Multiple items in animation controller when animating player in Unity - unity3d

I'm trying to animate a Unity3D character with Maximo. I have the mouselook and movement script all done, not I'm up to animating the guy. Whenever I drag and drop the animation .fbx file into the animation controller, a bunch of items stacked on top of each other come up and none of them are a distinguishable animation. I have no idea what to do here. I'm a complete beginner doing this for a school assignment. Thanks in advance for any help!
Here's the issue

If you add something visually (ss or video link in your animation controller) we can be more helpful.
You should watch this tutorial for more details.


Unity 2D: how to play 2 animations at once?

so recently I started working with Unity animator, pretty cool, but got an issue.
I want to play "walk" animation and whenever preson gets a gun play another "hold" animation.
I tried to make 2 layers with usual walking and beneath it gun holding animation, but it just overrides with gun holding animation.
Any ideas?
Edit: screenies
As KinyL states, you need to add an Avatar Mask to the upper body layer. In the Mask, uncheck the lower body elements and you'll be good to go.

My animation is not working when I import into Unity

people of stack overflow. I am not sure if this question will be relevant on here since it's not code but I'll try anyway. I want to import a drone animation model into unity. So I used Fusion 360 and saved the animation as an FBX file. When I imported the model, I could put it into my game, but not into my animation editor. So I came here for help. Any advice would help!
The animation
The animation not going into the editor
First it called The animator Tab And you can't edit the animation in that tab because you haven't attached the animation to the object you have. After Dragging the animation into the object you can find the animation in the animator tab automatically.

how to reference an "armature action" of a bow using code?

I'm trying to make a bow and arrow game. I downloaded a bow that has an animation(?) on it where the string is pulled back.
I want to make a script that triggers that animation (shown on bottom-right of my gif) when Player left clicks. But I don't know how to reference the animation.
Is it something like _anim = GetComponent<Animator>(); and then animation.Play? I cannot tell what the name of the animation even is to do this.
Further.. it would be awesome to be able to control the animation's length depending on how long the user has held down the button, rather than playing it in full even if user only taps left click. I'm not sure how that would be achieved?
Ok, the question seems short but the solution will be long and you need to do a bit of learning. So, let's go through your question step by step.
I downloaded a bow that has an animation(?)
Yes, it is a 3D bow model with an animation in it.
I want to make a script that triggers that animation (shown on
bottom-right of my gif) when Player left clicks. But I don't know
how to reference the animation.
In order to trigger that animation, you need an Animator Controller attached to the bow model instance. Then you can click that Animator Controller to open its panel. After opening the panel, you can simply drag and drop your animation there. When you first drop your animation, it will be the default animation state. However, if you don't want to trigger the animation immediately, I would suggest you to create an empty state and make a transition to the bow animation.
Is it something like _anim = GetComponent(); and then
More or less like this, but you should check the documentation for better understanding, this documentation explains it well and has a really good example for your use case.
I cannot tell what the name of the animation even is to do this.
Once you drag and drop the animation to the panel, you will see the name of the animation to use in the script.
Further.. it would be awesome to be able to control the animation's
length depending on how long the user has held down the button,
rather than playing it in full even if user only taps left click.
I'm not sure how that would be achieved?
There are many ways to play with animations, for example, you can set an animation parameter to stay in the animation state. Furthermore, you can also disable the Has Exit Time value from the transition to make it stop the animation immediately after the user stops holding the button.
Overall, when it comes to animations, Unity is quite powerful and my suggestion would be read the documentation and watch a couple of tutorials.
Hope this helps.

How to add key frames to a new animation file in Unity?

I'm trying to script an sprite animation event for my player's character shooting animation, where the first frame of the sequence is the only one shown when no bullet is shot, and when you shoot it plays the rest of the frames.
I can see the animator window for the controller has an option to create new states and connect between them. The "Motion" row of the states accepts animation files (clips?), so I tried creating new Animation to put the shooting frames in, but it has no sprite properties in it as the automatically created Animation file (when importing the PNG sequence) has, I can't add anything and it doesn't allow for new keyframes to be created. So how do I actually use that to create an animation sequence for the animation state?
Thanks in advance.
I feel like it would be best if you rephrased / elaborated a bit more in your question. So i'm going to answer it the best I can. If you want to do it by script, you can try this answer:
If you want to add an event clip in the animation itself, try this:

Doodle Jump game over animation

Please excuse the stupid question, but I'm working on a game because I'm crazy like that and I really need some help. When you fall below the screen in doodle jump the game is over and it cuts to end of game animation. This animation gives the feel of the screen scrolling and him falling -- some how they animate him to the top -- from the top to his death. Do anybody know who to simulate this animation? BTW, I'm using Cocos2d for the game engine.
I did find the answer my self by using this tool called File Juicer. Check it out it very good.