I am trying to get the test code of the pinata-party working (https://medium.com/pinata/how-to-create-nfts-like-nba-top-shot-with-flow-and-ipfs-701296944bf).
It works fine to the point that I try and send a transaction:
flow transactions send --code "./transactions/MintPinataParty.cdc" --signer emulator-account
When I send that I get the error:
❌ Transaction Error
execution error code 1006: [Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account f8d6e0586b0a20c7 does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account f8d6e0586b0a20c7 does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid
Anyone have any idea where this is coming from?
For me, the issue was that the private key in my flow.json file did not match the private key being used when starting the emulator. I was running the emulator via the Run Emulator command in VS Code. The private key being used for the emulator was in the command output.
I was getting the exact same error, fixed by updating to the latest flow-cli version. I was on 0.17.0, but was running the emulator in Docker which was 0.21.0.
To anyone else that comes across this issue, I had two flow.json files in my project. One in the current folder that i was running the terminal commands from, and another a couple folders above. I had to delete the one above so that there was only one flow.json in the entire project.
So I’ve been having some sort of issue with my iOS project.
I’m no longer able to debug properly on xcode the po command will no longer work.
this is what I get when i try to use “po”
error: expression failed to parse:
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/SendBirdCalls.build/Release-iphoneos/SendBirdCalls.build/all-product-headers.yaml' not found
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/SendBirdCalls.build/Release-iphoneos/SendBirdCalls.build/all-product-headers.yaml' not found
error: couldn't IRGen expression. Please check the above error messages for possible root causes.
can someone clarify what is going on?
i’ve already tried to clean derived data.
I also tried to follow these steps just to end up with another problem.
unable to debug some variables
I encountered a strange permissions error while building Docker images on the cloud. I switched to another machine, installed Gcloud, did gcloud init and everything worked again.
However, I noticed while building images, it took much longer because I didn't enable kaniko cache (which I figured out from this post: gcloud rebuilds complete container but Dockerfile is the same, only the script has changed)
After enabling this feature, I tried to rebuild my last image and bam, the same error message:
Status: Downloaded newer image for gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:latest
error checking push permissions --
make sure you entered the correct tag name, and that you are authenticated correctly, and try again:
checking push permission for "eu.gcr.io/pipeline/tree-par": creating push check transport for eu.gcr.io failed:
GET https://eu.gcr.io/v2/token?scope=repository%3pipeline%2Ftree-par%3Apush%2Cpull&service=eu.gcr.io:
UNAUTHORIZED: You don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation, and you may have invalid credentials.
To authenticate your request, follow the steps in: https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authentication
ERROR: build step 0 "gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:latest" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1
ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) build bad4a9a4-054d-4ad7-991d-e5aeae039b7c completed with status "FAILURE"
Anyone any idea why this failed upon enabling the Kaniko cache? I hate to not use it because when it still worked, it really decreased the time it took to create docker images.
It seems that the issue comes from Kaniko's end.
Three days ago, on version v0.21.0, they added this fix:
Fix: GCR credential helper check does not respect DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable
Even after this release, 1 day later, this issue was reported where users saw a very similar Error message:
"[...] You don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation, and you may have invalid credentials[...] "
This was already fixed yesterday with the release of the v0.22.0 version. The suggested workaround is to execute the following command:
I would suggest use that command instead of executor:latest to "force" the use of the v0.22.0 version.
I hope this is helpful! :)
Today, I'm not able to turn on debug on my ADFv2 mapping data flow. I'm getting the error below:
I already tried creating a new IR set to auto resolve and also set to same region as my ADFv2 - still no good.
Failed to setup debug session. Error: No connection is available to service this operation: SETEX dfProd_dataflowdebugsession26a9d381-5924-4c1f-b36f-cf41e2eab60e_f96ba068-97be-478a-8ed6-012a7ec58d80; IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=100,Min=50,Max=100), WORKER: (Busy=7,Free=93,Min=50,Max=100), Local-CPU: n/a
Congratulations that your error solved now.
I think maybe it's caused by the cache. Refresh the Data Factory and try again.
You tried again today and it worked.
I post this as the answer to make others know the error is gone.
What Azure Region is this factory in?
I set up an application with the Intuit Customer Account Data API and am running a Rails app using Aggcat gem (https://github.com/cloocher/aggcat). I had to replace my certificate and followed the instructions for OpenSSL found here. Under My Apps I uploaded the new public certificate and changed the settings on Aggcat to use the new private key file generated with it.
I can run client.scope(1) but when I try to run anything else (such as client.institutions) I get a bad request error (400). Any ideas what the problem could be? I've tried re-generating the certificate multiple times and no luck.
According IPP's site,
400 - Bad Request represents - If the URL or variables are not in the correct format this error will display.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/customer_account_data_api/0700_error_codes
I've not tried CAD calls using ruby but I use the sample JAVA app(IPP).
You can run the sample java app ( by configuring the devkit logger in debug mode) and capture the raw request/response and URL(and parameters) and compare the same which you're getting in your ruby example. That might help you to debug these issues.
Otherwise, you can also try the other two ruby examples which are available here-
I have just sucessfully tested my Zend based application on the localhost.When I deployed it on a shared hosting site I got the error below.It happens whenever I try navigate to protected pages of my application.
Warning: include(/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/library/Zend/Loader/Autoloader/Resource.php on line 176
I have a feeling that the double slashes
are causing this problem.
The error is caused at this particular line in my code:
Fatal error: Class 'Model_DbTable_Users' not found in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/controllers/AuthController.php on line 24
How do I trouble shoot this problem.Keep in mind that on my localhost machine its working fine.
I would start by creating a new test script, with one line, and see what you get:
include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php';
Then, remove the double slashes:
include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable/Users.php';
If it's still giving you that warning, then either your path is wrong or your file permissions need to be eased.
P.S. You said 'protected pages' -- are those perhaps not in public_html?
I finally found my problem.It was a case issue.Talk of developing on windows and deploying on linux