Shared hosting error on my Zend based Application - zend-framework

I have just sucessfully tested my Zend based application on the localhost.When I deployed it on a shared hosting site I got the error below.It happens whenever I try navigate to protected pages of my application.
Warning: include(/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/library/Zend/Loader/Autoloader/Resource.php on line 176
I have a feeling that the double slashes
are causing this problem.
The error is caused at this particular line in my code:
Fatal error: Class 'Model_DbTable_Users' not found in /home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/controllers/AuthController.php on line 24
How do I trouble shoot this problem.Keep in mind that on my localhost machine its working fine.

I would start by creating a new test script, with one line, and see what you get:
include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable//Users.php';
Then, remove the double slashes:
include '/home/davidkag/public_html/prototype/application/models/DbTable/Users.php';
If it's still giving you that warning, then either your path is wrong or your file permissions need to be eased.
P.S. You said 'protected pages' -- are those perhaps not in public_html?

I finally found my problem.It was a case issue.Talk of developing on windows and deploying on linux


Why can't I read variable values anymore?

So I’ve been having some sort of issue with my iOS project.
I’m no longer able to debug properly on xcode the po command will no longer work.
this is what I get when i try to use “po”
error: expression failed to parse:
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: virtual filesystem overlay file '/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SendBirdCalls-dbjqlfwikkijbkgvuxucoxlahpdv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SendBirdCalls/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/' not found
error: couldn't IRGen expression. Please check the above error messages for possible root causes.
can someone clarify what is going on?
i’ve already tried to clean derived data.
I also tried to follow these steps just to end up with another problem.
unable to debug some variables

Munin custom plugin Permission Denied

My tomcat application writes some value in a file under /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/myApp/munin/. Permissions on this file are default (tomcat:tomcat ownership) 644. I wrote a very simple munin plugin to read those value, and it stands in /usr/share/munin/plugins/. Permissions there are (root:root) 755, like the other plugins. I also made a symlink in /etc/munin/plugins/.
If I use munin-run myApp_lookuptime, I get proper output for values, config and --debug.
However, if I telnet, it gives me "Bad exit".
munin-node.log says:
2013/05/03-14:35:08 [30657] Error output from myApp_lookuptime:
2013/05/03-14:35:08 [30657] /etc/munin/plugins/myApp_lookuptime: line 15: /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/myApp/munin/myApp.LookupTime.log: Permission denied
2013/05/03-14:35:08 [30657] Service 'myApp_lookuptime' exited with status 1/0.
In /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node, I wrote:
user root
group root
But it still fails. From any dummy account on this server, I'm able to read that log, but still munin fails with "Permission Denied" error. What am I doing wrong?
Well, it was simple really. SELinux was blocking my plugins. So, either turn it off if your server is not public or learn to make rules if the server is public.
Here is a guide for CentOS:
After that, I rebooted, and my plugins worked like a charm.
Thank you, me.
Setting env.PATH variable for your plugin in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node so it can find all executables did the trick for me.

Coldfusion FarCry CMS error on start up after server reboot

We're using Farcry CMS which runs on top of ColdFusion. Site was running fine but we are getting this error message after a web server reboot.
"Failed to initialise core type: dmHTML.cfc"
"Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now application.stcoapi.dmHTML.stWebskins.Copy of displayPageCalculatorSelector.displayname, must be a syntactically valid variable name."
Really not sure where to start, could anyone suggest a strategy for troubleshooting this type of error.
Looks like you have a file called "Copy of displayPageCalculatorSelector.cfm" in your dmHTML webskin folder.
Remove this file is the best option.
Or rename it and remove the spaces, e.g. "Copy_of_displayPageCalculatorSelector.cfm"

Issue with Informix (ifx_connect)

Hi I have a problem after installed informix client sdk (Ref :
OS : CentOS
Here is the .php file that i use to connect
$db_conn = ifx_connect("dbname#IPHost","user","pass");
There is some error here,
Warning: ifx_connect() [function.ifx-connect]: E [SQLSTATE=IX 001 SQLCODE=-1829] in /var/www/html/index.php on line 5
is anyone know the solution ?
The way you find more about errors from Informix is often:
$ finderr -1829
-1829 Cannot open file citoxmsg.pam.
The file citoxmsg.pam is missing from the directory $INFORMIXDIR/msg.
If this error occurs, note all circumstances and contact IBM Technical Support.
(Give or take some blank lines.) The finderr command is found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. You need $INFORMIXDIR set in the environment unless /usr/informix is correct - it could be a symlink to the actual software directory.
There are two possibilities:
You have not got INFORMIXDIR set in the environment when PHP is run, and/or the php.ini file does not define a value for $INFORMIXDIR, or the value is set incorrectly, or a default (quite possibly /usr/informix) is being used but the software is not installed there.
The installation is not complete - the relevant message file is missing as noted.
Of the two, I think reason 1 is much the more likely.
The IX001 value for SQLSTATE is of minimal use - it is the generic 'something went wrong with Informix' message. The SQLCODE is much more significant and helpful.

Why does my Apache2::Log output replace newlines with \n?

I've set up multiple vhosts under apache2 / mod_perl. I used the ErrorLog directive to get a separate error log for each vhost. This only worked as expected when I used Apache2::Log. 'warn' would only log to the regular error log.
So that's all working. Finally. But there's one issue remaining: When I log via $r->log_error, I find that newlines are replaced with \n
Any idea why this happens, and how it can be fixed?
This is not a mod_perl problem, but an Apache one. Apparently there are some security concerns with printing unescaped output to the error logs (I'm not entirely sure why) so you have to explicitly enable this in Apache when building/configuring it using this:
If you're using an already installed apache, there's not much you can do to change this.
If you have a pre-built install, you can use this line of code to fix the issue but it must be included in every page execution within your vhost, say in a header.php or config.php file.
i know this is very old thread, but still coming on top on google results, so just to help all, the following changes in did helped me:
comment out below:
BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::warn = \&Apache2::ServerRec::warn; }
the above is for:
Make warnings go to the virtual host's log and not the main server log.
i hope this helps anyone out there like me :)