Application not showing in ArgoCD when applying yaml - kubernetes

I am trying to setup ArgoCD for gitops. I used the ArgoCD helm chart to deploy it to my local Docker Desktop Kubernetes cluster. I am trying to use the app of apps pattern for ArgoCD.
The problem is that when I apply the yaml to create the root app, nothing happens.
Here is the yaml (created by the command helm template apps/ -n argocd from the my public repo
kind: Application
name: root
server: http://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: argocd
project: default
path: apps/
targetRevision: HEAD
prune: true
selfHeal: true
The resource is created but nothing in Argo UI actually happened. No application is visible. So I tried to create the app via the Web UI, even pasting the yaml in there. The application is created in the web ui and it seems to synchronise and see the repo with the yaml templates of prometheus and argo but it doesn't actually create the prometheus application in ArgoCD. And the prometheus part of the root app is forever progressing.
Here are some screenshots:
The main page with the root application (where also argo-cd and prometheus should be visible but aren't):
And then the root app view where something is created for each template but Argo seems that it can't create kubernetes deployments/pods etc from this:
I thought maybe the CRD definitions are not present in the k8s cluster but I checked and they're there:
λ kubectl get crd
NAME CREATED AT 2021-10-30T16:27:07Z 2021-10-30T16:27:07Z
I've ran out of things to check why the apps aren't actually deployed. I was going by this tutorial:

the problem is you have to use the below code in your manifest file in metadata:
just please change the namespace with the name your argocd was deployed in that namespace. (default is argocd)
namespace: argocd

From another SO post:
It turns out that at the moment ArgoCD can only recognize application declarations made in ArgoCD namespace,
Related GitHub Issue


Kubernetes - Reconfiguring a Service to point to a new Deployment (blue/green)

I'm following along with a video explaining blue/green Deployments in Kubernetes. They have a simple example with a Deployment named blue-nginx and another named green-nginx.
The blue Deployment is exposed via a Service named bgnginx. To transfer traffic from the blue deployment to the green deployment, the Service is deleted and the green deployment is exposed via a Service with the same name. This is done with the following one-liner:
kubectl delete svc bgnginx; kubectl expose deploy green-nginx --port=80 --name=bgnginx
Obviously, this works successfully. However, I'm wondering why they don't just use kubectl edit to change the labels in the Service instead of deleting and recreating it. If I edit bgnginx and set & to green-nginx it achieves the same thing.
Is there a benefit to deleting and recreating the Service, or am I safe just editing it?
Yes, you can follow the kubectl edit svc and edit the labels & selector there.
it's fine, however YAML and other option is suggested due to kubectl edit is error-prone approach. you might face indentation issues.
Is there a benefit to deleting and recreating the Service, or am I
safe just editing it?
It's more about following best practices, and you have YAML declarative file handy with version control if managing.
The problem with kubectl edit is that it requires a human to operate a text editor. This is a little inefficient and things do occasionally go wrong.
I suspect the reason your writeup wants you to kubectl delete the Service first is that the kubectl expose command will fail if it already exists. But as #HarshManvar suggests in their answer, a better approach is to have an actual YAML file checked into source control
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myapp
labels: myapp
selector: myapp blue
You should be able to kubectl apply -f service.yaml to deploy it into the cluster, or a tool can do that automatically.
The problem here is that you still have to edit the YAML file (or in principle you can do it with sed) and swapping the deployment would result in an extra commit. You can use a tool like Helm that supports an extra templating layer
selector: myapp {{ .Values.color }}
In Helm I might set this up with three separate Helm releases: the "blue" and "green" copies of your application, plus a separate top-level release that just contained the Service.
helm install myapp-blue ./myapp
# do some isolated validation
helm upgrade myapp-router ./router --set color=blue
# do some more validation
helm uninstall myapp-green
You can do similar things with other templating tools like ytt or overlay layers like Kustomize. The Service's selectors: don't have to match its own metadata, and you could create a Service that matched both copies of the application, maybe for a canary pattern rather than a blue/green deployment.

How is managed deletion of K8s objects in skaffold deploy

I am starting to play with skaffold to handle continuous deployment in my Kubernetes cluster.
I have a bunch of yaml files that just wait to be applied with kubectl, at one point a.yaml and b.yaml:
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta29
kind: Config
name: skaffold-deploy
- a.yaml
- b.yaml
Now, I make a development that needs to delete objects (in terms of kubectl delete) described in b.yaml (and I simply removed the file in my directory)
Is it possible to do so with skaffold?
If I skaffold deploy with this skaffold.yaml file:
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta29
kind: Config
name: skaffold-deploy
- a.yaml
objects in b.yaml are not deleted nor updated.
I was looking for a way to do this in the official documentation but could not find anything related to it. skaffold delete seems to delete everything that was previously deployed with it.
Thanks a lot in advance

argocd - stuck at deleting but resources are already deleted

Have a helm chart (1 with ingress, 1 with deployment/service/cm).
It has sync policies of automated (prune and self-heal). When trying to delete them from the argocd dashboard, they are getting deleted (no more on the k8s cluster), however the status on the dashboard has been stuck at Deleting.
If I try to click sync, it shows -> Unable to deploy revision: application is deleting.
Any ideas why it's stuck on Deleting status even though all resources have been deleted already ? Is there a way to refresh the status in the dashboard to reflect that actual state?
After doing cascade delete, this is the screenshot (i've removed the app names that why it's white for some part)
Doing kubectl get all -A shows all resources isn't present anymore (e.g even the cm, svc, deploy, etc)
I was actually able to make this work by updating the Application yaml:
Add spec.syncPolicy.allowEmpty: true
Remove metadata.finalizers
The working version without getting stuck at Deleting status:
kind: Application
name: service-name
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: argocd
project: proj-name
path: service-name
repoURL: ssh://...git
targetRevision: dev
- ../values.yaml
- ../values_version_dev.yaml
prune: true
allowEmpty: true
selfHeal: true
This has happened to me several times. In every case it was because I had two declarations of applications of the same name.

ConfigMap that can reference current Namespace

I'm working with a Pod (Shiny Proxy) that talks to Kubernetes API to start other pods. I'm wanting to make this generic, and so don't want to hardcode the namespace (because I intend to have multiple of these, deployed probably as an OpenShift Template or similar).
I am using Kustomize to set the namespace on all objects. Here's what my kustomization.yaml looks like for my overlay:
- ../../base
namespace: shiny
technical_contact: A Local Developer <somedev#example.invalid>
Running Shiny Proxy and having it start the pods I need it to (I have service accounts and RBAC already sorted) works, so long as as in the configuration for Shiny Proxy I specify (hard-code) the namespace that the new pods should be generated in. The default namespace that Shiny Proxy will use is (unfortunately) 'default', which is inappropriate for my needs.
Currently for the configuration I'm using a ConfigMap (perhaps I should move to a Kustomize ConfigMapGenerator)
The ConfigMap in question is currently like the following:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: shiny-proxy
application_yml: |
container-backend: kubernetes
url: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
namespace: shiny
The above works, but 'shiny' is hardcoded; I would like to be able to do something like the following:
namespace: { .metadata.namespace }
But this doesn't appear to work in a ConfigMap, and I don't see anything in the documentation that would lead to believe that it would, or that a similar thing appears possible within the ConfigMap machinery.
Looking over the Kustomize documentation doesn't fill me with clarity either, particularly as the configuration file is essentially plain-text (and not a YAML document as far as the ConfigMap is concerned). I've seen some use of Vars, but leads to believe that's a non-starter.
Is there a nice declarative way of handling this? Or should I be looking to have the templating smarts happen within the container, which seems kinda wrong to me, but I am still new to Kubernetes (and OpenShift)
I'm using CodeReady Containers 1.24 (OpenShift 4.7.2) which is essentially Kubernetes 1.20 (IIRC). I'm preferring to keep this fairly well aligned with Kubernetes without getting too OpenShift specific, but this is still early days.
If you don't want to hard-code a specific data in your manifest file, you can consider using Kustomize plugins. In this case, the sedtransformer plugin may be useful. This is an example plugin, maintained and tested by the kustomize maintainers, but not built-in to kustomize.
As you can see in the Kustomize plugins guide:
Kustomize offers a plugin framework allowing people to write their own resource generators and transformers.
For more information on creating and using Kustomize plugins, see Extending Kustomize.
I will create an example to illustrate how you can use the sedtransformer plugin in your case.
Suppose I have a shiny-proxy ConfigMap:
NOTE: I don't specify a namespace, I use namespace: NAMESPACE instead.
$ cat cm.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: shiny-proxy
application_yml: |
container-backend: kubernetes
url: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
namespace: NAMESPACE
something: something
To use the sedtransformer plugin, we first need to create the plugin’s configuration file which contains a YAML configuration object:
NOTE: In argsOneLiner: I specify that NAMESPACE should be replaced with shiny.
$ cat sedTransformer.yaml
kind: SedTransformer
name: sedtransformer
argsOneLiner: s/NAMESPACE/shiny/g
Next, we need to put the SedTransformer Bash script in the right place.
When loading, kustomize will first look for an executable file called
I create the necessary directories and download the SedTransformer script from the Github:
NOTE: The downloaded script need to be executable.
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/kustomize/plugin/
$ cd $HOME/.config/kustomize/plugin/
$ wget
$ chmod a+x SedTransformer
Finally, we can check if it works as expected:
NOTE: To use this plugin, you need to provide the --enable-alpha-plugins flag.
$ tree
├── cm.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
└── sedTransformer.yaml
0 directories, 3 files
$ cat kustomization.yaml
- cm.yaml
- sedTransformer.yaml
$ kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins .
apiVersion: v1
application_yml: |
container-backend: kubernetes
url: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443
namespace: shiny
something: something
kind: ConfigMap
name: shiny-proxy
Using the sedtransformer plugin can be especially useful if you want to replace NAMESPACE in a number of places.
I found the easiest way of doing this was to use an entrypoint script in the container that harvested the downward API (?) service credentials (specifically the namespace secret) that get mounted in the container, and exposes that as an environment variable.
export SHINY_K8S_NAMESPACE=`cat /run/secrets/`
cd /opt/shiny-proxy/working
exec java ${JVM_OPTIONS} -jar /opt/shiny-proxy/shiny-proxy.jar
Within the application configuration (shiny-proxy), it supports the use of environment variables in its configuration file, so I can refer to the pod's namespace using ${SHINY_K8S_NAMESPACE}
Although, I've just now seen the idea of a fieldRef (from, and would be generalisable to things other than just namespace.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: dapi-env-test-pod
- name: env-test-container
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "env"]
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
restartPolicy: Never

GitOps (Flex) install of standard Jenkins Helm chart in Kubernetes via HelmRelease operator

I've just started working with Weavework's Flux GitOps system in Kubernetes. I have regular deployments (deployments, services, volumes, etc.) working fine. I'm trying for the first time to deploy a Helm chart.
I've followed the instructions in this tutorial: and have its sample service working after making a few small changes. So I believe that I have all the right tooling in place, including the custom HelmRelease K8s operator.
I want to deploy Jenkins via Helm, which if I do manually is as simple as this Helm command:
helm install --set persistence.existingClaim=jenkins --set master.serviceType=LoadBalancer jenkins stable/jenkins
I want to convert this to a HelmRelease object in my Flex-managed GitHub repo. Here's what I've got, per what documentation I can find:
kind: HelmRelease
name: jenkins
namespace: jenkins
updating-applications/ "false"
releaseName: jenkins
path: stable/jenkins
ref: master
existingClaim: jenkins
serviceType: LoadBalancer
I have this in the file 'jenkins/jenkins.yaml' from the root of the location in my git repo that Flex is monitoring. Adding this file does nothing...I get no new K8s objects, no HelmRelease object, and no new Helm release when I run "helm list -n jenkins".
I see some mention of having to have 'image' tags in my 'values' section, but since I don't need to specify any images in my manual call to Helm, I'm not sure what I would add in terms of 'image' tags. I've also seen examples of HelmRelease definitions that don't have 'image' tags, so it seems that they aren't absolutely necessary.
I've played around with adding a few annotations to my 'metadata' section:
# "true"
# per: "false"
But none of that has helped to get things rolling. Can anyone tell me what I have to do to get the equivalent of the simple Helm command I gave at the top of this post to work with Flex/GitOps?
Have you tried checking the logs on the fluxd and flux-helm-operator pods? I would start there to see what error message you're getting. One thing that i'm seeing is that you're using https for git. You may want to double check, but I don't recall ever seeing any documentation configuring chart pulls via git to use anything other than SSH. Moreover, I'd recommend just pulling that chart from the stable helm repository anyhow:
kind: HelmRelease
name: jenkins
namespace: jenkins
annotations: #not sure what updating-applications/ was? "false" #pretty sure this is false by default and can be omitted
releaseName: jenkins
name: jenkins
version: 1.9.16
existingClaim: jenkins
serviceType: LoadBalancer