 13 00 46 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 17 69 69 0D
00002290 00 00 10 00 50 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 12 69 69 0D
000022A0 00 00 0F 00 5A 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 74 1A 69 09
000022B0 00 00 0E 00 64 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 73 1F 69 09
000022C0 00 00 0D 00 70 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 95 91 96 06
000022D0 00 00 0C 00 7C 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 14 69 69 0D
000022E0 00 00 0A 00 87 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 11 69 69 0D
000022F0 00 00 09 00 32 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 74 19 69 09
00002300 00 00 04 00 91 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 69 69 0D
00002310 00 00 02 00 3C 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00
To briefly talk about the structure here, it starts out with an Elfxx_Verneed. As per the docs, we can see there will be 2 Elfxx_Vernauxes, one offset 16 bytes, and the next Elfxx_Verneed is offset 48 bytes. These offsets are from the start of the current structure. It looks like technically the associated Elfxx_Vernauxes might not be adjacent after the current Elfxx_Verneed but it was actually so in all the files I poked around in.
From this we can find the file we want (libc.so.6) in a few different ways. Cross reference the string (which I won't get into), find the Elfxx_Verneed with a count of 0A 00 (10, matching our readelf output above), or find the last Elfxx_Verneed since it's the last one readelf output. In any case, the right one for my file is at 0x226C. Its first Elfxx_Vernaux starts at 0x227C.
We want to find the Elfxx_Vernaux with a version of 0C 00 (12, again matching our readelf output above). We see the Elfxx_Vernaux that matches is at 0x22CC and the entire structure is 95 91 96 06 00 00 0C 00 7C 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00. We'll be overwriting the first 12 bytes so as to leave the offset alone. We're only modifying the data, not moving around the structures, after all.
To pick the data to overwrite with, we just copy it from a different Elfxx_Vernaux for a version of glibc we can satisfy. I picked one for 2.1, which is at 0x22EC in my file, with the data 11 69 69 0D 00 00 09 00 32 0D 00 00 10 00 00 00. So take the first 12 bytes from this and overwrite the first 12 bytes above, and that's it for the hex editing.
Of course, you might have multiple references to deal with. Your program might have multiple binaries to edit.
At this point, our program still won't run. But instead of being told something like GLIBC_2.15 not found it should complain about missing __fdelt_chk. Now we do the shim and LD_PRELOADing described in the question, except instead of versioning our implementation as 2.15, we use the version we picked while hex editing. At this point the program should run.
This method depends on being able to provide an implementation for whatever's missing. Our __fdelt_chk is extremely simple but I don't doubt that in some cases providing an implementation could be more difficult than just upgrading the system's libc instead.
For what it's worth, the __fdelt_chk function is related to the FORTIFY_SOURCE feature which was added in glibc 2.15. It enables compile-time and run-time checking for buffer overflows.
If you were able to recompile with the following CFLAGS added, it would build a backwards compatible binary without the extra checking: