I can execute this query just fine but I don't know how to extract the information returned by the select statement.
Flux<PostgresqlResult> checkTableQuery = connectionMono.flatMapMany(connection -> connection
.createStatement("select exists(\n" +
" select table_name from information_schema.tables\n" +
" where table_name='sequence1'\n" +
Flux<PostgresqlResult> checkTableQuery = connectionMono.flatMapMany(connection -> connection
.createStatement("select exists(\n" +
" select table_name from information_schema.tables\n" +
" where table_name='sequence1'\n" +
.flatmap(result -> result.map(
(row,rowMetadata) -> row.get("exists",Boolean.class)));
Im trying to avoid using native query. I have this query that uses the filter function, how could I rewrite this to not use that and work in regular jpql?
"SELECT time_bucket(make_interval(:intervalType), d.time) as groupedDate, " +
"CAST(d.team_Id as varchar) as teamId, CAST(d.service_Id as varchar) as serviceId, CAST(d.work_id as varchar) as workId, " +
"ROUND(CAST(count(d.value) filter ( where d.type = 'A') AS numeric) /" +
" (CAST(count(d.value) filter ( where d.type = 'B') AS numeric)), 4) as total " +
"FROM datapoint d " +
"WHERE d.team_Id = :teamId and d.service_id in :serviceIds and d.work_id = :workspaceId and d.type in ('A', 'B') " +
"AND d.time > :startDate " +
"GROUP BY groupedDate, d.team_Id, d.service_Id, d.workspace_Id " +
"ORDER BY groupedDate DESC",
nativeQuery = true
in the FROM statement you have to use the DAO object instead of the table name
I have viewed some of the related question but the solutions on them are bit older. Most of them are using EntityManager. I have written the following native query in JpaRepository and when I get geojson as a String I'm getting the error mentioned in the title.
Here is my query
#Query(value = "SELECT\n"
+ " json_build_object(\n"
+ " 'type', 'FeatureCollection',\n"
+ " 'features', json_agg(\n"
+ " json_build_object(\n"
+ " 'type', 'Feature',\n"
+ " 'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(a.check_in_geom)\\:\\:json,\n"
+ " 'properties', json_build_object(\n"
+ " 'username', a.username,\n"
+ " 'users', (\n"
+ " -- Generate json array of \"users\"\n"
+ " SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(u.*)) \n"
+ " FROM users u \n"
+ " WHERE u.username = a.username\n"
+ " GROUP BY u.username\n"
+ " )\n"
+ " )\n"
+ " )\n"
+ " )\n"
+ " ) Json\n"
+ "FROM\n"
+ " attendances a, users u\n"
+ " WHERE a.username = u.username AND u.designation = 'Manager' AND date_trunc('day', a.created_at)\\:\\:DATE = '2022-04-04'"
+ " ;", nativeQuery = true)
String getAttendanceGeoJsonByDesignationAndDate(String designation, String dateStr);
For now I'm passing designation and date as static values.
When I run this query on Postgresql it runs successfully and return the expected geojson. But spring boot does not allow the result to be as String or it throws exception while running the query.
Please let me know how can I fix it. Also if I need to provide more detail, do let me know.
What is the correct syntax (JPA, Spring Data, or SpEL) to convert this query into a Spring Data Repository nativeQuery?
FROM mytable
WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray', 'subItem', 'email')
#> '"foo#foo.com"';
I want to use an input parameter instead of hard-coding "foo#foo.com".
My model: Postgres myTable with a JSONB column myJsonb:
"myArray": [
"subItem": {
"email": "bar#bar.com"
"subItem": {
"email": "foo#foo.com"
Index described here.
The hard-coded version works:
#Query(value =
"SELECT m.* " +
" FROM mytable AS m " +
" WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray' ,'subItem', 'email') " +
" #> '\"foo#foo.com\"' " +
" ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} ",
// Spring Data nativeQueries with Pageable require a separate countQuery:
countQuery =
"SELECT count(m.id) " +
" FROM mytable AS m " +
" WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray' ,'subItem', 'email') " +
" #> '\"foo#foo.com\"' ",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<MyTableEntity> findAllHardcodedPageable(Pageable pageable);
But trying to leverage the lowercaseEmailAddress parameter in a Spring Data repository nativeQuery does not work:
#Query(value =
"SELECT m.* " +
" FROM mytable AS m " +
" WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray' ,'subItem', 'email') " +
" #> '\"?{lowercaseEmailAddress}\"' " +
" ORDER BY ?#{#pageable} ",
countQuery =
"SELECT count(m.id) " +
" FROM mytable AS m " +
" WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray' ,'subItem', 'email') " +
" #> '\"?{lowercaseEmailAddress}\"' ",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<MyTableEntity> findAllByEmailPageable
(String lowercaseEmailAddress, Pageable pageable);
In my Postgres query logging, I can see that the lowercaseEmailAddress parameter is never set:
LOG: execute S_2: COMMIT
LOG: execute S_3: BEGIN
LOG: execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(m.id) FROM mytable
AS m WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(myjsonb -> 'myArray',
'subitem', 'email') #> '"?1"'
LOG: execute S_11: ROLLBACK
Found the answer:
1) Pass only a double-quoted String to the spring data repository method:
String emailAddressWithDoubleQuotes = String.format("\"%s\"",emailAddress);
result = repository.findAllByEmailPageable(emailAddressWithDoubleQuotes, pageRequest).getContent();
2) The Spring Repository #Query needs to have the SpEL expression in parenthesis and be casted to jsonb:
static final String FIND_ALL_BY_EMAIL_QUERY = " FROM mytable AS m " +
" WHERE f_jsonb_arr_lower(metadata -> 'myArray', 'subItem', 'email') " +
" #> ( ?#{#lowercaseEmailAddress} )\\:\\:jsonb";
#Query( // only use 'ORDER BY #pageableWithNativeSort' on 'value' query:
value = "SELECT m.* " + FIND_ALL_BY_EMAIL_QUERY + " ORDER BY ?#{#pageableWithNativeSort} ",
// Spring Data nativeQueries with Pageable require a separate 'countQuery':
countQuery = "SELECT count(m.id) " + FIND_ALL_BY_EMAIL_QUERY,
nativeQuery = true)
Page<OrderEntity> findAllBysubItemEmail(
#Param("lowercaseEmailAddress") String lowercaseEmailAddress,
#Param("pageableWithNativeSort") Pageable pageableWithNativeSort);
I'm trying to use this query in my jpa but it doesn't work:
List<Object[]> query = em.createQuery("SELECT Tstat.idStatistiques, TL.codeLieu, TL.materiel, TL.zone, sum(Tstat.colis) as colis, Tstat.defaut, sum(Tstat.nbreDefaut) as nbreDefaut,"
+ " sum(Tstat.nonLu) as nonLu, sum(Tstat.multiple) as multiple, sum(Tstat.nonRecu) as nonRecu, sum(Tstat.incoherent) as incoherent, sum(Tstat.requete) as requete , "
+ "sum(Tstat.tempsFonctionnement) as tempsFonctionnement, SUM(Tstat.tempsUtilisation) as tempsUtilisation, Tstat.modeFonctionnement FROM "
+ "( SELECT CURRENT_DATE as horodatage, St.idStatistiques, St.colis, St.defaut, St.nbreDefaut, St.nonLu, St.requete, St.multiple, St.nonRecu, St.incoherent, St.tempsFonctionnement, St.tempsUtilisation, St.modeFonctionnement FROM Statistique St )"
+ " UNION "
+ "(SELECT h.horodatage, h.idStatistiques, h.colis, h.defaut, h.nbreDefaut, h.nonLu, h.nonRecu, h.requete, h.multiple, h.incoherent, h.tempsFonctionnement, h.tempsUtilisation, h.modeFonctionnement FROM Statistiqueshisto h )"
+ " Tstat "
+ "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM Lieux) as TL on Tstat.idStatistiques = TL.code_VI WHERE idStatistiques like :A ").setParameter("A", 0040+"%").getResultList();
This gives me error
The expression is invalid, which means it does not follow the JPQL
I'm trying to execute a raw query like this:
"WITH RECURSIVE recursetree(id, parent_id) AS (\n" +
"SELECT id, parent_g_id FROM group WHERE parent_g_id = 2\n" +
"UNION\n" +
" SELECT t.id, t.parent_g_id\n" +
" FROM group t\n" +
" JOIN recursetree rt ON rt.id = t.parent_g_id\n" +
" )\n" +
"SELECT * FROM recursetree;").getResultList();
On the Postgres side (via PGAdmin) it works fine, but from Java it get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
What do I do wrong? How to execute a really raw query on Postgres from a Java EE environment?