How is ACL implemented - zend-framework

i am using Zend_Acl, PHP and is wondering how shld ACLs be implemented.
shld every page be a resource and i always query the acl to see if a user is authorized? i guess i must use this if i want to use a controller plugin (can be setup to run on every request) to check if a user is allowed?
or do i just put the query code where i need it? eg. at the top of pages i need to query the acl? then in pages publicly available, i just skip it? may get troublesome if the application gets big?

ok, i just answer this question then close it
what i did now was have a controller plugin that sets its resource based on controller name and privilege based on action name. then query the acl based on that
still under development, but what i currently have look like


How can I restrict a user's access to just a single node of an AEM website?

I'd like to restrict a user's access to just a specific node within an AEM website. I want them to be able to manage a blog; they should be able to view the blog (of course), add/edit/delete entries/comments, upload photos, add/remove other collaborators, etc. However, I don't want them to have access to or even see anything else within AEM.
I have tried giving access to just the blog node under the content path (/content/geometrixx/en/blog), but when I try to log into AEM as this user and edit the blog (localhost:4502/cf#/content/geometrixx/en/blog.html), I get the following error:
No resource found
Cannot serve request to /cf in /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp
I've tried giving write access to the /content/geometrixx/en/blog node and read access to everything else, and it seems to work, but of course, the user is able to see way too much. It would seem there is some particular node that a user must have read access to in order to edit content nodes, but I'm not sure what that is. Any ideas?
I would go to the /useradmin, chose the user, and in the Permissions tab I would allow access to the below and its child pages:
/content/geometrixx/en/blog - allow read modify create delete replicate
/apps/geometrixx/ - allow read only
/etc/designs/geometrixx - allow read only
/libs - allow read only
/etc/clientlibs - allow read only (optional)
/etc/workflow - allow read only (optional)
This is roughly the solution I use in our setup. As you are aware, you need to give at least read-only to the directories where cq components sit, as well as the components from your application, in this case geometrixx.
edit: Also useful to read:
Most importantly you really need to understand the different pieces of functionality of cq, where they reside (/libs, /apps/, /etc/, etc...) and what is required to have a page properly rendered.
Is it a requirement you have for both author and publisher?
Reading can also help you set ACLs.
I suggest you create a custom group with deny jcr:all on /, and then set the ACL as described by dex and test to see if it helps.
can you try to give the modified access instead of read access,
/content/geometrixx/en/blog - allow read modify
As you need access to single blog node and its jcr:content

Drupal - need redirect to specified page when node is deleted

I'm using the pathologic module, and currently when a node is deleted users will get a 404 error. I want to set up a Rule such that when ANY node is deleted, a redirect is put in place to send users looking for that path to the HOME page.
Do I need Rules for this, and if so, what is the best method? I haven't been able to successfully get this to work so far because of the interaction between the nid and the pathologic-created redirect. Many of my users have been sent URLs in email, etc. and I don't want them to get a 404.
Thanks in advance!
One soulition could be for you:
install module
write your own module in which you implement hook_node_postdelete($node) in which you set a drupal_goto()

SugarCRM - Close access to records based on a value?

I'm building a custom module in SugarCRM Community Edition, I have everything set up as i'd like (almost).
In my Module i have a checkbox marked 'Processed' what i'd like to achieve is that when this checkbox is marked, the users who are 'sales agents' and not 'admins' can no longer view this record.
They need to be able to have access to the record up until the point it's marked as processed. Is this possible?
Yes, look at /modules/Employees/views/view.list.php in listViewProcess() to see how the list view always filters out users based on the status value. You would do something similar for your module to filter out Processed. Then if you need to also ensure that they can't access the record directly make sure to take care of the edit/detail views as well. In both view.detail.php and view.edit.php (or in the module's controller) check for Processed being set and if so (and perhaps not an admin or some other user type) display a "This record is already processed" message and/or do a redirection.

Redirecting requests form a catch-all controller in Zend Application without looping forever

There are plenty of related posts to what I'm asking, but after some lengthy searches couldn't quite find what I was looking for, my apologies if it exists somewhere.
My goal -- ALL requests to my Zend App must go through a preDispatch plugin, then pass to a custom Auth controller that will decide whether existing auth credentials are sufficient for the requested operation. 'Sufficient' depends on the logic of the app, hence why I want to do this at the controller+model level. If they suffice, they send the original request along to the specified controller+action, if not they default to a 'get lost' action.
At present I'm using an auth custom plugin set in the preDispatch to simply check for POST'ed auth credentials (if we are logging in), then in all cases the plugin stores the original request and redirects everyone (auth'd or not) to my auth controller, a-la:
My problem/question is that within my auth->check action, how should I perform the redirect after a decision is made? If I use:
$this->_helper->redirector($or['action'], $oreq['controller']);
then I obviously get an infinite loop as these requests pass through the preDispatch plugin again. Sure I could pass something with the redirect so that the Auth plugin ignores such requests, but this is clearly a security hole. I had thought about maybe generating and storing an md5 hash, storing it to session and passing that as an escape param, but that seems a little sketchy.
Any better ideas out there? Perhaps a redirect method that does not go through the standard predispatch routine in Zend App? Thanks in advance!
This is not how it is done usually in Zend Framework. Not all requests go to a common place and gets redirected to the original requested place authentication.
For access control, use Zend_Acl. Through that, you could easily determine whether the current user has the necessary auth to access the content, else redirect to 'get lost' action.
If you are still adamant on using your technique, use _forward method instead of redirect method.
Since _forward is an internal redirect, you could pass additional arguments and check that in preDispath to avoid a loop.
$this->_forward($action, $controller, $module, $params)

Need help with Zend Framework dynamic Namespaces

I want to make my system redirect unknown requests such as
to the adress and display the company a_company if it exists in the database, otherwise throw the user to a 404 not found page.
So in detail, I want to make namespace that is as the first example dynamically, if the company exist in the database, I have no problem connecting to the database and retrieving information or finding a way to parse a company name, I just need help how to make my system check and run a function every time the address doesn't exist and show the second page (/companies/company/)..
I am using an Acl as well, but I think it should be fine if the page is /companies/company and then possibly add /?c=a_company or similar.
Thank you.
simply create a front controller plugin which checks the request params agains the database before the request is dispatched.