Pageview.builder overlapping effect - flutter

I'm coding a quiz app. I want to achieve this. Everything is okay but the overlapping effect doesnt. I'm using pageview.builder to navigate between pages. How can i achieve this ?

I think you wish to have a carousel effect for your question cards.
A simple solution would be using ListView horizontally, also there are some packages that you would like to check, for example;


Animation between two lists like Duolingo in Flutter

I need to make an animation between two Wrap widgets, I found it only as a link to the sheet that scrolls animatedlist,
I need wrap, I also know that there is local_hero , but it does not work on flutter 2.8 and higher.
Is there any solution?
I mean duolingo

Paging by item Flutter

i would like to achieve pagination with flutter like this: every swipe gesture there i only one page swipped, and it is being centered in the screen. on the edges of the screen you can see parts of the next and previous items i.e the item is NOT THE SIZE OF THE SCREEN. this requirement is important. i can't set the item to be the size of the screen, also it should have padding between the items. for a better understanding i have a gif attached.
Thank you.
You can achieve the goal easily using PageView widget.
Ive found a class carousel_slider which is easily making that functionallity under the hood using PageView as suggested above.
For anyone who will need such behaviour as in the gif, see

How to Implement Multi-Layer Circular ListView in flutter?

I want something like this:
Circular ListView Example
But, I have been looking everywhere and can't find someway to do so in flutter, is it possible? if not in what framework or language, is this possible?
Note: Already Tried This How to create circular ListView in Flutter It doesn't spin nor it can I select any of the items, so generally it doesn't work

Flutter: How to make a scrollable menu of the screen?

I am working on a project but, I came across something I have never used before. When I searched about it I got confused with two ways backdrop and bottom sheet.
I want to know what is the exact way to do like the following pictures that I designed.
Use DraggableScrollableSheet widget

How to animate the removal of a PageView.Builder item dynamically

Is it possible to animate the removal of an item in a horizontal PageView.Builder in flutter?
I know there's the AnimatedList but I have been trying to do it on a PageView.Builder as I need a PageView.Builder for my use-case.
I want to make it so once a user presses on an Item from the PageView the item gets removed with an animation. Not Dismissable, but on press.
I would really love if you could point me out to the correct documentation or example.
Unfortunately there is still not a proper way to do this. You can try combining SlideTransition with animateToPage method of the PageController. But it will not be ideal. It would be optimal if there was a AnimatedListView kind of version for the PageView. Or at least a good way to mimic it.