argocd - stuck at deleting but resources are already deleted - kubernetes-helm

Have a helm chart (1 with ingress, 1 with deployment/service/cm).
It has sync policies of automated (prune and self-heal). When trying to delete them from the argocd dashboard, they are getting deleted (no more on the k8s cluster), however the status on the dashboard has been stuck at Deleting.
If I try to click sync, it shows -> Unable to deploy revision: application is deleting.
Any ideas why it's stuck on Deleting status even though all resources have been deleted already ? Is there a way to refresh the status in the dashboard to reflect that actual state?
After doing cascade delete, this is the screenshot (i've removed the app names that why it's white for some part)
Doing kubectl get all -A shows all resources isn't present anymore (e.g even the cm, svc, deploy, etc)

I was actually able to make this work by updating the Application yaml:
Add spec.syncPolicy.allowEmpty: true
Remove metadata.finalizers
The working version without getting stuck at Deleting status:
kind: Application
name: service-name
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: argocd
project: proj-name
path: service-name
repoURL: ssh://...git
targetRevision: dev
- ../values.yaml
- ../values_version_dev.yaml
prune: true
allowEmpty: true
selfHeal: true

This has happened to me several times. In every case it was because I had two declarations of applications of the same name.


How is managed deletion of K8s objects in skaffold deploy

I am starting to play with skaffold to handle continuous deployment in my Kubernetes cluster.
I have a bunch of yaml files that just wait to be applied with kubectl, at one point a.yaml and b.yaml:
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta29
kind: Config
name: skaffold-deploy
- a.yaml
- b.yaml
Now, I make a development that needs to delete objects (in terms of kubectl delete) described in b.yaml (and I simply removed the file in my directory)
Is it possible to do so with skaffold?
If I skaffold deploy with this skaffold.yaml file:
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta29
kind: Config
name: skaffold-deploy
- a.yaml
objects in b.yaml are not deleted nor updated.
I was looking for a way to do this in the official documentation but could not find anything related to it. skaffold delete seems to delete everything that was previously deployed with it.
Thanks a lot in advance

ArgoCD stuck in deleting resource

I’m having an issue where ArgoCD when deleting the resources is getting stuck because it tries to delete the child’s first and then the parents.
This works well for some cases but I have cases where this doesn’t work for instance, certificates.. it deletes the certificate request but because the certificate still exists it recreated the certificate request.
And it just stays there deleting and recreating :/
Is there a a way to specify an order or just tell Argo to delete it all at once?
Yup so... here is the all thing:
kind: Application
name: previews
namespace: argocd
project: previews
targetRevision: HEAD
path: helm
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: previews
selfHeal: true
prune: true

Application not showing in ArgoCD when applying yaml

I am trying to setup ArgoCD for gitops. I used the ArgoCD helm chart to deploy it to my local Docker Desktop Kubernetes cluster. I am trying to use the app of apps pattern for ArgoCD.
The problem is that when I apply the yaml to create the root app, nothing happens.
Here is the yaml (created by the command helm template apps/ -n argocd from the my public repo
kind: Application
name: root
server: http://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: argocd
project: default
path: apps/
targetRevision: HEAD
prune: true
selfHeal: true
The resource is created but nothing in Argo UI actually happened. No application is visible. So I tried to create the app via the Web UI, even pasting the yaml in there. The application is created in the web ui and it seems to synchronise and see the repo with the yaml templates of prometheus and argo but it doesn't actually create the prometheus application in ArgoCD. And the prometheus part of the root app is forever progressing.
Here are some screenshots:
The main page with the root application (where also argo-cd and prometheus should be visible but aren't):
And then the root app view where something is created for each template but Argo seems that it can't create kubernetes deployments/pods etc from this:
I thought maybe the CRD definitions are not present in the k8s cluster but I checked and they're there:
λ kubectl get crd
NAME CREATED AT 2021-10-30T16:27:07Z 2021-10-30T16:27:07Z
I've ran out of things to check why the apps aren't actually deployed. I was going by this tutorial:
the problem is you have to use the below code in your manifest file in metadata:
just please change the namespace with the name your argocd was deployed in that namespace. (default is argocd)
namespace: argocd
From another SO post:
It turns out that at the moment ArgoCD can only recognize application declarations made in ArgoCD namespace,
Related GitHub Issue

GitOps (Flex) install of standard Jenkins Helm chart in Kubernetes via HelmRelease operator

I've just started working with Weavework's Flux GitOps system in Kubernetes. I have regular deployments (deployments, services, volumes, etc.) working fine. I'm trying for the first time to deploy a Helm chart.
I've followed the instructions in this tutorial: and have its sample service working after making a few small changes. So I believe that I have all the right tooling in place, including the custom HelmRelease K8s operator.
I want to deploy Jenkins via Helm, which if I do manually is as simple as this Helm command:
helm install --set persistence.existingClaim=jenkins --set master.serviceType=LoadBalancer jenkins stable/jenkins
I want to convert this to a HelmRelease object in my Flex-managed GitHub repo. Here's what I've got, per what documentation I can find:
kind: HelmRelease
name: jenkins
namespace: jenkins
updating-applications/ "false"
releaseName: jenkins
path: stable/jenkins
ref: master
existingClaim: jenkins
serviceType: LoadBalancer
I have this in the file 'jenkins/jenkins.yaml' from the root of the location in my git repo that Flex is monitoring. Adding this file does nothing...I get no new K8s objects, no HelmRelease object, and no new Helm release when I run "helm list -n jenkins".
I see some mention of having to have 'image' tags in my 'values' section, but since I don't need to specify any images in my manual call to Helm, I'm not sure what I would add in terms of 'image' tags. I've also seen examples of HelmRelease definitions that don't have 'image' tags, so it seems that they aren't absolutely necessary.
I've played around with adding a few annotations to my 'metadata' section:
# "true"
# per: "false"
But none of that has helped to get things rolling. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get the equivalent of the simple Helm command I gave at the top of this post to work with Flex/GitOps?
Have you tried checking the logs on the fluxd and flux-helm-operator pods? I would start there to see what error message you're getting. One thing that i'm seeing is that you're using https for git. You may want to double check, but I don't recall ever seeing any documentation configuring chart pulls via git to use anything other than SSH. Moreover, I'd recommend just pulling that chart from the stable helm repository anyhow:
kind: HelmRelease
name: jenkins
namespace: jenkins
annotations: #not sure what updating-applications/ was? "false" #pretty sure this is false by default and can be omitted
releaseName: jenkins
name: jenkins
version: 1.9.16
existingClaim: jenkins
serviceType: LoadBalancer

Restart pods when configmap updates in Kubernetes?

How do I automatically restart Kubernetes pods and pods associated with deployments when their configmap is changed/updated?
I know there's been talk about the ability to automatically restart pods when a config maps changes but to my knowledge this is not yet available in Kubernetes 1.2.
So what (I think) I'd like to do is a "rolling restart" of the deployment resource associated with the pods consuming the config map. Is it possible, and if so how, to force a rolling restart of a deployment in Kubernetes without changing anything in the actual template? Is this currently the best way to do it or is there a better option?
The current best solution to this problem (referenced deep in linked in the sibling answer) is to use Deployments, and consider your ConfigMaps to be immutable.
When you want to change your config, create a new ConfigMap with the changes you want to make, and point your deployment at the new ConfigMap. If the new config is broken, the Deployment will refuse to scale down your working ReplicaSet. If the new config works, then your old ReplicaSet will be scaled to 0 replicas and deleted, and new pods will be started with the new config.
Not quite as quick as just editing the ConfigMap in place, but much safer.
Signalling a pod on config map update is a feature in the works (
You can always write a custom pid1 that notices the confimap has changed and restarts your app.
You can also eg: mount the same config map in 2 containers, expose a http health check in the second container that fails if the hash of config map contents changes, and shove that as the liveness probe of the first container (because containers in a pod share the same network namespace). The kubelet will restart your first container for you when the probe fails.
Of course if you don't care about which nodes the pods are on, you can simply delete them and the replication controller will "restart" them for you.
The best way I've found to do it is run Reloader
It allows you to define configmaps or secrets to watch, when they get updated, a rolling update of your deployment is performed. Here's an example:
You have a deployment foo and a ConfigMap called foo-configmap. You want to roll the pods of the deployment every time the configmap is changed. You need to run Reloader with:
kubectl apply -f
Then specify this annotation in your deployment:
kind: Deployment
annotations: "foo-configmap"
name: foo
Helm 3 doc page
Often times configmaps or secrets are injected as configuration files in containers. Depending on the application a restart may be required should those be updated with a subsequent helm upgrade, but if the deployment spec itself didn't change the application keeps running with the old configuration resulting in an inconsistent deployment.
The sha256sum function can be used together with the include function to ensure a deployments template section is updated if another spec changes:
kind: Deployment
checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/secret.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
In my case, for some reasons, $.Template.BasePath didn't work but $.Chart.Name does:
replicas: 1
app: admin-app
checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Chart.Name "/templates/" $.Chart.Name "-configmap.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
You can update a metadata annotation that is not relevant for your deployment. it will trigger a rolling-update
for example:
configmap-version: 1
If k8>1.15; then doing a rollout restart worked best for me as part of CI/CD with App configuration path hooked up with a volume-mount. A reloader plugin or setting restartPolicy: Always in deployment manifest YML did not work for me. No application code changes needed, worked for both static assets as well as Microservice.
kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deploymentName> -n <namespace>
Had this problem where the Deployment was in a sub-chart and the values controlling it were in the parent chart's values file. This is what we used to trigger restart:
checksum/config: {{ tpl (toYaml .Values) . | sha256sum }}
Obviously this will trigger restart on any value change but it works for our situation. What was originally in the child chart would only work if the config.yaml in the child chart itself changed:
checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/config.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
Consider using kustomize (or kubectl apply -k) and then leveraging it's powerful configMapGenerator feature. For example, from:
kind: Kustomization
# Just one example of many...
- name: my-app-config
- JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk
- JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-agentlib:hprof
# Explanation below...
Then simply reference my-app-config in your deployments. When building with kustomize, it'll automatically find and update references to my-app-config with an updated suffix, e.g. my-app-config-f7mm6mhf59.
Bonus, updating secrets: I also use this technique for forcing a reload of secrets (since they're affected in the same way). While I personally manage my secrets completely separately (using Mozilla sops), you can bundle a config map alongside your secrets, so for example in your deployment:
# ...
- name: my-app
image: my-app:tag
# For any NON-secret environment variables. Name is automatically updated by Kustomize
- configMapRef:
name: my-app-config
# Defined separately OUTSIDE of Kustomize. Just modify SECRETS_VERSION=[number] in the my-app-config ConfigMap
# to trigger an update in both the config as well as the secrets (since the pod will get restarted).
- secretRef:
name: my-app-secrets
Then, just add a variable like SECRETS_VERSION into your ConfigMap like I did above. Then, each time you change my-app-secrets, just increment the value of SECRETS_VERSION, which serves no other purpose except to trigger a change in the kustomize'd ConfigMap name, which should also result in a restart of your pod. So then it becomes:
I also banged my head around this problem for some time and wished to solve this in an elegant but quick way.
Here are my 20 cents:
The answer using labels as mentioned here won't work if you are updating labels. But would work if you always add labels. More details here.
The answer mentioned here is the most elegant way to do this quickly according to me but had the problem of handling deletes. I am adding on to this answer:
I am doing this in one of the Kubernetes Operator where only a single task is performed in one reconcilation loop.
Compute the hash of the config map data. Say it comes as v2.
Create ConfigMap cm-v2 having labels: version: v2 and product: prime if it does not exist and RETURN. If it exists GO BELOW.
Find all the Deployments which have the label product: prime but do not have version: v2, If such deployments are found, DELETE them and RETURN. ELSE GO BELOW.
Delete all ConfigMap which has the label product: prime but does not have version: v2 ELSE GO BELOW.
Create Deployment deployment-v2 with labels product: prime and version: v2 and having config map attached as cm-v2 and RETURN, ELSE Do nothing.
That's it! It looks long, but this could be the fastest implementation and is in principle with treating infrastructure as Cattle (immutability).
Also, the above solution works when your Kubernetes Deployment has Recreate update strategy. Logic may require little tweaks for other scenarios.
How do I automatically restart Kubernetes pods and pods associated
with deployments when their configmap is changed/updated?
If you are using configmap as Environment you have to use the external option.
Kube watcher
Kubernetes auto-reload the config map if it's mounted as volume (If subpath there it won't work with that).
When a ConfigMap currently consumed in a volume is updated, projected
keys are eventually updated as well. The kubelet checks whether the
mounted ConfigMap is fresh on every periodic sync. However, the
kubelet uses its local cache for getting the current value of the
ConfigMap. The type of the cache is configurable using the
ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy field in the
KubeletConfiguration struct. A ConfigMap can be either propagated by
watch (default), ttl-based, or by redirecting all requests directly to
the API server. As a result, the total delay from the moment when the
ConfigMap is updated to the moment when new keys are projected to the
Pod can be as long as the kubelet sync period + cache propagation
delay, where the cache propagation delay depends on the chosen cache
type (it equals to watch propagation delay, ttl of cache, or zero
Official document :
ConfigMaps consumed as environment variables are not updated automatically and require a pod restart.
Simple example Configmap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config
namespace: default
foo: bar
POD config
- name: configmaptestapp
image: <Image>
- mountPath: /config
name: configmap-data-volume
- containerPort: 8080
- name: configmap-data-volume
name: config
Example :
Adding the immutable property to the config map totally avoids the problem. Using config hashing helps in a seamless rolling update but it does not help in a rollback. You can take a look at this open-source project - 'Configurator' - .'Configurator' works by the following using the custom resources :
Configurator ties the deployment lifecycle with the configMap. When
the config map is updated, a new version is created for that
configMap. All the deployments that were attached to the configMap
get a rolling update with the latest configMap version tied to it.
When you roll back the deployment to an older version, it bounces to
configMap version it had before doing the rolling update.
This way you can maintain versions to the config map and facilitate rolling and rollback to your deployment along with the config map.
Another way is to stick it into the command section of the Deployment:
command: [ "echo", "
option = value\n
other_option = value\n
" ]
Alternatively, to make it more ConfigMap-like, use an additional Deployment that will just host that config in the command section and execute kubectl create on it while adding an unique 'version' to its name (like calculating a hash of the content) and modifying all the deployments that use that config:
command: [ "/usr/sbin/", "
option = value\n
other_option = value\n
" ]
I'll probably post if it ends up working.
(don't do that; it looks too bad)