solve hcaptcha without form or return function - 2captcha

someone knows how to solve hcaptcha without challenger-form, normally one would make a submit to the form but in this case it does not contain and I cannot find what the callback function would be
the is the web:


Flutter best practice for form submissions

I am having trouble finding good resources for what best practices would be for Flutter development, specifically for form handling.
Everything I find on form submissions is fairly clear, but the problem is they all have the validation logic and submission logic directly in the form widget. I don't like this as it seems it would get very convoluted very quickly with more than say 3 inputs and any sort of more than basic validation logic. It also seems to violate the separation of concerns thinking that I though was supposed to be a big thing in Flutter/Dar (at least from what I have read).
So my chosen solution for this was my FormHandler class, which I defined in the form_handler.dart file. It has some static methods for validation of input, some methods for submission handling, and a formInput of type Map<String, dynamic> for storing key value pairs of user input.
It works like this:
An instance of the FormHandler is created
The user inputs the data
On, for each user input, the input data is stored in the formInput map, with key being the title of the input, and the value being the user's input.
The submission button would run the validation and save functions and then take the data from formInput and send it to something like a database handler that would store it on the db
class FormHandler {
// make new form handler with empty map
FormHandler({required this.formInput});
// for storing input key value pairs
Map<String, dynamic> formInput;
// Form submissions
// new course
void submitCourse({required formKey}){
final form = formKey.currentState;
// save on validate
if( form.validate() ){;
// then make new course via the database controller
// Input validations
static String? validateTextInput(String? input){
if( input == null || input.isEmpty ){
return 'Field must not be empty';
} else {
return null;
I'm just wondering if this is a good solution, what are some potential pitfalls, any suggestions etc.
It seems like a good solution to me, but I would like feedback from someone with more experience than me.
Thanks, Seth.
A common practice would be to create value objects or entities that hold logic to do validation on themselves. Perhaps with an interface (abstract class) as a base for those to make sure that you don't forget to implement such validation.
Thereby moving such validation logic from the UI and instead caring about what is important in your domain. It will be possible to validate in several places in your code, not just from the form, which is not something easily achievable with your proposed solution. Your solution still mix UI with logic via the formKey. You might want to validate "stuff" when you receive data from your backend, or do other calculations/changes to values later in the app.
You can refer to this youtube channel for guidance.
Here is a link for a video related to TextFields and Validation -

Remove submitted state in submission handler

I am trying to reset a form so that it appears to Drupal 8 that it hasn't been submitted. So far I have been unable to do this, as I cannot find any available methods (setSubmitted() hardcodes it to TRUE without a FALSE option). The reason is this isn't a full submit, but a submit of one field after which I would like the user to be redirected to another page that has another form, and I would like this secondary form to use the value obtained in the first step.
In the submit handler for the first part I use this to redirect:
$form_state->setRedirect('my.route', [], []);
And this works, but when the form reaches the second form (it seems) that the second form thinks it is a submission. As a result any submit buttons I add to the second form seem to make it auto-submit, and this breaks my user journey.
In the submit for the first part I have tried:
$form_state = new FormState();
Tried the above in various configurations to no avail. They all prevent/ignore the setRedirect call that I make afterwards. The reason I want/need to do it this way is I want to preserve the POST method used.
Do you want to obtain something similar to what core search module does? It has simple SearchBlockForm that sends data to more complex SearchPageForm.
SearchBlockForm uses GET method (though you may use POST):
$form['#method'] = 'get';
and has no id and token fields:
function search_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$form['form_build_id']['#access'] = FALSE;
$form['form_token']['#access'] = FALSE;
$form['form_id']['#access'] = FALSE;
BTW, the last change allows you to avoid running submit callbacks.
Hope this helps.

Event xforms-model-construct-done behaviour

In my form I would like to call web service after to form is loaded after publishing. I've created custom XBL control for it, where I have :
<xf:group id="component-group">
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-enabled" ev:target="component-group">
<xf:send ev:event="xforms-enabled" submission="my-submission"/>
But it doesn't work as expected : my submission is sent everytime when I add new element in FormBuilder or change a name of some other controls. Generally speaking submission is sent when my form is changing in some way.
Now I want submission to be sent ONLY when I publish my form and someone would open it to fill (and of course when I press "Test" in FormBuilder, but I guess it's the same as filling form after publishing).
I was trying something like this :
<xf:group id="component-group">
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-model-construct-done" ev:target="component-group">
<xf:send ev:event="xforms-model-construct-done" submission="my-submission"/>
Unfortunately it's not working, this way submission is not sent at all. Any thoughts ?
This is due to the fact that XBL components are live at design time too. So you need a way to test whether the component is running within Form Builder or not.
There should be a function for this, really, but there isn't (I added this to the list of functions we should add to the API here). You can do:
<xf:group id="component-group">
<xf:var name="fr-params" value="xxf:instance('fr-parameters-instance')"/>
if="not($fr-params/app = 'orbeon' and $fr-params/form = 'builder')">
<xf:send submission="my-submission"/>
A few minor comments:
you don't need to (in fact shouldn't) place event attributes on nested actions
you don't even need the ev prefix

problem for cross plateform rhodes

i have made setup for the rhodes (cross platform) very well and i got the success in setup itself.with the "$rake run:iphone" command i can get the successful execution of demo project.Now i want to handle some issues like i want to do arithmatic calculations in one screen and i want to show the answer in next screen.
How would i get that? give the suggestions please?
I know that it is some time since you posted this, but I hope it helps or that others may find it helpfull.
Assuming that you know how to make the calculations on the first page, lets call it the index-page (as it is properly named in rhodes), you can do it as follows:
Before you begin make sure that you store the result of your calculations in a variable, for these instructions lets call it $result.
1) Create a new .erb file which you want to represent the result page (if you created a model, you already have a .erb file called "show" and could just as easily modify and use that). In this example - lets call the page "result".
2) Create a new def in your controller - lets call it "calculate". This could look something like this:
def calculate
[do any calulations you should desire]
$result = [result of calculations]
render :action => :result, :back => url_for(:action => :index)
This line:
render :action => :result, :back => url_for(:action => :index)
will send you to your result page and define the action for the smartphone's backbutton to navigate back to your index-page.
3) Make sure that your "get-result-button" on your index-page invokes your new def. For a simple link this could for example look something like this:
get result
4) Display the result in the result page.
Your variable from your index-page is still available in the result-page, so you can show the result by adding the following line to your result-page (result.erb):
<%= $result.to_s %> (this will insert your result as a string).

What is correctness in symfony to fill a form in two steps?

What is correctness in symfony to fill a form in two steps? Imagine that we have a entity called Enterprise and we want to create a form with only required fields and another form, that when the user login can fill the other non-required fields.
How is the correctness form? Now i have a form to registration ('lib/form/doctrine/EnterpriseForm.class.php') and another ('lib/form/doctrine/EnterpriseCompleteForm.class.php').In every class we set labels, validators, ... but the problem is in the second form. When i try to submit it gives me an error because i have'nt post required fields defined in model. How can i do that? Is that way correct? How can i fix this?
You should unset every non needed form field in the second form (of course you should keep a hidden field with the ID of the record).
Basically you just update the record with the second form so every required field in your database already as a value.
It would help if you post the code of the second form.
So in summary your approach is valid (maybe there are better ways I don't know), just make sure that your code is correct.
So if I got you correctly then the form you use in your code updates an existing object. You should pass this object to the form knows, that the object already exists and can validate the values accordingly:
public function executeStepOne(sfWebRequest $request){
$this->customer = Doctrine::getTable('Customer')->find(1);
$this->form = new CustomerFormStepOne($this->customer);
if ($request->isMethod(sfRequest::POST)){
$this->processRegisterForm($request, $this->form,'paso2');
For the duplicate key error, check your database definition if the primary key of this table gets incremented automatically.
Well Felix, i do it "unset" changes and it works fine... but i have a problem. I try to do update on the same action. My code looks like that.
in actions
public function executeStepOne(sfWebRequest $request){
$this->form = new CustomerFormStepOne();
if ($request->isMethod(sfRequest::POST)){
$this->processRegisterForm($request, $this->form,'paso2');
$this->customer = Doctrine::getTable('Customer')-> find(1);
where processRegisterForm code is :
protected function processRegisterForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form,$route)
$form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
if ($form->isValid())
$customer = $form->save();
if i try to do this they returns me an error 'primary key duplicate'.